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Cupcakes for Hitler: Internet Nazis rally around embattled teenage Führer-lover Evalion

Yes, she really did bake cupcakes for Hitler
Yes, she really did bake cupcakes for Hitler

If you’re looking for more evidence that truth is indeed stranger than fiction (excluding, of course, the fiction of Chuck Tingle), consider the case of the now-banned Youtuber Evalion, a teenaged Hitler enthusiast with a disconcertingly young-sounding voice who made videos praising the Führer for, among other things, his love of dogs. On his birthday, she baked the dead German leader swastika cupcakes and sang “happy birthday” to a picture of him she tacked on the wall.

In recent weeks, the Hitler-lover with the baby voice was just beginning to hit her stride, Youtube-wise, with her videos Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil and How to Identify A Jew garnering hundreds of thousands of views each. Her follower count leapt to more than 40,000. Meanwhile some of her fans on Reddit started up a subreddit devoted to her.

Earlier today, after being called out by several Youtubers with fan bases even bigger than hers, she was banned by Youtube for her obvious violations of the site’s not-terribly well-enforced rules against hate speech. She started up a second channel but this, too, was quickly banned. I would say that she did Nazi that coming, but she clearly did.

On Twitter, her foul fans cried foul.

Another alt-right Twitterer declared that “Everyone needs to Harrass [the] fa***t … who encouraged people to report Evalion’s YouTube channel!!!”

Even before her channel got pulled down, Internet Nazis and other sh*tlords were rallying around her.  On the Daily Stormer, Andrew Angelin warned his readers that the “Evalion is being lynch-mobbed by groups of whining fa***ts,” and urged them to download her videos so they could put them up on their own channels later. (Apparently, some of them did.)

Several other familiar names tried to get a hashtag going:

The outrage from the usual suspects is certainly predictable enough, as is the fact that Evalion is, you guessed it, a Trump supporter.

What makes the whole thing so surreal is Evalion herself. Or at least THAT VOICE.

Evalion says she’s 18, and (as you can see from the pictures above) she looks likes she probably is around that age. But she sounds more like she’s eight, and it’s more than a little disconcerting to hear someone who sounds that young going on about the alleged evils of “the International Jewish Community.”

Here are a few snippets, which I took from a mirrored copy of perhaps her most notorious video, Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil.

Is the voice a put on? Is she a put on? Is this all an elaborate troll job? I don’t think so. In some of her other videos she doesn’t sound quite so young as she does here, but this is apparently pretty close to how she really talks. She seems sincere to me, and certainly her fans on the far-right have no problem believing she’s for real.

With her videos down, and the mirrored videos likely to be taken down, the only way to see and hear just what it was that got her banned is through the videos of her many critics, the most famous ones being LeafyIsHere, who made two videos about her, and Onision, whose call for his Twitter followers to “flag this woman’s hate speech into non-existence” is almost certainly what got her channel taken down. (I’m a little hesitant about linking to either of these guys; Leafy makes videos about what he sees as the cringiest people on Youtube; what this means is that, as Gizmodo once put it, he “Makes Money Bullying People With Learning Disabilities.” Onision has said all sorts of problematic things.)

Now LeafyIsHere is pondering whether or not he should try to get YouTube to reinstate her channel. That seems unlikely, but  somehow I suspect we have not seen or heard the last of Evalion.

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8 years ago

Even ASMR? No that community is all about goofiness in the name of getting you to sleep and feeling nice through sound. I don’t want that to be tainted with such horrid politics. It’s going to get raided by /pol/acks and anime nazis isn’t it?

8 years ago


I am almost certain that the use of anime avatars has nothing to do with whether or not the historical xenophobia of Japanese culture aligns with the various delusions of the alt right. Anime is more inclusive, for instance, than your average episode of 24 or Homeland, but we’re not seeing hundreds of Kiefer Sutherland and Damian Lewis avatars.

I think it’s more because 4chan and Reddit, where these communities of assholes mostly took root, have foundational associations with anime, so its use is normalized, and the majority of anime is set in Japan, which broadly representational art allows for them to pretend that it’s depicting white people (or white-aspiring people, at the very least).

8 years ago

I hope you’re right on that front. Anime is a huge part of my childhood growing up so it upsets me to see something I associate with the overall theme of “everyone matters”, with those people. Like anime has been doing a better job of showing different types of people, women, men and others than the typical white washed crimeshow. Though I can probably see it as “2D girls are cute, mix with my /pol/ and it’s perfect”

Like trying to discuss anime and how its lack of representation of accurate lgbt relationships and minorities is probably a discussion for another day, and can probably be a sizable master thesis if one wants to discuss how niche cultures are often heavily influenced by relevant societal views.

In good news in accordance to their awfully inhumane and unproductive business culture, the Japanese government has been taking steps to ensure day leave and performance over unnecessary hours. Hopefully this translates to better conditions for all workers over there.

8 years ago

Leave anime alone, alt-righter nazi horribilius people 🙁

@Ben, interesting points. I had thought that the anime stuff was mostly because of 4chan, too.

I Blame Myself
I Blame Myself
8 years ago

You know shit’s got real when you’re on the same side as Onision, and it’s still not necessarily a bad thing.

8 years ago

Aww, she’s the GWW of white nationalism. She definitely eeked out a lucrative position.

8 years ago


Speaking as a Jew, I spent a lot of my youth keeping quiet about the fact. Once in middle school I mentioned I was Jewish, and the response I got was “Doesn’t that mean you’re going to hell?” And that wasn’t the only time people were insistent that being Jewish meant I’d go to hell, either. That’s not fun to hear. Better to keep it quiet.

Meanwhile, I don’t look very Jewish because I take after my father’s side of the family, but my mother’s side has a lot of stereotypical Jewish traits: olive skin, dark, curly hair, the nose (I do have the nose). There are absolutely people who will look at these traits in anyone as signs they’re Jewish.

8 years ago

I really hope “Evalion” is not in reference to Neon Genesis Evangelion

8 years ago

I am a long time lurker, first time commenter and I will almost certainly regret this being my first comment, but as a progressive attorney I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the oft-repeated refrain that “freedom of speech” applies only to government censorship. For one thing, it just is not true that the right to speech does not involve the right to be heard. The right to speech involves the right to a venue with access to the public in a reasonable time, place, and manner.

Yes, you tube and social media sites are privately owned and, for that reason, the fact that they have largely replaced public gathering spaces should scare us silly. It all but eliminates real protections for unpopular speech and that is bad for democracy and also bad for progressives who have traditionally been the targets of censorship. It is one thing to protest someone’s message through counter speech or by refusing to host them at colleges, universities, and convention centers. It is another to deny a message all access to the social commons. Obviously directed harassment or speech that targets an individual is another matter, but there is no reason to shout this girl’s message out. Frankly, the best way to demonstrate its hatefulness is to allow it to be heard and to respond as forcefully as needed.

There were a series of Supreme Court cases in the latter half of the 20th century regarding the limits of freedom of speech within shopping malls. For instance, in Amalgamated Food Employees Union v. Logan Valley Plaza in 1968 the Court extended the right to political speech to a privately owned shopping mall because malls had taken on essential characteristics of publically owned space. I realize that ruling has been reversed, but that was a victory for corporate rights over the anti-war movement and I disagreed with the ruling when I read it during law school and I still believe it was wrong. Also at least a few states agree with me and continue to protect the freedom of political speech in all publically accessible venues. Which raises interesting legal questions regarding how that applies to Google, which I assume (possibly wrongly) to be incorporated in California.

Legality aside, I just never thought I would see progressives fighting the application of the first amendment onpublucally accessible commercial property. I don’t really care whether some 18byear old is allowed to praise Hitler on you tube. In the long run, I worry that a narrow reading of the first amendment is far more likely to be used against progressive speech (feminism, anti- racism, social justice advocacy, etc) than to favor it.

8 years ago

How do you identify a Jew? Uh, because they say they’re Jewish?

It’s funny that this is not necessarily so.

I am not Jewish in any sense of the word: neither by self-identification, nor religiously, nor by upbringing, nor by heritage. But I’ve been “identified as a Jew” several times.

Twice in Italy, where my Old Testament given name is pretty much uniquely associated with being Jewish (rather than, as it is here, in being a girl born into the middle classes between about 1957 and 1965).

One of the people who did that went on to insist that, no, whatever I said I must be Jewish, and maybe my parents simply didn’t tell me… despite giving me a first name that provided the gotcha.

(On the other hand, that did actually happen to a friend of mine, who only found out in his 30s that his grandparents, having fled Hitler to Liverpool, decided to tell everyone they were German Catholics. His Mum told him after her parents died).

I’ve also been “identified as a Jew” a couple of times online: once called a “self-hating Jew” 0_o because I was critical of Israel’s policy towards the occupied territories, and recently being told I was part of a Zionist conspiracy because I wouldn’t let someone post a thing to a Facebook group I run which was irrelevant to the stated aims of that group.

It is all kinds of weird.

Meanwhile, Mr Bluecat, who is usually taken to be Irish if you see his face, or Spanish if you see his surname – and who is all these things, but also the great-grandson of an East End rabbi – is Jewish enough by descent (though not by belief or upbringing) to have been a fair candidate for elimination by the Nazis, but not enough for “right of return” to Israel.

An interest in “identifying Jews” seems a pretty good marker for identifying a racist, isn’t it?

8 years ago

Off topic David, but have you seen this news from Memphis?

Guy hits on woman working at his apartment block, gets turned down, responds by shooting a three-year-old.

People respond by blaming the child’s mother.

The child is in critical condition, the man is on the run, and the world looks just a bit shittier than it did before.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ bluecat

There’s an interesting (well, if you’re a legal nerd) discussion of the whole “who is Jewish?” question in this case.

Background to the case: The Jewish Free School in London has an admissions policy that grants priority to Jewish kids. So the issue arose as to whether the boy in the case was actually Jewish (and how indeed you even determine such a thing)?

8 years ago

Hi Zero. I know what Lady Zombie meant. It was not an attempt to say that anime fans are racist fascists. Rather that so many of these sorts of comments are comming from avatars depicting young anime females.

And yes, Nick NameNick. The first thing I thought was that the name might be an Evangelion reference. Or possibly because of Hitler’s wife. Or some combination of the two.

8 years ago

@ Alan – thanks for that. I remember that case though I hadn’t read the judgement. It all adds to the weird, doesn’t it?

Add to that that these are actually government funded schools… it astonishes me.

Reminds me a bit of the Jewish joke about someone boasting her son is a genius and being asked “But, by geniuses, is he a genius?”

Of course we’ve also got the “Labour’s anti-semitism witch-hunt scandal kerfuffle” going on – though mysteriously, now that the May election is over, it’s no longer as news-worthy as it was for ten consecutive days previous to voting.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ bluecat

He, I went to a Catholic Grammar School; we had nuns and everything (still wince at ‘The Blues Brothers’). That was publicly funded. The school had a ‘priority’ for admission of catholic* kids but we did have a contingent of Muslim girls. We used to joke that it was because their parents couldn’t find a madrassa** that was strict enough.

(*luckily they didn’t test if we actually believed any of it; in fact the Jesuit priests were pretty cool about us not doing. They used to set us debate topics like “Believing in a deity is delusional. Discuss”)

(** I know madrassa is just the word for ‘school’ generally rather than any particular type of school)

8 years ago

“Her future isn’t looking bright.”

Not true, plenty of YouTubers who made stupid videos that went viral have survived the onslaught, case in point: Catherine Wayne AKA Boxxy (AKA Queen of the internet) who even came back to make further videos and is an online presence to this day even after “growing up”.

There’s a good chance Evalion will have left all this behind her in a few years, and just turn bright red when anyone mentions YouTube channels, Hitler or the Nazis.

8 years ago

@NickNameNick & Pol – that crossed my mind, too! But as you say, Pol, it may be more to do with Eva Braun.

@Jennifer – thanks for that. Most interesting and useful to know. The whole freedom of speech issue is different where I am (Australia).

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw, well damn – I know (or rather, knew at roughly that time) the boy in question.

8 years ago


“Her future isn’t looking bright.”

Not true, plenty of YouTubers who made stupid videos that went viral have survived the onslaught, case in point: Catherine Wayne AKA Boxxy (AKA Queen of the internet)

Oh right, ’cause celebrating Hitler is just like the splash that Boxxy made on Youtube.

8 years ago


Seriously? Jews are going to hell? These dumbasses don’t realize that Jesus was a Jew? And that the early Christians were almost all Jewish? And that the Bible was written mostly by Jews, about Jews?

8 years ago

Bad news for Evalion. She claims to have grown up in Canada. If she’s a Canadian national, what she is doing violates Canada’s hate speech laws. Otbers have been prosecuted for less. If the SJWs find her, she is done. Reap what you sow.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Yes, you tube and social media sites are privately owned and, for that reason, the fact that they have largely replaced public gathering spaces should scare us silly. It all but eliminates real protections for unpopular speech and that is bad for democracy and also bad for progressives who have traditionally been the targets of censorship.

Very interesting points, thank you.

I tend to agree that people should be allowed a forum, but not necessarily for legal reasons. I just like to let the assholes self-identify so we can all see them.

Having said that, I’ve met some pretty nice people who wore Confederate flag caps, for example. One punk I met back in the day got a swastika tattoo purely because it would horrify people (yes, he later went through the pain of having it removed).

As for this young woman… her voice disturbs me, because it seems to me that she’s putting it on as an identity, to appear younger and more harmless. That may be a stylistic choice. It may be an indication of abuse at a young age, too.

8 years ago

Have Neo Nazis been getting bolder in the last couple of years, more willing to state their beliefs publicly? Or have they always been this unapologetically out in the open, and I, as a white goy, have been too wrapped up in my own privilege to notice?

8 years ago

Man, is there anything Nazis think George Soros isn’t behind? Like, yeah, I totally believe he has nothing better to do than bribe YouTube to take down some random asshole’s already-rule-violating account.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


An average day in George Soros’ life seems to be about as busy as a Presidential hopeful’s future first day in the White House.