memes MGTOW misogyny

Western Women, the New Tapeworm Parasites: A Midweek MGTOW Meme Mix

See the rest of this meme below
See the rest of this meme below

Some weird and confusing and very, very angry MGTOW memes for you all, once again provided by MGTOW meme master Ovendice in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

Click on the pics if you want to see the original posts on r/MGTOW. Some of these posts got dozens of upvotes from Reddit’s MGTOWs, others got none. I’m not sure what accounts for this, as the ones that get lots of upvotes seem pretty much identical — in the awfulness of their messages and the incompetence of their design — to the ones that got no love from the MGTOW masses.

Prepare yourself for some truly horrendous font choices as we begin this Midweek MGTOW Meme Mix!

"Modern Women: The Real Tapeworm Parasites"
Yeah, I don’t think that slogan is going to catch on.


Um, what?
Um, what?

I censored the next one a little. If you click through to the r/MGTOW thread, and then through to the original pic, you’ll see why. It’s a bit gross.

Sorry, kitten, for putting you into this terrible meme!
Sorry, kitten, for putting you into this terrible meme! And I apologize to the rest of you for my poor font choice.



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8 years ago

@dslucia, I have a friend who’s on the north side of the fire, i.e. the side with no roads out, and only a winter gravel road leading to Lake Athabasca. He’s in a camp that’s surrounded by a kilometer of bare sand and clay, but… still. That sand and clay also houses massive tanks of crude oil, natural gas, and very flammable effluvia. He’s on cellular and has been talking on WhatsApp, but hasn’t responded in the past hour. (I’m sure he’s fine, but that doesn’t help the ole’ fear-registry)

We get forest fires every year, though. Some years ago my brothers’ house burned down along with most of Slave Lake (~25,000 people), and every year we have some great big ones that blanket the sky in smoke. So the fire itself isn’t a huge deal, it’s just a terrible situation for Fort Mac because it’s so big and so isolated.

@Alan, I know! You guys are lucky in that regard over there :\ Here, our weather tends to grind to gravel anything that isn’t massively over-built. I’m fairly sure they’re being over-protective in that regard, though – my ancestors did fine with sod houses and candles, I’m pretty sure we would be just fine with strawbales, plaster and some lodgepole pine.

Grumble. Our province is perfectly suited to provide beautiful building materials, and the regulations say no. Not fair :\

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja

I’m a big fan of Victorian style over engineering but it can be a bit counter intuitive when it comes to building materials. I’ve been practicing (on a build site) with some wooden things called ‘glulams’ and they turn out to be stronger than the equivalent size steel girder or concrete lintel.

In Scandanavia they build hotels and cathedrals out of the things.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja, I don’t think I knew that you were a fellow Albertan…

The situation in Fort Mac is awful, and my heart goes out to the evacuees, particularly those whose homes have been destroyed.

There are no known fatalities, which is a blessing.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

A “tapeworm parasite”? Do tapeworms have their own parasites, or is he succumbing to rage-redundancy?

Big tapeworms have little tapeworms,
Upon their backs to parasite ’em
And lesser men go their own way,
and go,
and go,
and go,
ad infinitum.

(They really are the living embodiment of Zeno’s paradox, aren’t they?)

8 years ago

@ scildfreja: Yeah, former Albertan here. Fort MacMurray has seen it’s share of problems from groing too fast with too little funding and oversight due to the tar sands boom. With the oil market depressed as it is right now, it’ll be even harder for the city to rebuild.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Irrespective of the content of these which are tremendously stupid, I thought memes were supposed to be snappy and short? They’re just a failure on every level.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

dslucia | May 4, 2016 at 1:41 pm

Yeah, like, almost half of Alberta seems to be burning right now. It’s kinda terrifying, as someone who lives in a place that hasn’t had large, dangerous wildfires in something like 100 years.

Y’all have my California Sympathies. We get nasty wildfires in our state at least every year.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

What is with the ”false rape accusation” thing? I’ve met only one person who was falsely accused and the case was dropped in less than a day, because the story was pretty obviously made up. Do these guys think every single woman will do that to them? Is it some kind of way to paint women as these evil witches?

It would creep me out if some guy started talking about how he doesn’t go out much with women, because he doesn’t want to be labeled a rapist and he totally isn’t.

8 years ago

I think the “false rape accusation” thing is more of a “the definition of rape should be limited to assaults by strangers at knife point, and so referring to sexual contact without consent under any other circumstances as rape is a false accusation by definition” thing. Because these guys are rape apologists and enablers, at best.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

That would expalin a lot. Then again, I’m sure the most loathsome of them would try to find an excuse for a knife knife wielding rapist.

8 years ago

Re: the last one, this is hilarious to me. What the hell do these people think that women who devote 90% of their time and energy to their appearance and pleasing men will be like? What idiots, of course they’ll want to at least get to go on dates and get presents.

These people want self-hating slaves, and don’t realize that when you hate yourself, you don’t usually care about your appearance, or if you do, you lash out at yourself or others in some other way. #BasicEmpathy

Also, if a person is far more attractive than you and they want to date you, and you don’t make up for it in some other way, *it means there’s something very wrong with that person*. Dumb, emotional problems, abusive, etc. Duh!

8 years ago

I think the false rape accusation thing comes from a place of entitlement to sex and wanting to protect their own egos. Foregoing sex in order to respect a woman’s boundaries is out of the question. I’ve actually had conversations with men for whom not having sex straight up doesn’t even present itself as an option. Sex follows necessarily from boner. Ergo, if rape is anything other than “stranger in a dark alley at knife point”, that means that they have to *horror* be willing to pass on sex just because some woman doesn’t want to fuck them in order to avoid committing rape. And that would require them to notice how their partner was responding to them which is of course also out of the question. So, to protect their egos from the fact that they are at least willing to rape (if they haven’t already) they buy into this idea that most rape is just regret.

8 years ago

@Viscaria, yup! Albertan. Jazzed about the NDP government we’ve got in, though i fear that the honeymoon may be over soon…

Reports from my friend in Fort Mac are pretty regular – his camp is well away from the fires. They’re accepting evacuee families at the camps, but they’re also still working regular shifts. The international airport there is still flying, too, so they aren’t completely cut off. Should be okay!

(Also, apparently there’s a *second* evacuation going on in and around Onoway, which isn’t far from where I live. Seems like we’re going to have a lot of fires this season…)

@leftwingfox, Yeah, Fort Mac is going to have a tough time rebuilding. Frankly, though? It was falling apart at the seams before, and the only reason it was never properly fixed up is because it would stall oil production. Now that oil’s low, they’ll have the opportunity to do things right, since there’s not as much of a rush to get it to market.

Of course, that’s if they decide to spend the money. Lord knows these oil companies have the cash on-hand, but they’ve never been very good at spending it on infrastructure that doesn’t result in immediate payoff…

@Paradoxy, hi California! If you want an analogy to Fort McMurray, think “Bakersfield in a massive pine forest” and you won’t be far off. Same laissez-faire conservative mindset, same everything-owned-by-big-oil, same gold-rush-town feeling. Just, well, on fire, I guess.

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

There was one “false rape accusation” that made me double-blink.

It was about To Kill a Mockingbird – I’d stumbled across this particular post because I’d been thinking about that lovely scene in the courtroom at the end of the trial (“Miss Jean Louise. Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passin’.”)

On this particular post I found, the poster had one major takeaway from the movie: When a woman falsely accuses a man of rape, she destroys his life and he could get killed.

That was it. No awareness that the victim really had been raped, but by her father, and she’d accused another man because her father had berated her into naming somebody other than himself. No awareness of the racial dynamics of Depression-era Alabama. Nope. All that mattered was that Tom had been accused of a rape he didn’t commit. And don’t get me wrong – that is an injustice, but it’s not the only one in the story, and the reasons why the jury came back with a guilty verdict had more to do with their willingness to believe a white woman when she accused a black man.

8 years ago

@Victorious Parasol
Well of course

-Woman accuses man of rape
-black so only matters as puppet of agenda or another not WASP to exterminate
-white guy never at fault

Combined with willful ignorance and there you have it.

Mrs. B
Mrs. B
8 years ago

I am really wondering if Ovendice has ever actually met a living, breathing woman.

Every one of his memes are almost cartoon-villain outlandish.

8 years ago


Jazzed about the NDP government we’ve got in, though I fear that the honeymoon may be over soon

If efforts to “unite the Right” are successful and the Conservatives and Wild Rose form a single party, I think it’s very likely that the NDP will be out next election :-/. If that does happen, I worry that we’ll be worse off than even we used to be, because I suspect any merger would necessarily drag the PC away from their current “uuuuuuuurgh” position on the political spectrum, and closer to the WR’s “holy shit really? These are things living human beings actually believe?? How is there so much awful in the world??!!” position.

Sorry for local politics wank, everybody.

8 years ago

Ugh, Wild Rose. I am offended by the existence of that party. I really hope that Notley and the crew can put together a good showing to stay in, because the idea of a Wild Rose / PC alliance is gross. It’s true, though, they’d make a powerful party in local politics.

Ugh. gross.

8 years ago

“False rape accusations!” is the cry of a man who hears about a woman being raped and identifies with the rapist. “I could be in that situation, but I’m not a rapist, so it must not be rape.”

8 years ago

@Mrs. B

It’s like the net is filled with edgy manchildren who never gree out of that mindset.

If we got the supervillains, where’s the superheroes? Might as well go full hog.

8 years ago

“butch and mannish” “picture of slender woman without noticeable muscles”

B-But she has a racerback tank top on! She is going to exercise and go outside, only MEN can do that! The outdoors were created for men to hunt mammoths! Women should only get exercise from cleaning.


Annie’s Christmas song was hilarious! I love Allison Brie, she can do comedy and drama, and seems to be getting into producing now so, yeah for smart women in Television.

8 years ago

My heart goes out to your friend and all who are dealing with forest fires. I’m sure that climate change doesn’t help the situation.

8 years ago

I am really wondering if Ovendice has ever actually met a living, breathing woman.

No, they’re always mysteriously out of the office.

8 years ago

Also, we are ALL “far below dogs”, because dogs are amazing and the best.

comment image

Name is Futile
Name is Futile
8 years ago

I’m always baffled by the fact that this men complain about women being parasites, yet cringe at the though of a woman having a full-time job and being both emotionally and economically independent.

I’m lying. I’m not baffled at all. After all, they just want women to be photosynthetic slaves– “what a spoiled b*tch she is, wanting me to pay for her food that she cooks, while taking care of my sons and cleaning my house.”

Also, saying that women are inferior to dogs. Doesn’t strike you as a woman hating douchebag. At all.