More MGTOW Mother’s Day thoughts, this time from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
So, happy Bitter MGTOW Day, I guess?
More MGTOW Mother’s Day thoughts, this time from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
So, happy Bitter MGTOW Day, I guess?
Your ‘vaginal entryway’ wasn’t simply a door you stepped through. Your (birth) mother manufactured you out of her own body, hauling you around wherever she went while you sat on her bladder. Your fetal self sucked her blood, taking nutrients out of her bloodstream and bones like a tiny vampire who eats through its navel.
Not all mothers raise children, and not all mothers who raise children are worthy of praise for their child-rearing. But every woman who gestates and brings new life into this world deserves a day where they get a thank you for all that they sacrificed and suffered to perpetuate the species.
He’s probably angry that his mother forced him to leave the basement and have dinner with the rest of the family.
Truer words were never spoken.
“Giving birth to me wasn’t doing myself, or anyone else a favor.”
I agree with a mgtow.
Does anyone else feel dirty?
Ditto, sevenofmine.
Vagely related (but I’ll forget it unless I spam you all with it now)
Thanks Chiomara – what a little honey!
The pictures of your niece are the best antidote to the sour reek of resentment from these MGTOWs.
It’s a hell of a burden they’re carrying round with them, but reinforcing it is the opposite of dealing with it.
As a feminist with not one, but two shitty fathers, I can’t really celebrate Father’s Day. It bothers me to no end.
However, I wouldn’t dare stand in the way of people who do want to celebrate it with their fathers whom they get along with. Just because I can’t celebrate my “fathers” in good conscience, doesn’t mean no one else can celebrate it!
Also, this guy can fuck off for trying to take credit for his momma’s work. What, you want a medal for half of your genes being the fastest little swimmer? Is that it?
(Off-topic: My birthday went alright. I got the Fallout 4 DLC for my birthday, both Automaton and Wasteland Workshop, and I played that for most of the day, finishing the Automaton storyline and fixing up my first base in Sanctuary, by labeling everything with special neon signs and re-doing my mall/bar building in concrete.
When my aunt finally decided where she wanted to eat, we all ended up going to one of the fanciest Mexican places in town, and I had a massive chimichanga, because of course I did, and it was delicious and cheesy and full of steak.
I got a cute outfit from my aunt, and another from my mom when she finally got in, and my little brother got me a big fuck-off knife for shits and giggles.
Mom, Grandma and I are going shopping tomorrow and while I went out to dinner in my aunt’s nice outfit gift, I’m going shopping tomorrow in my mom’s nice outfit gift.)
Have they at least stopped complaining that there’s no father’s day?
Is it really a big surprise this guy believes this? I mean, Red Pillers think they’re owed The Perfect Woman (According to Every Individual Red Piller’s Idea of Perfect) just because…well, because they exist and are somehow entitled to getting everything they want.
They get upset at the idea that some minority or an evil female stole a job that should have been theirs, they think that since they are men, every single good thing done by men is by extension their accomplishment, they assume anything a woman does is not important or difficult (or if she’s doing an important or difficult job, she must be doing it poorly). So being all ”ugh, my mom didn’t do anything that great, but I was BORN! Like, that’s really tough!” seems in line with the overall ”philosophy” of these charmers.
OT, but I found this video I thought you guys might like. If you come across anyone who just doesn’t get why they shouldn’t be using ableist language, show it to them. 🙂
…So I take it that you didn’t have enough ice cream to consider the mud a ‘spa treatment’ then? 😉 Mud isn’t always bad, even if it’s from the flower beds and you’re wearing ‘nice’ clothes. (I’d say wearing one’s Sunday best but that implies certain religious beliefs that I don’t wish to assume anyone has.)
“vaginal entryway into this world”. Can I steal that? I’m not a mother, but I have a vagina! Does that not make me a VEITW? XD
@ Paradoxy
Belated Happy Birthday!!!!
(I seem to recall you like rainbow dragons)
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/tinyvillage/images/5/5e/[email protected]/revision/latest?cb=20130927151601
Getting born was one of my best decisions so far! 🙂
I have never ‘celebrated’ Mothers Day. I have 2 sons, and they really do love me (!) and I have told them that the love and respect I have from them every day is enough for me as I am not at all a sentimental person.
But this man really takes the cake for misanthropic misogynist whining. Unless his mother actively abused and abandoned him the chances are that EVERY SINGLE DAY for years she put his needs before her own.
Even my own emotionally distant and apparently disinterested mother always made sure we had good food, clean clothes, comfortable beds and things to play with.
I would commend my father equally if I could, but he wasn’t around most of the time, and paid child support ONCE!
“Why should the person who struggled through nine months of physiological changes to bring me into the world get any credit? Birth is all about MEEEEEEEE!” really captures the absolute heart of the MRA mindset.
Very OT, but related to a topic that’s been discussed several times by the commentariat:
I am (and I’m going to bold this) not trying to start a conversation on this here .
It’s a divisive topic that’s led to hurt feelings in the past. I’m only posting this link in case any of you are interested in listening to the show.
(If you are, the podcast should be up – at the latest – within 12 hours of this post or you can listen live at 10am US Eastern time via the WAMU site or your favorite streaming app 🙂 )
Allow me to reminesce for a while.
I was born out of wedlock to my mom, who was in a relationship with a wishy-washy wanderlust-struck man. She worked hard as a cleaner, while he “was looking for a job at home” in 1970s, and supposedly watching and taking care of me. My mom came from a family where men were not exempt from childcare duty, if they happened to have some free time in their hands.
Well, he did not. She described coming home to me in dirty diapers, crying for food, and him sleeping on a couch and that was a good case scenario. For about three months she tried to play home with him, and then told him that she’s taking me and leaving, and her unwed-man’s family literally kidnapped me (I was 3 months old, so I don’t have any recollection, but they were generally nice and OK people, just ones with a blind spot for him), and she had to summon her mother and father to get me back. (These details, along with some details regarding my father have been confirmed by other sources who have no reason to lie, so it checks out.)
She went to live with her parents, aka my Grandpa and Grandma, and lived that way ’till their deaths, Grandma being the last to drop in 2006.
So I did not have a father, per se, but I had a father-figure in my life. And in a way, I had two mothers, since my grandmother retired in 1980s, she ended up raising me while my mother worked, she was more mother to me than my own mom.
School, that thing which happens at age of 7 here in Finland. I had HUGE fights every year for four years with my teacher (1st to 4th grade), because she adamantly refused to let me make a Father’s Day card for my grandfather and TWO cards for my mom and grandma. I didn’t give a shit. I told her that for all intents and purposes, my grandfather is like a father to me, and both my mom and grandma are like mother to me, and I will make the cards in arts & crafts, no matter what she says, I don’t give a shit. Because I cannot pick between my “moms”.
It wasn’t “appropriate”, she said. I should make it to my “real dad”. Yeah right, she knew I was an out-of-wedlock kid, and I had no dad in a meaningful sense, because during my consciously aware life, I only saw him three times, sort of. In a crowd. My mom trying to surreptitiously point out him, and I completely failing to spot him.
This didn’t really stop until her favorite student lost her father (in a very gruesome accident), and she wanted to make her Father’s Day card to her grandfather as well… but my Mother’s Day cards to two moms were not OK. Whatever, gonna make them anyway.
My 5th & 6th grade teacher didn’t have a problem with this. OK, you do that.
My relationship with my mom or grandmother wasn’t always an easy one. There were tons of problems now and then, and some definite big OMFGs with my mom (to the tune “wow, and you still manage to speak with her even after all that?”), which means that my current relationship with my last immediate family member is extremely complicated and difficult. But, even so, I will spare a warm thought towards my mom.
But my 1st-to-4th grade teacher can go and step on 2-dot Legos all night long, that bullying awful woman.
Latest misogyny from Bill Maher:
Last Friday’s show he closed with a rant about the misogyny of the Republican party. But while accurately calling out their misogyny, he resorted to even worse misogyny himself. His rant was about how Republicans are thin-skinned, always outraged, hysterical, whiny, which is, you know, like women. He complained about Republicans “crying like a girl”, or being “a whiny little b*tch”, over and over. Then he said Hillary was born a woman, so she can’t help being one, while the male Republicans have actively chosen to be like women, therefore they are even worse than actual women.
Huge cheers from alleged liberal audience. -_-
Wow, that teacher. I just don’t understand people like her. What kind of a sadistic asshole do you have to be to do something like that. Ugh.
@ Skiriki
Your teacher. What the fuck is wrong with some people that they feel they need/are entitled to enforce their own narrow and arbitrary ideas of what’s appropriate and what isn’t? I’ve often wondered this.
Thankfully, the world, or at least Finland, seems to have changed for the better in this regard during my lifetime. People like that don’t get away with it as much anymore.
IP & dust bunny:
I know, it was a combination of a small city, fairly conservative region, and gazillion other intersectional things; now that I’m older, I actually know that some of our classes broke the law (the religion classes were supposed to follow secular teaching mode already, but like hell they were — we got some of hellfire and brimstone since we were sinners, and participating in religious activities were mandatory, except for one boy whose parents had opted for absolutely-no-religion-whatsoever classes, which of course was painting a “BULLY ME” mark on him and another boy who was Eastern Orthodox and who went to nearby tšasouna for his classes but since he was tall for his age, bullies weren’t that keen to start trouble with him).
She was a bad teacher in many ways, openly had favorites in our class, was prejudiced towards working class people and did very little to curb bullying.
I hope she steps on half-eaten fish and its guts left behind by cats at night in the dark.
Her only merit is that she was less awful than the headmaster of the school and his wife.
Yeah. I checked this one site, that has Finnish schools and classes of various years listed. That particular elementary school from that era doesn’t have a lot of positive memories (until the posts were purged) from people.
Then again, that particular city is a festering pit of resentment and negativity and has been for… I don’t know, for a literal century? It does look pretty on surface, but underneath you’ll find a load of petty people. Finns should be able to google stuff about city council and how it has handled things…
IP: Maher is such a fucking hypocrite. He’s not even particularly good at making rational arguments when he’s talking about the need for secularism.
Unrelated to the original post, but very related to Bill Maher, and other people featured on this blog: