In today’s slightly delayed Memeday post, we’re going to be looking at the “selfish feminist” meme, a variation of the good old “hypocritical feminist” meme that’s based on the notion that selfish, spoiled women adopt feminism in order to score equal pay without equal work — and in the greatest crime against humanity ever known — without ever having to pay for dinner.

Once in a long while, the mememaker will throw in a literary reference, like this one namechecking the heroine from Ibsen’s A Doll’s House.
But mostly the dudes making these memes seem to be peeved that (allegedly) feminist women are (allegedly) making them pay for dinner without “putting out” afterwards.
For some reason, the makers of these “selfish feminist” memes often put their words into the mouths of real and recognizable women who would never actually say such a thing.
Sometimes they use pictures of favorite feminist targets like Anita Sarkeesian …
… and Rebecca Watson:
Other times they use feminist celebrities, like comedian Janeane Garofolo
And actress/activist Ashley Judd:
Actually, they seem just a teensy bit obsessed with Ashley Judd and her alleged refusal to ever pay for dinner:
Apparently, the deviously feminist Ashley Judd also manages to avoid paying for her fancy purses as well.
Yeah, Ashley Judd has a net worth of $22 million, at least according to Celebrity Net Worth. I’m pretty sure she pays for her own handbags.
Not only that, but the allegedly selfish Judd — and yes, at least some of the angry mememakers know that the woman in the meme is Ashley Judd and not just some random angry lady feminist — now devotes much of her life not to acquiring handbags but to humanitarian work. Here’s how Wikipedia sums it up:
Ashley Judd’s humanitarian work has revolved around AIDS. Judd has travelled with YouthAIDSto places affected by illness and poverty such as Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, and many others.
Inspired by her travels, which allowed her to witness the life of the poor and uneducated, she has since become an advocate for preventing poverty and promoting awareness internationally. She has met with political and religious leaders, heads of states, diplomats, and leaders on behalf of the deprived to convey the message to those who have the power to bring about political and social change. Judd has also narrated three documentaries for YouthAIDS which aired internationally on the Discovery Channel, in National Geographic, and on VH1.
In 2011, she joined the Leadership Council of the International Center for Research on Women(ICRW).
Other organizations Judd has been involved with include Women for Women International and Equality Now, along with other non-governmental organizations that direct attention to social, educational, health, economic, cultural and financial funding of the unfortunate.
So, yeah, she’s actually paid for a lot of people’s dinners.
Tomorrow: The worst “selfish feminist” meme of them all!
Please, no, please not the dinner thing again. WHY CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THE DINNER THING????
Anyways, as has been noted here already, this game can’t be won no matter what we do. Remember thingummy a few weeks ago who raised this issue about dinner, and when some of us pointed out that we always paid our own way, he said that women who do that are unattractive?
So yes, I think that what they’re actually angry about is more along the lines of “If I pay for dinner, women should give me sex but sometimes they DON’T.” A truthful version of that meme: “Is happy for me to pay for dinner. Feels she doesn’t owe me sex in return.”
One meme maker alleges that Janeane Garofolo wants men to pay for dinner, pay for drinks, and (presumably receive) half the assets once she and (they? as in all men?) are divorced.
Oh, Mister Meme Maker, you don’t know the half of it. JG is far, far worse than anything you could imagine. And it’s got nothing to do with what your fevered imagination cooked up.
She’s been married, yeah, but only as a joke. Take deep breaths, Mister Meme Maker, it only gets worse.
She’s asexual. She has nothing to do with anyone else’s genitals ever. Wait, wait! It gets much worse.
She’s got a boyfriend. And she’s had him for ten years!
Weep, Mister Meme Maker. Not only can’t you find a girlfriend, a woman who never has sex has a long-term boyfriend. And she once had a husband!
Here’s a handkerchief.
JG spent some of her growing-up years in Katy, Texas. Yep, that Katy, Texas.
They do have their minds made up. They demand to pay so that they have something to hold over you
@KindaSortaHarmless: Don’t worry, buddy, I got ya. As soon as photobucket comes back online after maintenance, I’ll post yours for you, as well as a handful of other ones I came up with while waiting for photobucket to come off of maintenance.
I really don’t understand this paying for dates thing as I simply didn’t go out for dates. We’d make fancy dinners for each other at our respective houses, or we’d go for a picnic in a park.
Or we’d go for a bike ride and a picnic.
But then, my courtship involved two students, so neither of us could pay for dinner without a coupon.
Why can’t they just go the typical nerd route and obsess over cartoon girls?
Man pays for dinner: “Women are burdens and parasites!”
Woman pays for dinner: “Women are emasculating bitches!”
(Later) “Why won’t women have dinner with me?”
I know anecdotal evidence isn’t worth much, but when I asked my partner to date me, I took him to the fanciest place I could find and paid for it all, and included a few expensive holiday gifts because I wanted him to understand how much he meant to me. That was the ONLY time paying for the food ever mattered to me. I usually pay for my own food, and will cover my partner or any friend if they need it. It’s ridiculous that they honestly put so much emphasis on this dinner thing because /it’s not that big of a deal/. As many of y’all have said, it’s not like they can’t ask to split the bill beforehand, and plus I thought they wanted women who wouldn’t “emasculate” them?
Because cartoon girls and video game females are starting to become more diverse, more interesting, and *GASP.* empowered. Gone are the wimpy damsels in distress like that Princess Peach in that crappy 2D platforming game on the Nintendon’t consoles… We’ve got characters like Undyne from Undertale now!
They’re hung up on the dinner thing because women should be making *them* dinner. MRAs can’t cook.
The last time I took a day off because of my period it was because the cramps were so bad I vomited. I’d like to see these poxy man-children coping with blood oozing out of their dicks for five days accompanied by cramps they can feel in their hipbones and bladder.
@weirwoodtreehugger That’s a brilliant gif!
Hahaha – I’ve seen that picture of the “Feminist” wearing a sash before. It’s (ostensibly) a picture of a feMRA who pretends to be a straw feminist as a “Comedy” act for her buddies at AVFM. Who I first heard of after she tried to troll here as her character.
So, either this is yet another case of MRAs confusing their own stupid “Jokes” with things actual feminists have said or she stole the picture.
I make a point of quietly letting my date know beforehand that I prefer to pay my own way. Part of why I like coffee as a first date is that you can make it as quick or as long as you like and nobody’s out a lot of money if you don’t click. I’ve taken to arriving early so that I can order and pay before my date arrives, just so I can avoid they whole “who pays” conversation. I’ve had dates become really overbearing and insistent that they pay when this has come up, and for me it’s a huge red flag. If he says that he’d like to pay but that if that’s my preference, he’s fine with it, that’s lovely. If he argues with me over it, it almost always means there won’t be a second date.
I’ve actually heard stories of people who have periods who had their appendixes burst and they didn’t notice because the pain wasn’t that different from a period cramp.
Also, photobucket’s back up, so now I can post more of the macros! Yay!
First, KindaSortaHarmless’ suggestion:
And now my additions:
Great googly moogly, why don’t they just start making their memes with images of bra burning women….at least then we’d have some VARIETY instead of the same griping and whining about paying for dinners with women they never go out with on dates they never have.
So what if a man pays for a woman’s meal, or her fancy handbag, shoes, a house, whatever – it’s that guy’s money and he can spend it however he likes – including on buying things for a woman or women! Nobody is forcing MRAs and MGTOWs to do it, so it has ZERO impact on them and their finances.
I started dating in the early 1970s. I insisted on paying for myself, and the servers would always comment on it. Always.
And then sometimes guys wouldn’t allow me to pay. I had a rule for myself: Insist three times and then, and only then, give up. I couldn’t argue all evening! It was the not-nice guys who insisted on paying.
Nowadays the not-nice guys have new tricks. They’re often more than happy to let you pay. In fact, they might insist. But paying even for both of you won’t win you any respect. Nothing will.
I’m starting to date again. And while when I was younger I paid or he paid and it wasn’t a big deal, I now expect for the man to pay for the first date. (FIRST ONLY). Since I almost always insist on only meeting for drinks, it’s not a big tab. It’s not dinner. Y’know why? Because I know these types of guys get all funny about the paying for dates malarky and I want to see if he’s gonna get all funny or just go ahead and buy the pint. That being said, I always have enough money to cover my share (and his, if it comes to that) and I’ve sometimes broken my own rule if I happen to arrive at the venue first – I’ll buy my own drink and will txt to see what he’d like to drink.
Hey, they have a point! There isn’t a single time I’ve been on a date with Ashley Judd where I haven’t had to pay. Not a single one.
@Paradoxical Intention. A* for your macro efforts! And they all make a hell of a lot more sense than anything the anti-feminist brigade have shat out.
@Sir Bodsworth Really? She’s always been very generous on every date we’ve had. And I didn’t even have to put out.
FYI, these bonobos are also a meme template. 🙂
Why do these guys obsess so much over how they’re expected to pay for dinner? Are we supposed to believe that guys who spend time making anti-feminist memes on the internet are losing money hand over fist paying for their numerous dates’ appetizers? Let’s be real.
My dates with Ashley Judd have passed in a blur of happiness.
Finally! Ashley has hinted that we should get together so many times. I finally took a chance, and it’s — wonderful! She’s wonderful!
Dinner? I suppose we ate dinner. I suppose someone paid. I just can’t recall. . . .