
Some weird and confusing and very, very angry MGTOW memes for you all, once again provided by MGTOW meme master Ovendice in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
Click on the pics if you want to see the original posts on r/MGTOW. Some of these posts got dozens of upvotes from Reddit’s MGTOWs, others got none. I’m not sure what accounts for this, as the ones that get lots of upvotes seem pretty much identical — in the awfulness of their messages and the incompetence of their design — to the ones that got no love from the MGTOW masses.
Prepare yourself for some truly horrendous font choices as we begin this Midweek MGTOW Meme Mix!


I censored the next one a little. If you click through to the r/MGTOW thread, and then through to the original pic, you’ll see why. It’s a bit gross.

“..”Feminism” allowed women “to be themselves”, and that…is the problem”
That is true in one sense: women being themselves and not conforming to men like Ovendice and their expectations is a problem…for those men and their narrow-minded misogyny.
But it’s not a problem, just their problem, so…
How they deal with it is up to them, but puking out angry little graphics doesn’t seem to be working out so well – otherwise, they wouldn’t be angry little men puking out angry little graphics.
Still petitioning to have them change their name from Men Going Their Own Way to Men Who Want You To Feel Bad That They’re Saying They’re Going Their Own Way, or MWWYTFBTTSTGTOW.
I think it’s a bit more fitting, considering the state of their “memes”. (They’re infographics, for fuck’s sake. Though, I suppose we’d be using that term a lot more loosely than “meme”, considering the state of the “info”.)
These are not memes anymore. We need a new name for them. How about “cranial regurgitations?”
Oh, I know it’s not very snappy, but it’s a damn sight more accurate.
Means “woman who doesn’t look frail, but rather like she could take me in a fair fight”. If a woman can fight a man and best him fair and square, she’s “butch and mannish”, even when there’s not a masculine bone in her body!
(I also love how they expect us all to be thin, but not to do the HARD PHYSICAL WORK it takes to be that way. As though starvation and pretty, harmless, childlike thoughts were supposed to suffice.)
I had always through that the stereotypical “Western woman” was always independent, strong-willed, big-hearted and pragmatic. I don’t know what universe these guys come from, but in mine, North American women are ranch-hands and farmers and oil-riggers, and we all like it that way.
Related to oil riggers and farmers…
Please spare a thought for Fort McMurray today if you can – the entire city is being evacuated in the face of a massive forest fire. This is complicated by the fact that the city is two hours from the nearest civilization, connected by a single two-lane highway flanked by resin-rich and bone-dry boreal forest on both sides. The oil camps there are getting ready to evacuate by air, since they would have to drive through Fort Mac to go by bus. Tens of thousands of people are effectively cut off from the only route of escape by the fire, save the camps’ airstrips.
I used to work up there, and have friends up there, so this sort of hits close to home for me!
Shorter Ovenmitts:
Are women evil? No, they’re just parasites. And parasites ARE evil.
And no, I’m not contradicting myself, you feminist parasite!
(The fact that he himself is a parasite on the face of this world will hereby go unremarked.)
If anything, I’d call the crafty y-chromosome a parasite, what with its sneeky deviatin’ from the standard human body plan, and the r-selected fire-and-forget reproduction strategy, and the whole not-gestatin’ young thing. I mean really, what’s up with that?
Ugh. These are such fine examples of the kind of logic and intellect that society gets from the ‘great’ builders of civilization, the fount of all valuable knowledge …MGTOW.
If they want to complain to someone about the way our government and legal system operates, maybe they should try directing it at those actually responsible – MEN. More specifically, white men. Since our forefathers/the framers/federalists – as great as some of their ideas and contributions were – felt that only they and those like them were qualified to vote, hold government office, own property, etc etc…
They also need to take the idea that they are owed a hot, young and virginal financially independent but not due to a job for a paycheck/sex-on-demand/sandwich making/baby incubating/maid unit…represented by a sharp lego cactus, and sit on it while not wearing pants. Then follow up with a Clockwork Orange-style corrective programming session to get rid of their obsession with false rape accusations and nuke their desire to treat women as though being female makes a person useless, intellectually inferior, without thoughts/feelings/dreams/autonomy, but at the same time want to force the distribution of a hot, young and virginal financially independent but not due to a job for a paycheck/sex-on-demand/sandwich making/baby incubating/maid unit to all men who don’t even have to bother WASHING themselves.
Ehhh…I’ll settle for them taking a permanent seat without pants on a sharp spiky lego cactus. Gave up on seeing them ever go their own way.
@ Scildfreja
Exactly – the sweet dainty woman the MGTOWs claim is the ideal had a hard time of it during the pioneering/territory days, when a lot of men were looking for wives who could cook, clean, sew, tend a garden, manage livestock, perhaps spin or weave, knit, raise children, provide basic first aid to family members and herself, and a whole host of other things I’m not aware of because I’ve never been a pioneer woman. I’m just a descendant.
This isn’t doing anything to disprove my theory that manosphere memes are actually slipping in though the internet of an alternate reality where everything is similar but also completely fucking backwards.
An accurate musical representation of their traditionalist feminine dream girl:
@ GenJones
I love that Community scene. It’s from one of my favorite Christmas episodes they did.
Yes, before feminism, all western women were middle or upper class, and they never had to do any sort labor that might give them muscles or expose their complexions to the elements.
Don’t be dependent on a man’s money.
Don’t compete and earn your own money.
Do these creepy yahoos even READ their own “memes” before posting them???
@ VP
Slaughter and butcher a hog (chicken, steer, etc.), shoot (or in earlier days spear) a wolf, harvest a field (that’s a job for the whole family), milk a cow/goat, churn butter, make cheese, make soap, and in some cases pull a plow (not steer, pull; that’s only when the family’s too poor to afford an ox though).
Re: Ovendice
I can’t recall if I mentioned this before, but it appears that our chum Ovendice is admitting to cheating at games of chance. There is a practice whereby plastic dice are placed in a low-temperature oven with the preferred result facing upwards. The plastic runs slightly, and thereafter the dice are weighted and no longer honest.
@ Dalillama
In The Western Female meme, I’m a little befuddled because that’s a picture of my dog!
He’s lovely and I wouldn’t swap him, but I’m not going to get into a debate regarding the relative merits of his value and character, compared to an imaginary stereotype.
Leave my dog out of it Ovendice!
Now I want to live in a haybale hobbit house and plough fields and make all of my clothes and stuff by hand. Great. 😐
Someone in a previous thread had suggested I look at land outside of the cities where zoning and construction laws are more lax… nope. Canada is sort of strict on that sort of thing, we have very tight building codes. Something to do with the -40C weather (Not that strawbale houses have any issues with insulation mind you).
It is a national tragedy :C
I like the one that says “is this how it works, ladies?” Because it allows me, an official member of Club Lady, to be like “No, no it doesn’t, and I have no idea where you got would have gotten that impression.”
@Paradoxical Intention
You have to get something in there about how we women are really going to regret it! They mean it this time! Not kidding! Going our own way! You’ll be sorry, ladies! Gonna count to three – 1…..2……2-1/8th….2-3/16ths….2-5/32nds…..
Oh, Ovendice. Never change. You’re too damn funny. There’s a part of me that kind of wishes he’d come comment here sometime. I should probably be careful what I wish for though!
Meme 1) Why would an MGTOW be mad about abortion? I thought they didn’t want to have kids with horrible western females anyway? Doesn’t abortion save them 18 years of child support.? They don’t want to get married, they don’t want to pay child support, they don’t want a welfare system in place, they don’t want abortion, they don’t want women to have jobs. Who exactly is supposed to be providing for these children?
Meme 2) This one sounds an awful lot like the jokes feminists make between ourselves about rape accusations being easy and fun. Did he stumble across some snark somewhere and take it seriously? Does he really think filing a police report and getting a rape kit done is a quick errand you can run before happy hour? Wtf?
Meme 3) Why do MGTOW always seem to think that women are exempt from paying taxes? Tax revenue is not “men’s money.”
Meme 4) Doesn’t know the difference between feminine and effeminate. Doesn’t know the difference between a cast system (sic) and a monarchy. Thinks he’s superior and rational by virtue of being male. Yes, that’s our Ovendice! I mean, not to beat a dead horse here, but sheesh!
I don’t think they complain about providing for women because they want women to provide for themselves. They’re starting from the premise that women are completely incompetent at literally everything. Men providing for women is just the way the world has to work because women can’t/won’t do anything. But feminism is over here telling women they should be able to have all the same opportunities as men and be compensated the same despite doing literally nothing. So it’s like (according to them) men are going to end up doing all the work anyway while being expected to treat women as if they’ve done all the work. It’s all internally consistent given those premises.
Yeah, like, almost half of Alberta seems to be burning right now. It’s kinda terrifying, as someone who lives in a place that hasn’t had large, dangerous wildfires in something like 100 years.
@viscaria I wondered about that one too. How are we supposed to respond? “Yes, you caught us, that is exactly how it works.” ?
@ scildfreja
I like that place. It’s Scandinavian ‘stick building’ that I’ve been learning, so the wood look is something I’m fond of. I’m giving some serious consideration of adopting the old Iron Age trick of living above the livestock (donkeys) so as to utilise the heat they give off.
Ironically all this eco building and using salvaged materials is something I’d be doing anyway as a tight Yorkshire git.
ETA: we have pretty strict planning rules and ‘building regs’ here but weirdly they’re a lot more forgiving if you’re going down the hippy route. Do a new build from proper materials and they all have to be particular specifications but say you’re going to insulate the walls with cowshit or old carrier bags and it’s like “oh, ok then”