Increasingly irrelevant Men’s Rights garbage site A Voice for Men has decided that now is the perfect time to weigh in on a two-year old Huffington Post piece titled A Gentleman’s Guide to Rape Culture.
In a post also titled A Gentleman’s Guide to Rape Culture, a self-described “warrior and philosopher” called Bad Dima boldly takes on what he thinks feminists mean when they talk about rape culture. From its blunt opening sentence (“F*ck you c*nt”) to its final paragraph heralding the eventual arrival of sexbots, Dima’s post is a Men’s Rights instant classic.
Dima begins by attacking a definition of rape culture that is literally not anyone’s definition of rape culture. “Rape exists, even amongst animals, but there is no such thing as Rape Culture,” he boldly declares. “There is no systematic effort to teach men to rape women.”
Huh. That’s not what rape culture is. Dima’s “rebuttal” is a bit like someone declaring that there are no birds — after defining birds as “potatoes with wings.”
So what is the real meaning of “rape culture.” In Transforming a Rape Culture, Emilie Buchwald defines it as
a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. It is a society where violence is seen as sexy and sexuality as violent. In a rape culture, women perceive a continuum of threatened violence that ranges from sexual remarks to sexual touching to rape itself.
“Rape culture” refers to a culture in which rape is normalized to the extent that one in five women is a victim of rape or attempted rape; in which the whole world forgot for many years that Bill Cosby had been accused of rape by several women until a comedian brought it up in his act; in which a self-described “human rights activist” declares that
there are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk though life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING BITCH – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.
In case Dima is unfamiliar with the website he’s writing for, that last quote is from AVFM founder Paul Elam, raging about women who drink at bars and go home with men yet expect the seemingly decent and friendly men they’ve been enjoying the company of all evening to, you know, not rape them if they aren’t in the mood for sex.
Dima develops his critique further by declaring the author of the Huffington Post piece — a man — to be an
asswipe … the worst kind of human being there is – a hypocrite, a gender traitor, and feminist quisling. Have you considered getting gender reassignment, because we men don’t want stand next to you while pissing anymore.
While “rape culture” is a big lie, according to Dima, there is one form of culturally sanctioned sexual assault that is all too real:
Have you ever heard the word “swolesting.” It’s the phenomenon weightlifters experience of women groping their swoles (swollen muscles) as they move through a crowd.
Hey, dudes, what were you thinking getting all swole like that? It’s like you were asking for it!
Sorry; that was Swolesting Culture talking.
Dima then goes on to mansplain that the real reason women don’t like rape is because they don’t want inferior rapist DNA in their babies:
The reason why rape is considered such a crime, and why women feel such a revulsion for it, is that historically, the rape of a woman had a very real chance of leaving her carrying a child of inferior DNA and without any parental investment on the part of the rapist.
He then explains that paternity fraud is just as bad as rape:
The equivalent crime for men is paternity fraud, in which a man is deceived into making a parental investment in a child that is not his. … males are divided into two classes – DNA-providers and resource providers. The females get impregnated by DNA-providers while using resource-providers for parental investment – from the female perspective, what’s not to like about that deal.
After telling us that women don’t want bad boy rapist DNA, Dima informs us that women DO want it after all. And that’s why there are rapists in the first place!
Women select for anti-social traits in their bad boy DNA-providers (ask me for papers), and strangely enough, most rapists come from amongst the bad boys. So, by their sexual preference for bad boys, women play a role in perpetuating the very thing they say they fear and hate.
Oh, and women are basically human-sized versions of little yappy dogs that yap at everything:
Did you know that the smaller breeds of dogs were bred as alarms for travellers? You would carry the yappy little dog with you, and when you set up camp, the dog would alert you to any dangers by yapping. Women are like little yappy dogs, bred to alert men to hazards. In the absence of danger, the dog will yap at anything, its instincts no longer relevant.
Dima then informs the ladies of a bit o sad news for them: he personally isn’t going to lift a finger to help them if they’re ever in danger.
As a damsel in distress, the vast majority of men are conditioned and indoctrinated to assist and keep you safe, even to the point of sacrificing their lives. Not me, 23 cents in the dollar is not worth risking my life for.
Wait, so the wage gap is real, now? Most MRAs insist — often quite indignantly — that it’s totally fake, an evil feminist myth. Apparently it becomes real any time an MRA figures out how to use it in an argument against a feminist.
When I see a woman in distress, and I feel my protective instincts kicking in, I remind myself of the pervasive misandry amongst women: that women see men as little more that labour saving devices, support mechanisms, bodyguards, and beasts of burden. I remind myself just what sh*tty people women can be, and then the protective instinct moment passes, and I get on with my life.
Er, how often do you run across “women in distress,” dude? Do you live next door to Rapunzel’s tower?
Also, women are apparently not fully human.
As men, the kindest and most generous thing we can do for women is to leave them to their own devices. Only by denying them any male support will they be forced to become fully actualized human beings.
But I guess it’s good for women that they’re incompletely human. Because that will take a little bit of the sting away when they are eventually REPLACED BY SEXY LADY SEX ROBOTS!
This might take a few generations, but the time of sex robots is coming, and when it does, the full scope of how little most women bring to the table will be revealed. I am confident that the vast majority of men will give up on relations with women if their sexual needs are otherwise satisfied. This will provoke an existential crisis for women.
Dima ends his post right there, which seems a little, well, abrupt. Is is possible the robots got to him?
We may never know the answer to that question. Or care, actually, so never mind. I’ll just stop here too.
That guy looks like a pack of King’s Hawaiian rolls.
Has he ever thought about how most men actually like women because they’re people and are capable of being a partner to them? And don’t consider them vaginas who are unfortunately attached to a person? But it this guy and his ilk get a sex robot and leave women alone, everybody’s a winner! Except the robots, I guess….
Warning: One of my O/T anecdotes coming up….
Years ago (you can work out exactly when), I was doing my roadie thing setting up the stage for the VE Day 50th anniversary celebrations in Hyde Park. It was a bit of a skive so I was just hanging around with some mates when we noticed Dame Vera Lynn (she was to perform at the event)
Now, fellow stoners may be aware that “Veras” is slang for cigarette papers. That’s from ‘Vera Lynns’ = ‘skins’ = papers.
We thought it might be cool to get her to sign some, so we went over to her.
“Excuse me Dame Vera. This is going to sound a bit weird but…”
Before I had time to finish she smiled, reached into her handbag and pulled out packets of pre-signed Rizla+ papers.
“Here you go boys”
Transpires that she’d been asked so many times she finally asked what it was all about (when approached on a flight by Red Hot Chili Peppers she explained; “such lovely boys”), was really amused by it so started carrying them around.
Oh and she is a genuinely lovely person; it’s easy to see how she became the ‘Forces’ Sweetheart’
Essentially these men(?) preening about being “alpha” and desiring no sharing in any relationship are at best asocial and at worst sociopathic. Note this is not a diagnosis of mental illness but an observation on their behaviour.
I live in hopes that if sexbots ever come to be they will be more like “RoboGeisha” (careful if you look on You Tube) than the animated fleshlights these guys want
I know! It’s like a Crackerjack box filled with prizes! Really crappy prizes.
Katz, crap, now I’m hungry again.
I know I’m off topic here, but ‘swole’ has to be the most unpleasant word I’ve ever heard to describe… well anything, really.
I will grant this fool one thing: “Bad Dima” is actually a kind of cool name.
The word you want is ‘antisocial.’ Asocial people have no reason to care about status.
Saddest thing is, I am absolutely fascinated with Robo geishas and robots that look and act like people, they are just so, fascinating. To see them being glorified sex dolls is, really, just sad. It reminds me of a scene where a child has two dolls in the image of his parents, and he pulls the strings to make it seem like they are hugging him.
Back to the topic at hand, a grab bag of bland hate, and the sex bots which for some reason a sizable population would adopt despite the fact that they won’t even have the emotional capacity at first to their vn’s?
@Sir Bodsworth:
It can’t be considered worst than the word “moist” which I’ve heard is one of the worst words evah.
For me beautiful is the worst word. It is one of the most gaudy words I have every known and it’s always spoken with this annoying doe eyed tone.
If birds were potatoes with wings, they would fly into my mouth and I could eat potatoes right now. I’m hungry.
Also, I really like the word “swole.” It’s fun to say. I thought it was an adjective meaning “ripped” or “buff,” I didn’t know that a “swole” was a thing one could have.
Seriously, do these people not understand that rape is like…physically and emotionally painful?
Would they not be bothered by someone abruptly coming up and trying to jam something into their ass without their permission?
I just…don’t…understand…
The ones who basically made it impossible for me to enjoy /fit/ considered rape to be less than damaging someone’s car or vandalizing their property. It sure shows how they think.
One can be swole but I don’t think one can have swole unless they have a swole body.
(Also, I like the word too.)
So, a beautiful moist swole man would be just the ickiest, then.
Alan, that was a wonderful story! She sounds great.
Regarding the ludicrous ‘swole’ account, I am reminded of an ugly thing some gay men apparently do – grab women’s breasts in public. I’ve never seen it, but have heard about it for years. I can imagine that kind of man might grope a ‘swole’ bodybuilder. But it’s only really bad if a woman does it, of course.
@Alan Robertshaw
I love that story SO MUCH.
Do you mind if I share it on the Book of Faces, with attribution of course?
Peggy, how could you?!!
“That’s not what rape culture is. Dima’s ‘rebuttal’ is a bit like someone declaring that there are no birds — after defining birds as ‘potatoes with wings.’”
“Man is a biped without feathers.”
— Aristotle
Hmm…how like a bad example to persist.

I’m assuming you mean Sasori or the Red Sand and his Mom and Dad puppets from the hit anime/manga series Naruto
Probably the best villain in Part II
My most hated word is ‘love’. I know, it sounds like I live in the basement of a Hot Topic, listening to Linkin Park and writing pretentious poetry. It’s the ‘L’, I think
Also, scientists. All of you. Can y’all hurry up with the sexbots? These fuckers (get it) aren’t going away, until they get em. And, uh, that’s the only reason…

I think I’ve almost understood this:
Women select bad boys’ DNA, out of all the handily-labelled DNA that’s just lying around the place.
But women “are bred” to be like little yappy annoying dogs which are also quite useful as car alarms.
WHO is breeding these yappy dogladies? What kind of laboratories do they use? (I hope it’s the secret kind in a volcano island that slides back… those are the best kind of laboratories).
We need a two pronged strategy of tracking down the secret laboratories, and mopping up all that loose DNA. You might get some on your shoes.
If I never read another half-assed evo-psych manurespherian screed about rape (or anything else), it will be way too soon.
I’m guessing his proof that women try to get knocked up with alpha sperm is some sort of racist screed about black single mothers and thugspawn.
Yep I meant him, honestly his tale with his grandmother had the greatest emotional impact in the entirety of part 2. Little to no padding, just emotional weight behind his actions in a way that I can honestly relate to. That gif and the scene it comes from was to me the most compelling scene out of the second act.
And also another reason for sex bots, cybernetics. If you can construct a sex bot with the articulations and movements of a person, you can make a perfectly functioning set of limbs for an amputee.