allegedly false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW asks: Can I refuse to teach women guitar — so they won’t falsely accuse me of rape?

Guitar Going its Own Way
Guitar Going its Own Way

Life is tough for the modern Man Going His Own Way. Not only does he have to protect himself from real women who’ve got the hots for his resources, but he’s got to worry about hypothetical women as well!

On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, an aspiring guitar teacher asks for advice on how to deal with the looming threat of women signing up for lessons just because he’s sort of hot and also these hypothetical women might want to falsely accuse him of rape for some reason.

Can I be a guitar teacher and refuse to teach women? (self.MGTOW) submitted 1 day ago by fivesixone561 I'm thinking about becoming a guitar teacher. I'm somewhat good-looking and I know that women have a thing for guitarists. Because of this, I don't want to teach women because I don't want to deal with their mind games and false rape accusations. Would this be considered a legal form of discrimination? Or can I just simply not teach women?

I would also strongly advise all Guitar Men Going Their Own Way to watch out for cats trying to sign up for lessons.

Unless they want to put up with hours of this:


My guitar gently meows.


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8 years ago

Solution: include information about MGTOW in his advertisements. No women will sign up.

8 years ago

I’m sure the answers to this were equally mind-boggling, but I honestly can’t generally stand going to Reddit, especially the manuresphere portions.

I do wonder if anyone gave him the actual answer (which, though IANAL, I’m pretty sure comes down to, “No, it’s not legal to refuse service based on gender. However, so long as your Craigslist ad does not specifically say, ‘No Chicks’, and you simply tell any female applicants that you cannot fit them into your schedule, you should be fine, as there will be no evidence of discrimination.”

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

What’s creepiest about this is that most people who take lessons in musical instruments are under aged. It’s one of those times I have to wonder if the accusations he’s worried about aren’t exactly false.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Yeah because men don’t lie about other men, ever! Bros for life! [/sarcasm]

Though, I don’t know if just telling women he can’t “fit them in his schedule” would be enough for discrimination, if a woman senses that he’s not being honest with her, and sends her guy friend to get lessons from him later.

I saw this happen on one of those daytime TV court shows. : P

A woman applied for a secretary/accounting job, and was rejected, despite having a really good background and the proper education for the job. She was also a more heavy-set woman.

Sensing that she might have been discriminated against, she sent in her friend, who was a woman who was more conventionally attractive than her. She immediately got the job, despite having no training or education.

So, the woman took him to court, turns out he thought she was hideous (because she was fat), so the judge sentenced him to walk around a bar and hit on women while wearing a fat suit, and pay the sum the woman was suing him for.

It was called Eye for an Eye, I think, and the whole “punishment should fit the crime” deal was their gimmick.

8 years ago

Though, I don’t know if just telling women he can’t “fit them in his schedule” would be enough for discrimination, if a woman senses that he’s not being honest with her, and sends her guy friend to get lessons from him later.

She would have to take a break from falsely accusing her guy friend first, and obviously that’s not going to happen.

ETA, and then the women in the bar sued the judge and he had to preside over cases with his head out of his ass and pay the women the money they were asking?

8 years ago


I think it would be helpful in understanding these guys if one of them were to explain how being more attractive to women would make one more likely to receive false accusations of rape.

lacerta viridis
lacerta viridis
8 years ago

I mean, personally, I would strongly encourage this guy to do whatever it takes to ensure he is never alone with a woman. Seems win-win to me.

8 years ago

Great. I would like to get some guitar lessons, but now I’m paranoid. I’ll have to find a girl to teach me, I guess. Since women never falsely accuse each other, according to this worldview.

8 years ago

This guy is not very bright if he has to ask if this is discrimination. Of course he’s not actually confused, he just wants someone to tell him it isn’t so he can safely rationalize it away.

I’m going with dude is still salty about getting rejected by women so he’s fantasizing about a scenario that would allow him to reject women.

Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
8 years ago

I’m so glad you posted something bizarrely funny. I needed it after hearing the whole Zimmerman gun auction thing.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m too sensitive for the internet, this article brought me to tears

Can always rely on MGTOWs to provide a wtf moment that baffles the tears out of you!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ moocow

I’m not even sure it’s a genuine question. The vibe I’m getting is that it’s the typical MGTOW trope/fantasy that, because women are so evil, they’ll suffer a detriment, but they only have themselves to blame.

A bit like the ‘you’ve driven us away so now you have to suffer being beaten up whilst we don’t help’ thing we had the other day.

I think the message is actually aimed at women rather than his fellow MGTOWs. He’s trying to say ‘you women will now suffer the cost of your being nasty to men as every male run business in the world denies you its services’

Youthful Indescretion
Youthful Indescretion
8 years ago

First they threaten that we will have to go to watch Ghostbusters without them, and now I can’t even get guitar lessons without avoiding misogynists. I guess these are just things I will have to put up with in the name of feminism. Oh and, as ever, please would they just actually go their own way??

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


I’m guessing he imagines that his female students will fall in love with him, but he’ll turn them down because he’s going his own way. The feeemaale, being a vengeful species, unused to being told “no” will false rape accuse in retaliation. Kind of like the movie Wild Things except without him being secretly in on the false rape accusation plan.

This is reminding me how much I hate the saying “hell hath no fury like the woman scorned.” Men are so much more likely to commit serious violence over anger at being turned down or broken up with. But we’re supposed to believe women are the vengeful and scary one? Right.

Eitan rosen
Eitan rosen
8 years ago

I don’t think they want to gtow. They just like to use it like a threat. They seem to live in a different society then the rest of us in which they actually mattered. I really wish they would actually go away.

8 years ago

NicolaLuna, that is the most depressing thing I have read all month 🙁

“Meanwhile, gun rights advocates have applauded him for exercising his legal rights under current US law.”

When the best arguments people bring forward for doing something are “because it is legal” the real reasons are always horrific.

I wonder if the guitar guy is a rapist, or at least is preparing for that as a possible outcome. Not using that lightly as an insult. Why would someone deliberately spread the idea that all women make false rape accusations, by stating it as an assumed fact like that, when he could have found his answer with a 10 sec Google search, if that is really what he cared about? Why would he want to leave a record of his fear of being falsely accused of rape?

I don’t think he is planning to refuse any women at all.

8 years ago

What’s creepiest about this is that most people who take lessons in musical instruments are under aged. It’s one of those times I have to wonder if the accusations he’s worried about aren’t exactly false.

Me too. Any guy who’s worried about “false” accusations has probably done or tried to do something that would lead to a true one. Anyone who’s aboveboard at all times never even thinks about it.

(Also, LOL @ him for thinking he’s so talented and good-looking that girls will automatically want him, and then get so pissy when rejected that they’d throw a false accusation at his head. I’m willing to bet that he is neither especially talented NOR that good-looking, he’s just writing this for ego-boosts and bias confirmation.)

8 years ago


I’m guessing he imagines that his female students will fall in love with him, but he’ll turn them down because he’s going his own way. The feeemaale, being a vengeful species, unused to being told “no” will false rape accuse in retaliation. Kind of like the movie Wild Things except without him being secretly in on the false rape accusation plan.

I’m so with you on this. Still, I just want one of these vomit bags to actually lay out their thought processes.

Edit: Hey did you ever see that Sarah Michelle Gellar vehicle The Ringer, where they ripped off the plot of Wild Things so blatantly you’d almost believe they used the same script? Good times, good times.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Damn, I wish that Kendrick Lamar rumour had been true. 😛

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

So, the woman took him to court, turns out he thought she was hideous (because she was fat), so the judge sentenced him to walk around a bar and hit on women while wearing a fat suit, and pay the sum the woman was suing him for.

It was called Eye for an Eye, I think, and the whole “punishment should fit the crime” deal was their gimmick.

So the judge thought the dude would be turned down because he’s “fat”.

Cupcakes 4 Hitler
Cupcakes 4 Hitler
8 years ago

I think it’s for the best this guy stays away from teaching anybody anything, period. I have met some weird teachers in my time, and for every one weird one there are a lot of lovely ones. If he were required by law to teach women and girls, they would not stay with him, and would have a miserable time in his lessons, probably being “mansplained” to all the time, being leched over and treated like an idiot. I hope women, and everybody else for that matter save their money and find a nice teacher who isn’t a sex obsessed bigot.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Yeah, that show didn’t last long.

Though, I think it was more an exercise in teaching him empathy for the kind of shit that the woman went through? Like, “This is what fat people go through, this is how people see them.”

I dunno.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

When the best arguments people bring forward for doing something are “because it is legal” the real reasons are always horrific.

As the alt-text on says:

I can’t remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you’re saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it’s not literally illegal to express.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

So he’s not actually a guitar teacher, he’s just thinking about it, but those ebil wimmenz have him scared? What? Great business instincts there, leaving half of his potential customers on the table before he’s even gotten started.

Something tells me that an MGTOW guitar teacher would be terrible. He probably has a “rock music is only for boys, women should be groupies” attitude, and refuses to acknowledge any women’s contributions. Forget about learning any Janis Joplin or Carole King tunes. Half the lesson would be spent listening to him complain about women.

8 years ago