One would hope that having to fabricate and exaggerate during an angry venting rant would then lead to some kind of self-introspection, to questioning one’s self if the intolerable situation is accurately depicted in our thoughts. Surely if something is truly irritating or unjust enough, you wouldn’t need to lie about it in order to make it seem important.
That introspection seems to be a tragically rare occurrence.
8 years ago
Surely if something is truly irritating or unjust enough, you wouldn’t need to lie about it in order to make it seem important.
It’s almost as if they lie to get attention. . . .
8 years ago
Seems to me that this fellow is on the right track, but using the wrong train. He recognizes that he’s ranting for no actual reason other than to rant, he recognizes that he’s making shit up, but he just doesn’t see why that’s not ok.
8 years ago
The only honest MRA in the world ?
Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
8 years ago
MRA: “I rant about things that women haven’t actually done but would totally do because they are evil. I know they are evil because I made stuff up that they are doing, that proves it. It’s not that I hate women, it’s just that in my head they keep doing terrible things.”
Feminist: “Here are some examples of problematic behaviours that are generally gendered. Here are some solutions.”
MRA: “Not all men! You man hating feminist!”
8 years ago
I don’t get it. How does letting off steam help if the steam that you’re letting off is a lie? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to let off the actual steam that’s real and that exists?
8 years ago
But females are the ones who are irrational, emotional liars, who only want attention, ruins everybodys’ lives and depend on everyone to do the work for them, right!? Amiright!?
8 years ago
@RosieLa, that’s the misogyny. They’re saying it’s women’s fault for everything from them not getting hot dates to the collapse of civilization, women are at fault for everything. It’s not about solving problems, it’s about blaming women to make the mens feel superior.
I Forget What Name I Use Here
8 years ago
So then by your own admission:
1) You’re not real activists.
2) You don’t have any actual cause.
3) Your problems with women are fabricated.
Well, I appreciate the honesty I guess.
Sinkable John
8 years ago
Some of us just want a place where we can rant a bit and let off some steam
Because last time I checked, that place where you idiots can rant “a bit” and “let off some steam” is… pretty much everywhere that isn’t an openly feminist space. It’s every street in every city where a woman will be catcalled or asked to smile then called a “frigid bitch” for not answering. Every bar where a woman will be asked, insistently, to have a drink with a man she’s never seen before and wants to never see again, “in exchange” for sex. Every work space where a woman will have to deal with harassment from someone she has to work with, or for. And I could go on forever.
For the last time, MRAs, yours is NOT repressed speech. Reddit isn’t “your only safe space in the world”.
On a lighter note :
I don’t get it. How does letting off steam help if the steam that you’re letting off is a lie? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to let off the actual steam that’s real and that exists?
You need imaginary steam to power an imaginary train of thought. Through the imaginary post-apocalyptic gynocratic Wild West.
Exaggerating and fabricating sometimes? SOMETIMES???
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago
I need to vent for a moment. Leprechauns are the worst.
There, all better!
…Why didn’t that make the leprechauns go away? *ARGLERAGE*
I get annoyed when they claim the Men’s Rights subreddit is a “safe space” for men to blow off steam. No. No, it isn’t. It’s the opposite of safe. It’s not harmless venting. It’s anger, amplified. It’s rage, distilled into an addictive and potent and escalating form. They literally award each other points for posting the most outrageous tale of injustice. Over time, it has the effect of making everything seem like a potential affront to manhood, no matter how small. Anger becomes ingrained as a knee-jerk response, then threats, then violent fantasies, with women as the perpetual targets. How can it possibly be cathartic, when there is literally nothing women can do that pleases them?
It’s not a lengthy path from that mindset to someone getting injured or killed IRL as a result. At the very least, it’s a template for destroying relationships and sabotaging careers.
I am led to believe that the whole “blowing off steam” thing is a myth, anyway. Anger isn’t like steam that builds up unless you release it safely; it’s like a muscle that grows the more you exercise it.
These guys have built an environment where all they do all day is be angry, and it’s made them really unhappy. I feel sorry for them.
On the plus side, it’s a lovely day. I’m going to do and frolic in the park and play with balloons. What are people’s favourite balloons?
I also fancy a Jupiter explorer; but making a ballon for an atmosphere that’s mainly Hydrogen is an interesting engineering problem.
8 years ago
I guess they would either use the fact hot hydrogen is less dense, or use a vacuum balloon. The first one seem simpler on surface.
8 years ago
I think what everyone who used that mod really needs is one that lets them replace all the characters with a picture of themselves and truly free them from the pain and suffering of having to look and someones who not exactly the same as them
That Venus balloon sounds like a fun engineering challenge. A Jupiter one, I would assume, would have to be a zeppelin rather than a balloon in order to function. (That is, it would need a rigid skin which created an arbitrary pressure inside instead of responding to environmental pressure.) That would help to get around the density issues.
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago
@ ohlmann
I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of vacuum balloons. I know that before the invention of the hot air ballon there were some ideas floated around (see what I did there!) along these lines, but they didn’t have the necessary materials.
But presumably now you could build a suitably lightweight structure. I envisage something like those geodesic collapsible spheres. And the good thing about a space mission is it would be easy to ‘fill’ it with a vacuum.
I love Zeppelins.
8 years ago
@EJ, you’re right, “blowing off steam” is a myth. Freud brought some psychological ‘credibility’ to it in ye olden dayse of psychology, but it’s long been shown to be completely backwards. Catharsis is not a thing. I like the muscle metaphor, and it’s very true!
Favourite balloon: whatever balloon we’re using to play Keep The Balloon Off The Floor
@Ohlmann, i love Paradox Games :3 The company is such a good egg. That just verifies it. Also, I encourage anything to keep those sorts of mods out of the steam workshop; the less encouragement that white/male/anyone supremacists get, the better.
Sinkable John
8 years ago
It’s about ethics in building imaginary white supremacist patriarchal space societies to battle the librul censor(battle)ship. Or something.
Also for the record I’d like to withdraw what I said in my last comment about Reddit not being their only “safe space” in the world. Muscle memory probably had something to do with including the word “safe” in there but as Buttercup Q. Skullpants pointed out there’s nothing safe about it.
Edit : It’s not a comparison, it’s a metaphor ! Dammit language, you have failed me again.
8 years ago
I think George Lakoff did a detailed analysis of the ‘hydraulic model of anger’, and how it’s become an embedded metaphor, in Metaphors We Live By. And yes, it doesn’t actually bear any resemblance to reality:
A single comment? I can sum it up in a single word.
Mister Nuggetry, thanks for that nugget of wisdom.
I’ve long suspected that you MRAs fabricate “sometimes.”
And by that I mean it’s clear that you lie all the damned time. By lying about your lie, you prove your own (lying) point.
The most honest MRA in the world?
One would hope that having to fabricate and exaggerate during an angry venting rant would then lead to some kind of self-introspection, to questioning one’s self if the intolerable situation is accurately depicted in our thoughts. Surely if something is truly irritating or unjust enough, you wouldn’t need to lie about it in order to make it seem important.
That introspection seems to be a tragically rare occurrence.
It’s almost as if they lie to get attention. . . .
Seems to me that this fellow is on the right track, but using the wrong train. He recognizes that he’s ranting for no actual reason other than to rant, he recognizes that he’s making shit up, but he just doesn’t see why that’s not ok.
The only honest MRA in the world ?
MRA: “I rant about things that women haven’t actually done but would totally do because they are evil. I know they are evil because I made stuff up that they are doing, that proves it. It’s not that I hate women, it’s just that in my head they keep doing terrible things.”
Feminist: “Here are some examples of problematic behaviours that are generally gendered. Here are some solutions.”
MRA: “Not all men! You man hating feminist!”
I don’t get it. How does letting off steam help if the steam that you’re letting off is a lie? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to let off the actual steam that’s real and that exists?
But females are the ones who are irrational, emotional liars, who only want attention, ruins everybodys’ lives and depend on everyone to do the work for them, right!? Amiright!?
@RosieLa, that’s the misogyny. They’re saying it’s women’s fault for everything from them not getting hot dates to the collapse of civilization, women are at fault for everything. It’s not about solving problems, it’s about blaming women to make the mens feel superior.
So then by your own admission:
1) You’re not real activists.
2) You don’t have any actual cause.
3) Your problems with women are fabricated.
Well, I appreciate the honesty I guess.
Because last time I checked, that place where you idiots can rant “a bit” and “let off some steam” is… pretty much everywhere that isn’t an openly feminist space. It’s every street in every city where a woman will be catcalled or asked to smile then called a “frigid bitch” for not answering. Every bar where a woman will be asked, insistently, to have a drink with a man she’s never seen before and wants to never see again, “in exchange” for sex. Every work space where a woman will have to deal with harassment from someone she has to work with, or for. And I could go on forever.
For the last time, MRAs, yours is NOT repressed speech. Reddit isn’t “your only safe space in the world”.
On a lighter note :
You need imaginary steam to power an imaginary train of thought. Through the imaginary post-apocalyptic gynocratic Wild West.
Exaggerating and fabricating sometimes? SOMETIMES???
I need to vent for a moment. Leprechauns are the worst.
There, all better!
…Why didn’t that make the leprechauns go away? *ARGLERAGE*
I get annoyed when they claim the Men’s Rights subreddit is a “safe space” for men to blow off steam. No. No, it isn’t. It’s the opposite of safe. It’s not harmless venting. It’s anger, amplified. It’s rage, distilled into an addictive and potent and escalating form. They literally award each other points for posting the most outrageous tale of injustice. Over time, it has the effect of making everything seem like a potential affront to manhood, no matter how small. Anger becomes ingrained as a knee-jerk response, then threats, then violent fantasies, with women as the perpetual targets. How can it possibly be cathartic, when there is literally nothing women can do that pleases them?
It’s not a lengthy path from that mindset to someone getting injured or killed IRL as a result. At the very least, it’s a template for destroying relationships and sabotaging careers.
I am led to believe that the whole “blowing off steam” thing is a myth, anyway. Anger isn’t like steam that builds up unless you release it safely; it’s like a muscle that grows the more you exercise it.
These guys have built an environment where all they do all day is be angry, and it’s made them really unhappy. I feel sorry for them.
On the plus side, it’s a lovely day. I’m going to do and frolic in the park and play with balloons. What are people’s favourite balloons?
I find it’s gamergate in one mod. Note the comment at the end of the article.
@ EJ
Hopefully one day it will be this one:
I also fancy a Jupiter explorer; but making a ballon for an atmosphere that’s mainly Hydrogen is an interesting engineering problem.
I guess they would either use the fact hot hydrogen is less dense, or use a vacuum balloon. The first one seem simpler on surface.
I think what everyone who used that mod really needs is one that lets them replace all the characters with a picture of themselves and truly free them from the pain and suffering of having to look and someones who not exactly the same as them
That Venus balloon sounds like a fun engineering challenge. A Jupiter one, I would assume, would have to be a zeppelin rather than a balloon in order to function. (That is, it would need a rigid skin which created an arbitrary pressure inside instead of responding to environmental pressure.) That would help to get around the density issues.
@ ohlmann
I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of vacuum balloons. I know that before the invention of the hot air ballon there were some ideas floated around (see what I did there!) along these lines, but they didn’t have the necessary materials.
But presumably now you could build a suitably lightweight structure. I envisage something like those geodesic collapsible spheres. And the good thing about a space mission is it would be easy to ‘fill’ it with a vacuum.
I love Zeppelins.
@EJ, you’re right, “blowing off steam” is a myth. Freud brought some psychological ‘credibility’ to it in ye olden dayse of psychology, but it’s long been shown to be completely backwards. Catharsis is not a thing. I like the muscle metaphor, and it’s very true!
Favourite balloon: whatever balloon we’re using to play Keep The Balloon Off The Floor
@Ohlmann, i love Paradox Games :3 The company is such a good egg. That just verifies it. Also, I encourage anything to keep those sorts of mods out of the steam workshop; the less encouragement that white/male/anyone supremacists get, the better.
It’s about ethics in building imaginary white supremacist patriarchal space societies to battle the librul censor(battle)ship. Or something.
Also for the record I’d like to withdraw what I said in my last comment about Reddit not being their only “safe space” in the world. Muscle memory probably had something to do with including the word “safe” in there but as Buttercup Q. Skullpants pointed out there’s nothing safe about it.
@EJ (The Other One)
I think there recently was an article about that on WHTM.
*search* Yep, there was.
There it is :
I like your metaphor of anger as a muscle though.
They don’t “blow off” steam, they let it build up in echo chambers.
Edit : It’s not a comparison, it’s a metaphor ! Dammit language, you have failed me again.
I think George Lakoff did a detailed analysis of the ‘hydraulic model of anger’, and how it’s become an embedded metaphor, in Metaphors We Live By. And yes, it doesn’t actually bear any resemblance to reality: