antifeminism evil short-haired women hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Gals! Drive away creepy dudes with dirty socks, condoms, and the Pixie Cut of Doom

Hideous lady monster, totally Would Not Bang
Hideous lady monster, totally Would Not Bang

Famously lady hating garbage site Return of Kings has published another one of their helpful posts outlining simple ways that women can drive away the sort of guy who takes dating advice from, well, Return of Kings.

In the post, titled “30 Signs That An Eastern European Girl Isn’t Relationship Material,” regular RoK contributor Jean-Batave Poqueliche provides a handy guide to all sorts of things that RoK Red Pillers see as red flags.

I’ve adapted some of my favorites into my own list of 8 Ways Eastern European Women Can Send Roosh Fanboys Running for the Door. Happily, many of these suggestions should also work for non-Eastern European women as well.

Throw your clothes (and possibly your birth control) on the floor

Poqueliche warns his readers to avoid women who are messy.

If you go to hers and … you discover that she has clothes on the floor and everything is out of place, beware. She is careless and has probably the same behavior towards sex and protection.

Let’s just set aside the irony of seeing this statement on a site run by Roosh V, who, by his own admission, had unprotected sex with multiple women over the course of several years even though he thought there was a good chance he had HIV.

The good news here is that women can scare off a Roosh fanboy by simply throwing some dirty socks on the floor.

Buy a few condoms

Apparently Roosh and his fanboys are more terrified by women who are so loose that they own their own condoms than they are of having sex with a woman they barely know without condoms.

Have friends from other countries

This, according to Poqueliche, is a sign that a women “likes foreign culture, ergo she is partial to a foreign knob that is not designed to be static.”

Wait, penises can generate static electricity? I should have probably read the manual a little more carefully.

Tell your date you prefer poetry to firearms

Poqueliche warns men not to date any woman who’s

repulsed by the idea of violence, manliness, or weapons.

She does not understand that a man could fight for his family, enjoy masculine hobbies or knows how to shoot. She wants a progressive man that reads poetry and is not ashamed to cry.

Do bawdy limericks count?

Learn enough about pickup artistry to know when some dude is trying it on you

Poqueliche tells men to shun any woman who

calls you out for escalating, not by playfully delaying it but putting it in words in the “I know what you are doing” way.

Alternately, you could simply work “player” or “pickup artist” or “you’re one of those creepy jackasses who reads Roosh, aren’t you” into your conversation, as that is also a sign to them that YOU KNOW.

Show your bellybutton

As Poqueliche sees it, this is a big slutty tell, and “generally the mark of an especially childish and irresponsible girl.”

Weirdly, RoK’s graphics-master chose to illustrate Poqueliche’s discussion of this important topic with a picture of a woman baring her belly in such a way that … her bellybutton is not actually visible.

Which raises the question: Do RoK readers actually know what a bellybutton is? Is it possible that Roosh and his readership come from some far-away planet where they reproduce by, I dunno, laying eggs, or cell division, or publishing crappy eBooks?

Be older than 25

RoK readers regularly express deep disdain towards women who make it past the quarter-century mark without snagging a man, declaring them unfit for serious relationships. So you’ve got that going for you.

Unfortunately Roosh and his fanboys are still totally willing to “bang” spinsters in their late 20s and up. Sorry old gals! While they don’t want to marry you, Roosh’s fanboys will still pester you for sex, especially since, as Poqueliche sees it, you decrepit old hags are basically easy pickings with

usually a higher notch count and some kind of a despair for a cock that comes with a prospect of relationship.

Henri here feels a similar despair, though in his case he hungers not for sex but for tuna fish

Oh, wait, is that a can opening?
Oh, wait, is that a can opening?

Cut your hair short

If you’re unable to ward off Roosh’s fanboys using any of the tips above, you can always CUT YOUR HAIR, something so terrifying for Poqueliche that it conjures up images of French villagers shaving the heads of women suspected of being Nazi collaborators in the aftermath of D-day.

No, really. You can practically hear him shudder as he asks

Why would a man want to have sex with something that looks like an underfed woman that got sheared just after the locals found out she slept with the occupying army?

Short hair: apparently the most effective form of creep-repellent after pepper spray.

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8 years ago

If you’re a MGTOW, why are you worrying about what other people say about MGTOW? Isn’t the point that you *don’t* give a shit?

8 years ago

Now your changing the definition of words, you must be really upset to do that. What you speak of is choice and preference, I thought you people would understand that being feminists.

8 years ago

I don’t care what you say about us, but you women seem to care about a mgtow not helping an independent women.

8 years ago

Well, yes, we do care, because you should help people out when you see they’re in danger.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

jake is once again proving that MGTOWs spend 100% of their time whining about women.

8 years ago

Because Jake and any Manospherians who might be lurking are going to completely misread Scildfreja’s message above, let me spell it out.

If you would help men as a general rule, but would not help women as a general rule, because they’re women, then you’re a misogynist.

If you would not help a particular woman because as a specific individual, she is terrible, then you’re not a misogynist for that reason. Though you could still potentially be one for other reasons, including having completely wrongheaded ideas about what makes a woman to be a terrible person.

Same is true in reverse: If you would help women as a general rule, but would not do the same for men, then you’re a misandrist. Blah blah blah terrible individuals blah. Note that it’s possible for men to be misandrists and women to be misogynists, it’s just less common due to requiring self-hatred on top of other-hatred.

Edit: Jake appears to have already responded while I was writing, and like I thought, did completely misread it.

8 years ago

This place is really one flew over the coo coo’s nest, now anything a man does that doesn’t involve women means he hates women. I don’t have to hate you to not help you.

8 years ago

@Jake, I read your previous messages in the thread now, and can reply more fully (though perhaps I should wait for coffee to be done… )

Here’s the thing, Jake.

Male, female, MGTOW, feminist, whatever – this isn’t about that. This is about being human. You can go your own way, you can do your own thing, and that’s great. More power to you. That’s not the problem.

The problem is that you feel justified in standing by and doing nothing while another human being is being beaten.

Your philosophy has twisted your sense of right and wrong to the point where you feel justified in watching aloof while someone else bleeds and suffers. This is wrong, no matter your opinion on feminists, feminism, masculinity, or going-your-own-way-ity. It is categorically wrong, and a demonstration of a lack of empathy.

Your hate is taking you down a dark road. Please, find another path.

8 years ago

Thank you, Snowberry! You are far more precise than I was. I am running on like three hours of sleep due to a marathon board game night with friends last night, so I’m sort of tired. We were playing this game called Eclipse

comment image

which I had never played before! I had a nice little comfy dominion of blue space anteaters that scienced its way to second place!

8 years ago

I didn’t watch I went my own way, I was on a darker path when I was trying to date women unsuccessfully and was thinking about doing some dangerous things. Then I found mgtow and it showed me a different way, you should thank mgtow I could be alot worse.

8 years ago


Threatening with the “dangerous things” you might do without your misogyny does nothing by make you look infantile.

If you’re happy to walk by one person brutalizing another, regardless of gender, you’re still doing awful things.

“Finding MGTOW”, or any other philosophy, does not change the person you are. Your new philosophy hasn’t changed you, it’s only given you an excuse to behave the way you want to. It’s just given a structure to the hate.

8 years ago

This sassy lady pretty much addresses the MGTOWs that never go.

8 years ago

@Sclidfreja On the lack of empathy you can blame my mom, all she did was beat me and call me names. Some of you sound like her, so I guess that was another win for the feminists lol.

8 years ago

I didn’t watch I went my own way, I was on a darker path when I was trying to date women unsuccessfully and was thinking about doing some dangerous things. Then I found mgtow and it showed me a different way, you should thank mgtow I could be alot worse.

1) Don’t split hairs. The point is you didn’t help when another human being was in trouble. And by your own words you did it because she was a woman and you’re unhappy with women in general.
2) The next part really doesn’t help you convince us you’re not a misogynist. Like Schildfreja said, it’s not that your dark attitudes have changed, you just found a different way of expressing them. The root is still the same, is it not? Let me take a guess – you got the idea that women are supposed to behave a certain way towards you and when you realised that reality says different, you chose to harbour resentment against half the population instead of evaluating why your original beliefs were wrong in the first place.

8 years ago


No. You will find here nothing but sympathy and support for the abuse you suffered as a child. Many of the regular commenters here suffered under abusive parents too. She was terrible for what she did, and you deserve every chance to heal and recover from that.

But, as unjust as it was, you are now your own person, and you can’t blame your current behaviours on what she did to you. You walked past the violence and did nothing. You deserve scorn for that. You are responsible for that, not her.

It’s your burden to be better – just like it’s all of our burdens to make ourselves better. Ideally that’s supposed to be even the motto of the MGTOW – self-improvement. Are you willing to take up that mantle, and work towards being a more moral, more just, better person? You don’t have to do it alone, but you can’t put it on anyone else, either. It’s all you.

8 years ago

I don’t care what you say about us, but you women seem to care about a mgtow not helping an independent women.

Firstly, not everyone who posts here is a woman. Indeed, the creator and sole author of the blog is a man.

Secondly, if you’re describing an actual situation as opposed to one that you’ve just invented for rhetorical purposes, then it’s you who should have this on your conscience. If I had the opportunity to prevent someone being beaten up or worse, I can’t imagine refusing to do it because of some bullshit ideology. I seriously doubt that any of the posters here can. And why? Because we’re decent human beings.

And nobody’s “hating on MGTOWs” – we’re mocking them. Specifically, we’re mocking the way that they constantly bang on about going their own way but never actually do so. Or the fact that despite ostensibly cutting women out of their lives, 90% of their online chatter (and I daresay a fair chunk of the offline version as well) is about women. If for whatever reason you don’t wish to interact with women, go right ahead – but don’t tie yourself in absurdly hypocritical knots in the process.

8 years ago

Uuuh, Jake? What women have been telling you to “go your own way,” exactly? I know for a fact it wasn’t all women, because I’m a woman, and I don’t remember telling you that.

8 years ago

Indifference means im expressing my hate now, look I could go into how I was treated all my life by women but it’s always the mans fault even for my mom abusing me (that’s exactly what my therapist told me and guess what gender she was?) I never had help so i’ll tell you this ” depending on help is a heavt burden I can not help you”.

8 years ago

It’s your burden to be better – just like it’s all of our burdens to makeourselves better. Ideally that’s supposed to be even the motto of the MGTOW – self-improvement. Are you willing to take up that mantle, and work towards being a more moral, more just, better person?

I don’t like putting words in opponents’ mouths but…A tenner says he’ll respond to this with some form of “well I WOULD be a more moral person if it wasn’t for wimmin! They ruined me and now I see that being a good person is for beta cucks.”

8 years ago


Really? Your therapist told you your mum’s abuse was your fault?

8 years ago

@Sunnysombrera Yes that’s exactly what she told me I have no reason to lie and I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be indifferent to women, that’s why when I stand I stand alone, when I walk I walk alone you all have a nice day.

8 years ago

Yes that’s exactly what she told me I have no reason to lie and I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be indifferently, that’s why when I stand I stand alone, when I walk I walk alone you all have a nice day.

Unless there are some crucial details that you’re not telling us, I seriously doubt that your therapist said any such thing.

8 years ago

@jake: Even granting your story is true, you are responsible for deciding that every woman is responsible for what two women did. Instead of choosing to be a better person, you are making the choice to be every bit as bad as the people who hurt you. That’s awful, and completely irrational.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

jake is just spamming MRA fantasy memes about evil women now. Yawn.

8 years ago

@wetherby Thanks for proving my point that arent believed and are blamed for everything, as we know women can do no wrong and that’s why I avoid them. I know it makes you feel better that I woke up and just started hating women

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