#gamergate alt-right TROOOLLLL!! vox day

Butt-centric author Chuck Tingle out-tingles Vox Day, invites Zoe Quinn to the Hugos

Tingle, triumphant
Tingle, triumphant

I can’t claim to have figured out all of the multiple levels of trollery going on here but it looks like the butt-obsessed and surreally self-referential science fiction pseudo-erotica writer Chuck Tingle has just gotten the better of Vox Day.

You might even say that Vox has been cucked, if you were the sort of crappy person who thought “cuck” was a clever insult.

Tingle, known for such butt-related novellas as Pounded in the Butt By My Own Butt — and its even more circular sequel Pounded In The Butt By My Book Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt — was one of the names put forward for a Hugo award this year on Vox Day’s Rabid Puppies slate, an ongoing attempt to derail the Hugo awards by basically stuffing the ballot box with titles the rabidly bigoted and reactionary Vox approves of.

With Vox’s help, Tingle’s Space Raptor Butt Invasion did indeed garner a spot on the Hugo shortlist. But in a plot twist that must have shocked the VOXMAN, the ungrateful Mr. Tingle started furiously trolling Vox on Twitter.

And then Tingle kicked it up a notch:


Quinn quickly hopped aboard the Tingle Express.

Advantage, Tingle and Quinn.

NOTE: Added a bit to my “cuck” line to clarify why I even used the word.


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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

… Holy crap. I’d heard about this in one of the other threads, but I didn’t realise Chuck Tingle was that Chuck Tingle. HAH!

8 years ago

This was a ride.

So I learned Chuck Tingle was nominated for a Hugo. Funny.

Then Chuck Tingle wrote a short story about being pounded in the butt by his Hugo Nomination. Hilarious!

Learning his nomination was in protest of a lovely short story about the lover of a hate crime victim, not so funny.

Learning Chuck Tingle is trolling Vox Day in response, and we’re back to hilarious again.

Chuck Tingle is a god-damned treasure. 😀

8 years ago

I feel a bit better about the Hugos with this. Well not really, considering what’s behind all the fuckery. BUT! It appears the Tingle situation is working out better than hoped.

You know Day will still claim victory and that he knew what would happen all along and the Es-Jay-Double U’s fell right into his trap, wormy little fascist theocrat that he is.

I have voting privileges and I haven’t decided how to proceed.

Incidentally, this bullshit? Is also going on in the horror literature community.

Nobody can ever have nice things.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

Yep. As I mentioned elsewhere, this is the same Chuck Tingle who wrote Oppressed In The Butt By My Inclusive Holiday Coffee Cups, which was basically taking the piss on all the people claiming that Starbucks doing red ‘holiday cups’ without obvious Christmas imagery last year was part of the ‘War on Christmas’.

Anybody who thought Chuck Tingle would be willing to support somebody like Vox Day (who’s more the sort of person complaining that there is a ‘War on Christmas’ to start with) wasn’t paying attention.

The general assumption is that Tingle’s book was nominated as a slap at ‘If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love’ from the previous year, likely without any further actual research on the Rabid Puppies side beyond ‘Hah, this will make them all look stupid!’ It does seem to have rather badly backfired…

8 years ago

Chuck Tingle is a gift to humankind.

Meanwhile, the Locus Awards were being touted as the way a SFF award should be run…but the YA nominees were all dudes, including one guy who got nominated twice, even though the age category is 80% women and some of the nominees weren’t even YA.

Honestly, that bugs me more than the Puppies. They’re just being little shits, but aggressively ignored unconscious bias is a real problem.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Slammed in the Butt by the Living Leftover Chocolate Chip Cookies from My Kitchen Cabinet is more thought provoking and interesting than anything Vox Day has ever written.

Also, I’m pretty sure most of Chuck Tingles stuff is free so there’s your summer reading list, kiddos.

8 years ago

Pounded in the butt by Chuck Tingle’s God-damned Treasure.

That one’s free, you magnificent bastard.
8 years ago

Up until reading this article, I could have sworn Chuck Tingle was an algorithm. Like one of those newspaper-article-writing AIs, but repurposed for pulpy gay erotica.

He’s human?!

…and clever?!

8 years ago

If you want to hear the latest Chuck Tingle, with bonus fan anecdotes, check this out:

I admit I’ve enjoyed being introduced to the work of Chuck Tingle…but it doesn’t make up for the fact that a friend of mine’s work should have been nominated in the Related Work category but every single nomination in that category this year is a fake.

Also, what’s taking the vote counters in London so long?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

but it doesn’t make up for the fact that a friend of mine’s work should have been nominated in the Related Work category but every single nomination in that category this year is a fake.

And that, of course, is the true tragedy of all this: actual good stuff that should have been on the list locked out of even the finalist/nomination shortlist by the bad actors.

Rachel S
8 years ago

I’m the author of the story that this was intended as a slap at which is, indeed, about the victim of a hate crime. Because the puppies interpret the hate crime victim as being gay, and because there are dinosaurs in the story, they call it “dinosaur porn.” Because although there is no sex at all in the story, gay = porn, you know.

I think Tingle’s place on the ballot is hilarious, and I really appreciate his performance art. It is amusing as hell that the troll got Stephen Colberted.

Unfortunately, they are not just being little shits. Although Tingle has been the most attention-grabbing nomination, they have also put things on the ballot that are intended to harass authors they don’t like, including one that has a note from the publisher on it saying I should be killed.

Last year, through their harassment, I decided not to say much because it was clear that nothing I said was going to stir them one way or the other, though I did try some attempts at reconciliation. I also stayed quiet because I thought it might stem the harassment. It did not; they escalated.

So, I figure I may as well amuse myself, and hopefully other people, too. Silliness is healing! Inspired by “Slammed in the Butt by My Hugo Nomination,” I’m doing a Chuck Tingle-esque parody as a subscription drive for my Patreon, and a charity fundraiser.

The parody is called “If You Were a Butt, My Butt,” and will be inspired by Chuck Tingle. It will not be mean because we don’t need more meanness injected here.

Since they are using the Hugo ballot to harass me and LGBTQ people, the first month’s patreon funds are going to Lyon-Martin health services, which provides health care specifically aimed toward LGBTQ people, particularly trans people, and particularly low-income people. They treat patients regardless of ability to pay.

I hope people will consider signing up for the fundraiser. If you want to sign up to support me long term, I certainly won’t complain. But if you want to just join in for the Lyon-Martin fundraiser, you can subscribe for one month, and then cancel your subscription, so all your funds will go there. You’ll still get the Butts and my normal Patreon rewards (which include a free monthly poem or short story).

The details of what I’m calling my “Making Lemons into Jokes” campaign are here:

8 years ago

It is really disappointing–she was a shoo-in for the Hugo, we all assumed she’d get it, and it was a shock that she wasn’t even nominated (though I guess given what happened last year we should have been better prepared). And I’m particularly disappointed as her thing was a one-shot, so this is likely to have been her only chance.

8 years ago

I’m really sorry to hear that , guest. Would you be willing to share a link to it, if it’s available online?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

Especially in ‘Related Work’, where two of the entries are:
– A pretty blatant hit piece from Vox’ own blog
– A piece of history which does deserve to be known, but which was included because it helps support the previously-noted hit piece and because the writer has taken her previous abuse and gone all anti-gay-marriage as a result.

Thiazin red
Thiazin red
8 years ago


Was it for Letters to Tiptree? If so its a huge shame that its not on the Hugo shortlist, but congratulations on the Locus nomination.

As for the article, having Zoe Quinn accept the award would be amazing. What would you call this, a reverse troll?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

Also, a number of people have said that Related Work this year suffered from an embarrassment of good choices, which unfortunately diluted the votes for a lot of them and made it easier for the slate to take over. Letters to Tiptree, Women of Wonder, Felicia Day’s autobiography…

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
8 years ago

I have been putting it about that from hereon out, Theodore Beale/Vox Day should be known to all as VOXMAN. Because it’ll irk him something rotten.

Claude Vess
Claude Vess
8 years ago

Can anyone give some desperately needed background on this to a non-sci-fi fan?

I’m on board with any embarrassment to Teddy Beale.

8 years ago

I swear I read this article 3 times and still am not sure I understood.
Vox trolled the Hugo by submitting a troll book, which the Hugo nominated to troll itself (?), then the writer started trolling Vox by inviting the person who Vox liked to troll to receive the prize.
That’s the situation, if i’m understanding.

If that’s right, now I only have to translate the twits to a language I can understand, maybe english. First of all, what is buckaroo? Whats up with the matrix? Devilman? What?!

This is all so surreal. But I am glad for Zoe. I guess?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago


Vox trolled the Hugo by submitting a troll book, which the Hugo nominated to troll itself (?), then the writer started trolling Vox by inviting the person who Vox liked to troll to receive the prize.

Well, more:
– Vox trolled the Hugo awards by submitting a troll book
– Vox got a lot of his followers to vote for the troll book; because the Hugo awards are based entirely on fan votes and not on a jury, all votes get counted and the book got onto the shortlist.
– The writer started trolling Vox.

The middle line is the important one: Vox got a couple hundred of his friends to vote on this (mostly all people who’d paid to vote last year as well; if you pay for a membership one year, you can vote on nominations the next year as well but not on the final results). The Hugo awards are selected by the vote of everybody who’s a member of the Worldcon; it’s not some small panel of people who decide.

8 years ago

Aaah, this explains a real lot, thank you. I heard of these Awards but had no idea how it worked.
Now… Isnt buckaroo a horse? Sorry if its a stupid question, but I cant find something that makes sense in this context in the dictionary, and I love the sound of it.

I Blame Myself
I Blame Myself
8 years ago

Is there any way this could be more perfect?
I think not, meine freunde. I think not.

8 years ago

Buckaroo is a cutesy diminutive term for a boy – used to be for a cowboy, but now it’s sort of a diminishing term, especially for an adult or stranger. It’s infantilizing and such.

8 years ago

Is it very wrong that I have no real idea what is going on, but I’m excited as hell and wearing a big fat grin anyway?

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