Yesterday, we took a look at some completely ridiculous “Selfish Feminist” memes, based on the premise that women adopt feminism because that way they can reap all sorts of nifty benefits without having to work as hard as men, most notably the FREE DINNERS they constantly con poor schmucks into paying for. (Allegedly.)
For some reason, half of the memes involved actress/activist Ashley Judd, who isn’t really a selfish person at all.
You may recall that one of the memes was captioned “Why I need feminism? Sounds better than ‘selfishness.'”
Well, here’s another one using that little tagline that somehow manages to be creepier and cringier than all the rest of the “selfish feminist” memes all together.
Yep. In the mind of whoever made this meme, women not shaving their armpits is somehow a … selfish act, presumably because “ew, women with hairy armpits.”
Note to dudes who think this meme is somehow clever: What someone chooses to do (or not do) with their body is really only your business if you happen to own that body. Given that, you know, slavery is illegal and all that, the only body you own is your own body.
Women don’t owe it to men in general (or to you in particular) to shave their armpits or any other part of their body, pluck their eyebrows, keep their weight within the parameters you prefer, and so on and so on.
No, dudes, you are not obliged to find women with armpit hair attractive. The flip side of this is that women aren’t obliged to give a rat’s ass what you think of their armpits, or any other part of their body.
Honestly, apart from the awful message which is par for the course for these assholes, the construction of the meme itself is just embarrassingly bad.
You’re supposed to write from the person in the picture’s point of view – “I need feminism because it sounds better than selfishness”, not tell a story about her “she says she needs feminism…”
And then whoever made it was so proud of it, they added a fucking watermark to it? And it’s a chess piece. Like come on mate. Chess is way too misandrist for you, with the strong independent queen doing all the work. Go play some Ludo.
Why does this meme look so terrible? Did the writer make it in MS Paint?
Selfish men make “selfish feminist” memes, all apparently dedicated to whining about how women aren’t catering to their boners enough. Because irony awareness isn’t a Menzer Thing.
(It almost fits on an image macro now!)
“You’re such a selfish bitch for not catering to my ideals of beauty and being pleasing to my boner at all times! Don’t you care about my boner?! Why don’t you care about my boner?!”
Why can’t all women worship my penis?
Draw a smiley face on the tip OoglyBoggles and I’ll consider it.
You know, in order to live up to the beauty standards insisted upon by MRAs, women have to spend a certain amount of time focusing on themselves. As a result, they get called “selfish”.
Women also get called selfish for *not* living up to MRA beauty standards.
*squints* I can almost make out a pattern here….
So if not shaving armpits is “selfish,” that would make all men selfish, no?
“I thought I told you to wear the black dress, sweetie! God, you’re so…so…selfish! You’re just like all those women with the pixie cuts — the selfish wenches who don’t consider how hard it’s going to be for me to get any sleep, after seeing them out in public like that! Now I’ll have to stay up all night ranting about this online!”
There it goes, chess is now tainted
I don’t usually OT, but:
This is not looking good. At all. For anyone. I don’t mean to be alarmist, but ’68 wasn’t that long ago
I think the real fun is going to be in Cleveland with the GOP convention.
It’s totally selfish, people! Think about it, if women don’t provide a good “view” for men, they won’t want us in the workplace anymore! Women all over the country will be fired for not serving their purpose. And where will feminism be then? *packing a suitcase* It’s over! It’s all over!
@Tessa: We’ll, it’s not like women do anything in the workplace. The real selfishness lies in the fact that the men who are responsible for literally everything won’t be able to get anything done if they have to share offices with women with hairy armpits. (Men who aren’t bothered by such things are do-nothing beta cucks.)
We’re facing the collapse of civilization, here. At the very least, white genocide.
Youve posted this one before.
Dalillama, d’oh! I guess I did do an armpit hair one. I have a ton of memes saved and sometimes I forget whether I’ve done a particular post using some of them, or if I’ve just been planning to for a while.
In my defense, the point I made with this one was a little different.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
This has got to be the most easily refuted feminist claim ever.
Women should be naturally beautiful.
Anything else is misandry.
Checkmate, feminists!
Maybe the author doesn’t believe that women are sentient?
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
I’m sure someone, somewhere has an evopysch excuse as to why male armpit hair is totes different to the nasty stuff that sprouts on ladies, but it is probably easier to just go with #notallmen.
Gosh, these guys sure hate selfish women. I hope none of them subscribe to a philosophy that’s based on the virtue of selfishness and was created by a woman.
”Feminists are selfish” is pretty rich coming from these guys. It’s not like they’ve ever complained about having to wear condoms. It doesn’t make their boners as happy as they could possibly be! But if a woman gets pregnant (because we all know only slutty sluts use other forms of contraception), they’ll easily turn around and say she got herself pregnant and they had nothing to do with it. Consequences be damned, our boners are what’s really important!
Completely off topic and I know it’s not big in US but Ukraine just won the Eurovison song contest! 😀 a victory for solidarity in Europe.
Sounds better than shell fish!
You’re in luck! I spoke to my friend who says he is taking classes in evopsych and he told me what must be the absolutely true answer! Armpit sweat is filled with hormones and pheromones that are caught by armpit hair. When consumed by bacteria in the hair, this sends out manly mating scent to all who smell it. And since in caveman days, women didn’t do any work, they just waited for men to hunt the mammoth, they’d never sweat. And those that did were obviously filthy lesbians trying to attract women (this would also alert the men!). In modern times, even the most non-lesbian women will sometimes sweat, thanks to feminism lying and telling them it’s OK to exercise… Not having armpit hair will prevent deposits of manly scent in women that will confuse and anger men. Thinking that they are men or lesbians. So it’s only right to shave the pits to make up for the injustices wrought by feminism. He told me that since I’m a filthy lesbian, it was probably OK for me to not shave my armpits, I’m already incredibly selfish for not wanting guys, so hairy armpits don’t matter.
So there you have it!
So your evopsych “friend” doesn’t understand that western women only started shaving their armpits in the 20th century when armless dresses became a thing, then?