#gamergate alt-right TROOOLLLL!! vox day

Butt-centric author Chuck Tingle out-tingles Vox Day, invites Zoe Quinn to the Hugos

Tingle, triumphant
Tingle, triumphant

I can’t claim to have figured out all of the multiple levels of trollery going on here but it looks like the butt-obsessed and surreally self-referential science fiction pseudo-erotica writer Chuck Tingle has just gotten the better of Vox Day.

You might even say that Vox has been cucked, if you were the sort of crappy person who thought “cuck” was a clever insult.

Tingle, known for such butt-related novellas as Pounded in the Butt By My Own Butt — and its even more circular sequel Pounded In The Butt By My Book Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt — was one of the names put forward for a Hugo award this year on Vox Day’s Rabid Puppies slate, an ongoing attempt to derail the Hugo awards by basically stuffing the ballot box with titles the rabidly bigoted and reactionary Vox approves of.

With Vox’s help, Tingle’s Space Raptor Butt Invasion did indeed garner a spot on the Hugo shortlist. But in a plot twist that must have shocked the VOXMAN, the ungrateful Mr. Tingle started furiously trolling Vox on Twitter.

And then Tingle kicked it up a notch:


Quinn quickly hopped aboard the Tingle Express.

Advantage, Tingle and Quinn.

NOTE: Added a bit to my “cuck” line to clarify why I even used the word.


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Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
8 years ago
Reply to  Chiomara

Potted History of the Sad and Rabid Puppies:

The Hugo Awards are one of the most prestigous in Science Fiction and Fantasy. They’re voted on by the members of Worldcon, a convention that moves to a different city each year. The total voting poll is quite low – around a thousand people nominate candidates and maybe 5 times as many vote on the shortlist.

People can purchase a supporting membership for Worldcon for roughly $40 (the exact amount changes depending on who’s running the con), which doesn’t let you attend, but gives you the right to nominate and vote for that year’s Hugos, and nominate for the following year.

The nomination voting is a simple count. Each person can nominate up to 5 items in each category (book, short story, novella, novelette, dramatic presentation short form, dramatic presentation long form, graphic story, editor short fiction, editort long fiction, magazine, semi-prozine, fanzine, fancast, fan writer, the John W. Campbell award for best new writer and any other I’ve forgotten), and whichever 5 entries get the most votes make up the shortlist. The final voting uses single transferrable vote and voters rank in order of preference, with an option for no award to be given.

In 2013, SF author Larry Correia decided he wanted a Hugo, noted the low nominating numbers and figured he could get himself onto the ballot, calling the campaign Sad Puppies. He failed.

In 2014, he tried again, adding rhetoric about how the awards were being taken over by progressive morals, literary fiction, and a silent majority was being ignored. He also suggested a slate of works for everyone to nominate, and a handful of these got onto the ballot and all of them lost. Voxman was one of the suggested nonminees (for Short Story, IIRC) and he finished behind No Award. The 2014 Hugos were in fact noted for having more winners who were women and/or ethnic minorities.

The 2014 campaign garnered a lot of controversy in SF/F circles because slating isn’t banned by the rules of the Hugo awards, but it’s been seen as dirty pool. The only organised slate in the past was the Church of Scientology trying to get a Hugo for Black Genesis by L. Ron Hubbard.

In 2015 Sad Puppies tried again, Correia handing over the reins to Brad R. Torgeson, a John W. Campbell award nominee (the year he was nominated, he wore his military uniform, saying that if he won he could use it to refuse to wear the traditional tiara). Torgeson solicited nominees from fans, saying that his slate would be open and democratic. Notably less than 50% of the fan suggestions made his list, with no explanation given for why. He also offered a full slate of 5 entries per category. Torgesen’s posts about the slates became increasingly angry and inconsistent. At one time he literally complained that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.

At the same time, Voxman ran his own slate called Rabid Puppies, and also offered 5 nominees per category.

The end result was that the shortlist was dominated by Puppy picks. It was also clear that Voxman’s slate was more popular than the Sad Puppies’ one. It was also estimated that less than 300 voters were able to squeeze almost everyone else out.

the night of the Hugos ceremony, the only Puppy suggestion to win an award was Guardians of the Galaxy, which would have been on the ballot regardless of the Puppies. Every other Puppy nomination lost, and every category with only Puppy choices was No Awarded.

Naturally, this meant war.

This year, the Sad Puppies campaign was run by Sarah Hoyt, Kate Paulk and one other woman who’s name I can’t remember. In response to intense criticism the prior year, they did run it as an open and transparent campaign, offering a list of all recommendations they recieved weighted by the number of recommdations each got. Their campaign was largely a failure.

However, Voxman ran a slate of 5 items per category, and while his 2015 slate was all right-wing stuff, mostly published by his own vanity press, this year he mixed in some of his own stuff, some things meant to really annoy people (Space Raptor Butt Invasion, his SJWs always lie ebook, the Safe Space as Rape Room blog post that accuses the SF community of harbouring rapists and paedophiles), and a bunch of popular works that likely would have been finalists anyway, like Sandman: Overture and Seveneves by Neal Stephenson.

This was he can declare victory one way or another, because he’ll prove whatever blah blah blah.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

This is hilarious. VOXMAN has the sense of humour of a high school bully and people like that are are ways baffled by real humour.

There’s another, much less funny wrinkle to VOXMAN’S campaign, and that’s that after after his various ‘my enemies are all paedophiles’ hit pieces, one of the artists he put on the ballot turned out to have drawn and published nude pictures of teenagers. When confronted with this VOXMAN actually pulled out the ‘but she looked 18’ defence.

Mike Hisandry (formerly ThatBear)
Mike Hisandry (formerly ThatBear)
8 years ago

Aw. I wish Chuck Tingle would troll me. Getting trolled by a surrealist is good for the mind.

8 years ago

The Hugo Awards are one of the most prestigous in Science Fiction and Fantasy.

I think you mean they were one of the most prestigous in Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Until they change their policies, this stuff is going to keep happening. Vox may drop out of the scene but there will always be trolls and there’s no incentive not to do it (aside from self-respect, that is).

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
8 years ago
Reply to  katz

Two years of vandalism doesn’t mean 50 years of history is erased. And rules changes to negate some of the influence of slates are due to be ratified this year so Voxman can’t pull the same shit again to the same degree. There’s further rules changes being proposed as well to figure out how to stop openly offensive work from being slated onto the shortlist too.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

@Lorcan Nagle:
You forgot to mention that Vox Day got into this in the first place because Larry Correia put him on the ballot, quote: “because Satan didn’t have any eligible works that period.”

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
8 years ago
Reply to  Jenora Feuer

Oh yes, and later on Correia and Torgeson tried to dial back their connections to Voxman when he started to link the slating campaigns to his usual homophobia and sexism.

8 years ago

“You might even say that Vox has been cucked.”
no, you wouldn’t, because you’re not a garbage person.

8 years ago

If it made Vox cry hot snotty tears of butthurt, I might just say it.

PS first post from the sweet new computer!

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

@Katz – I tend to think of Voxman’s nonsense as a two-year hiccup in the Hugo’s long history. When Ann Leckie and NK Jesmin are enjoying their surprise tie in the 2026 Best Novel category, there’ll be a schlubby skinhead tax exile watching the proceedings on Ultrahulu, a single tear rolling down his cheek. Knowing that his last handful of troll minions will disown him if he dares ask for sympathy, he will turn to his last friend–a prop flaming sword.

‘You still love me, don’t you?’ he will say.

Then the sword will go out, leaving its owner alone in the dark.

Mike Hisandry (formerly ThatBear)
Mike Hisandry (formerly ThatBear)
8 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III

Holy cow, that was great. Did he get that sword at the mall? Does he display it near a hologram of some kanji he misunderstands?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

@Mike Hisandry – Just do a google image search for vox day flaming sword. Protip: make sure you do not take a large swig of coffee before doing so, or you may ruin a keyboard.

8 years ago

Incidentally, this bullshit? Is also going on in the horror literature community.

Oh, god, what fresh hell is happening there?

Mike Hisandry (formerly ThatBear)
Mike Hisandry (formerly ThatBear)
8 years ago

@Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III

Oh, my god. I didn’t know the sword was real. Well, “real.”

Out of all the poses from that photoshoot, out of all the pictures, this is the one he’s proud of.

Congratulations, Voxman, on making “bald guy in black with a weapon” look less intimidating than “six year old with a sparkler.”

8 years ago

Incidentally, this bullshit? Is also going on in the horror literature community.

Sigh. I’m more into horror movies than literature (something I should fix!) so I’m not all that personally invested, even as a horror fan, but still, bummer.

I’m not surprised or anything. But saddened.

8 years ago

I’ll try to chase down some more links n’ stuff, but here’s a File770 post about some of the happy horseshit going on in the horror lit community.

8 years ago

It’s Sydney Padua’s Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage–some people nominated it under Graphic Novel, and others under Related Work.

To supplement what’s already been described about this whole mess, I’ll add that VOXMAN became persona non grata in the sf community after referring to fellow sf author NK Jemison as an animal…and on searching for a description of this I discover that David covered it two years ago:

8 years ago

*waves* Hey Rachel S, I just want to say that I liked your if-you-were-a-dinosaur angle in your story; it was thought-provoking, especially as it made me think about scientific, technological and medical advances and how resources are allocated in research.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Re: Lady_Zombie’s link

1. For an author, David Riley has no idea how plurals or punctuation work. Always nice to see a four-dot ellipsis in the wild, though.

2. Can anybody explain why Nick Mamatas went on a rant about eeevil liberals and BOTH SIDES in the middle of a post ostensibly agreeing that Nazis are bad?

8 years ago

Can somebody explain the “Kenna Reves Proud Dad of the Matrix” thing?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

guest | May 6, 2016 at 4:07 pm
If you want to hear the latest Chuck Tingle, with bonus fan anecdotes, check this out:

Is that Mark from Mark Reads Twilight?! 😀

I loved reading that. It was a glorious reading that really helped me formulate Babby’s First Feminist Literature Critiques.

I would have read his 50SoG readthrough too, but the other sporking I read of it (by Das Mervin and Geyhai over on LiveJournal, who have also sporked the fuck out of Twilight) actually made me have a panic attack (not the fault of the sporkers, but rather what they were sporking) and no amount of awesome Deadpool imagery or trigger warnings could have prepared me for the two hours of trying to slow my heart down and to stop crying.

Infrequent Commenter (whose handle disappeared)
Infrequent Commenter (whose handle disappeared)
8 years ago

2. Can anybody explain why Nick Mamatas went on a rant about eeevil liberals and BOTH SIDES in the middle of a post ostensibly agreeing that Nazis are bad?

Because Nick, whether you like him or hate him, has an amazing ability to do things which shift the focus onto him.

8 years ago

Rachel, I love you and you are the wind beneath my wings.

It’s Sydney Padua’s Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage–some people nominated it under Graphic Novel, and others under Related Work.

Aw, man, Lovelace and Babbage is genius.