Another HUGE VICTORY for Men’s Rights! Some guy on the internet told a woman that the term “mansplaining” is mean to men! And then he used the “c-word” a couple of times!
At first glance, this might not be seen as the HUGE VICTORY that it truly is, men’s rights-wise, but get this! The guy in question is the guy who made Minecraft! A VIDEO GAME that LOTS OF PEOPLE LIKE. Which makes his opinion on this subject really really super important, for some reason.
Naturally, the fellas who hang out in the Men’s Rights subreddit understand what a TRIUMPH this is for men’s rights. There are currently three posts on this WORLD HISTORIC EVENT in the subreddit’s top ten.
Over in KotakuInAction,the main GamerGate hangout on Reddit, the regulars are if anything even more AWAKE to this monumental achievement for all mankind. They’ve got FOUR posts on it in their top ten.
So let’s check out the Minecraft dude’s carefully reasoned argument, which he Tweeted out yesterday.
You can tell he’s totally right about this, and also quite BRAVE, because he got 3700 likes and retweets for it.
Persson went on to explain his PERFECT MANLOGIC in more detail.
Ha ha! Because this explainy thing that men do to women constantly but that women do to men pretty rarely is equivalent to calling car crashes “womendriving” because, ha ha, women can’t drive and are responsible for 90% of all car crashes no wait, that’s not even remotely true; the demographic group that is responsible for far more than their share of accidents is teenagers.
When one Twitterer suggested it might perhaps behoove him to listen to women on this issue, Persson quickly saw through this MISANDRIST OPPRESSION of men who want to talk pretty much constantly.
Actually, Mr. Persson, as I have learned from years of doing this blog, there is no possible way to shut up men who want to inform you at great length of their opinions about feminism and what women are doing wrong. You can ban them from your comments, sure, but some of them will keep trying to post comments for months if not years afterwards.
And certainly Mr. Persson felt no need to shut up. Instead, he kicked his MANLOGICAL STEM LOGIC up a notch by unleashing the ultimate tool in the MANLOGICAL STEM LOGICKING toolkit. I refer, of course, to the c-word.
Here he applied the MANLOGIC STEM LOGICKING directly:
But don’t worry, gals! He’s totally got your back! He’s an EQUALITYIST who’s all for equality between the genders and not for sexism at all!
Huh. Apparently being into “equal rights and against sexism” requires one to go around calling women the c-word, which is TOTALLY NOT SEXIST because sometimes men get called “dick” which is TOTALLY the equivalent of the c-word., I mean it’s not like the c-word is widely considered the worst possible insult in the English language or anything.
Luckily, we have a KotakiInAction commenter called DaedLizrad to Gatersplain to us why it’s totally ok to refer to women with that special word.
Why is calling a man dick acceptable but dropping the c-bomb(seriously your too cowardly to use the word outside a quote?) is so reprehensible?
Its likely to be because of gynocentrism, even if you feminists refuse to accept(or even entertain the possibility) that society cares more about women than men you cannot convince me that feminists, both female and male, don’t clearly value women more than men, that is why treatment of a woman in the same exact way as a man is considered more abusive, because you don’t care about men as much as women.
You sit there and defend a sexist word designed to shame men for speaking to women about any topic, it is only used to tell men to shut up, like it was being used to there against Notch.
You sit there using and excusing gendered slurs against men while clutching your pearls screaming “think of the women” to the same treatment aimed at women, you feminists are all gynocentric and you c*nts can f*ck right off with your double standards.
Meanwhile, fellow KiAer Saddex took a moment of his time to let us in on what “mainsplaining” ACTUALLY is:
The thing with mansplaining is that, just with religion, it’s an unfalsefiable hypothesis. There is really no way to prove that it’s actually a real thing. Sure, might be a couple of assholes out there, but isn’t that same with women as well? Are you sure that if a man, or woman talks condescending to you, that it must be because of your gender? What about your personality, or the actual context? Did you say something just before that would be considered stupid by other people?…
I am going to treat people who tries to convince me that mansplaining actually is real thing like I treat people who try to convince me that god is real. You can believe if you wish but I rely on proof, and the burden of proof lies on the believer. It’s so satisfying to know that these people act just like religious extremists, should be compared to those and that you can use very similar argumentation to debunk what they’re saying.
Yes, what better way to debunk those ladies who get mansplained constantly than telling them they’re irrational fanatics who are seeing things that aren’t there, and that they probably brought this totally imaginary thing on themselves anyway by being such, well, the c-word thing.
All in all, an outstanding victory for the forces of Men’s Rightness and Ethics in Guys Who Make Video Games Calling Women the C-word.
@ Hambeast
Think of it not as a game but rather a virtual world simulator. The ‘game’ is just how you choose to try and achieve the goals that you set for yourself. It’s like Legos except that some of the minifigs explode.
RTA besides building, you can also try your hand at faux electronics, exploration and adventuring.
Let’s please not go there. Well except maybe for the fedora. “CLASS IS FOR MEN, SWAG IS FOR BOYS.”
@Handsome Jack
According to my various calendars and my insomnia, I TOO am a Monkey Leo, but with coffee instead of water. Wait, coffee is mostly water. I’m not sure where your Metal part comes from though.
I make of that that you weren’t mansplained to. While I obviously disagree with the person you were talking to, I do think that she has a better understanding of what it is to be a woman than you do, if you are a man.
Chinese zodiac cycles both animals and elements. Also, I meant water monkey. I was born in 1992, making me a water monkey. (Which makes me emotional, adaptable, creative and able to communicate better with peopffff HAHAHA sorry, sorry.) 1980 is a metal monkey, and since the monkey is already a metal sign, anyone born within the year of the monkey in 1980-81 makes them TWICE the monkey, which would make them twice as intellegence and twice as arrogant.
Consequently, while leo is a fire sign, I was born close to the cancer cusp, meaning I also have water in me from that, which makes me even MORE emotional, and apparently very contradictory. Also being born in the morning does something too. IDK what.
Leo is also considered the western equivalent of the monkey, as they’re both loud, brash and egocentrical, so being both a leo and a monkey is double the fun.
If I knew more about blood types, we could probably add that into the mix.
I didn’t mean to imply that was mansplaining, or that there’s anything I understood better than her (although I’m pretty sure I understand “misogyny” better than she does given that she explicitly stated that it doesn’t exist, though that’s beside the point). It was a fairly extreme example and a bit out of place in my general comment, but I wanted to point out that what she served me was basically common MRAspeech with the assorted condescending attitude that usually makes up mansplaining.
Those are all great examples of condescension. However, unless the person ‘splaining these things identified as male and their assumption that you didn’t already know those things was due to your being female or presenting as female, it’s not the same as mansplaining. There’s a history of misogyny and oppression behind mansplaining and it is not the same as condescension or even as other forms of ‘splaining. It’s different because it comes from a different power differential. Based on your comment, “a wise old head to instruct the little boy,” I’d say this is age-based. Yes, that’s a serious issue and it deserves attention. No, it’s not a form of mansplaining.
He has donated at least $20k to Child’s Play through the Desert Bus for Hope charity event. Maybe more than that, I only started following it about four years ago.
In fact, due to most of my actual impressions of him coming from him interacting with the Desert Bus crew, I kind of thought he was a more cool guy than this. Shame.
Re: The Solnit piece:
Wow. The indignity of those comments. I’m still constantly amazed by how upset people get by their own poor reading comprehension. “WHY ARE YOU SAYING ALL MEN DO THIS?!?!” “BUT MEN DO IT TO OTHER MEN TOOOOOO!!” “WOMEN DO IT TO MEEEEE!!” “IF BEING A MAN MAKES ME WRONG THEN YOU’RE SEXIST TOOOO!!!” All of that is beside the point, angry white guys. And that last one doesn’t even make sense, because literally nobody is saying that you’re automatically wrong based on being a dude.
Pretty much. I can’t stand vanilla Minecraft because it’s just…boring. But put a bunch of mods on it, and I’ll play for hours.
I suppose that means that I enjoy Minecraft as a base for a game I can customize and create my own experience with. I just use it to play mods, really. So, I have like zero guilt in “playing Minecraft” at this point.
I also enjoy some YT series that LPers do because they tell a story with it, so there’s that. I always found it to be more of a tool to create a game, rather than a game on its own.
Still, I am glad that Microsoft owns Minecraft now, so that’s another reason I’m not guilty about playing it.
Thanks for asking. My parents left the hospital and are home now.
And I am a full time nurse ^^
Totally worth it, though. Also, call me weird, but I LOVE changing bandages and see the bruises heal.
@ chiomara
That’s great to hear.
And who cares about weird? All the best people are.
I’m still just really baffled that in a feminist space, we’re having to explain that mansplaining is a gender specific and sexist thing and hearing “what about the menz” and “women are just as bad” type of comments. And all from non trolls.
Maybe I’m cranky because I’m having a shitty day, but wtf?
Am I the only one bothered by gamers generally only caring about Child’s Play and not about any of the other charities out there? I can’t find a rating for them so I don’t know how good of a charity they are, but they’re basically a shield to hold up as an example of how gamers are good people. A charity already existed before them that not only did the same thing (donating video games to children’s hospitals) but also worked with companies to build custom controllers for kids with various disabilities (Starlight Foundation, if anyone is curious). I don’t know, something about that charity being the only one they focus on reeks of idol worship (it was created by the Penny Arcade guys) and self-congratulation rather than actually caring about the cause being donated to.
Because at the end of the day they couldn’t care less of the kids as far as satisfying the “selfless” quota.
Speaking of whom, considering that they and the whole YouTube atheists seem to now embrace the pedofile defending, race baiting and riot inducing EDL, and since they are religious zealots with terrorist ties with the neo nazis, you can now call Youtube Atheists, and antifeminists in general literal nazis and terrorist sympathizers.
@Scildfreja, dslucia & kupo
Notch has also made fairly large donations to the Prevent Cancer Foundation, through the Awesome Games Done Quick events. The latest AGDQ, which took place in January of the current year, raised more than $1.2 million for the PCF.
Every single one of those comments reads to me like “I don’t believe that the mansplaining you’ve experienced is real and gendered.” Really invalidating.
@some sort of user name: that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
That level of irony should knock you down.
@Nathan Hevenstone
Hi, fellow anthropology student, have a kitten from me.
As for the mansplaining, I prefer using condescending buttweasel when possible. However, I do have a friend who has the nasty habit of talking out of his ass on subjects he has no clue about and when I point out he’s wrong, he always brushes it off with some variation of ”Aw, you’re cute, but I’m older than you and know better”. At first I thought it was an age thing (which is still bullshit), but when a man , even one younger than him, told him he wasn’t right, he had the decency to at least zip it and stop making a fool out of himself. If a woman did it, any criticism was completely ignored.
I originally had “not that donating to charity makes anyone a good person” in that comment, to tell the truth.
Personally, I wish I could say I paid more attention to charities but I’m not even in a position to provide anything for myself, let alone give things away to those less fortunate. Frankly, I’m also just not currently altruistic enough; I know that there are still things I could do if I really wanted, but I’ve spent the past nearly six years just trying to dig myself out of an emotional hole (that saw me very nearly reach MRAdom), and I’m still struggling with myself.
A lot of the excitement I get from watching Desert Bus is knowing that the money they’re raising is attempting to do some good, but I primarily watch it for the people who run it and the community they’ve built up over the years.
Sorry. I overshare.
I agree that, much like certain other things, there are too many people within the broad community who want to be able to just hold up one single instance of something and then say, “See? How can anything be wrong if [X] exists?”
Is there a corollary to “comments on articles about feminism prove the need for feminism” that states, “comments on articles about mansplaining prove the existence of mansplaining”?
Thanks, I didn’t know about that. I know a few of my buddies follow AGDQ, but I don’t myself.
@ Bryll
But getting piled on by gators calling you misogynistic names is just Free Speech and if it bothers you, get off the internet, you fragile princess.
@ Pol
Sex and gender are two different things, and it’s a mistake to conflate and confuse them, I think.
My take: sex is real; it describes biological states (male and female are real, but of course they have fuzzy boundaries and not everyone fits neatly into one or the other category.)
Gender though is a social construct. Gender is “you should behave and feel in these ways and not those, according to your sex.” Gender is founded on a heirarchy: male over female.
I can’t speak for anyone else but I know it definitely wasn’t my meaning :/
If anything I’m saying that not only is it real and gendered, it also seems to me like one’s perception of another person’s gender, might shift and cause a similar thing to happen. Buuut I already have a very hard time being intelligible in my own language so it really shouldn’t surprise me anymore at this point. At any rate, the point wasn’t to invalidate anyone’s experience but rather share my own as someone whose gender identity is at best blurry, at worst all over the place.
Sorry for getting your nym wrong, Bryy. I’m on a smartphone and commenting is laborious. It’s hard to double check.
Right? Surreal.
Sorry to pop in and change the subject, but for anyone who likes to keep an eye on the SF/F community and the recent Hugo/Puppies brouhaha, Chuck Tingle did another thing. A good thing. A troll-the-shit-out-of-Vox-Day thing.
@kupo, re: Child’s Play:
Stop me if you know this (just kidding, you couldn’t stop me with a steam shovel when my typin’ fingers get going), but Child’s Play was championed by the guys at Penny Arcade (and good for them), so it’s probably the only charity a lot of gamers know.
Not to intimate that gamers are… distracted from the real world in any way; but…. well.
Oh, and I guess World of Warcraft has made some gamers aware of Make A Wish, so that’s good, as far as it goes.
I appreciate your clarifications, SinkableJohn, and I should have mentioned that in my last comment. I was out for lunch and probably shouldn’t have been commenting at all.