#gamergate alt-right TROOOLLLL!! vox day

Butt-centric author Chuck Tingle out-tingles Vox Day, invites Zoe Quinn to the Hugos

Tingle, triumphant
Tingle, triumphant

I can’t claim to have figured out all of the multiple levels of trollery going on here but it looks like the butt-obsessed and surreally self-referential science fiction pseudo-erotica writer Chuck Tingle has just gotten the better of Vox Day.

You might even say that Vox has been cucked, if you were the sort of crappy person who thought “cuck” was a clever insult.

Tingle, known for such butt-related novellas as Pounded in the Butt By My Own Butt — and its even more circular sequel Pounded In The Butt By My Book Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt — was one of the names put forward for a Hugo award this year on Vox Day’s Rabid Puppies slate, an ongoing attempt to derail the Hugo awards by basically stuffing the ballot box with titles the rabidly bigoted and reactionary Vox approves of.

With Vox’s help, Tingle’s Space Raptor Butt Invasion did indeed garner a spot on the Hugo shortlist. But in a plot twist that must have shocked the VOXMAN, the ungrateful Mr. Tingle started furiously trolling Vox on Twitter.

And then Tingle kicked it up a notch:


Quinn quickly hopped aboard the Tingle Express.

Advantage, Tingle and Quinn.

NOTE: Added a bit to my “cuck” line to clarify why I even used the word.


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8 years ago

Ender’s Game is pretty right-wing. I read this essay a while back and it really opened my eyes to what Card is doing (sorry for horrible unreadable format–I’m sure I first read it somewhere else):!creating-the-innocent-killer/ce5s

While looking for that, I also found this:

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

That’s interesting. Thinking back, there definitely are lots of problematic (possibly fascist) elements in the Ender books. Morality and intelligence often boil down to biological determinism rather than environment and someone’s personal choices. The ideas that only intention matters and that you can’t truly hate people after understanding them are classic excuses for abusive thinking and behavior.

8 years ago

May 9, 2016 at 1:16 pm
Ender’s Game is pretty right-wing. I read this essay a while back and it really opened my eyes to what Card is doing (sorry for horrible unreadable format–I’m sure I first read it somewhere else):!creating-the-innocent-killer/ce5s

While looking for that, I also found this:

I’m glad I never discovered Ender’s Game when I was in junior high for precisely the reasons John Kessel brings up. It would have validated very toxic belief I held then.

8 years ago

I’m glad I never discovered Ender’s Game when I was in junior high for precisely the reasons John Kessel brings up. It would have validated very toxic belief I held then.

I did discover Ender’s Game in junior high, and that was exactly what happened. I was heavily into Orson Scott Card all through my angry young nerd phase. I still think Speaker for the Dead is really good, and Ender’s Game is a classic of what it is.

By the time Card turned into a raving anti-gay activist, I’d grown up a little and his writing had deteriorated anyway (I think my first inkling that things were off the rails was when he proudly informed readers that the latest Alvin Maker novel was based on characters his fans had been roleplaying on his message board–and, yup, there were lots of random new villagers who felt exactly like somebody’s D&D character), so I’d already given up on his work.

8 years ago

His space monsters being called “buggers” seems a solid warning sign for imminent writerly homophobia…

(Incidentally, I shared the essayist’s surprise that Card specifically criticises Calvinist morality. His concept of good and evil seems like the same sort of pseudo-Calvinism I’ve seen criticised in J. K. Rowling’s works, only much moreso.)

8 years ago

I have admired Tingle’s title-creating talents (and the fact that he seems to be able to come up with actual plots that match them) for some time now. I can’t believe the “puppies” thought a guy who writes hilarious bizarro gay porn would be into their agenda on any level. Tingle is my new hero.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

I agree Ender’s Game is a classic even if it’s flawed. Card was apparently writing his best work in the 80’s and then it went downhill by the mid-2000’s.

8 years ago

May 8, 2016 at 3:53 pm
Again, most of the Puppy organizers are in my age bracket. They grew up in the 1980s and 1990s. The SF literature of their childhood wasn’t E.E. “Doc” Smith; it was Connie Willis and Octavia Butler and William Gibson. They didn’t grow up with the Robert Heinlein who wrote gung-ho YA space adventures; they grew up with the one who wrote polemics for his idiosyncratic blend of right-libertarianism and hippie free love.

Looks like Heinlein’s juveniles is something they pine for anyway since Vox’s Castalia House just released Rod Walker’s—the “New New Heinlein” (because apparently there was an Old New Heinlein)—Mutiny In Space.

When the radical revolutionaries of the Social Party prevent his attendance at university and make his life on New Chicago impossible, Nikolai Rovio has no choice but to accept his starship-bound uncle’s offer to take refuge in space and sign on as a technical apprentice with Starways. But space, he quickly learns, is full of dangers that can kill a young man just as dead as even the most bloodthirsty revolutionary.

And no place that Man can travel can ever truly serve as a safe refuge from ambitious and evil-minded men.

Rod Walker is the New New Heinlein, and Mutiny in Space marks a first step in the return of science fiction to its classical form and historical heights. Written in the style and tradition of Robert Heinlein’s 12 classic juvenile novels published by Scribner, Mutiny in Space is an exciting tale of space, technology, courage, independence, and the indomitable spirit of Man.

Hey, I’m an aspiring writer, and I just realized I can get published with Castalia House no problem! Dash off a light and clichéd piece of military-themed SF or fantasy dreck, add something about how evil SJWs are, maybe throw in a little Christian supremacy, and they’ll publish me no questioned asked! I’ll even get a built-in fanbase of Rabid Puppies to harass my critics and campaign for my Hugo nomination! It can’t fail!

8 years ago

No offence to YA literature–a lot of my adult friends read a lot of YA books, and I’ve read some recently on their recommendation–but are ‘classic juvenile novels’ really the best the world of sf literature can aspire to?

Or is this code for ‘no girls/no sex’?

8 years ago


Or is this code for ‘no girls/no sex’?

It is more like “no wrong sort of girls/no wrong sort of sex”. I mean, Heinlein did like to write about girls and sex.

Just… not necessarily in the best or nice or heaven forbid, non-problematic way.

8 years ago

May 11, 2016 at 6:50 am
No offence to YA literature–a lot of my adult friends read a lot of YA books, and I’ve read some recently on their recommendation–but are ‘classic juvenile novels’ really the best the world of sf literature can aspire to?

Or is this code for ‘no girls/no sex’?

To be fair, Mutiny In Space is supposed to be the first in Castalia House’s juvenile line. But as Vox himself puts it…

We are very excited about our new series of Rod Walker books, because they are exactly what we founded Castalia House to publish. They are pure Blue SF, and contain no foul language, no adult themes, no nihilism, and they are 100 percent social justice-free. Robert Heinlein revitalized science fiction with just 12 wonderful novels – 13, if one counts Starship Troopers which was originally supposed to be a Scribner novel, but was foolishly turned down – and we believe it is possible to do achieve similar effects by applying the same principles that made his early novels so successful.

So no girls/no sex sounds pretty accurate.

For those who don’t know, “Blue SF” is Vox’s term for real true manly man military pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps hard SF; the evil, evil alternative is the dreaded “Pink SF” which includes “female presidents, token ethnic mélanges,” and discussion of feelings.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Looks like Heinlein’s juveniles is something they pine for anyway since Vox’s Castalia House just released Rod Walker’s—the “New New Heinlein” (because apparently there was an Old New Heinlein)—Mutiny In Space.

Space Mutiny?

8 years ago

Calgon, blow me away!

8 years ago

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
May 11, 2016 at 7:59 am
Space Mutiny?

I would imagine that Vox would love an SF film made during Apartheid. No “token ethnic mélanges” in Space Mutiny!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ rabukurafuto

Pink SF” which includes “female presidents

I wonder what Mr Day thinks of Heinlein’s ‘Space Cadet’. The fact that Venusian society is matriarchal and the human male protanganists have to refer to themselves using female pronouns for diplomatic purposes when dealing with the Venusian leader is a bit of a plot point.

8 years ago

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs:
Dangit, every time I see that posted, I have to watch it. 😀

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

Heinlein supported laissez-faire Libertarian economics and had some fascistic leanings, but he was always more to the left on many social and cultural issues and that came up in his works. That includes Starship Troopers, there’s apparently very little racism or sexism in the Terran Federation and there are opportunities for people with disabilities to be socially mobile. Heinlein later claimed that most federal service was non-military and citizens couldn’t vote or hold political office while in the armed forces.

8 years ago

So this happened…

comment image

8 years ago

Big McLargehuge vs.Blast Hardcheese in the final. BMcLh by 15 at the horn.

8 years ago

Voting for Big McLargehuge!

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