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Cupcakes for Hitler: Internet Nazis rally around embattled teenage Führer-lover Evalion

Yes, she really did bake cupcakes for Hitler
Yes, she really did bake cupcakes for Hitler

If you’re looking for more evidence that truth is indeed stranger than fiction (excluding, of course, the fiction of Chuck Tingle), consider the case of the now-banned Youtuber Evalion, a teenaged Hitler enthusiast with a disconcertingly young-sounding voice who made videos praising the Führer for, among other things, his love of dogs. On his birthday, she baked the dead German leader swastika cupcakes and sang “happy birthday” to a picture of him she tacked on the wall.

In recent weeks, the Hitler-lover with the baby voice was just beginning to hit her stride, Youtube-wise, with her videos Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil and How to Identify A Jew garnering hundreds of thousands of views each. Her follower count leapt to more than 40,000. Meanwhile some of her fans on Reddit started up a subreddit devoted to her.

Earlier today, after being called out by several Youtubers with fan bases even bigger than hers, she was banned by Youtube for her obvious violations of the site’s not-terribly well-enforced rules against hate speech. She started up a second channel but this, too, was quickly banned. I would say that she did Nazi that coming, but she clearly did.

On Twitter, her foul fans cried foul.

Another alt-right Twitterer declared that “Everyone needs to Harrass [the] fa***t … who encouraged people to report Evalion’s YouTube channel!!!”

Even before her channel got pulled down, Internet Nazis and other sh*tlords were rallying around her.  On the Daily Stormer, Andrew Angelin warned his readers that the “Evalion is being lynch-mobbed by groups of whining fa***ts,” and urged them to download her videos so they could put them up on their own channels later. (Apparently, some of them did.)

Several other familiar names tried to get a hashtag going:

The outrage from the usual suspects is certainly predictable enough, as is the fact that Evalion is, you guessed it, a Trump supporter.

What makes the whole thing so surreal is Evalion herself. Or at least THAT VOICE.

Evalion says she’s 18, and (as you can see from the pictures above) she looks likes she probably is around that age. But she sounds more like she’s eight, and it’s more than a little disconcerting to hear someone who sounds that young going on about the alleged evils of “the International Jewish Community.”

Here are a few snippets, which I took from a mirrored copy of perhaps her most notorious video, Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil.

Is the voice a put on? Is she a put on? Is this all an elaborate troll job? I don’t think so. In some of her other videos she doesn’t sound quite so young as she does here, but this is apparently pretty close to how she really talks. She seems sincere to me, and certainly her fans on the far-right have no problem believing she’s for real.

With her videos down, and the mirrored videos likely to be taken down, the only way to see and hear just what it was that got her banned is through the videos of her many critics, the most famous ones being LeafyIsHere, who made two videos about her, and Onision, whose call for his Twitter followers to “flag this woman’s hate speech into non-existence” is almost certainly what got her channel taken down. (I’m a little hesitant about linking to either of these guys; Leafy makes videos about what he sees as the cringiest people on Youtube; what this means is that, as Gizmodo once put it, he “Makes Money Bullying People With Learning Disabilities.” Onision has said all sorts of problematic things.)

Now LeafyIsHere is pondering whether or not he should try to get YouTube to reinstate her channel. That seems unlikely, but  somehow I suspect we have not seen or heard the last of Evalion.

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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Her voice isn’t much higher than mine, and I’m in my 30s. I can believe it.

8 years ago

However old she is, life’s gonna suck when she grows up…

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Ah, so the nazi fanboys have found their new Prussian Blue to fap to.

But the fascist shits should keep in mind how those formerly deluded young women abandoned their hate once they gained some experience of the world:

8 years ago

Lots of anime avatars – quelle surprise.

8 years ago

These right wing eediots don’t understand free speech. Freedom of speech protects the speaker from the government, it doesn’t guarantee an audience and it doesn’t apply to privately owned websites like YouTube. They can enforce any community standard they want. I just wish they were a little more consistent.

8 years ago

First, it’s not a free speech issue, you fascist imbeciles

stranger than fiction
Really good movie, by the by…

8 years ago

Yeah, if Onision and Leafy think that you’re scum, then you must really be scum.

8 years ago

But the fascist shits should keep in mind how those formerly deluded young women abandoned their hate once they gained some experience of the world:

They did? That makes me feel a little better about the world, actually.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

How do you identify a Jew? Uh, because they say they’re Jewish? I mean, anyone who reads this site knows there’s still plenty of anti-Semitism, but this kind of virulent anti-Semitism is fringe enough that I really don’t think it’s usual for Jewish people to hid the fact that they’re Jewish. I’m a little confused as to why anyone would wonder how to identify a Jewish person.

8 years ago

Lots of teenagers enjoy the attention they get when they say things that get the grown-ups riled up. Most of them aren’t going to potentially be paying for it for years to come, though.

8 years ago

For the record, the claim that Hitler was a vegetarian is HIGHLY contested. Though I’d still be secure in my vegetarianism even if he was. Organised mass murder is kind of unrepresentative of us, if I may say so myself.

@Bina NOSTALGIA BOMB!! XD I’d forgotten about that song! Thank you, you made me happy.

8 years ago

That’s awesome about Prussian Blue!
Also, aren’t cupcakes misandry?

8 years ago

@Bina NOSTALGIA BOMB!! XD I’d forgotten about that song! Thank you, you made me happy.

You’re welcome! I had that song in my head this afternoon, and I just knew I’d find a way to make it come in handy somewhere…

8 years ago

If she REALLY loved Hitler, wouldn’t she put his picture in a nice frame and not just tack it to the wall?

8 years ago

It’s massively hypocritical for fascists to complain about free speech. If they had the power to make or pass laws they would do everything they could to take away the free speech of everyone else.

8 years ago

Prussian Blue, Jonathan Crohn, CJ Pearson (the latter 2 not Nazis). Right wing yunguns are getting out while the getting is good. Also like how it’s always the gays, communists, and general Lefties, who are recruiting and indoctrinating kids. Right…

8 years ago

@brian, it’s probably because she’s a Jew, so of course she can’t worship the beloved Fuhrer right.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

From what I understand, Hitler’s vegetarianism was largely on his doctor’s insistence and against his own desires.

For “doctor” read “dealer”, because Hitler’s main criterion for picking a doctor was “will you prescribe me immense amounts of amphetamines to hype me up for my big speeches?”

As such, if you’re a vegetarian for ethical reasons and not because some skeevy drug pusher said you should, then you can probably claim that Hitler doesn’t represent you in any meaningful way.

8 years ago


I hope he wasn’t. 🙂
But it is scary to see how people sometimes weigh good against bad actions as if they all weigh equally (or as if it is impossible for a bad person to have a good quality)

“Killed millions of people, but was nice to his dog. ”
“Rapist, but makes funny jokes/good at sports/etc… “

8 years ago

The Internet is forever.

So if Evalion decides to get a job, good luck. Would McDonald’s hire a neo-Nazi? Their workforce is quite diverse, so she wouldn’t be a good fit.

Future boyfriends will have to be either Nazis or convinced that she’s really sorry she was once so stunningly stupid.

Her future children are going to know all about her love affair with Adolf Hitler, the guy who tried to take over the world; tried to exterminate Jews and Romanis, gays, Jehovah’s Witnesses, people with developmental disabilities, and unionists; suffered a total, ignominious defeat; and died a cowardly death at his own hand rather than face trial for genocide.

Her future isn’t looking bright.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Horrifying. I really hope she grows out of it.

And I wish anime wasn’t been tarnished by association with these chucklefucks.

8 years ago

As a german, I don’t know how well they teach american kids about WW2 in school but here I can say they don’t leave out any horrors so that history never repeats itself. And just I can’t understand that such young people can support his ideology or try to find good in that.

Lots of anime avatars – quelle surprise.

Sorry but I like anime too and so do many, please don’t mix that together.

8 years ago

I can’t keep track of all these “am your shields.” There’s too many and the turnover rate is too quick for me to take tabs on all of them.

On a side note, I swear to hell that the minute that Japanese culture in general, and anime as a result becomes alot more inclusive and less xenophobic/whitewashing history, these people will immediately cut off yet another facet of themselves.

Make it happen Nippon, the future of salty tears of weaboo nazis depends on it.

8 years ago

Oddly enough one of her videos made it on to my favorite subreddit, r/asmr. Fortunately, it was pretty soundly downvoted. Unfortunately, you can’t seem to get away from these people no matter where you go, though.

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