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Trumplords celebrate the Donald’s big victory by yelling about “cucks” on Twitter

Trump celebrates his win
Trump celebrates his win

With Trump now the inevitable Republican nominee, in the wake of his big victory in Indiana, the Anime Nazis and sh*tlords and Milo Yiannopoulos fanboys who are some of Trump’s biggest supporters have taken to Twitter to … yell about cucks.

Which is pretty much what they do every night. Tonight, they just did it more. But let’s let them have their little moment. Because every time they call someone a cuck they cost Trump a vote in the general election.

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8 years ago

They didn’t create Pepe and don’t own him.

I don’t know the whole story of “how X became meme which then became weird a 4chan thing” with Pepe but I feel about him the same as I do about about other characters co-opted by these alt right people to be their mascots. It was just a silly looking frog dude someone had created for a webcomic? I feel bad for that person, knowing something they made just to make people laugh has been made to represent Trump and a bunch of Nazi stuff? Not only does it make no sense but yeah, it’s basically a stolen image.

8 years ago


About the “cuck” thing, it is really quite insulting to both parties because the woman is property but the the male is “not a real man” if his partner cheated on him (because he didn’t “keep her in line” or something) even though he has been wronged. With the Trumpites, there’s also the creepy racial thing in addition to antiquated gender roles were white men men are supposed to keep [insert minority here] away from ladies vaginas, and any man who isn’t racist enough to beat them up/run them out of the country is “letting” them fuck “our” women. Therefore he isn’t a REALMAN™ like our beloved Donald Largepenis!

Anyway I don’t have any animals that look like food but here’s an Armadillo playing w/ a squeak toy:

8 years ago

Trump could win if Muslim terrorists attack the US, the economy falters, the Democratic infighting gets spectacularly ugly, or it turns out there actually is something really bad on CLinton’s server. Otherwise I think Clinton is extremely likely to win. But the above are real possibilities, so that’s frightening.

8 years ago

I don’t have the same optimism as some people seem to here. People said a year ago that Trump would never get this far and now he’s gotten the nomination. I can’t write him off just yet which is frightening. Also I don’t get American politics that well but I know from our history of colonialism here in Ireland and the flip flopping leaders that Clinton would not be my choice either. A flip flopper with a history of murder and wars just like the unfavourable history here, I am feeling a strong despair for the next few years regardless of which party ends up in power. Hillary Clinton isn’t as bad as Donald Trump (obviously) but that’s not saying much.

8 years ago

ah I forgot its tied up w racism! yup that makes sense – well, not sense but – it fits… maaan, as a white person who has a vagina, I really resent their claiming me as their property and using “protectin white wimmens” as an excuse for racist violence. I feel icky when ppl blame WW for this but I dont rlly say anything usually bc afab white ppl do have the white privilege and often contribute to the systemic racism so I dont like getting defensive about my white feels. but I make it known I dont consent to that shit, I mean Im not even cis or into cis dudes ffs, let alone a neo nazi or whatever.

As for pepe – I mean, the Chaplin mustache used to be cool, is all Im sayin…

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

Dying to see how these MRA/Conservatives behave when Trump is soundly defeated by Secretary Clinton in November. The memes/gifs will be great!! And so satisfying.

8 years ago

I totally get people’s problems with Clinton, but the privilege displayed by those who play the ‘as bad as each other’ or ‘can’t vote for her’ cards is astounding. How hard is it to imagine being, for example, an American Muslim today for just a few seconds?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Speaking of politics, here’s a nice article about the new WEP over here in Blightyland.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Also speaking of politics, I’d never seen this photo before until just now, but it’s brilliant!

Any Scandanavian Mamotheers know more about it?äska.jpg

8 years ago

Roo_HXE is going to be hilariously disappointed when he discovers that a good half of Canadian conservatives are a little to the left of Clinton.

Joseph B
Joseph B
8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw, that picture has it’s own Wikipedia article:

The woman with the handbag is Danuta Danielsson; she was a Jewish woman whose mother was a Holocaust survivor.

On the topic of Trump’s Neo-Nazi fanbase, especially given the fixation on “cuck” and racial purity, plus the antisemitism, I’m still wondering why none of them have brought up the point about Ivanka Trump’s conversion to Orthodox Judaism and her marriage to a Jewish man. Isn’t that pretty much their own definition of their own favorite word?

8 years ago

I don’t have the same optimism as some people seem to here.

Same. Bush was a two term president.

Lunzie Mespil
Lunzie Mespil
8 years ago

The whole election is bizarre to me. I don’t know personally know anyone who actually likes Trump. How is it that so many people are voting for him? I fear for the future of my country that so many people apparently overlook his logical failures, his hypocrisy and his tantrums. And sadly, many people seem to like the hatred he spews.

I wish I had more confidence that Clinton will win. Unfortunately many conservatives I know dislike her so much that they will either hold their nose and vote for Trump, or else not vote at all. I also worry that a third-party candidate might run and take enough votes away from Clinton to give Trump the election.

8 years ago

Dying to see how these MRA/Conservatives behave when Trump is soundly defeated by Secretary Clinton in November.

I’m not so excited. The irrational violence we’ve already seen come from that camp is troubling. Watching it fester and boil over for 8 years is not going to be pleasant.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Yes, I can give you more info when I get home. This photo was taken in the city of Växjö, Sweden, in 1985. It’s a famous picture with an interesting story.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ IP

I’d be very grateful; thank you 🙂

I just love it! Not only for the content; but there’s just something so wonderful about the image itself. She’s like a one-woman Battle of Cable Street!
8 years ago

I feel bad because Hillary Clinton is the spouse of a living US President, and we’ve already had the offspring of a living US President in our lifetimes. I’m sure she’s just as qualified for the office as Bernie Sanders, but the Republican party already flirted with open nepotism, and I feel like nominating Clinton II would be tacit approval of that strategy.

8 years ago

3…2…1…and I’m 100% sure there’re already calls that this is a “false flag” op.

That is, from those Trump supporters not saying, “F-yeah! Got what she deserved! WOOOO!”

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

I’m a little worried for a different reason. If/when she is elected, I think the fringe militia types will go absolutely apeshit. I think they’ll react worse to a woman than they did to a black President, and that’s saying something.

Add in the fact that she’s a Clinton, and it’s going to be that much worse. I hope I’m wrong, but there are still an awful lot of McVeighs out there.

8 years ago

I feel bad because Hillary Clinton is the spouse of a living US President, and we’ve already had the offspring of a living US President in our lifetimes. I’m sure she’s just as qualified for the office as Bernie Sanders, but the Republican party already flirted with open nepotism, and I feel like nominating Clinton II would be tacit approval of that strategy.

Let me get this straight. You feel she’s qualified, but because her husband already served as president you don’t think she should?

8 years ago

Assuming Trump does lose, I wonder what that does to his businesses? Trump is a brand, and perception of the brand is very important. It’s already looking pretty tarnished, with all the ugliness of his campaign, but when you add “loser” to that mix (and probably “sore loser”, at that)… well, who would want his name on their buildings then?

8 years ago

Let me get this straight. You feel she’s qualified, but because her husband already served as president you don’t think she should?

I’ll chime in.
I’m going to vote for her if she’s the nominee, but I’m deeply uncomfortable with the dynastic BS that’s going on.

8 years ago

I wonder if the guy behind the trump train meme realizes that a train without brakes will derail the first time it has to go around a corner?

8 years ago

If Trump wins I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ll probably get horribly depressed and just hope he was blowing smoke up everyone’s ass. Of course, even if he doesn’t believe half the stuff he says, his followers do, and that worries me.

Someone on the last page mentioned arming themselves if Trump wins. If you do, please research your options and try to learn all about your gun. Practice with it at a range because stray shots hit targets (which I learned firing an airgun at some cans and bottles only for my missed shots to hit my neighbor’s house). As someone who does have an interest in guns and wishes for people to be allowed to fire them, it’s a person’s duty to be mature and safe in their use, otherwise it just plays into the “angry NRA assault rifle hoarder” stereotype.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

I find the dynastic stuff confusing as well. Didn’t you peeps have a revolution to get away from all that? 😀