lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Men’s Rights Activism, summed up in a single comment

The anti-male oppression was THIS BIG
The anti-male oppression was THIS BIG

A rare moment of candor on the Men’s Rights subreddit:

Nuggetry 6 points 1 day ago You act like we're all handing out pamphlets on the street to get people to listen. Not all of us here are trying to "convince people" of a cause as you put it. Some of us just want a place where we can rant a bit and let off some steam because there's no where else to do it for some of us. And yes, that means exaggerating and fabricating sometimes.

Yeah, we noticed that.

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago

I only remember two things about Spore. 1) DRM. So much DRM. 2) The ultimate argument against user-generated content : penis creatures.

On another note, I have been looking a bit more into No Man’s Sky and… well… over the years I’ve developed a mechanism in my brain that prevents me from getting overly excited about a game before I can put my hands on it.

Well right now that mechanism is overwhelmed.

8 years ago


This is the big problem for me. It’s an ongoing frustration as a GM when you’re crafting a big, complex skill-based non-combat encounter…but it’s literally nothing but “roll a die, pass or fail” over and over.

Social encounters are even harder to write rules for. Savage Worlds tried, but their system was rudimentary and made no damn sense.

I’ll take this opportunity to plug GURPS, my personal go-to system. The Social Engineering and Boardroom and Curia supplements have very detailed rules for one on one social interactions and working within an organization respectively (So I’m the Bishop of Rheims; what does that actually mean?), and Mysteries has some good stuff for investigations. It’s also got a detailed combat system, and Martial Arts, Gun Fu and/or Tactical Shooting are your friends. Virtually every kind of play style has a supplement devoted entirely to it.

8 years ago

@ EJ (The Other One)

I read that. For some reason, the breaded pond turtle with extra breading stands out. It all seems quite bizarre, and frustrating and hilarious at the same time.

8 years ago

My thanks to all that answered. I was afraid something like that happened. Sabotage, whether accidental or deliberate, is never good, and that did sound like an interesting game on its surface. 🙁

Does anyone know if the Spore Creature Creator still exists as a (preferably legal) download anyplace? That does sound like something a (late) budding artist/writer like myself would find useful. Create my own version of Pernese dragon, crossed with the D&D version, with some nighthorse tossed in for good measure…. >:)

8 years ago


This postdates Sims 4 and the latest SimCity, but indeed, they’re “only” shutting down the main studio.

8 years ago


Does anyone know if the Spore Creature Creator still exists as a (preferably legal) download anyplace? That does sound like something a (late) budding artist/writer like myself would find useful. Create my own version of Pernese dragon, crossed with the D&D version, with some nighthorse tossed in for good measure…. >:)

Google appears to hold the answer, and it’s a yes. Even runs fine on my El Capitan Macbook Pro.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

This postdates Sims 4 and the latest SimCity, but indeed, they’re “only” shutting down the main studio.

There’s still people who worked with the original Maxis in other Maxis studios. You might as well say Maxis “died” when Will Wright left Maxis back in 2009, along with many other Maxis peeps.

8 years ago

Shameless non-self-promotion alert:

Seeing the talk about RPG’s here, I thought I’d link this, since he’s a real good guy and the premise is pretty interesting. Plus, I’m kinda shameless about pimping stuff friends and acquaintances do.

Red Markets: A game of economic horror, where the world has ended and the rent is still due.

Give it a look!

8 years ago

Spore was a big disappointment. The creature creator was fun, but the different phases of the game amounted to little more than shallow mini-games. 30 minutes of Flow, an hour of WoW combat, an hour of Populus, a couple hours of the Sims, then half-baked space exploration.

They spent so much time on the procedural generation that they forgot to attach a compelling game to it. E.V.O. on the SNES was more consistent with it’s core game.

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