Fellas! I don’t know if you know this, but we’re living in an, um, let me be sure I have this right, a “totalitarian regime dictatorship of forcing social justice and politically correctness.”
That might seem a little bit farfetched, at least to you blue pill people. But I read about this dire new development in the Kotaku In Action subreddit — where Reddit’s GamerGaters mostly hang out — so it must be true.
The post linked to INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF of this terrible SJW totalitarian regime dictatorship: a picture of some dude holding up a parody of a “I need feminism because … ” sign designed to show just what mean, mean meanies those feminists really are.

I’m pretty sure that every red-blooded heterosexual man knows just what he’s getting at here!
I mean, if some hot babe walks by me, and I, as a thoughtful and considerate man, offer her a nice compliment on her appearance by, say, yelling out “hey, titty girl, show me your titties” while making kissy sounds with my mouth, the feminists are all like, “why the hell did you do that, what’s wrong with you, you living piece of crap.”
You see how they get you with the guilt?
BUT, ok, so some other babe walks by, and maybe she’s not really my type, and I think to myself, well, I’m not going to make the mistake of complimenting her on her titties and get yelled at, especially since her titties are nothing to write home about.
But, you know, I don’t want to be rude and simply ignore her, so I yell out “woah, what’s wrong with your saggy-ass titties, you should get a doctor to look at those cuz I sure don’t want to!”
And so maybe I’ve just saved her life from the breast cancer. But do I get any thanks for it? No.
NOTE: This post contains
Now I’m reminded from the sloth and the mammoth from Ice Age:
“You have beautiful eyes”
“get off my face”
Can you expand on that for me? From my perspective it seems to be an example of psychological projection. They feel entitled to give sexually objectifying comments, and they accuse others of acting entitled which moves the attention to entitlement off of their own.
Thank you for this, David, it’s masterful. Also, lmao.
(I wrote a big thing about this and the internets ate it, so I’m afraid I’ll be more brief! Also the toddlords just arrived, and they need tickles.)
It’s more a neurological thing, or a matter of how it’s described. Projection isn’t about someone easing psychological tension or dissonance by blaming others for the things they’re guilty of. It’s just that, if you think about a thing frequently, that thing will be the first thing to come to mind when searching for a reason to explain an observed behaviour. No easing or dissonance required. If you’re worried about heart attacks all the time, you’ll think “heart attack” when you see someone clutching their chest. Taht’s all.
I am a woman primarily attracted to other women and I have managed to go my WHOLE LIFE without yelling ‘compliments’ at women in the street.
What is really fucking obvious is that a lot of the ‘compliments’ – verbal and physical – are actually intimidatory tactics – men are much more likely to do it with their mates present, or tanked up on alcohol. It is clearly a display that is primarily for other men.
What is interesting is that now that I am old and grey I get very little attention from men (compared to what it was like when I was young), but what I do get IS OK! Respectful – no demeaning comments about my body etc. When I was young it was very very rarely respectful.
Scildfreja: Good to know. So what would be an appropriate term for claiming someone else has an unflattering trait that you’re obviously secretly worried that you have?
Trying to understand this as well. This quote
The ‘it’ at the beginning, does this describe projection or not-projection? I am guessing the former but it is unclear to me from the context.
@Katz, I don’t know! I’m not really objecting to the term’s use, I just don’t know if it’s really a thing, at least as how it seems to be used in conversation. Projection is a fine enough term since it’s what people understand in general discussion, it just doesn’t seem to imply the involuntary-reflex part of the process to me, I guess? I certainly wouldn’t suggest the use of any neurological language; that would just distract from the argument.
@pitshade, the “it” at the beginning refers to the process of projection. Projection happens when the projector doesn’t have the self-awareness to realize that they’re inappropriately applying a pre-existing decision frame to a situation. Fundamental attribution bias applies here as well.
I’m sorry for explaining myself poorly! I’m not really sure why the term bugs me. I do know that i see it used an awful lot, and usually as a means to shut down a line of argument in someone else. When someone makes an emotional evaluation of another (e.g. projection), they’re saying much more about themselves and their values than they are about the other person/people, so I’ve always thought it better to dig into that than just say the whole thing’s invalid because of projection.
Maybe that’s what bothers me – it’s not how I prefer to address that sort of thing. Maybe I’m projecting 😮
No need to apologize. The parenthetical threw me off, but my understanding was ultimately correct.
You seem to be saying that projection is the act (Wikipedia characterizes it as a defensive mechanism) of subconsciously pushing one’s own perceived flaws onto another so as to avoid having to take responsibility for them. Thus the ‘selfish’ memes wouldn’t count because the ones making them don’t actually consider themselves to be selfish, due to feelings of entitlement – they ‘deserve’ something and aren’t receiving it so the other party is selfish for not living up to the presumed social contract.
Hope that makes sense.
Sort of! Not quite, though. It’s not an act, or a defensive mechanism – it is a natural outcome of how the brain works. We all do it. If you’re exposed to idea X over a long period of time, where situations {a, b, c} imply X, then if you encounter situation d which has some of the same characteristics as a, b, or c, you will naturally and reflexively assume X.
So, if you worry about being selfish, worry about the situations in which you have been selfish, and recognize the features of those situations, then see someone else’s behaviour holding the same features, you’re going to assume that they’re being selfish. This will happen well outside of having actual evidence for selfishness. It’s just due to the fact that the “selfishness” structures in the brain (which is a poor term for it, but there you go) are relatively robust and easily activated, so they will have a stronger influence on decision making.
Does that make it more clear? That’s sort of my issue with it, really – we all do it, and it’s a natural implication of how we make predictions about the world.
That makes sense – frequently experienced patterns are more often selected when searching for a cause.
Yes, that! And in a single sentence. I need to work on my thing-explaining!