antifeminism evil single moms memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny MRA racism

Memeday Part Two: That’s racist as hell, A Voice for Men

AVFM editorial meeting
AVFM editorial meeting

So A Voice for Men has decided to use a picture of a disabled veteran … to attack black single mothers.

The meme was posted on the AVFM Facebook page as well.

The US treats its veterans horribly. But using the plight of wounded and disabled veterans in order to push a blatantly racist and misogynistic agenda is, well, calling it “cynical” would be a massive understatement.

And what exactly has the Men’s Rights movement ever done to help veterans?

Oh, that’s right: Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

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8 years ago

I am literally hissing with anger at this. The gleeful slut-shaming misogyny, the racism, the false equivalence, the mathematical imprecision, the mutual exclusion, the disrespectful appropriation…

Yeah, IS he implying that’s a luxurious sum for a single parent and 7 kids?? The IRS Allowable Living Expenses National Standard for a family of 8 is $2873 per month, and even if you’re assuming hand-me-down clothes and cheaper (and probably poor-nutrition) meals for the kids, that number doesn’t include transportation, school supplies, childcare, any uncovered healthcare, emergencies, professional dress, or any enrichment or entertainment. Their standard budget for a household of one, meanwhile, is $570. The VA is very flawed and living costs obviously vary widely by location and medical coverage but Paul’s example still gives the veteran the better deal.

It’s also curious how Paul has managed to convince himself that women constantly CHOOSE to be poor single mothers, as if they treat it like a career path. There’s nothing wrong with single parenting, but there is always the possibility that, you know, their partners ditched them? (Sound familiar Paul?) Then there’s going through pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing, which is famously super effortless and not at all painful, expensive, time-consuming or exhausting. Of course if you’d rather not be pregnant you can always access the affordable contraception and abortion services all poor Americans enjoy on demand – oh, wait.

8 years ago

omg, I’m a dumbass. AND that IRS number doesn’t even include housing or utilities! Maybe the allowable expenses are a high estimate (are they? I’m a bit out of touch with the US), but $2500 is still definitely not “swimming in cash” for a single parent of 7 by any means.

8 years ago

@Boogerghost – That really depends. Where she and her children live, for instance, would have a huge impact on how far that money would go cost of living varies pretty wildly in the US – Does she live in a large, coastal city? Does she live in the Midwest? Rural Mississippi? Rural Alaska?

Honestly, if she was receiving ALL possible benefits in the best possible circumstances, that’s a manageable sum*. I don’t know where that $2500 sum comes from, but if she’s receiving EBT AND WIC (do those stack?) AND lives in an area that allows doubling of benefits at Farmer’s Markets (and doesn’t live in a Farmer’s Market free food dessert) AND receives subsidized or sliding scale child care (not on a Federal level, but some counties and municipalities have that) AND lives in adequate subsidized housing / isn’t on a decade long wait list AND has the time, knowledge, and facilities to cook good food from scratch AND her children receive free or reduced price meals AND she lives in a city or county that prioritizes bridge meals during school breaks AND a bunch of other variables that are highly location and access dependent, she amd her children might be doing OK.

And I’m glad for that.

I think that it’s a good thing that the very poor, if we’re going to assume that’s what where her family would fall based upon her inclusion in this meme, can receive a goodnumber of benefits, especially when there are children involved (because fuck people who want to stress or starve children – that shit impacts their development, their futures, and the futures of any society of which they’re a part).

What does kind of suck is that there’s often a horrendously abrupt eligibility cut off. Ex: The children of someone with a very low wage job may qualify for nearly fully subsidized childcare in vetted and approved facilities while the children of someone with a just a low wage job get no subsidy and end up in something unlicensed and/or subject to erratic childcare which leads to their parent getting fired for missing work.

*I write the above as someone who literally could not have gone back to full time work and + part time classes without the benefit of subsidized childcare…and who really had to scramble when a $20/day raise bumped me up past the threshold.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

I’m not good with posting photos, so you’ll just have to picture my proposed meme:

Picture of single mother: “I’m doing my best to support and raise my children. MRA’s call me all kinds of nasty names.”

Picture of Paul Elam: “I had a child I didn’t bother to support. MRA’s call me a hero.”

8 years ago

Next up: The violence against women in war act (VAWWA). It’s where female combatants demand protection from the enemy by – you guessed it – fellow male combatants! Isn’t this fun? It’ll be the era of women in power – like Susan Rice – who went from college graduate to National Security Advisor – bypassing retired four star generals with decades of experience on her way – who now claims there are too many white men beneath her! YE – HAW!

Besides the gap between your thick thighs, ladies – here are some more gaps to discuss:

workplace death gap
war death gap
health/education/welfare gap
prison sentencing gap
suicide gap
high school graduation gap
alimony/child support gap
asset division gap
longevity gap
college graduation gap

Oh snap! All the above are just misogynistic men claiming victimhood! My bad! But can you imagine the stink from women – as we’ve witnessed countless times – countless times – if the above were reversed?!

And that’s why the world hates feminists. Its’ the hypocrisy – don’t cha know. It’s the double standards. Women demanded and men gave. It’s time for women to put down the misandric hammer and admit all men are superior to all women. Only then will men and women find peace.

8 years ago

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker-

That would make an excellent meme! And it would be 100% accurate, too. I would gladly make it for you, but I don’t have access to a computer atm (my laptop died on me)

8 years ago

Tara’s meme idea is EXCELLENT. I can do memes, but the thought of googling for Elam pics gives me pause, I’m afraid. David F. and others here are made of far stronger stuff than I 🙂

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
8 years ago

I’ll make a meme too!

What’s the difference between an MRA and a pizza?

[Cue picture of a derpy lizard or horse]

The pizza can feed a family of four!

8 years ago


I clicked through. Wow! I read only part of it — I’ll read the rest later.

But even without reading the whole thing, I understood the big mistake that accuser Fernanda Lopes Aguilar made: beauty. Can’t have that among the philosophers!

Seriously, a friend told me that forty years ago she tried to have a career in philosophy while being beautiful (Philosophizing While Beautiful, or PWB), but those guys would have none of it. Using stealth (i.e., an initial instead of a first name, her masculine-sounding birth name as a middle name, and her married name as her last name — along the lines of “J. Jones Smith”), she managed to get a contract for a book on philosophy with an important scholarly press. Boy, was the director of the press surprised when he called up “J. Jones Smith,” and Smith was a woman! But the contract had been signed and the damage done. The book was indeed published.

Sounds as though nothing has changed in forty years?

8 years ago

I love the meme ideas! One of these days I’ll step up my geekiness. . . .


Hey, Paul Elam!

I pay taxes in the US of A, and I’m happy, happy! to have my money go to support single moms and their families. I’m not at all picky about their race. If the single moms happen to be vets, that’s fine with me.

I’d also be thrilled! for vets of all races to receive excellent (or even decent) benefits! And if the vets happen to be single moms, that’s also A-OK with me.

Pro tip: The US of A is the richest country in the history of the world. The two benefits are not mutually exclusive.

8 years ago

Picture this meme:

[Photo of Paul Elam]

Paul Elam

Nasty Piece of Work?


Piece of Nasty Work?

8 years ago

@ Mish – oh lordie yes.

Refugees or homeless (white) people is a big one here in the UK at the mo, and yes, I totally believe that all the people trading in it have been diligently working in homelessness shelters and foodbanks, and have not only just noticed that visible homelessness has massively increased since 2010.

@ Tara… oooh, that’d smart.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Some inconvenient facts for Paulie and friends:

*$2500/month is $30,000/year. Poverty level for a family of 8 in the US is about $56,000/year.

*The majority of welfare recipients are white (40% white, 23% black).

*Most welfare families are in the labor force, and/or actively seeking work. They aren’t lying around suckling at the government teat.

*Babies are fucking expensive. Having another kid means a negative cash flow. It’s not a full time career path. Literally no one has ever said “Gee, it would be nice to bring in an additional $300 a month. I know! I’ll have another baby! Cha-ching!”

*Babies are a lot of work, from gestation to birth to childcare. You don’t just passively “open your legs” and hey presto. Single moms are probably the least lazy people on earth.

*Disabled veterans really don’t appreciate being used as props to score cheap rhetorical points, especially when it’s obvious you don’t give a shit about them otherwise. It’s insulting, and it’s disrespectful.

8 years ago

Re: bad MRA maths (MRAths?). Bear in mind that they seem to view children as nothing more than a human-shaped fuck trophy (“reproduction is the number one goal of everyone because biotroofs”, they say*) and they consider paying child support to be “my bitch ex is stealing muh monies” it makes sense that they don’t realise she is feeding seven kids with that $2500. It just never clicks with them that children have needs and mothers actually mother. But then this is the man who bailed on being a parent and when he decided to give it a shot twenty years later, still didn’t realise that parenting means DOING stuff and yes, paying for stuff too.

*might be your number one goal, dudes, but it’s not mine. Or many others’ as well.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

It should also be pointed out that Elam sponges off his girlfriend and grifts for a living (“security fees” for AVfM conferences, siphoning off White Ribbon donations, running a cult, ripping off vulnerable men to the tune of $90 an hour in exchange for terrible advice on coddling their anger, dodging responsibility, and abusing women). He’s also never served a day in the armed forces. In his own words, he was a “bad match for the military and uninterested in manual labor.”

Meanwhile, the welfare recipient in that photo is likely to be a home health aide, a bank teller, an adjunct professor, or a part-time retail worker working towards a degree. In other words, someone who makes a positive contribution to society.

8 years ago

Ah but Buttercup, you misunderstand! By grifting and sponging, Elam is raising a middle finger to the feminist gynocracy we live in! By not contributing to society he is paving the way in orchestrating the downfall of the misandrist system! ACTIVISM!

Cupcakes 4 Hitler
Cupcakes 4 Hitler
8 years ago

They seem to think that children are just dolls they dress up and buy toys for. They don’t seem to realise that they have created the problem of single mums themselves with their incessant rape and ‘raw dogging’ women, who they believe should be criminalised for having abortions. Why are the men, for example, the father’s rights super hero guys who think it’s misandry if women get custody, doing nothing to be good fathers, instead withholding child support then calling the mother lazy if she can’t work and has to claim benefits?

8 years ago

RE: Elam

According to the Buzzfeed article, his ex-wife was supporting his drunk, unemployed self by serving in the Army.

They had no money and no place to live, so Susan joined the Army and started basic training. Eventually, she was assigned a placement and the two moved to Tacoma, Washington. In the meantime, Elam was drinking heavily and using drugs, and sold Susan’s belongings to go on a trip to Florida, Susan said. According to records, he was arrested in Fort Lauderdale just three months after their wedding for sleeping on the street. (When asked about the incident, Elam told BuzzFeed News that he had “no idea what you’re talking about.”)

8 years ago

@bluecat – yes, refugees very much so. “Why do they get X when homeless people get nothing?!” “Why do refugees get food and shelter and all that luxury when ‘our’ unemployed can barely get by?” (the homeless and unemployed that suddenly matter when they can be used to bludgeon others with).
Australia is currently trying to outdo everyone else with the world’s most gratuitously cruel and pointlessly life-destroying refugee policies. A couple of days ago the immigration minister (who resembles a brussels sprout)* claimed that refugees were illiterate, and (somehow) stealing jobs AND clogging up the unemployment queue – at the same time. All the more impressive when you consider that the govt doesn’t even allow them onshore.
Oops, I seem to have ranted somewhat :/
* my apologies to brussels sprouts

8 years ago


…that just makes his tweet even more disgraceful.

(Sorry for spamming, I’m waiting for a plane in the departures lounge and reeaally bored. They’re going to open the gate for my flight any minute now though).

8 years ago

Mish: all I can say about your government is “it gets better”

But not if you sit on your ass; join the opposition, protest in the streets, and get them elected. And keep doing it.

Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago

Is that klansman taking a dump in that photo? He really looks like he squatting down to do a poo.

I saw that as crawling out of the sewers where they belong, but sure, that works too. So much for “those pesky colored folks living in their own filth” (I paraphrase for the sake of decency).

Elam is like the MRM’s very own irony meter. I may be mistaken but that looks a lot like him having reached yet another depth of… I’m not even sure what. But hey, let’s wait until tomorrow, by then he should’ve made a new version of this one meme that includes (read : shoehorns) false rape allegations and/or alimony in it.

Y’know whenever I have bouts of self-doubt and such, I just take a look at what these people have been up to, and I feel better. Screw that $90 an hour though, the schadenfreude of looking at Elam make an ass of himself yet again is much better therapy than whatever it is he peddles.

Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
8 years ago

MRAs: because why bother actually fighting for the rights you claim to support when you can just hide behind your keyboard and make disgusting memes about women and minorities?

8 years ago

Paul Elam, people with disabilities are NOT YOUR SHIELD!!!

8 years ago