antifeminism evil short-haired women hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Gals! Drive away creepy dudes with dirty socks, condoms, and the Pixie Cut of Doom

Hideous lady monster, totally Would Not Bang
Hideous lady monster, totally Would Not Bang

Famously lady hating garbage site Return of Kings has published another one of their helpful posts outlining simple ways that women can drive away the sort of guy who takes dating advice from, well, Return of Kings.

In the post, titled “30 Signs That An Eastern European Girl Isn’t Relationship Material,” regular RoK contributor Jean-Batave Poqueliche provides a handy guide to all sorts of things that RoK Red Pillers see as red flags.

I’ve adapted some of my favorites into my own list of 8 Ways Eastern European Women Can Send Roosh Fanboys Running for the Door. Happily, many of these suggestions should also work for non-Eastern European women as well.

Throw your clothes (and possibly your birth control) on the floor

Poqueliche warns his readers to avoid women who are messy.

If you go to hers and … you discover that she has clothes on the floor and everything is out of place, beware. She is careless and has probably the same behavior towards sex and protection.

Let’s just set aside the irony of seeing this statement on a site run by Roosh V, who, by his own admission, had unprotected sex with multiple women over the course of several years even though he thought there was a good chance he had HIV.

The good news here is that women can scare off a Roosh fanboy by simply throwing some dirty socks on the floor.

Buy a few condoms

Apparently Roosh and his fanboys are more terrified by women who are so loose that they own their own condoms than they are of having sex with a woman they barely know without condoms.

Have friends from other countries

This, according to Poqueliche, is a sign that a women “likes foreign culture, ergo she is partial to a foreign knob that is not designed to be static.”

Wait, penises can generate static electricity? I should have probably read the manual a little more carefully.

Tell your date you prefer poetry to firearms

Poqueliche warns men not to date any woman who’s

repulsed by the idea of violence, manliness, or weapons.

She does not understand that a man could fight for his family, enjoy masculine hobbies or knows how to shoot. She wants a progressive man that reads poetry and is not ashamed to cry.

Do bawdy limericks count?

Learn enough about pickup artistry to know when some dude is trying it on you

Poqueliche tells men to shun any woman who

calls you out for escalating, not by playfully delaying it but putting it in words in the “I know what you are doing” way.

Alternately, you could simply work “player” or “pickup artist” or “you’re one of those creepy jackasses who reads Roosh, aren’t you” into your conversation, as that is also a sign to them that YOU KNOW.

Show your bellybutton

As Poqueliche sees it, this is a big slutty tell, and “generally the mark of an especially childish and irresponsible girl.”

Weirdly, RoK’s graphics-master chose to illustrate Poqueliche’s discussion of this important topic with a picture of a woman baring her belly in such a way that … her bellybutton is not actually visible.

Which raises the question: Do RoK readers actually know what a bellybutton is? Is it possible that Roosh and his readership come from some far-away planet where they reproduce by, I dunno, laying eggs, or cell division, or publishing crappy eBooks?

Be older than 25

RoK readers regularly express deep disdain towards women who make it past the quarter-century mark without snagging a man, declaring them unfit for serious relationships. So you’ve got that going for you.

Unfortunately Roosh and his fanboys are still totally willing to “bang” spinsters in their late 20s and up. Sorry old gals! While they don’t want to marry you, Roosh’s fanboys will still pester you for sex, especially since, as Poqueliche sees it, you decrepit old hags are basically easy pickings with

usually a higher notch count and some kind of a despair for a cock that comes with a prospect of relationship.

Henri here feels a similar despair, though in his case he hungers not for sex but for tuna fish

Oh, wait, is that a can opening?
Oh, wait, is that a can opening?

Cut your hair short

If you’re unable to ward off Roosh’s fanboys using any of the tips above, you can always CUT YOUR HAIR, something so terrifying for Poqueliche that it conjures up images of French villagers shaving the heads of women suspected of being Nazi collaborators in the aftermath of D-day.

No, really. You can practically hear him shudder as he asks

Why would a man want to have sex with something that looks like an underfed woman that got sheared just after the locals found out she slept with the occupying army?

Short hair: apparently the most effective form of creep-repellent after pepper spray.

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8 years ago

But I like having long hair! I just hope that my tattoos, pierced belly button which I like to show off, and love of things like music theory will scare these guys off. I also bring condoms with me to dates and when I go on vacation. If nothing else, I have an enormous vocabulary and a predilection towards accurate wording that should scare most of these guys off. On the other hand, I may be in a good position to pick up the cute guy who works at my gym…

8 years ago

So if one of them uses the bathroom trick and sees that womans place was a bit messy (maybe due to the unannounced “visit”) he will go away and not rape her? So many woman could have been saved by the power of laziness!

8 years ago

(Of course I won’t really do anything. Not without your permission…. Or even with your permission…. I’m kinda hopeless when it comes to romance. )

8 years ago

Between this and Paulie’s “advice” re: Asian women, yay! Pretty soon women all over the world will be left alone by these buffoons! Dirty socks and strategically scattered condoms for everyone!!!

8 years ago

Yay! I just cut my hair super short for summer! Begone, ye vilesome man-carpling there is nothing for you here.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

It’s a sad day for the manosphere. First Asian women are tainted by the evils of human feeeemaleness and now Eastern European are too!?

Seriously, though. I fail to see the connection between throwing clothes on the floor and use of protection. I always keep a lot of my clothes on the floor and have also always been very diligent about condom use. I encourage RoK readers to avoid me anyways. You can never be too careful!

8 years ago

“Have friends from other countries

This, according to Poqueliche, is a sign that a women “likes foreign culture, ergo she is partial to a foreign knob that is not designed to be static.”

Thanks to my private school education…most of my friends are from other countries 😀

And just for good measure…
I also have a sock on the floor.

8 years ago


– Clothes on the floor… *takes sock from hamper and drops it on floor* Check.

– Condoms…I’d wear a condom lei if it works.

– Friends from other countries…does Canada count?

– Preference…yes, I am repulsed by violence. Check.

– PUA knowledge…I know what negging is. Check.

– Bellybutton…

– Older than 25… YES!! 27! Check!

– Short hair…I like my hair long, but it is tempting. Maybe a fake tattoo will suffice.

Mathieu Tremblay
Mathieu Tremblay
8 years ago

I once saw some meme that read “elbows too pointy, wouldn’t f**k” and I thought to myself that nobody could be that picky.

The more I read this blog, the more I wonder if it was a reference to the manosphere. Seriously, if hair length or owning condoms or being order than 25 are supposed to be HUGE TURNOFFS, no wonder these guys keep complaining they can’t get dates. (Of course, the fact that they’re insufferable douchebros has a lot more to do with it, but it’s not like they’re that self-aware.)

Mike Hisandry
Mike Hisandry
8 years ago

…partial to a foreign knob that is not designed to be static.

It creeps me out how much these guys refer to people (especially men) as their presumed genitals. A man isn’t a person, he’s a knob, or a cock. Anything else is secondary: “cock with a relationship,” “cock with a wallet,” etc. What a shitty way to see things.

8 years ago

I’ve been following this site for a while and pity the owner: to have to wade through a small stinking pile of misogynistic nonsense every day must take its toll.

me and not you
me and not you
8 years ago

Here’s the thing. I have really REALLY long hair. Because I’m, like, super lazy. And men love it. (Until they have to live with me. I have two cats. I outproduce them in terms of hair debris. )

So, as a commie pinko feminist does that mean, I’m, like, undercover or something? I reel them in with my skirts and long hair and them BLAMMO gender equality guerrilla attacks?

8 years ago

Why would a man want to have sex with something that looks like an underfed woman that got sheared just after the locals found out she slept with the occupying army?

You mean the women who were raped by Nazis or who’s husbands were prisoners of war, so they became prostitutes so their children wouldn’t starve because their own country wouldn’t or couldn’t provide for them? Or the single women living alone who were forced to take Nazi soldiers in – by the Nazis – who were almost entirely targeted as a whole by their own country? Yeah. There’s a lot of information out there about this – and about how it was also used to ‘get back’ at women who wouldn’t sleep with a particular resistance officer, or how young men who’d joined the resistance at the last point were the people who did it the most to draw attention away from their own activities.

To quote: “In France, another wave of head-shaving took place in the late spring of 1945 when forced labourers, prisoners of war and concentration camp victims returned from Germany. Revenge on women represented a form of expiation for the frustrations and sense of impotence among males humiliated by their country’s occupation. One could almost say that it was the equivalent of rape by the victor.”

For some reason, THAT comment above is so blind and disgusting it just really upsets me.

8 years ago

guh. this garbage makes me ashamed to admit that I do tend to find women with long hair more attractive… though two of the women I was most interested in having a relationship with I the past had quite short hair…

8 years ago

repulsed by the idea of violence, manliness, or weapons.

The objection is not to gun ownership, I grew up in the country after all; the objection is to violent assholes.

And clearly this guy has never heard of Al Purdy if he thinks poetry is for wimps.

8 years ago

“takes a careless behaviour towards protection” – and not a paragraph later, “ditch her if she has condoms”! The lack of awareness of these people is unbelievable. Something about this article more than most recently made me want to speak up and say thanks for wading through this malebolge of filth and coming up with funny things to say about it.

8 years ago

“…she is partial to a foreign knob that is not designed to be static.”

Most women prefer the knob not to be static, although the types of movement they prefer is different.

dam of lances
8 years ago

I think I’m safe even with long hair, mainly because if my hair is short, whatever sticks out of my helmet gets really afu after a day on the bike behind my alpha male mate of 30 years, who is perfectly okay with me handling all the household finances. I know, terrible run-on sentence, sorry. Also, waaay over 25, kind of a lousy housekeeper but excellent cook. Beating them at chess also drives them off.

8 years ago

I have my hair sheared short on the sides and long (hip-length) on top, so I exist in a quantum state of simultaneous butch and femme. No doubt I confuse the hell out of misogynists. ^_^

Fortunately, the fact that I am both chubby and old makes me pretty invisible. Oh! And tattoos! And untidiness! And a bunch of other checklist items! Woohoo!

8 years ago

This, according to Poqueliche, is a sign that a women “likes foreign culture, ergo she is partial to a foreign knob that is not designed to be static.”

Wait, penises can generate static electricity? I should have probably read the manual a little more carefully.

Isn’t this post for the RoK guys who go to eastern Europe in hopes of snagging a feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeeemale not tainted by feminism? Wouldn’t they be counting on the women liking foreign guys?

Lavender Lady
Lavender Lady
8 years ago

Man, this is making me want to cut my hair short again just to spite this guy with my evil commie feminist lesbianism.

dam of lances
8 years ago

Hi, everyone. Been lurking for several months at work (where I’m not comfortable commenting). This strikes me as a friendly community with a sense of humor. Hoping I’ll fit in.

8 years ago

Never underestimate narcissism.

dam of lances
8 years ago

@ NiOg
Oh yes, old and chubby really weeds out a lot of a** holes!

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Man, this is making me want to cut my hair short again just to spite this guy with my evil commie feminist lesbianism.

Heh I was thinking the same, as a fellow commie feminist lesbian!

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