antifeminism evil moms men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOWs celebrate “Incubator Day” with attacks on mothers, vagina-related slurs

Happy mother's day?
Happy mother’s day?

Never let it be said that Men Going Their Own Way lack a sentimental side. Or that they’re the sort of oafish clods who forgot that today was Mother’s Day. Far from it!

Over on, one thoughtful fellow has opened a thread to honor mothers and motherhood. Well, sort of. In a thread titled “Happy Incubator Day,” the MGTOW who calls himself womanhater — you’ll see why in a second — has a message for the mothers of the world.

On this holiday of tw*t worship, I just wanted to point out to any potential tw*t lurkers who’ve excreted a f*ck trophy or five that men like me are the inevitable result of being raised by militant feminist mothers.

A lovely sentiment, and one that should be widely shared, although I suspect it would be a bit too long to fit on a greeting card.

My mother nor my sister nor the mother of my children will be getting gifts or phone calls from me today. Want your grown sons to give the slightest inkling of a f*ck about you once you’re too old and wrinkled for any attention from other men? Then you should think very carefully about whether you’re more loyal to your son or to the sisterhood – because we do not forgive or forget.

In your FACE, wrinkly old ladies!

A fellow called The Signal offers his support to womanhater, even though he personally hasn’t declared war on all the women in his life.

Dude, I’m genuinely sorry to read of your trials. My own upbringing was actually pretty ordinary and happy, but were I in shoes like yours, I’d be Fed Exing dead rodents and rusty razor blades today.

The Notorious GIT posts a YouTube video of a song called “I love watching you die,” declaring it to be the perfect “motherf**kin mood music for this motherf**kin day!”

He continues:

My mother is today, alone. Left by my father after she tried to trap him with a kid (me) and divorced by the man she succeeded in trapping with my sister. Said sister hasn’t spoken to her in years. I haven’t spoken to her in 14 years. Well, except when she found out where I worked and called, but only to tell her to go the bloody fuck ahead and try to come visit the pistol and shotgun armed combat veteran powerlifting 240 pound professional martial artist.

And if, after the inevitable violent incident, the police demand an explanation, he’ll tell them that

I teach kids here, and she has a history of violence, child abuse and substance abuse.


Notorious GIT’s notes that his mother might already be dead — he’s asked other family members not to tell him is she dies. But he prefers to imagine that she is still alive.

I like to envision her in a large empty house she’s mortgaged to the hilt to pay for, empty but for the detritus of her constant snacking and boxed wine binging. Perhaps a cat …

He imagines his mother Googling his name today

in futility over a box of tissues as I am outwardly cursed as a monster for doing this to her. But inwardly, in whatever deeply flawed logic center must be present in order that these animals may survive to post wall spinsterhood, I know she knows, and I know it must hurt, and it makes me smile a sneering, baleful smile.

Now, I don’t know the details of womanhater’s or Notorious GIT’s childhoods. They may well have been subjected to horrific abuse at the hands of their respective mothers, and however poisonous these men are today they obviously didn’t deserve whatever abuse they faced.

It’s perfectly understandable that these two men, if they did indeed face the “trials” that The Signal alludes to, would cut off all communication with their allegedly abusive mothers. And neither one owes his mother forgiveness; you’re allowed to hate those who abused you.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can be rough on those who had crappy or abusive parents. But it’s not healthy to blame an entire gender for actions of one woman.

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8 years ago

Well, except when she found out where I worked and called, but only to tell her to go the bloody fuck ahead and try to come visit the pistol and shotgun armed combat veteran powerlifting 240 pound professional martial artist.

As the child of an abusive mother myself… Dude… That’s… Wow.

8 years ago

men like me are the inevitable result of being raised by militant feminist mothers.

My son had mother that would fit their definition of militant feminist, though I never committed any act of militant violence against anyone. He and I are very close, and he is a strong, outspoken feminist. I realize – anecdotal evidence and sample size of one, but that puts me in the same boat as notorious GIT. And it might just be a black swan.

On the other hand, my mother was an ardent anti-feminist who was convinced that feminism would run the world and that feminist women were all bra-burning sluts who couldn’t get a man. She was also a lousy mother and I endured a childhood of abuse. I still never talked about her with the vileness of these men, even though I could be rather blunt when asked. And I don’t blame all of her gender (and mine) for the abuse, nor do I blame all of my father’s gender for the fact that he found ways to avoid being home so he wouldn’t have to know what was going on and dealing with it.

8 years ago

My mother is today, alone. Left by my father after she tried to trap him with a kid (me) and divorced by the man she succeeded in trapping with my sister. Said sister hasn’t spoken to her in years. I haven’t spoken to her in 14 years. Well, except when she found out where I worked and called, but only to tell her to go the bloody fuck ahead and try to come visit the pistol and shotgun armed combat veteran powerlifting 240 pound professional martial artist.

COOL STORY, BRO. I bet you’re actually all of 15 years old, 98 pounds, can’t karate chop your way out of a wet paper bag, and writing that with one hand.

And on that note, these guys make me so glad I decided never to have kids. Not even to “trap” some poor unsuspecting manchild.

8 years ago

I always told myself “surely these people can’t hate women THAT much; don’t most of these people have mothers? Parental abuse aside, who the hell hates their own mother?”

Good lord, was I wrong. Me and my mother don’t always see eye to eye, but if anyone used that language to refer to my mother, I’d be utterly, utterly beside myself.

Miss Madi Masochist
Miss Madi Masochist
8 years ago

Why am I not completely floored with shock that these guys have mommy issues? Well, as someone who has them as well, and is now a mother trying to figure out raising a child without a Maternal (or Paternal) Role-model, I can partly emphasize.

I hope they find healing and peace one day for the hardships of having an abusive parent, although hate isn’t really healing.. whatever floats their hope, as long as it’s away from me!

On a more positive note to all the mommies, and even the single daddies who pull the weight of both mom and dad on their shoulders:


8 years ago

I’m surprised that MGTOWs have the time to post about Mother’s Day at all. Isn’t the MGTOW lifestyle so full of action and adventure and spending oodles of cash oneself that MGTOWs don’t have time for anything else?

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

“On this holiday of tw*t worship, I just wanted to point out to any potential tw*t lurkers who’ve excreted a f*ck trophy or five that men like me are the inevitable result of being raised by militant feminist mothers.”

A lovely sentiment, and one that should be widely shared, although I suspect it would be a bit too long to fit on a greeting card.

True, but it would make an awesome singing telegram.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

excreted a f*ck trophy

Now, I’m not a person who likes children (I don’t feel comfortable around them and I don’t know what to do), but this is just mean. And the idea that going number 2 is the same as giving birth? Classy. I thought they couldn’t hit a new low, but they obviously could.

8 years ago

These statements? mostly just made me feel deeply, deeply sad for these men. What sad, strange ,nasty f***s these men are. How awful must their lives be to hate everyone and everything in this world, including their own self. Hatred eats the soul and these statements are a perfect example of that.

All I can do is hope one day they really do go their own way and find some peace with just themselves. They sure as hell aren’t going to find any out in the world with that attitude, and no point in making others lives wholly miserable just because they are.

Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
8 years ago

If children were fuck trophies, they’d stay on the shelf where they were put and not do bizarre things like drawing on the walls, peeing in the garden and putting lipstick on the cat.

It does sound like some of them had awful childhoods and like they have some unresolved stuff that a counsellor could help with. But lots of people have to deal with stuff, being so hateful of an entire gender based on one person is a choice that they have made.

8 years ago

It just goes to prove what many say – these guys are damaged and embittered men, who really need to go and get help to work through their issues and not blame every woman, like they would seem to project on us, saying that we all hate all men. Nope.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago

Today’s excuse for not just going their own way already: it really stands for Maternal Gratitude? That’s Outrageous! Waaaaaaah!

ETA: huh. my Gravatar is gone. spooky.

8 years ago

@Subtract Hominem – From here, your current pic seems to be a giant, flying tardigrade shooting a laser from one end.

8 years ago

but only to tell her to go the bloody fuck ahead and try to come visit the pistol and shotgun armed combat veteran powerlifting 240 pound professional martial artist.

Giving this person the benefit of the doubt – probably a stretch, I know – wow, how terrified must he still be of his mother to talk about this kind of overpowering physicality? Someone still feels pretty helpless, and I don’t mean that in a snarky way.

My son is very openly being raised by a feminist. His genetic contributor couldn’t care less about contributing any of his “masculine wisdom” even though he lives in the same tiny rural town. My son and I have a very good relationship, but he would no doubt be considered a “beta-cuck-mangina” type since he, y’know, treats people with respect and expresses his feelings and all kinds of mamby-pamby feministy things like that…

My own mother was not intentionally abusive but her struggles with untreated mental illness were not pleasant or easy to live with. She died last year and in all honesty I was glad. Glad that her suffering was over, yes – she had battled cancer for a long time, in addition to the aforementioned mental illness – but also glad that my suffering over her was done, too. I feel a strange sort of liberation now that both of my parents are dead.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago

Brilliant! That’s what I changed it to after the cheese drums vanished.

Somewhat more on topic, I can’t believe one of those MGTOW’s thinks the guy with the “sneering baleful smile” is the hero of his story. Notorious git indeed.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

A better way to repudiate an abusive, bullying parent: become a decent human being, not a carbon copy.

This guy is still in his mother’s thrall, and all the guns and karate belts and violent fantasies in the world aren’t going to erase that feeling of powerlessness. He needs more help than an echo chamber full of nasty, bitter misogynists can provide.

8 years ago

I was abused by my parents in such a way that it could have killed me, and I didnt grow up hating any particular giant group of people like a whole gender, so I dont have any forgiveness or tolerance for these men’s hates. Plenty of people have survived extreme horror and come out not-bigoted. & plenty of bigots have cushy lives.

As a child, I did have some pretty extreme anger towards my obv more powerful abusers including violent fantasies of self defense and even retaliation, which I actually think is pretty normal as a defensive reaction, being hit and held down and choked and stuff and having no power to defend myself, but even then I knew it was wrong and was ashamed I felt that way. I also had and have PTSD from the abuse. but I really cant imagine boldly stating such horrific violence like that as an adult.

My mother was actually one of the rare abusive people who admitted what happened, got mental health care (yes I know not all abusers are driven by illness, but she really was), and made amends, and now we have a relationship – with strong boundaries. I was able to forgive her. MY dad is still pretty much a jerk. However this is not to say that anyone shoud expect such a change or should feel pressured to forgive or whatever, That just is what happened with me. My parents were pretty anti-feminist but that isnt why Im a feminist I dont think; being raised with X mentality can make some people believe X and others will not believe X, Im not sure theres a direct correlation.

8 years ago

Judas– something like this?

8 years ago

Ya know what, fellas? Yeah, that fucking sucks. Anyone out there, MGTOW or otherwise, with terrible parents, e-hugs are on me

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

Seems to me a lot of these guys have confused sexual feelings for their mother’s.

It’s just that post about their female relatives hitting the wall and being unattractive makes them sound like something from game of thrones

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

@Nequam — The very comic I was thinking of, actually!

8 years ago

I have a tough time with father’s day because my dad died when I was 18. I have a tougher time with mother’s day because my mother (who is still alive) and I have a relationship that might charitably be described as “strained.” Guys, it’s understandable to be bitter, but you’re hurting yourselves with this kind of attitude.

8 years ago

I am sorry, you all. I am glad you turned out well.

8 years ago

The way men like this see family, especially children, is so sad. Every possible conection is poisoned by their bigotry and bitterness.

8 years ago

@kale, bigotry can be informed by abuse but it seems to more or less come from people being indoctrinated in an environment full of ignorance. Bigotry seems to be less a reaction to abuse and more a rationalization for abuse.

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