If you’re looking for more evidence that truth is indeed stranger than fiction (excluding, of course, the fiction of Chuck Tingle), consider the case of the now-banned Youtuber Evalion, a teenaged Hitler enthusiast with a disconcertingly young-sounding voice who made videos praising the Führer for, among other things, his love of dogs. On his birthday, she baked the dead German leader swastika cupcakes and sang “happy birthday” to a picture of him she tacked on the wall.
In recent weeks, the Hitler-lover with the baby voice was just beginning to hit her stride, Youtube-wise, with her videos Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil and How to Identify A Jew garnering hundreds of thousands of views each. Her follower count leapt to more than 40,000. Meanwhile some of her fans on Reddit started up a subreddit devoted to her.
Earlier today, after being called out by several Youtubers with fan bases even bigger than hers, she was banned by Youtube for her obvious violations of the site’s not-terribly well-enforced rules against hate speech. She started up a second channel but this, too, was quickly banned. I would say that she did Nazi that coming, but she clearly did.
On Twitter, her foul fans cried foul.
So the cucks finally got Evalion's YT channel shoad'd.
— 👌🏻)))Jay(((👌🏻 (@JAYLXXXVIII) May 17, 2016
Another alt-right Twitterer declared that “Everyone needs to Harrass [the] fa***t … who encouraged people to report Evalion’s YouTube channel!!!”
Even before her channel got pulled down, Internet Nazis and other sh*tlords were rallying around her. On the Daily Stormer, Andrew Angelin warned his readers that the “Evalion is being lynch-mobbed by groups of whining fa***ts,” and urged them to download her videos so they could put them up on their own channels later. (Apparently, some of them did.)
Several other familiar names tried to get a hashtag going:
The outrage from the usual suspects is certainly predictable enough, as is the fact that Evalion is, you guessed it, a Trump supporter.
What makes the whole thing so surreal is Evalion herself. Or at least THAT VOICE.
Evalion says she’s 18, and (as you can see from the pictures above) she looks likes she probably is around that age. But she sounds more like she’s eight, and it’s more than a little disconcerting to hear someone who sounds that young going on about the alleged evils of “the International Jewish Community.”
Here are a few snippets, which I took from a mirrored copy of perhaps her most notorious video, Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil.
Is the voice a put on? Is she a put on? Is this all an elaborate troll job? I don’t think so. In some of her other videos she doesn’t sound quite so young as she does here, but this is apparently pretty close to how she really talks. She seems sincere to me, and certainly her fans on the far-right have no problem believing she’s for real.
With her videos down, and the mirrored videos likely to be taken down, the only way to see and hear just what it was that got her banned is through the videos of her many critics, the most famous ones being LeafyIsHere, who made two videos about her, and Onision, whose call for his Twitter followers to “flag this woman’s hate speech into non-existence” is almost certainly what got her channel taken down. (I’m a little hesitant about linking to either of these guys; Leafy makes videos about what he sees as the cringiest people on Youtube; what this means is that, as Gizmodo once put it, he “Makes Money Bullying People With Learning Disabilities.” Onision has said all sorts of problematic things.)
Now LeafyIsHere is pondering whether or not he should try to get YouTube to reinstate her channel. That seems unlikely, but somehow I suspect we have not seen or heard the last of Evalion.
This has NOTHING to do with GamerGate. Why do you keep tagging things with #GamerGate when they have LITERALLY NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH IT? Oh, right, you’re a drama-whoring, pussy-begging, white knight.
My feeling is that they may have always been with us, but have gone from being scary fringe thugs (dangerous but negligible, and with a tendency to tear their own groupuscules to shreds) and bar-room blowhards to having their views and talking points picked up on a much more mainstream stage.
There’s a good essay by a British Conservative commentator, Peter Oborne, about how in 1964 a Conservative candidate for Parliament campaigned on an overtly racist platform (slogan: “If you want a [n-word] for your neighbour, vote Labour”). He succeeded, in that he was elected, but was treated as a a pariah in parliament, even by his own party.
Whereas this year the Conservatives ran a nakedly racist and divisive electoral campaign for London mayor – in which they managed to slander one of their own activists as a Muslim terrorist who supports Daesh, as it happens – which came right from the top.
@ Alan,
Jesuits, eh?
My brothers’ education (and my Dad’s employment) was with the Benedictines.
(Three things not even God knows: what a Jesuit is thinking, what a Benedictine is saying, and how many orders of nuns there are).
It’s a bit of a trip down memory lane, as the police have just caught up with the ex-Abbot/ex-headmaster after 5 exciting years on the run.
As bluecat’s last anecdote suggests, the alt-right has, among their myriad delusions, the notion that there are all sorts of seekrit Jews out there. This hidden army of closet Jews is supposedly a key force in the Zionist conspiracy; by remaining closeted, they are able to manipulate the media and government without these manipulations being tied to the Jews.
Now, since obviously these seekrit Jews are going to be concealing themselves, the alt-right haters need a way to identify them that doesn’t rely on classic physical stereotypes. Some of them may not even have hooked noses! (This is part of the reason the seekrit Jews push for miscegenation, for instance–it blurs the god-created lines between ethnic groups.)
Lacking these identifiers, the alt-right looks instead for behavior and ideology. Anyone could be a Jew, and you just have to look and see if they are following the Jewish agenda to identify them as such. As an easy starter, I’ll just note that “Secret Jew” and “Social Justice” have the same initials, so the conclusion there is obvious, yeah?
@ bluecat
There was a great documentary years ago where they filmed in a Jesuit seminary. There was a nice exchange between one of the priests and the head of that particular order that I think nicely summed up the Jesuit way of thinking.
@ Freemage
indeed – and if not actual Jews themselves, then they probably had something to do with the Rothschilds, or with Soros, or with practically any bank you can care to name (as apparently they’re all part of it, all of them, I tell you, ALL!) at some point or other in their lives, so are obviously in their pay.
Of course there have been “secret Jews” – if the only way you could save your children from deportation to a terrible death was to convince them that they were, say, little Bretons and that their parents were called Pierre and Marie – as with Georges Perec – you’d probably do it.
Anecdote time. I had a good friend who was a bit of a skinhead. He always about being anti-fascist and how terrible the Nazis were, but… well, at some point he started making racist Jew jokes. He also dressed in all black with military boots, and would comically click his heels together and salute Nazi-style when asked things.
We told him that we didn’t think it was funny or liked it, but he just said we were too uptight. It started happening more often, and got worse. He had started going out to punk shows and was learning bass guitar, and we learned later that he had gotten himself hooked on cocaine. One of the guys in his band had pushed some on him (the first ones were free of course) and was now milking him. The fascist posturing and angry outbursts got worse.
We ended up cutting ties with him when an angry altercation ended up with a knife being pulled. I still feel bad about how it ended up – he had reached out to us for help with the addiction at one point, but he refused to stop going out with his ‘friends,’ and that was the source of his problem. I hope he’s managed to get free from that.
Sorry if that’s oversharing! The whole “lol nazis” attitude that’s gotten popular lately always grates on me, because it’s not a joke. There are far, far too many people who actually believe this shit to adopt the posture as comedy.
This seems like a good time to give the JRRT quote when a German publisher requested proof of his “Aryan” heritage so that they could proceed with a German-language version of The Hobbit:
Can we please be allowed to go just one day without having to explain what “free speech” is?
You know what pisses me off? I’m Jewish and I have never once received an invite to participate in the Great Jewish Conspiracy. I’m not sure I’d join but I feel insulted that I haven’t even been approached.
Sadly, what Christians (or at least, a number of them, especially Americans) are taught is 1) Jews killed Jesus and 2) anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus as the savior is going to hell.
As an adult, I recognize it as ridiculous, with a whiff of anti-semitism to boot. But as an ethnically Jewish eleven-year-old who had never experienced life without lighting the menorah or having Passover dinner, it was pretty devastating.
Hey do you think the Great Jewish Conspiracy would admit a Wiccan? I mean we worship a pretty large pantheon (well at least the Wiccans I know do) so I’m sure we could find some room for Jehovah in there somewhere
And the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, as mentioned above. Indeed, prominent Jesuits sign themselves SJ.
The plot is thickening.
HeinzD: Well, imagine what it’s like for us poor victims of misangloandry–we never get invited to ANY of the cool conspiracies!
Inkswitch – If I ever get my invite, I’ll pass your name on.
I know, right? It’s strange that people who supposedly care so much about it has so weak a grasp on the meaning.
Furious mouse, I tagged this #gamergate because ralph and cernovich are both gamergaters and both got whatever influence they have because of gamergate. Hope this helps!
According to GamerGaters, nobody’s a GamerGater and GamerGate is nothing.
‘Sup! It’s customary here to greet newbies with what is called a ‘package of welcoming’. Do enjoy 🙂
I don’t mean to start a whole… thing, but here goes
IANAL, but my reading of the Amalgamated case doesn’t seem like it would have applied to YouTube. Say, you walk thru a shopping center with a picket sign, but you’re just passing thru on your way somewhere else. That sign is speech, so you’re technically peaceably assembling at every store you walk by. It would be considered unreasonable to expect you to go the long way around the complex, when literally nobody else has to. Therefore you can’t be excluded from the space without some affirmative reason to exclude you, and speech a particular businessperson doesn’t like ain’t gonna cut it
Now, one can’t really pass thru YouTube in the same way. One has to sign up/in to express themselves on that site. Google itself is entirely public, so they can’t eliminate Stormfront from their search engine. YouTube is inherently exclusionary, what with it’s accounts and user agreements and such. I tend to think of YouTube as not so much speaking in front of a store, as speaking inside of said store
However, as a not lawyer speaking to a lawyer, I’ll defer. Am I making sense? There’s a really good chance I’m talking complete bullshit
I agree, and I think there’s three reasons.
Firstly, I think there’s the same number of hardcore neo-Nazis as there ever were, but society has shifted away from them and left them more visible. The open white-supremacists are no longer camouflaged by their many tacitly white-supremacist contemporaries.
Secondly, I also think the internet makes it far more public, because everything on the internet is public. Fifty years ago we would be having this conversation in person in someone’s house or a pub or somewhere; now anyone can read what I’m writing. Neo-Nazis have similarly increased in visibility.
Thirdly, I think the internet has done wonders for community building, especially amongst minority or fringe groups. If you were the only gay person in your village pre-internet then your choices were to stay quiet or leave town; now you can talk to other gay people and be much more secure in your identity. This has been transformative for many groups; tragically, white supremacists appear to be among them.
Axecalibur: I’d actually push the analogy a bit further–a YouTuber is, essentially, a mall-store owner. The content they provide is the ‘rent’ (since this draws eyes to the advertising). Within the bounds of non-discrimination laws (which should apply), the mall ownership is within its rights to place restrictions on what sort of businesses they rent to, because a sufficiently offensive store can harm the other businesses there by driving away foot traffic.
EJ: One other factor comes into play, I believe. We are living in an era of great social changes. One effect of this is that the worst of the regressives and reactionaries are scared pantsless, and panicking, and making a lot more noise than they did when they were merely considered uncouth–on many fronts, they know they are losing completely, and that terrifies them into lashing out.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Since gamergaters tend to be neo Nazis it’s not that hard to see the connection.
It is my understanding that there are still crypto-Jews in Spain and Portugal, who have been pretending to be Catholic and practicing Judaism in secret since the Alhambra Decree in 1493. I read an article a few years back purporting to be an interveiw with such a family under condition of anonymity. When asked why they continued to hide in the modern age, the reply amounted to ‘Some people stopped hiding at the beginning of the 20th century, because clearly things were getting better, and it wasn’t going to be a problem anymore. We’re not making that mistake again.’
There’s always the Freemasons.
I am Jewish and I never got my invite to the sekrit Jewish intarnatonal conspiracy.
I am being sarcastic except being Jewish.