So a Redditor goes into the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
I realize that sounds a bit like the start of a crappy joke. But it’s true. Earlier today, the guy in question popped into the MGTOW subreddit with a couple of questions.
Now, I don’t know if AwYisBreadCrumbs is trolling or not, but there are few things you can say to a MGTOW that will offend him more than this seemingly reasonable question.
If these guys really are all enjoying their awesome bachelor lifestyles, unburdened by the demands of marriage and parenthood and all of that, you might expect them to share some of the details with their MGTOW pals: Here I am rock climbing in Colorado. Here I am meeting rescued Orangutans in Borneo. Here’s the backyard roller coaster I built with my own hands. Here’s my podcast about Elvis impersonators. Here’s my model train set. I dunno, something. Anything.
Nope! Oh sure, once in a long while one of the regulars will make a post about his motorcycle. But roughly 99% of the posts in r/MGTOW are complaints about women.
And that’s the way the MGTOWs like it, as they made very clear with their overwhelmingly hostile responses to AwYis’ (possibly) innocent question. Here are some of them:
define cool sh*t. Only a woman needs to ask to be entertained.
s*ck my d*ck
There are already subreddits focusing on whatever it is you want to talk about. MGTOW is about enjoying the decline.
Your post sounds like you are concerned that mgtow have the audacity to talk about women. Gtfo quickly
Take your ass on out
you put expectations on MGTOW. There aren’t any, that’s why we all went this way.
Sorry, dude. There are expectations when it comes to MGTOWs. Anyone who’s ever spent a more than a few minutes watching a MGTOW video, or reading a MGTOW forum, or encountering MGTOWs in any other context quickly learns to expect MGTOWs to be the hyperbolically misogynistic manbabies that they in fact are.
So if you’re looking for cool model train layouts on Reddit, you’re going to have to go to r/modeltrains, where I found this:
What is this?! A train for ANTS?!!!
In the r/modeltrains discussion, someone pointed out that about 45 seconds in the train almost ran over a pretty giant ant.
So it’s more a train AGAINST ants.
Freedom from consequences of speech (or for that matter, consequences from anything).
Seems to be a recurring theme in some quarters.
MGTOW — Men Griping Tediously Over Women.
Men Not Going Far Their Own Way.
MGTOWs seem to be an especially vicious breed of manospherian for some reason. This is just my experience with them but they seem to be the most out and proud about hating women for just being women, not some redirect about feminism, gynocratic government/media, beta male enablers, etc. And the only types that seem to rival them in aggressiveness are the Incels.
I know that over the years David has taken a look at all of them but I wonder if there has ever been a concise break down of all the different groups in the manosphere and possible demographic differences, origin differences, etc between them if there are any. I think that would be interesting.
Instead of going their own way, can’t they just go away?
I mean ok “manbabies who play with themselves” live your lives without woman but actually instead of speaking about woman are the evil in person and all that talk about that they are so much better without them.
Why you guys never talk about what you actually do with all the awesome time you have now?
I got a small feeling that you have non, you just want to bitch and surround yourself in hatred. These guys are the most obsessed about woman, really it’s almost funny if it weren’t so sad.
Ooh! Two posts about MGTOW in one day! These are always my favorite because they’re the most mockworthy. They’re just the most ridiculous people.
Can’t help but read what is going on with them…as long as I don’t have to experience their hate first-hand.
Years ago, when this place was Manboobz, and I read about MGTOW’s I thought, “Wow! Maybe I’m a WGTOW” since I pretty much avoid emotional/sexual tangles with men and I like it that way. I have friends, hobbies, a job l like, pets (yeah, I know), and I didn’t ever think to start a reddit where I and women like me could go and bitch about the perfidy of men. I just didn’t pay them much mind unless they were my friends or relatives. MGTOWs is weird!
Men Growing Their Own Wings
…is a thing I just thought. Now I want to draw it.
Crap. I suck at drawing. :/
AwYisBreadCrumbs is definitely trolling if you ask me. That username is a reference to Hark A Vagrant which is a feminist Canadian awesome (didn’t even need to add that) cartoon.
I recommend that you all look it up if you’ve never read it and want to lose a few hours.
It’s actually hilarious. Were I to ever “go my own way” (not happening) that would be what I would post. Pictures of me in Greece, building houses with HfH, biking the trails in a national park, whatever.
These guys don’t want to go router own way, they’re just screaming “I’m leaving! ” in the hopes that a bunch of women will say “no please don’t go! My life will be so empty wit out your majestic phallus!”
Not going to happen losers, deal with it.
There are a lot of implications packed into this, among them that people only masturbate when they aren’t getting laid, and that people who can’t get/are not getting laid (and thus must masturbate) are less than people who can/are (and thus are not masturbating). Those are not really okay sentiments.
I once tried to troll the MGTOW subredditors into growing their own boobs. Based on the idea that if men had breasts too, women wouldn’t be able to use theirs to control men. The MGTOW guys didn’t fall for it. Too bad; if the MGTOW guys had all become MGTOB, it would have been so funny.
GO, already. Shut up and go!
Eh.. chill it wasn’t meant in a sexual way. More like the other kids don’t wanna play with assholes so they have no friends and have to play all alone with themselves.
There’s a guy who miiiight be considered a MGTOW near where I live. No wife. No female partner. He does his own thing, lives independently, kowtows to no one.
He’s a wizard, Harry. No, literally! Robes, staff, covered in gold, white haired old bloke who walks up and down a mountain every day. He has one eye and a piratical eye patch, a crystal ball, and he advises on leylines.
He smiles at children and blesses them.
He’s awesome. I propose we replace all normal MGTOWs with wizards.
I’d sort of feel bad for these guys if they weren’t such huge douchecanoes. I assume they didn’t have much luck in their relationships and instead of finding out that the problem may be that they have some crappy personality traits and impossible standards , they just went ”no, all women suck, that must be it!”. It’s tough admitting to yourself that you kind of suck sometimes, but it’s for the better. Heck, if you know what the problem is, you could try to fix it!
Nope, it’s easier to say ”women just suuuuck” and post angry stuff about them online. Do they hope that women will look at them ‘and just go ”Ya know, I should stop sucking so much, you’re right” and they’ll get The Woman of Their Dreams? They’re not going anywhere, they seem to be like a kid that says ”I’m leaving!” and waits to see if someone will give them the attention/thing they wanted.
Oh that guy is definitely trolling XD and why not? All the little fishies certainly leaped on the hook, didn’t they?
Oh, so Mitgows just need hobbies?
I volunteer to teach mitgows how to knit, bake, brew, cure meat, cross stitch or make cheese* if they promise to go the fuck away already after their lessons.
*hobbies I can think of off top of my head.
Nope. They exist in a constant stake of “going”, which means they’ll never actually be “gone”.
Men Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance Between Their Sexual Attraction To Women And Their Hatred Of Women.
Literally anti fun.
They are literally anti fun.
They have gone full staturday morning cartoon villain.