Human garbage pile/fantasy author Vox Day evidently thought he was being very clever when he included the gloriously weird, butt-obsessed (world’s greatest) author Chuck Tingle in his Rabid Puppy slate for the Hugo Awards, assuming that a Hugo nomination for the man behind such ridiculous and hallucinatory metafiction as Pounded in the Butt by My Own Butt would make the evil Social Justice Warriors see red.
Then Tingle out-trolled Vox — VOXMAN, in Tinglespeak — by announcing that, as he wouldn’t be able to attend the Hugo awards himself he would be sending “true buckaroo ZOE QUINN” to accept the award for him.
Tingle has now expanded his crusade against VOXMAN and his soft devilman agenda by putting up a site mocking the Rabid Puppies at the URL Because VOXMAN — oops! — didn’t think to register that domain.
As Tingle explains, in his inimitable style,
sometimes devilmen are so busy planning scoundrel attacks they forget to REGISTER important website names. this is a SOFT WAY of the antibuckaroo agenda but is also good because it makes it easy for BUDS WHO KNOW LOVE IS REAL to prove love (all).
please understand this is website to take DARK MAGIC and replace with REAL LOVE for all who kiss the sky.
To further thwart VOXMAN’s “scoundrel attacks,” Tingle is using the page to promote the work of some of VOXMAN’s least favorite people. He recommends the Hugo-nominated The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin, the target of one of VOXMAN’s most notorious racist attacks.
Tingle also promotes the Crash Override network, the anti-harassment initiative of his new “best friend zoe quinn,” declaring it a “nice network to give MEAN BULLIES the boot this is good place to donate and PROVE LOVE REAL.” (Seriously; it’s a great resource.)
And he puts in a plug for “If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love” author Rachel Swirsky’s “posteriors for posterity” fundraiser for lgbtq health.
Oh, and the Billings, Montana public library. (Tingle says he lives in Billings.)
It’s almost as if LOVE IS REAL.
H/T — WHTM commenter Lady_Zombie
This is absolutely awesome. I applaud Tingle so hard…
BritterSweet: Wow, that song is basically a list of Chuck Tingles titles, isn’t it?
See, Vox Day thought he was a pro at trolling, and then he went up against the master. And now he pays. And we watch (with popcorn).
For those of you who might have missed this on a previous thread, a read aloud of ‘Slammed in the butt by my Hugo award nomination’:
Looks like he’s done a few others too, including the nominated story itself.
Not really related to the subject but I just watched the latest Epic Rap Battle of History and this line by Julia Child pretty much summed up every MRA/MGTOW post I’ve ever read
I definitely recommend The Fifth Season! I finished the audiobook just a couple weeks ago, and I eagerly await the sequel.
Wow. Voxman had one thing going for him, and that was that (for whatever it’s worth) he was a pretty effective troll. What is left him now?
A classic tale of man’s hubris. Truly he is a modern Icarus.
(The emoji is a butt.)
(Sniggers at Voxman)
And as I write that it seems that Voxman is actually Dick Dastardly.
Handsomepool wins the thread. Very, very hard. In the butt.
Chuck, why are you making it so hard to vote against you? *sad cowboy face.
I’m presuming all this “in the butt” thing is a Duke of Clarence reference?
Absolutely. It’s Malmsey all the way down.
@ opposable thumbs
Apparently he actually asked for that method of execution.
Mind you, as one of his co-conspirators requested that his head “be severed with three blows in honour of the holy trinity” I can see the sense in that.
Yep, sign me up to Chuck Tingle’s fan club, along with everyone else. What a guy <3
weirwoodtreehugger – now that @#$%#@ song is stuck in my head 🙂
Chuck is giving me tingles.
I just love this guy.
I’ve been trying to decode his language. I think the ”SOFT way” describes playing to people’s prejudices, something that Vox and others like him engage in. It’s easy to do that(SOFT). I’ve always considered bigotry to be a sign of weakness. What is more difficult (the ”HARD way”) is to appeal to people’s better nature and make them understand and accept people that are different than they are(LOVE). This is often difficult, emotionally-draining and takes time, but it works and helps us grow as a society(LOVE IS REAL). I really like BUCKAROOS as a silly and endearing term of friendship. SCOUNDREL and DEVIL could mean bigoted follower and mastermind, respectively. Am i reading too much into this? What do you guys think?
The best thing about Tingle’s “trolling” is that, even against such a foul piece of human garbage as VOXMAN, none of it is really that mean.
And that’s because Dr. Tingle has kissed the sky and knows that love is real.
@makroth – something like that, anyway! I was confused by the lingo at first until I read through some of his tweets. Fun way to spend time. Also read his list of books for sale at Amazon, e.g. “Slammed in the Butthole by My Concept of Linear Time” 🙂
@Victorious Parasol –
– indeed!
Chuck Tingle is the HARDEST of buckaroos. Truly he has shown VOXMAN and his scoundrels how things are done.
If you’re gonna troll, best troll correct.