More MGTOW Mother’s Day thoughts, this time from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
So, happy Bitter MGTOW Day, I guess?
More MGTOW Mother’s Day thoughts, this time from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
So, happy Bitter MGTOW Day, I guess?
I wish I was surprised, but I ain’t.
Although I am willing to believe that, shortly after being born, this guy was abandoned in an alley garbage dumpster. It would certainly explain his quasi-feral personality…
I didn’t have the greatest mother, but I have some maternal figures in my life for whom I am grateful. It must be exhausting to hate half the human population all the time.
I actually imagine the opposite. You or I have to spend time and effort singling out individual people or groups of limited scale to disdain for specific reasons. Hating just cos seems so much easier. Women, Muslims, Asians, gays, the poor, what have you. Just pick your ‘those people’ of choice and tada. Simplicity is a blessing of sorts…
“…if it weren’t for me, there would be no mother. I should be the one praised.”
Wrong, asshole. She’d still be there, and probably someone else’s mother. Someone better than you. No praise is due to you merely for existing. You’re clearly a huge disappointment to her, and it’s not hard to see why.
(And once more, I’m so glad I didn’t have kids. Every time I read one of these whiners, I feel like I’ve dodged a hail of bullets.)
I’m grateful for my mother, if it weren’t for her I’d technically have nothing but sugar water.
@brian: I think it’s like, the woman can’t be a mother if there’s no child. Which, while technically true, is still a rather silly reason to take away from your own mother’s special day.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. As much as we’ve had our disagreements, you’re still the one who chose a Cesarean instead of leaving my under-developed, post-birth-incubator-needing self to die.
Also, de-lurking!
Semi-OT: Maybe he’s mad at his mama for doing things like this for his ungrateful ass?
Now they aren’t just taking credit for everything any man has ever done, but also for women birthing them?
Can you imagine the insecurities that prompt such claim? Braggadocio like that does not come from a happy place.
That’s easy. Misogynistic fathers.
You know what staggers me even more than the rubbish they write? The pretentious way they write it. “Entryway” is not an appropriate synonym for “entry” in this context! Commas don’t go there! You are not a registered accrediting body for… whatever you’re refusing to register accreditations for!
@Antisocialite … Point taken.
Misogynist fathers with their own misogynist fathers, many of which didn’t like the increasing presence of women in various aspects of their lives, and some who were left by wives because they were a$$hole husbands their sons only heard hateful things about ‘mom’ from if they heard anything at all from the jerk(s).
“Despair thy charm, and let the angel whom thou still hast served tell thee, MacDuff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d.”
@Diptych- “My vaginal entryway” makes it sound like his house has an unusually shaped foyer.
How narcissistic do you have to be to claim you should get the credit for making your mother a mother? It’s like saying pancakes should get all the credit for breakfast, because without them there would be no cook.
I’m also wondering…I had a C-section, so does that mean I can be reduced to a walking lower abdomen instead of a walking vagina? Did I mess up my sons’ future chances of pompously resenting women because they took the non-misandric route into the world?
It sounds to me like he regrets being born. That’s not exactly a good thing for someone to go through life believing.
*sighs at article* What a surprise he’d say that. No doubt he’ll manage to whine about this in an even worse way next year. Really hope he doesn’t… Or actually attack his mom. *shudders*
@ Chiomara
Awwwww, she’s super cute! OMG, I want to hold her and squeeze her and cuddle up tight and… *incoherently babbles and dissolves into a pile of mush*
I admit I wonder if either of these guys is the son of my Ex Friend from Hell (who was emphatically not a feminist).
I think it’s Timecube “logic”. If he didn’t exist, his mother would not be a mother, therefore “the very children who sacrifice their LIFE so their Moms and Dads could Live”.
Which raises its own questions. Is Gene Ray a mig-toe? Would that be better or worse than someone else having the same thoughts independently? And did the Jews actually deserve their Holocaust?
Tune in next time for the answers to these and other exciting questions! Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!
I’m trying to imagine the estate agent who could work that into their pitch, and all I can come up with is Tom Waits as Renfield in that one Dracula flick.
He got that right.
How bitter must one have to be to fall into a rage at the mere idea of a day dedicated to someone other than yourself?
It becomes more and more obvious that these men hate no one more than they hate themselves. I’d pity them if they didn’t work so hard to make life miserable for everyone else, too.
Today I went to a Mother’s Day brunch at the classic tiki restaurant Trader Vic’s. I had crab legs and bottomless mimosas, and the small man had too much ice cream.
I’m happy to take any excuse for a party.
So he wishes he’d never been born. That sort of self-hatred and nihilism coming from a MGTOW doesn’t surprise me, unfortunately. I wouldn’t be surprised if suicide rates among them turn out to be sky-high.
After all, they’re always talking about “going ghost”, which is officially designed as cutting off all contact with society, but also sounds like it could be a euphemism for suicide (i. e., becoming a ghost).
Is there such a thing as “too much” ice cream?? I think not! 😉
When it’s going into a toddler, yes.
Put it this way: forty minutes after the ice cream, all three of us were outdoors covered in mud. They were an eventful forty minutes.