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Red Pillers blame “feminist floozies” for Muslim “invasion,” having sex with other guys

Ingrid Carlqvist: Not reactionary enought for Red Pillers, because woman
Ingrid Carlqvist: Not reactionary enought for Red Pillers, because woman

A couple of days ago, our old friend Stefan Molyneux– the garrulous, absurdly misogynistic YouTube philosopher king — chatted for an hour with Ingrid Carlqvist, a Swedish, er, journalist who has found many fans in the alt-right for her hateful attacks on Muslim refugees.

But it turns out that the reactionary Carlqvist — the author of such thoughtful works of journalism as “Sweden: Death by Immigration” and “Sweden: It Is Considered Racism Only If the Victims Are Not White” — isn’t reactionary enough for the fellas in the Red Pill subreddit.

Why? Because they’ve convinced themselves that the fervid anti-feminist Carlqvist is actually a feminist, or at least so tainted by the feminist beliefs they assume she held in the past that no amount of yelling about feminists can save her.

Also, they’re mad that as a teenager in the 1970s she went home with guys and had sex with them. Even worse, she sometimes went home with guys and then … refused to have sex with them!

The gracious gentleman who calls himself worldnewsrager set out the case against Carlqvist in an interminably long posting to The Red Pill subreddit, largely based on a comment she made some 45 minutes into her interview with Molyneux.

As the two discussed what could be done to “save” Sweden from the eeeeevil Muslim invasion, Molyneux evidently suggested that a lot of men “have been so beaten upon by feminism for so long, I think, at this point, many view it almost like saving their enemies from the consequences of their enemies’ own misconceptions and hostilities.”

Worldnewsrager noted that this was a sentiment he agreed with, adding that he “wouldn’t piss on a SJW to put them out.”

But Carlqvist disagreed. “Her response to Stefan’s argument was staggering,” worldnewsrager reports. She urged the men of Europe — or at least the non-Muslim ones — to “save Europe.”

“And when you do,” she said,

you will also crush feminism! And the women, they will be soooooooo sooooo thankful and grateful for saving europe. for saving their opportunities of being women, and being equal, but not being feminists. And they won’t be feminists anymore. … You gotta save Europe for us, and leave the feminists to me.. I will deal with them.

It was at this point, evidently, that the steam began to erupt from worldnewsrager’s ears.

I had to stop the tape there. I mean WHAT!? …  This f**king lifelong feminist has come to realize how deeply and how irrevocably the philosophy she believed in and perpetuated has F**KED UP an entire continent, and the only thing this “strong, independent don’t need no man, free-lover” does is DEMAND men fix it. DEMANDS.

“Free-lover?” you ask. Earlier in the interview, you see, Carlqvist shared

stories from the mid-70’s of being a young free-lover and stringing various dudes along, and then denying them sex at the last minute and them ‘being okay with it.’ She actually referred to that ‘era’ as ‘really, the golden age.’ The golden age of Cultural-Marxism I’m sure. So, as far as i can tell, she was fully on-board with the whole “New Society” ideology until only the last few years. 

And now she wants men to clean up the mess she made by HAVING (or not having) SEX WITH SOME DUDES IN THE 1970s?

Now, this likely childless, husbandless, waste of good white skin

Yes, he really did just call her a “waste of good white skin.”

Now, this likely childless, husbandless, waste of good white skin actually, like tries to shame men into what? Getting themselves killed doing what can only be assumed to be deporting the suspected million muslim immigrants. or overthrowing the government. And for what? So she is protected from the consequences of her life-choices, that she only now, once it’s hitting her in the face, realizes might have been in err?

So much for equality, strength and independence, right? When the metal meets the meat, these Western ‘feminists’ abandon their principles as fast as they adopted them. And demand that another generation of men throw themselves in the grinder on their behalf.

Naturally, the men of the Red Pill subreddit responded to worldnewsrager’s lovely post by giving it many hundreds of upvotes. And in the comments they set forth their own, equally thoughtful, analyses of the Swedish Problem, and how terrible women like Carlqvist caused it with their free-loving feminism.

The always sensible GayLubeOil won himself a few upvotes for this small outpouring of wisdom, which came complete with a lovely racist metaphor for rape:

I feel like women have an almost Biological need to cause problems for men. The more problems they cause the more opportunities they have for assessing men’s problem solving skills. …

The problem is that feminism has made women not worth the prize. So now women can deal with the consequences of their actions up to and including getting culturally enriched by Mohammed and friends on the streets of Stockholm.

RojoEscarlata dropped some bio-truths:

just women for you, you can’t blame them for doing exactly what we expect them to do. Running to men when sh*t hits the fan is literally one of their evolutionary instinctive impulses. 

And followed the bio-truths with some history truths:

Feminism wasn’t created by women, it’s just one of the ugly faces of the multicultural disease that is Marxism, women just happen to be always the ones to fall hardest for the equality meme, like those bonobos communist f**kers. 

Wait, what? How do communist bonobos fit into all this? Alas, he offers no explanation, and ends with:

TL;DR: women vote was a mistake

snobocracy won himself dozens of upvotes with this medical metaphor:

Feminism is literally AIDS.

These Muslims aren’t a problem to deal with. They’re superstitious, uneducated, illiterate, dependant on welfare and generally plain dumb to boot.

But our civilizational immune system, which would usually round up these criminal immigrants, has been stunted by feminists who have convinced the world that any form of masculine energy and will to protect your family and nation is evil.

aiguo888 pointed the finger of blame at a rather familiar scapegoat:

Jews are behind this and this is their desired effect. They want to destroy the caucasian race once and for all, which is what inevitably will happen when local men aren’t having kids anymore and aren’t willing to fight for their countries.

Yep, that’s right: Jews did Muslims! 

FLFTW16 managed to work the c-word into his analysis. No, not that c-word. The other one. The one that starts with “c” and ends with “uck.”

Sweden no longer belongs to the men, so it’s not even their country to save. They have been dispossessed of their ancestral lands. 

At this point the comment veers off into an Ayn Randian paean to property rights, before ending with this:

At this point I feel that Sweden ought to be forced to continue their program until they are utterly destroyed. The example of their hubris must serve as a reminder to uncucked European peoples to take better care what they advocate.

trudatness set forth a conspiracy theory so immense that, well, ok, I didn’t read the whole thing. With my glazed-over eyes, though, I did manage to spot references to globalists, well-funded feminists, academic postmodernism, and Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

And this bit, about Carlqvist:

So of course all this sh*t is miles over this feminist c**t’s head. All she cares about is being able to dress like a floozy and lead betas orbiters on for her own purposes. Only when that reality gets disrupted – her lizard brain now says FEMINISM BAD. She’s able to piece together that feminism is bringing Islamic fundamentalism to Europe and that is counter to her personal whims. She doesn’t have clue one on how to solve it … Her go to method of whining and getting thirsty SJW idiots to carry her water isn’t working. … Now she’s turning to Red Pilled men to do it. Same method, different target.

For our interests, we don’t really care if she and other women of her ilk dress like a floozies and play head games with dudes. We can handle that sh*t. Its the shattering of western society that has most of us concerned.

Well, all righty then.

Or should it be “alt-righty then?”

iLLprincipLeS was a bit more concise.

His comment was also the worst thing I’ve read on the Internet for some time, and I devote a good portion of my life to reading terrible things on the Internet. You may just want to skip it.

Ha, save yourself you f**king strong independent female!

I will piss in your mouth when you ask for some water while you are lying on the ground in the blood dripping from your own p***y that was just raped by the ones you brought in with your Refugees Welcome signs.

Perhaps even more astounding than the comment itself is this realization: iLLprincipLeS sees himself as one of the civilized ones.

When these guys go on about saving “civilization” from the “barbarians,” this is what they think is worthy of saving.

H/T —  r/TheBluePill

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8 years ago

Damnnnn when I take what you say and match it with the kind of Facebook debates I’ve been having recently, suddenly everything the trolls say start to make sense. You’ve got it nailed on the head. Except that they lose their shit if they get called fascists – what do they actually think they are?

They’re not necessarily actual fascists. IMO most just seem to be prejudiced or have regressive ideas and are borrowing fascist talking points to justify them. They don’t even know the talking points they borrow are fascist in origin.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

There are private search engines, like DuckDuckGo and Ixquick, that don’t record your IP address and browser history, and keep you out of filter bubbles. Ixquick gives you the option of viewing sites through a proxy, to further disguise yourself from advertisers. But then you lose the benefits of cookies and profiles, so…I don’t know, maybe the answer is to use different browsers depending on whether you’re shopping or surfing?

@IP Agreed, personal contact is a good way to get your name out there. It’s certainly more memorable than replying anonymously to an ad. The worst job I ever had (the infamous Mouse Poop Fortune Cookie boss) was the result of a newspaper ad. 😛 Never again.

Another insidious thing about unemployment is that it puts you out of touch with the network in your industry. Having a job is often what leads to other jobs. I got my current job when my former manager left, went to a different company, and brought me in. In our small city, there are maybe 1-2 dozen companies that employ most of the people in my field. Over the years as former co-workers shuffle around and move from job to job, I’ve built up contacts at each place, but that’s harder to do when you’ve been out of the workforce.

Another helpful resource is recruiters. They know the ins and outs of the company culture for the clients they contract with, who’s hiring, and what skills are in demand. A lot of times they can get you a temp-to-hire position at a place you’re interested in. Is there a placement service or something similar for educators in your area?

Best of luck in your search! Hope something opens up for you soon.

8 years ago

re: ads / ad blockers: I dunno.
I’ll click on ads that are relevant to my interests just so a click-through’s counted, especially if it’s on a personal or small business site.

They gotstah make they monies. /CottonHill

True, not usinf an ad blocker leaves another avenue open for malicious code, but see above.

8 years ago

But, speaking of ads, this one just showed up for me here:

*looks up*

Ugh. I spent too long looking for an “oookay” gif and missed the edit window for my above post 🙁

8 years ago

OH! OH! My favorite (read: “most bizarre”) ad that shows up for me on this site just made an appearance:

8 years ago

I’ve currently got an ad for a Peugeot 306 from a used car website, probably because my cousin is planning to sell hers and my dad must have been looking it up to check the specs. Other than that I have one that advertises getting rid of grey hairs (no idea why, no one in the family has expressed interest in hair dye), one for short breaks in Barcelona (I visited my brother in Spain in January, must be from the flight websites), one for Which English Surname Type Is Yours (*shrug*) and another for Mysterious Unexplained Photos (I like horror stories and unsolved mysteries and tend to watch such videos on YouTube).

What I don’t understand is why I don’t get more ads for music? I stream a LOT of EDM on YT, why do I never get ads for artists or bands?

@Ouraboros: Fair enough. Good point.

8 years ago

OH! OH! My favorite (read: “most bizarre”) ad that shows up for me on this site just made an appearance:

Curse whoever figured out that you can say whatever the hell you want and take no responsibility for it as long as you end it with a question mark.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I get women’s clothing ads. Hm.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I always get this ad for a site that wants you to look at pictures of child stars who aged badly. It has a picture of Anna Chlumsky in My Girl next to a very unattractive picture of someone who is really obviously not her.

8 years ago

I get a fuck-ton of PPI ads and I don’t really know why, I’ve never expressed an interest in PPI. It’s got to the point where the accompanying picture is bafflingly unrelated to the actual ad – right now there’s one of a large pizza. Pizza PIe?

8 years ago

I get the same ad as you, WWTH, as well as other ads with the same general theme – look at these women who used to be 20 but aren’t 20 anymore and also don’t look 20! Gasp horror they are so hideous, how dare they age in 30 years. I also get a ton of ads specifically about Gwen Stefani’s love life. Sometimes I wonder what’s in my web history that makes me a good target for all of this mean, misogynistic celebrity gossip.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

I got an ad for The Darkness and solar powered lights. Eh.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Mockingbird, does that ad say “The right to bras” in the bottom right corner??

I get ads for Russian and Asian dating/mail-order bride sites. Somehow I don’t thin I’m the target audience.

Getting back to the original post:

Feminism is literally AIDS.

I’ll say it again: people who misuse the word “literally” should be figuratively whupped upside the head with a flounder.

8 years ago

I get celebrity gossip, health scares, cosmetics and Danielle Steel.

8 years ago

Policy of Madness
May 10, 2016 at 6:54 pm

Wait, what? How do communist bonobos fit into all this?

I think there’s a missing comma.

Read it this way:

“Women just happen to be always the ones to fall hardest for the equality meme, like those bonobos, (mutter) communist fuckers.”

In this parse, “communist fuckers” can be read as an aside, and a succinct description of bonobo social structures.

So, how many of these dudes are Swedish? My guess would be “few to none.” Why do people always imagine that it’s okay to make political decisions for units outside their own? My parents do this all the fucking time with California, getting angry as hell because CA is making decisions that the ‘rents don’t like. I’m always having to remind them that they don’t live in California and what CA does has no impact on them. Which is exactly why they have, and should have, no say whatsoever in what CA does.

You see this a lot in conservative circles. Another example is the way all the supposedly “states’ rights” conservatives freaked when some states started legalizing gay marriage and marijuana.

There is a reason for it, of course. Specifically, on some level they actually know their prejudices cannot withstand contact with reality. So if they’ve been saying that gay marriage will be the end of the family, they cannot abide by a state that chooses to legalize gay marriage, because they know that no such destruction of Mom-Dad-Little Bobbie and Susie is going to occur.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Coming in late and now OT, but the one weird trick ads take you to a long (hour-ish) unskippable video that is kind of boring and pointless, with the promise that you’ll see the one weird trick if you watch the whole thing. Then, if you do, yes you’ll be asked for your credit card number to order the one weird trick.

It’s a rube filter. It’s designed to weed out people who are savvy to this stuff and let through only the gullible and inexperienced. By doing so, it reduces the chances that the person will kick up a stink when they realize they’ve bought something worthless and demand their money back.

The misspellings and bad grammar in the Nigerian Prince scam emails serve the same purpose. They aren’t interested in fooling you if you are difficult to fool, but they are very interested in making you ashamed to admit to the authorities that you fell for something so obvious.

8 years ago

@PoM, that makes sense, sadly. I’d always just thought of the ‘weird trick’ and ‘new rule’ stuff as quirky clickbait, not out and out scamming.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Sometimes I wonder what’s in my web history that makes me a good target for all of this mean, misogynistic celebrity gossip.

I read dlisted, so I think that’s a big part of why I get that stuff. I don’t generally have an interest in celebrity gossip, but I find dlisted funny and more of a mocking pop culture site than a celebrity news site, but obviously ad algorithms aren’t going to be able to make that distinction.

I suspect those ads actually tend to target anyone perceived as female and my dlisted reading isn’t that crucial of a factor though.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Sometimes I wonder what’s in my web history that makes me a good target for all of this mean, misogynistic celebrity gossip.

The only site I read on my phone is this one (… I might be addicted) and I still get those ads. Like I said before, I’m pretty sure it just sees the word “Women” and word-associates to sexist-ass “Those vapid wimminz only care about celebrities, right?” garbage.

8 years ago

@Ouraboros, that flowchart is missing something! What about the reverse vampires?!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

TRPers: “We want to protect women from the bad brown people! We don’t want women to be independant! Women should want men to be protectors and providers, instead of this ‘independant’ woman nonsense!”

Racist, anti-feminist white woman: “Men, we need you to protect us from the bad brown people and take down feminism in the process!”

TRPers: “What the fuck is this feminist bullshit?!?!?!?”

8 years ago

I mostly get ads for clothes or for nerdy accessories, there’s currently an ad for a spinning top like the one from Inception on this page for me. I suppose those are the kinds of things I am most likely to buy online. But I do that like once a year or something.

Then there’s the celebrity gossip/one weird trick ads that are listed in the psuedo-“related articles” section of the site, I think those ones are fairly static because I’ve gotten the same ones on multiple computers.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

I wonder if all the links lead to the same video showing one weird cinnamon trick for diabetes, mortgage refinancing, and cleaning bathroom tile. That would be much more cost effective.

8 years ago

I just get completely random, inoffensive ads about things which I have no interest in, or blank yellow boxes. I also have yet to see anything which is blatantly targeted at men or women in particular.