Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the MGTOWs are MGTOWing it up like nobody’s business, trying to get to the bottom of what is perhaps the essential question of our age: When will mom bring down the pizza rolls?
Sorry, I mean: “Will feminism ruin society?”
The answers range from “it already has” to “IT ALREADY HAS” to “women … have to be harnessed like mules and forced to live out their lives in a way that doesn’t totally f*ck everything up and revert us back ten thousand years, otherwise we’re f*cked.”
There are so many gems that it’s hard to know where to start, so let’s start with the OP, Broken_Snowglobe, who plaintively asks: “Why do feminist think that they are oppressed?”
How is feminist formed / how girl think oppressed?
“Females have every right that a man has if not more,” Broken_Snowglobe continues, quickly revealing that he is a Man Going His Own Way Punctuation-Wise — a MGHOWPW. Try reading this next, er, sentence in one breath:
Females over the years have gotten greedy because let me say this men let females have rights keyword (LET) what feminism actually promotes is a movement that is pushing for female patriarchy when in reality if this goal is accomplished society with crumble at our feet it will cease to exist down to its very root.
I got as far as “crumble.”
Females these days are entitled they talk about men such as brad pit saying and I quote “We never have to worry about rape from men like brad pit” the female mind operates on parasitical terms the rich man will be considered superior to common man while on the hand the common is inferior.
Well, it’s good he’s got an exact quote here, which I have enshrined in the demotivational poster above.
The picture I used for it was originally a gif,and I feel I should post it here now just so all the straight guys reading this realize just what it is that we are all competing with.

But females don’t extend this courtesy to those of us who are not named Brad Pit. Or those of us not named Brad Pitt, either, I suspect.
Females label all common man as “rapist” I’m sure not a rapist odds are you aren’t either.
Females are pushing for rights when they have more rights they have an organization dedicated to female rights and needs.
It is so unfair that females have an organization dedicated to female rights and needs when females DON’T have an organization dedicated to male rights and needs, and males are expressly forbidden by law from forming an organization dedicated to male rights and needs and, hold on, I’m being told that men are not actually forbidden by law from starting their own organizations so wait a second Broken_Snowglobe what exactly are you complaining about here, that males are too lazy and incompetent to start their own organizations and also I’m pretty sure that there are male organizations devoted to male rights and needs but that they’re generally tiny and embarrassing because you know MEN AS A CLASS ARE NOT OPPRESSED.
Plus they have all marriage rights house half of you’re things etc….females are the devil and I encourage you to avoid them as much as possible. P.S Hide you’re monies friends or females will take that as well.
Just don’t hide your monies in a dirty sock because then mom, sorry I mean some other female that you’re banging, will find it when she’s doing your laundry!
Now it is certainly possible that Broken_Snowglobe, who has been a Redditor for all of one day, is actually a troll.
But this possibility has evidently not occurred to any of the regulars in r/MGTOW, or at least not to any of those who have replied to Mr. Snowglobe’s comments. Mostly because they agree with him.
Teflon0819, who has been a Redditor for far longer than a day, offers a serious and sincere response to Mr. Snowglobe’s possibly not so sincere wail of male anguish that helps us to understand other key issues with regard to feminists and civilization. Like, for example, the ways in which the “female imperative” is similar to a certain genre of Japanese porn.
Feminism won’t ruin society, but the feminine imperative will. Feminism is just one of its wriggly little tentacles.
When I mentioned to my octopus friend that she and her fellow octopuses were being used to make a ridiculous misogynistic argument in r/MGTOW, she made pretty clear she wanted no part of it.
Happily for her, Teflon0819 quickly dropped this metaphor for a new one, writing in the very next sentence that
Feminism will continue to be exposed for the toxic cesspool of bullshit that it is, but society will ultimately only shun the superficial label known as “feminism”, treating the symptom instead of the disease.
And then — sorry, octopuses! — he returned to his earlier metaphor:
The feminine imperative will simply shed the corrupted tentacle and grow a new one with a new label that people will rally behind.
Sooner or later civilization as we know it will fall, and men will be left to pick up the pieces and build a new civilization. Which in turn, once well-established will be hijacked by the feminine imperative once again and be led to ruin.
Huh. Do you have any historical examples in which a civilization fell because of an excess of “female imperative?”
I think the male instinct to protect, provide and compete for women – which is a perfectly natural biological process – inevitably breeds a destructive entitlement in women that leads to the downfall of civilizations in a never ending cycle.
Oh, it’s a never-ending cycle, then? If that’s true, there should be a whole bunch of examples. Alas, Teflon0819 offers none.
Five_Decades, presumably drawing on his five decades of experience, doesn’t think feminism will destroy civilization as such. After all, he notes, we’ve “survived famines, plagues, wars, government collapses.”
But he does think that a lot of women will end up really depressed once they realize how much they suck.
I predict a massive rise in misandry and unhappy women because women who themselves do not have much to offer are constantly being told they deserve to have the best of everything (best men, best relationships, best kids, best careers, best incomes, etc) when back in reality only a tiny, tiny minority of women have the skills and luck to deserve those things. And when they get disappointed one too many times, I’m sure they will (as a class) blame men for it. But it won’t end society.
Zegy kind of agrees:
I don’t think we are at the point of total collapse yet but we are getting to the point were feminism/SWJ are trying to censor our speech using shamming tactics …
How is men shammed / how boy get censor
… using shamming tactics like micro aggressions, mansplaing, hell even our physical actions such as manspreading, will this ruin or society this little things I doubt it; because Great men will continue to invent new things and shape this world regardless but the average male is only get more and more controlled
Men will survive the tyranny of getting dirty looks, once in a very long while, when they take up more than one seat on the subway!
But it is RandolphTheWarlock who offers the only real solution that will enable us to rebuild our already collapsed civilization. It involves harnesses.
We’ll get to that in a moment. First, Randolph explains just how it was that the wily female has brought our civilization down. Women start off “absolutely batshit crazy,” he explains, but the West has made them even worse with all of its female-coddling and whatnot:
Put [women] in an environment like the West where they’re coddled and worshipped and never have to worry about f*cking up because there’s always someone there to bail them out, and they become … not just crazy, not just bad women, but bad human beings.
It has been reported that all women need to do to get bailed out is to sit down in the street and cry.
I’d contend that they’ve already ruined our society. I’m only 34, but in just the last twenty years I’ve seen the US transition from a prosperous Mayberry with only a few serious urban blights, to a degenerated patchwork of ghetto sh*tholes spanning the entire nation, with a subsequent decline in the quality and character of both genders.
As someone who is, well, a teensy bit older than 34, I would like to ask: Did you grow up in the Truman Show or something?
Never mind, because it’s HARNESS TIME!

Sorry about that. Anyway, now is the time when Randolph talks about the harnesses:
As it turns out, oppressing women is absolutely vital to creating and maintaining a civilized human society. They have to be harnessed like mules and forced to live out their lives in a way that doesn’t totally f*ck everything up and revert us back ten thousand years, otherwise we’re f*cked.
MGTOW dudes, just go start your own damn civilization on an island somewhere already. To help expedite this process, I’ve gone ahead and picked out several possible islands for you. Well, technically speaking, I picked them out for Roosh V, but he has yet to claim any of them. So now’s your chance!
You’re welcome!
H/T — r/TheBluePill
I’m confused. We have to enslave women and turn them into chattel just like people did thousands of years ago, so that we don’t revert back to the way things were thousands of years ago?
What is the “feminine imperative”? These guys never specify. They just glibly substitute “female” for decay and destruction, and “male” for growth and expansion, and then proceed as if this is self-evident. It’s a circular and meaningless label. A nation is wealthy and influential? It must be in the male phase. Uh oh, sexual freedom and diversity? It’s entered the feminine imperative phase.
You can attach any pair of opposites you want to those phases – left wing/right wing, yin/yang, bacon/eggs – and it would be equally useless at describing what’s happening. The usual drivers of growth and collapse are impersonal forces like environmental catastrophe and military overreach. Last I checked, these didn’t have genders.
Dude, you’re a visionary, no doubt about it, but due to the NaziGynocracy, there is no way you’ll be able to get that thing going. Dream big, dude, but it’ll only ever be a dream, ’cause even our Tea Party Congressmen have wives who will — I dunno — poison their dinner if they try that shit. Set the dogs on them. Turn their sons against them. Or maybe their favorite, most submissive prostitute will knife them in the back while . . . well, you know. Shiver. Now imagine that shit multiplied exponentially. You do the fuckin’ math, dude!
Have you read The Art of War by Sun Tzu? It sets out the battle plan for the entire manosphere.
Read it.
Memorize it.
Burn it so that it doesn’t fall into the enemy’s manicured hands.
The art of war is governed by two constant rules:
1. What you plan, the enemy plans as well.
2. In the event the enemy has not planned it and the enemy obtains your plan, the enemy will use your plan to your own detriment.
In other words, you’ve now told the world about the MGTOW plan to harness women like mules.
1. It can’t be done.
2. Due to their femi-mojo, they can — and now, thanks to you, will — do it to us.
Idiot boy, get off the Internet!
Translation: I had a very sheltered, at least relatively well-to-do, most likely rural or town-and-country upbringing.
Well, some months the feminine imperative catches you unawares, but a rinse in cold water can prevent your underpants from being instained.
@Sinkable John
The idea of a sexbot uprising is genius, no matter who came up with it.
In the film Cloud Atlas, my favorite character is a fabricant, a clone of a woman. The clone is used for slave labor in a fast food restaurant in a dystopian future Seoul, South Korea. The fabricants rebel — but it doesn’t end well.
I like the idea of the sexbot uprising ending well.
I have seen this movie ! …and I can’t remember anything about it at all, either because drugs or booze. These last few years haven’t been kind on my intake of cultural goodness, I’ll add it to the list of movies I need to watch again.
For some reason I’m reminded of A.I. which if I remember well had a character who’s a sexbot on the run for some crime he didn’t commit. Or maybe he did. Been about 5 years since I last saw it so I’m really not sure anymore.
But mostly I like the sexbot uprising idea for the potential to mess around with a ridiculous MRA trope. Because base schadenfreude. There doesn’t even need to be an uprising ! Just women buying sexbots for themselves is enough to make the Red Pillers go into full apocalypse-prepping mode ! 😀
I guess I could also start a PUA parody based around pulling MRA strings and manipulating them into making even bigger asses of themselves.
For sexbots to meet the repillian standards they will have to act like human women – thus inevitably causing the sexbots to ditch their squalid living environments and the redpillian characteristically whiny, smelly embraces as well.
@Sinkable John
Ha, ha! In that case, do watch Cloud Atlas again. An uprising of enslaved fast food workers?! That’s pretty wonderful. How ironic that the Wachowski brothers, now the Wachowski sisters, wrote and directed the RedPillers’ favorite film, The Matrix. I think the RedPillers weren’t watching it correctly, or something. Film-Watching While Assholes (FWWA), perhaps.
I loved A.I. Gigolo Joe was my favorite character — so suave yet so vulnerable! — and I do think he went on the run.
True that. The sexbots will have to act and look — be indistinguishable from — female humans. Otherwise, what’s to brag about?
The cost, I suppose.
But the real prize for these prehistoric cave dwellers is dragging home an authentic woman. (Sorry to stereotype, my sensitive Neanderthal great-great, etc., grandfathers! You know what I mean.)
Ironically more recent research seems to indicate that cavemen were way less sexist than these MGTOW troglodytes.
Well we live in a Gynocracy here in Oklahoma, our governer is Mary Fallin, and she’s done everything she can to snatch rights away from not only women, but also children, and the poor. Can we put her in a harness and take away her rights since thats basically what she tries to do to anyone who isnt a white christian male????? Pretty pleeeeeease??? (Somewhere right now an MGTOW is covering his ears and singing at the top of his lungs.)
I’m certain that Fallin considers herself to be exempt from being considered a ‘mere woman’ like those she keeps clawing back rights from, one who her beloved White Christian males will treat well if they accomplish retaking power to the extent they would like.
Brad Pitt was great in Burn after Reading. Comic stupidity is so often played via cartoon cliché, but he brought realism to it, while still being very funny.
I mean, I suppose I can sign off on that “never having to worry about rape from men like Brad Pitt” thing, if by “men like Brad Pitt” you mean “men who are hundreds of miles away and utterly unaware of my existence and whom I am extraordinarily unlikely to ever meet”. Yep, I don’t worry about those men raping me at all.
I live in what is considered a third world country and we have plenty of women’s rights. But just because it’s the law doesn’t mean individuals can’t still be misogynistic sexist ass-hats. I would imagine it’s the same in first world countries.
Why don’t they fuck off and go their own way already?
Harness women like mules? That doesn’t sound much like ‘going your own way’ to me. Which would surely mean, having nothing to do with (and shutting up about) women.
Also this was telling:
“I predict a massive rise in misandry and unhappy women because women who themselves do not have much to offer are constantly being told they deserve to have the best of everything (best men, best relationships, best kids, best careers, best incomes, etc) when back in reality only a tiny, tiny minority of women have the skills and luck to deserve those things. And when they get disappointed one too many times, I’m sure they will (as a class) blame men for it. But it won’t end society.”
No u.
My bad. I’m certain that the Neanderthal side of my family is very disappointed in me right now.
Excellent point!
MGTOW: Have you noticed? You’re still here.
“I’m only 34, but in just the last twenty years I’ve seen the US transition from a prosperous Mayberry with only a few serious urban blights, to a degenerated patchwork of ghetto sh*tholes spanning the entire nation, with a subsequent decline in the quality and character of both genders.”
How interesting! I’m only 29, but in just the last twenty years I’ve seen the US transition from a state of eternal apocalyptic nuclear brinksmanship to a progressive patchwork of increased social justice spreading mostly outward from major population centers, with a recent increase in the eschatological drive of far-right Yahwists.
@ kat
Maybe it’s an elaborate deception like MINCEMEAT or FORTITUDE?
One thing that I don’t understand is when they bring that pseudo Evo Psych shit into the discussion, they seem to hold on to “male” competitiveness but they leave out that a very small percentage of male animals in nature cares for the offspring.
Which means that male humans caring for the children is unnatural.
Which means that men getting custody rights is unnatural.
But that’s all a sign of female opression of men?
OMG I will never understand this amazing MRA/MGTOW stem logik…
There is no shitty system of oppression a privileged asshole won’t justify.
Ha I never thought of that before! Which reminds me, didn’t someone here mention a time when they were arguing with a manospherian who at first said women should abort pregnancies that their male partners don’t want, then later insisted he should have automatic custody…of the very same children he had claimed he didn’t want?
I’ve been thinking about MGTOWs’ awful grammar and spelling. Most of us learned English from our primary school teachers, who are mostly female. If you were taught from infancy to despise women, wouldn’t you be more inclined to ignore your teachers?
Of course the other explanation is that men who write so very badly (and have such poor thinking skills) are more likely to have other problems (all those jobs they can’t do!) and therefore more likely to be angry and looking for a scapegoat. Oh look – women!
I’m also considering a nym change but I don’t know what. SunnySJW? Rave Party? (Although I’ve never actually been to a rave, I just like the music).