antifeminism entitled babies memes misogyny MRA that's completely wrong wage gap

MRA memelogic: Women can’t complain about the wage gap if anyone earns less than them

One kind of inequality means other kinds of inequality don't count
MRA STEM logic in action, from the A Voice for Men Facebook page

Men’s Rights activists like to pretend that the wage gap between men and women is imaginary (it’s not), except when they can use it as an excuse to attack women.

Or, as in the case with the A Voice for Men meme above, a particular woman.

MRAs have had a hate-boner for Emma Watson ever since she helped the United Nations launch its global HeForShe campaign. Now they hate her even more for pointing out the actual true fact that male actors get paid more than their female counterparts for similar roles.

But the folks running A Voice for Men’s meme machine apparently don’t think any woman should be allowed to complain about the gender wage gap unless they are quite literally the poorest woman in the world.

I mean, if Emma Watson can’t complain about the gender wage gap because “the woman who puts her make up on” earns less than she does, her makeup artist can’t complain about the gender wage gap because she makes more than the nanny who takes care of her kids while she’s putting makeup on Emma Watson. (The median pay for Hollywood makeup artists, as of 2011, was about $88,000 a year; nannies earn considerably less than that.)

But, hey, the McDonald’s employee who takes the nanny’s order at the drive through makes less than the nanny, so the nanny can’t complain about a gender wage gap either.

It’s lower-paid-women-turtles all the way down.

The fact that some women earn more than some other women does not mean there is no gender wage gap. Nor does the fact that some women earn more than some men mean that men are the ones who are truly oppressed, an argument that former AVFM managing editor Dean Esmay actually tried to make during an ill-fated television appearance a couple of years ago.

The existence of one form of inequality (or oppression) does not mean that other forms of inequality (or oppression) don’t count. It just makes things more complicated. If MRAs were actually interested in anything beyond cheap rhetorical “gotchas” (that generally collapse the moment they meet the real world) they would know this. But they aren’t, so they don’t.

Brilliant work, MRA meme-makers! You have truly mastered the art of the self-own.

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8 years ago

When we say “equal pay” we don’t mean everyone should make the same salary, memebro.

8 years ago

The other day I overheard two male coworkers talking. I didn’t hear the whole conversation, but one of them said, “…the women are asking for equal pay!” while laughing and the other laughed in response. I have no idea what the context was, but I had to leave my desk to cool down a bit because I can’t think of a context where that’s funny.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Are they being purposely obtuse at this point or are they that clueless about what the wage gap is?

8 years ago


Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Alright, then they can’t complain about paying child support if there’s someone who pays more for child support than they do.

They can’t complain about supporting women by offering to buy them drinks if someone buys more drinks and pays more money to support women.

They can’t complain about the draft when there are still child soldiers.

They can’t complain about “false rape accusations” when more people get falsely accused of murder or theft.

See? I can play this bullshit Oppression Olympics game too.

8 years ago

MRAs are just the creamiest sometimes; the gotchas are a pain in the ass.

You reckon there’ll be another further reading article on wage gap issues like you did long ago? There’s social research aplenty

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Is this meme maker saying that everyone should have the same amount of wealth? Because that’s pretty much the exact opposite ideal of the objectivism that MRAs tend to gravitate towards.

8 years ago

actual possible problem with Watson, though: I saw people on Twitter saying she’s named in the Panama Papers as someone hiding her money in tax havens. this, if true, is quite troubling from someone who was supposed to be one of the “good ones.”

does anyone know more?

8 years ago

Shorter AVFMorons: “You’re not REALLY oppressed, and we’re gonna beat you senseless with stupid memes until you ARE!”

Don’t anyone explain capitalism to these tools. They would only claim WE invented it.

D. D. Webb
8 years ago

Being named in the Panama Papers is proof of nothing. She clearly has enough wealth to have money in offshore accounts; that is a problem only if it’s hidden wealth. At this point I don’t know of any information detailing whether Watson was actually trying to evade taxes or just diversify her holdings the way the money manager for an extremely rich artist will naturally direct her to do.

I will be quite disappointed if it turns out she was up to something. I thought she was one of the good ones, too. But keep in mind it’s way too early to start deciding she’s not.

8 years ago

Hey dude, I’m down with universal basic income if you are.

8 years ago

@D.D Webb
I haven’t decided anything. that’s why I qualified my post with words like “possible” and “if true.”
at this point I literally know nothing more than some people I follow on Twitter were talking about it.

8 years ago

I just want to note that right now I have a tomcat crying like a MRA because I had to take Carisma out of Kitty Loveshack, because said tomcat was blocking her access to food and water and wasn’t letting her properly rest between kitty hankypanky. (Considering that we’ve been getting high temperature spikes, blocking access to water is not a good thing.)

65 to 67 days ’till kittens. (Hopefully so.)

8 years ago


8 years ago

Same logic as:

“Scientists declare that global warming is a serious environmental problem but right now it’s cold, so checkmate!”

Also, if MRAs actually had STEM knowledge instead of assuming they ‘naturally’ possess it, they would know better than to create these embarrassing blunders.

8 years ago

Totally! My kitties misander under my misandrist command like misandry is going out of fashion!

Fortunately he has shut up for now and is apparently getting some sleep. So are Carisma and Didi.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

If rich, famous, powerful people aren’t allowed to point out inequality and injustice because HYPOCRITE!, then nothing will ever get accomp–

Oh. I see how this works.

8 years ago

They also shouldn’t talk about homeless men if they aren’t homeless themselves, or about male suicide if they’ve never been suicidal.

Their reasoning is so ridiculous, I wonder if they honestly think anyone will fall for it.

8 years ago

I simply do not get what’s so hard to understand about the phrase and concept “equal pay for equal work.”

actor = actor
make-up artist = make-up artist

actor =/= make-up artist

epitome of incomprehensibility

Also note the gender stereotyping of jobs there. It’s not like every make-up artist is a woman.

8 years ago

Dudes love to flip the wage gap discussion to be about what women are worth and especially how they’re overvalued and make too much money.

Sascha Vykos
Sascha Vykos
8 years ago


Is this meme maker saying that everyone should have the same amount of wealth? Because that’s pretty much the exact opposite ideal of the objectivism that MRAs tend to gravitate towards.

It’s MRA math:
actor ~= make-up artist ~= all the dumb “make-work” that women do that no one should pay for or care about ever (that isn’t prostitution).

He probably thinks they are lucky to get paid at all.

8 years ago

Yeah, y’all tell her! That’ll learn her to… something, I suppose? Naw, don’t worry about it guys. Totally nailed it. Slap on a weird pic of Ms Watson and your ‘are we the baddies’ logo. The matriarchy is shaking in its boots now
comment image

Re: Panama
A millionaire using offshore accounts is like a politician flip flopping. I don’t approve, but it’s gonna take more than just that for me to dislike you. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game, and suchforth
She claims it wasn’t a tax thing. She bought a house thru the company in question due to privacy concerns. Make of that what you will…

8 years ago

Yeah I just think that’s just bad on principle and billions upon billions of dollars robbed from the US government and the people. Seriously anyone who tells me that we can’t afford anything, I can just point to all dat monies and say “I think we could, quite easily in fact.”

Apparently for their satire of feminism it again PR’s away their actions, because again they like the dichotomy of being in power but also to be powerless.