More MGTOW Mother’s Day thoughts, this time from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
So, happy Bitter MGTOW Day, I guess?
More MGTOW Mother’s Day thoughts, this time from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
So, happy Bitter MGTOW Day, I guess?
The disagreeing people also have to be perfectly respectful at all times.
Also I heard someone liked rainbow dragons?
I really should do some drawing again. it’s been too long.
(The above isn’t mine, but I do that sort of ink lineart)
I remember when she said that.
Today will be a good day.
Cutest 8 year old girl today at volunteer work.
(looking at a timeline from year 0 to 2016)
Girl: Where is now?
Me: (pointing to 2016) here!
Girl: (pointing to 1900) Were you alive there?
Me: Nnnooo. I was born in 1985. Here. (points)
Girl: Okay. Sorry.
(looking at google maps on my phone)
Girl: Where is Sweden?
Me: Right here. (points and zooms in) And this is where we are right now, see?
Girl: But where is Somalia?
Me: (zooms out and scrolls to East Africa) Somalia is here.
Girl: But… I don’t get it. How can you just KNOW the WHOLE MAP?
Me: You just have to look at it for a very long time, and then you learn it.
Girl: How long?
Me: 30 minutes every day.
Girl: Okay!
That is painfully adorable, IP :3
Also, I know there’s no year zero. :p
With these people it’s like every time something is not directly about them there’s an error message in their brain, and they can’t comprehend it unless they make it about themselves.
“My doctor wouldn’t have a job without patients like me. I should be the one praised.”
“There would be no Oscars without me watching movies. I should be the one praised.”
“Woman wins fields medal because men allowed her to do mathematics. I should be the one praised!”
Oh please do, I love line drawing. Just seeing a good piece can make me bounce for days.
They’re just a hair’s breadth away from convincing themselves women don’t even exist; they’re just figments of men’s imagination. Earlier today I saw an MGTOW statement to the effect that women don’t have personalities of their own, they just borrow from archetypes created by men.
Ah yes. Here’s the full quote:
Let’s review that again, so we can savor the lack of self-awareness:
latch on to an archetype…claim it as their own
We’re their Joker.
The posting of rainbow dragons pleases me.
I want Respectability Politics to forever burn.
Which is why they’re so obsessed with women, IMO.
They think everything a woman does, from wearing clothes, to wearing makeup, to walking on the street, to to being a lesbian, to getting pregnant, to getting fat, to working out, to eating pancakes, to being nerdy, to being not nerdy, to liking movies, to reading books, to fucking breathing is being done at them and for their attention/praise/adoration/money/etc.
They can’t comprehend that there are women out there who don’t want anything to do with them, and that some of us do certain things because we like to do them.
The thought that we might be human beings with thoughts and desires and needs of our own never seems to cross their mind.
“Also, this guy can fuck off for trying to take credit for his momma’s work. What, you want a medal for half of your genes being the fastest little swimmer? Is that it?
Can someone send these guys a suitcase full of participation awards? They think they deserve them for breathing.
Bill Maher is kind of an massive asshole, but he serves a useful purpose: being a fan of his is a giant red flag to me, that the fan in question is fine with misogyny. And I’m not friends with people like that.
What solidified this for me were a pair of related incidents that came relatively close together. The first was his defense of Rush Limbaugh’s misogyny. Yes, he defended Rush fucking Limbaugh, on the grounds that comedy is some kind of extra-special free speech that should be completely exempt from criticism (note the presumption that Rush Limbaugh is actually a comedian, so this defense is a double failure). The second was when he ran a routine in which he called Sarah Palin a c–t as the punchline. This, too, he defended on “comedy is the freest of free speech” grounds, and also on the grounds that a lot of the audience laughed at the punchline. Because if misogyny is funny, that somehow makes it more okay rather than less.
This was heavily discussed in certain circles in which I circulated at the time, and it became pretty obvious that opinions were falling into lines that matched up with the personalities of the people involved. So I use it as part of my assessment of unknown persons when deciding what kind of person they are.
Bill Maher is what happens when liberals become too complacent and smug. “I identify as progressive, therefore all the opinions I hold are progressive, and all the things I like must also be progressive.” It’s not an accident that the people holding this view of themselves trend toward white and male, and it’s also not an accident that this is the same thought process used by those who imagine themselves to be ultra-rational STEM minds (and I’ve noted considerable overlap between these groups).
@PoM, I agree about Bill Maher – his comedy is just creative insulting. I have a lot of friends who like him :\ (I don’t voice my opinions that often)
@Misha, Well, gosh, now I gotta post some drawings. I don’t claim them to be good, I just claim them to be mine.
I am so pleased I have the mum I have, one who says “I didn’t raise a girl I raised a human”. She was and still is an ardent feminist and has three daughters who are all ardent feminists, two of whom have managed to somehow stay with the same men they met at university. My dad is a truly annoying man sometimes, but when I was little he was totally into doing his share of the chores and upbringing and wasn’t lumping around toxic masculinity, he was pretty unique as far as men I knew in the late 70’s were.
So although here in the UK we had our mother’s day in March (I bought her a rosebush for her garden), I’m going to thank her again. Mum, you rock.
@ Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I am genuinely confused. What does he mean by “we’re their Joker”? Is that supposed to be a DC comics reference? And if so, does that make women Batman?
Awwwwwww. Arent children awesome?!
@Imaginary Petal Urgh, I used to like Bill Maher. Now there is nothing I hear about him that doesn’t make me cringe.
@Scildfeja Those are brilliant!
@GenJones, I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to DC Comics, yeah. That would make women Batman, yes. They’re the “enlightened ones” that the world hates, and that the “good guy” fights.
There’s a sort of villain-worship among these guys. Just like how Bane (also Batman, huh) was seen so frequently among GamerGators, and many channers in general. “The world hates me, but they just don’t understand. I’ll make them understand that they’re the evil ones.”
It makes sense if you replace your sense of morality with a sense of tribal identification. Sort of. Would be worth studying!
EDIT: Aww, thank you @Youthful Indiscretion!
Wow. So now their bitter against the women who brought them into the world? Speechless.
Seems like Jane Doe would have been a more logical choice in Batman villain to reference for the analogy he was trying to make, since having no independent personality and simply mimicking and usurping other people is kinda her thing.
But hey, what do I know? As a feeeeeemale I only latch onto fandoms and pose as an enthusiast in order to impress men.
Some days, it’s a burden to be so fluent in dirtbag.
They are not casting women as Batman, but rather, as Harley Quinn. The claim is that women form their personalities based on archetypes they learned from men, while never really having any depth, which is how they interpret Harley’s break from sanity, becoming Joker’s sidekick. This, of course, ignores the fact that Harley is, in fact, a thousand times deeper a character than the one-note ‘Mistah J’ could ever hope to be.
I talked about my mother and about MGTOW ridiculousness in the other thread, so let me just say hi to people:
@Chiomara – aww! Very cute! Congratulations on becoming an aunt!
@Paradoxical Intention – Happy Birthday! Best wishes for this year!
@Scildfreja – Your pictures look really cool, especially the knight-on-horseback one! It’s hard to get the proportion right in active poses and yours is really good. Also, the top one looks like an interesting character. I’m more of a writer than an artist, but I’ll often sketch out characters I’m planning for stories.
@Imaginary Petal – That kid is adorable. Reminds me of one of my tutoring students when she was 10. We were discussing a Reading Comp passage and she asked when Queen Victoria lived (I said “about 1830-1900” – I was almost right).
She asked, “Were you born then?” 🙂
Jeez, you can art and science AND politely and impressively rip trolls a new one? You’ve just got skills coming out of your ears! (The art is nice stuff; love the detailing on the clothing and things.)
Just on the topic of Bill Maher being a smug, pompous blowhard: I remember watching ‘Politically Incorrect’ back in the ’90s (and being annoyed that the term itself was being used incorrectly) when Maher said something that told me everything I ever needed to know about him. He insisted, with an eye-roll and that patented ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ look of his, that it was a myth that women were having more casual sex and being more sexually forward with men because he hadn’t witnessed that in his own life. It clearly wasn’t an attempt at self-deprecating humour, but rather a complaint that since he wasn’t being offered NSA sex from women, it couldn’t be true.
Scildfreja: Ooh, those are very pretty drawings!