a near for men a voice for men antifeminism evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam racism

Paul Elam warns men: be wary of Asian women because they might cut your penis off

Modified still from the documentary "Seeking Asian Female"
Modified image from the documentary “Seeking Asian Female”

Paul Elam may have sort of abandoned his Men’s Rights lady hatin’ website A Voice for Men — he announced his retirement from the Men’s Rights movement back in March — but his longtime fans will certainly be relieved to hear that he has not given up the lady hatin’ that made him the internet-famous man he is today.

But now he’s working some racism into the mix.

On his An Ear for Men YouTube channel, Elam seems to be setting himself up as a sort of Mr. Lonelyhearts for lady’ hatin men, providing tips on how to “screen out loser women,” how to deal with “problem women — we used to call them ‘bitches,'” and how to get rage-spittle out of your beard.

Ok, I made that last one up.

In his latest video, Elam has decided to take on yet another kind of problem women — SPOILER ALERT: Asian women — warning Western men of the dangers of “shopping in Asia or some other country [sic]” for the supposedly more subservient “women we used to call Oriental till the PC police decided that, too, was an insult.”

Elam warns his viewers that any Oriental Asian woman “willing to leave her homeland to marry a guy she met on the internet” might just possibly have motives other than love.

To illustrate this point, Elam pastes in that famous clip from Full Metal Jacket in which a Vietnamese sex worker promises two American servicemen that she will “love you long time.”

Which brings us to this POP QUIZ

[os-widget path=”/davidfutrelle/pop-quiz” of=”davidfutrelle” width=”500″]

But the dangers of Asian women aren’t confined to those conniving young women just off the boat from Asialand. For there are Asians who live in the United States as well, and if you go for one of those you might end up with … brace yourself … MARGARET CHO.

Or you might get your dick lopped off.

No, seriously. Elam literally warns men considering “going Asian” that they might end up with someone like “feminist idiot and unfunny comedian Margaret Cho,” or “Twitter fembot Suey Park,” or even Catherine Kieu Becker, a California woman, originally from Vietnam, now serving life in prison for cutting off her estranged husband’s penis.

Apparently Elam thinks the best way to keep American men from fetishizing Asian women is to convince them that the Asian (or Asian-American) gal of their dreams might literally lop off their dick or — possibly even worse — tell them a feminist joke.

But I can’t completely hate Elam’s video. I mean, sure, it’s a racist, misogynistic mess, and Elam’s gleeful grin makes my skin crawl. But if it convinces even one of his fans to leave Asian women alone, it may actually do the world a teensy tiny little bit of good.

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8 years ago

I swear to God, sometimes I think Pauly believes in ghosts.

FEMINIST ghosts.

8 years ago

I’m gonna have to agree with you, David. Asian women might be a little safer if MRAs take this video to heart. Ha, ha! That’s assuming they have hearts.

Okay, I meant if they take this video as something really real, just like Elam’s other Words of Wisdom.

Hey, Elam, thanks for making the world (maybe) a tiny bit safer for women!

Now, about the rest of the shit you’re peddling as Elam Wisdom (EW!) . . .

8 years ago

I hope that feminist poltergeists harass Paul Elam until he ceases and desists his harassment of living women — and any other beings he shares this planet with.

Just imagine:

He’ll have to walk carefully to avoid the Legos, Legos everywhere.

His sandwiches will unaccountably have too much mayo and too little mustard.

Salt in the sugar bowl? Sugar in the salt shaker?

Out of soap? Again?!

Who hard-boiled these eggs? Damnit!

Is the Dean Esmay file corrupted? Again?!

Oh, the fun that mischievous, self-respecting ghosts could have!

8 years ago

Hey, all in all it’s a good thing if these man don’t “shop” an asian woman like groceries anymore. And we all know that they are not out for love, guys like these want sex and a slave who does what he wants without talking back. But what a shock, asian woman don’t want this shit either. These gross man should stay away from woman everywhere in the world and stop reproducing.

8 years ago

What’s absolutely hilarious about this is that menzers are only now cottoning onto the fact that mail-order brides in general might not actually enjoy being subservient little waifubots. And that yeah, if you wave your stinky Yankee greenbacks under foreign women’s noses, they can hardly be blamed for having a rather material and mercenary motive for going along with you — at least until they can get their green cards, and a nice divorce settlement to match.

What’s not so funny is that Paulie, too, is jumping on the “alt”-right, racist bandwagon. Because he no doubt heard Der Drumpf railing about the “PC police” and thought that was a perfect way to drum up (I almost wrote “drumpf up”, heh) business for A Rear For Men.

He’s so far behind the times, he’s actually out in front again!

8 years ago

Margaret Cho would be so amused by this.

8 years ago

This reminds me of that time WWE had a segment where a bunch of Japanese dudes threatened to cut off Val Venis’ Panoz.

WWE is not a progressive company.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago

Hey Paulie: if you’re calling Asia a country, you not want to complain about political correctness until you brush up on your factual correctness.

Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

Isn’t Margaret Cho gay? I mean, I’m not surprised that Elam wouldn’t know that, because knowing would require him to be aware that women have their own minds, but I thought she came out as gay a while back.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

women we used to call Oriental till the PC police decided that, too, was an insult

Um, that’s always been an insult. It’s just no longer an acceptable insult.

I’m glad he’s warning these guys away from wife-shopping in Asia though. Their pool of Acceptable Subservient Women is already the size of a single fake ant tear. And that’s still much too large.

8 years ago

FEMINIST ghosts.

(No idea where this picture came from but I busted up laughing when I saw it. Probably a dudebro’s imagining the new Slimer)

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

ColeYote: Maybe they were trying to portray yubitsume, and ended up mistakenly assuming the phrase “cutting off the little finger” was a euphemism, rather than literal.

MichaelP: Yes, she is. Maybe Paul knows this and that comment was him saying he thinks all Asian women are secretly lesbians. Or, more likely, he’s just clueless.

8 years ago

It’s fairly obvious that MRA utopia doesn’t exist. There is literally no culture in the world where men act like these guys claim they do/want to and women act like they say they should. It’s a mathematical impossibility. Cultures where (regular) men can screw around and do whatever they want have at least a certain percentage of women doing the same, and women are not or not all downtrodden and submissive. Cultures where women are extremely downtrodden and submissive also place severe restrictions on men’s sexual behaviour, because math. Obviously there are areas where one extreme or another, or various hybrids, prevail, and upper classes always have freedoms (and restrictions) that regular people don’t. Still, overall there is absolutely no culture, anywhere, where men have constant uncommitted heterosexual sex and women are submissive virgin brides, because it’s physically impossible.

Maybe they are slowly starting to figure that out.

8 years ago

Asian woman here saying yes, we do tell jokes that are feminist, or at least not anti-feminist. And we would emasculate you. So yeah, stay away, MRAs. Beware!

8 years ago

Why did you “[sic]” “country”? Or did you accidentally spell correctly what Elam spelled wrong?

Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

The sentence as written implies that Asia is a country.

8 years ago

@Michael P
According to wikipedia she’s bi

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

ColeYote | May 12, 2016 at 10:52 am
This reminds me of that time WWE had a segment where a bunch of Japanese dudes threatened to cut off Val Venis’ Panoz.

WWE is not a progressive company.

They just recently went back to calling it the Women’s Division instead of the “Diva’s Division”, so yeah, I’m in full agreement there. They have quite a problem with sexism and even racism, considering the company’s pretty much run by an old white dude who outright refuses to listen to anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass enough.

However, I will say they’ve scaled back a lot on that kind of stuff since they moved into the “PG-13 Era”, where they wanted to make it more palatable for kids to watch with their families, and this happened in the early 00’s.

However, one thing that’s currently irritating me now is there was a storyline where the current GM of the flagship show, Monday Night RAW, was saying that her brother was coming along and trying to steal her job* “because [she’s] a woman and he’s a man”, and she was going to fight “for [her] daughters’ future” and it came off like a huge feminist straw-woman, and I could not roll my eyes any harder at that.

It does seem to be resolved though, as both of them were put in charge of the show at the last pay-per-view by their father, and they seem to be getting along just fine. Still side-eying her though.

*Short version: She was doing a bad job and the show’s ratings were tanking and there were a lot of injuries on her watch, so her brother, Shane, stepped in to save the family business after being gone for seven years because his father wouldn’t hear any of his ideas to keep the business fresh and interesting, because his dad’s still stuck in the 80’s.

For instance, Shane suggested many years ago that they buy up UFC while it was still a fledgling company because he knew that they would become competition later on down the line, and would make tons of money. His father wouldn’t listen, and you can see what happened after that, especially if you live in Australia. WWE has considered Australia “not worth it” in terms of putting on shows there, so UFC has really thrived.

8 years ago

I used to think that these guys liked “Asian” women. And that is because, supposedly, that Asian women are not free and independent Western (read American) women.

I have even been recommended by family and even some workmates to target Asian women as girlfriends as they are less independent. And this assumedly is a desirable trait if I am understanding this advice correctly.

Their advice was, to my mind at least, based on best intentions. But after hearing this I was very nearly overcome by the temptation to punch their stupid head in. Yes, really. And not that I would actually do that of course. But this assumption and it’s undertones of cultural generalisation annoyed me very much.

Why is it that when men like me are single, that sympathetic well-wishers rally to recommend “Asian girls”? It sickens me that people have this attitude.

In my young/old age I put this down to “boomersplaining”. I only learnt that term this year but it does bring so many previous attitudes that I have encountered into some perspective.


weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Poor widdle MRAs. It’s so shocking for them to learn that women are actual human beings. Even *gasp!* Asian women. My heart is truly breaking at this tragic news that nowhere in the world are women blowup dolls with pulses.

happy cat
happy cat
8 years ago

Interesting. By the way, have you seen the comments for Laci Green’s last video on “false rape allegations”? Poor, poor Laci!

8 years ago

Lovely how one example of a women cutting off a penis suddenly means all asian women are potential penis cutters.

And yet, if a blog post was telling women to “be wary of men because they might rape you” suddenly, it’s ‘anti-male hate speech’, #NotAllMen! Misandry! How dare you judge me because of something another person who shares my gender did, I’m not like that!

And related, because role-reversal is my favorite way of exposing double standards:

8 years ago

That’s a…..weirdly specific racist stereotype.

8 years ago

Moocow, that is so awkward D:

8 years ago

possibly even worse — tell them a feminist joke.

What do you call a letter from a feminist?

Hate male.

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