empathy deficit entitled babies lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains jokes post contains sarcasm that's completely wrong we hunted the mammoth women's jobs aren't real

Men’s Rights Redditor: “We (males) literally built EVERY F**KING THING”

Women: Bad at hammering
Women: Bad at hammering

Ladies! Make sure you sign up for your free house! Apparently they’re just giving them away, like Oprah or something!

At least that’s what I heard on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

PhilWylie 41 points 4 days ago I've always said, one of the basic differences between men and women: Give a man a free house and he'll thank you forever for being the most generous person in the world. Give a woman a free house and listen to her complain about cleaning it.

Well, he’s got a point here. Ladies, do make sure to send a nice “thank you” note after unwrapping your new house.

But we men haven’t just been giving you ladies houses. We’ve given you ALL THE THINGS.

jace81 4 points 4 days ago lol Pretty much the current state of gender equality. We (males) literally built EVERY FUCKING THING, and let women have a say in how its run.

We hunted EVERY F**CKING THING to feed, house and clothe you!

I mean, seriously. it’s not like women ever build anything. Here are some photos of women not building things.





Oops. Sorry, it looks like some of those women are building things.

Well, it’s not like women do any other important jobs.

Chart by IdeasFisherman
Chart by IdeasFisherman

Really? These are important jobs? Would anyone even notice if all the women in the US stopped showing up for their pretend jobs? Seriously, how essential to the economy are administrators, accountants, insurance fraud investigators, tax collectors, nurses, or teachers?

And what’s with all those different kinds of managers? I mean, it’s not like the economy would grind to a halt if all the office managers just up and quit without notice, taking all the women staffers with them to enjoy workless lives of ease and plenty by scamming beta providers out of all their money.

Wait. I’m being told that the economy would indeed grind to a halt if the female half of the workplace suddenly vanished. Apparently some of these so-called jobs are actually essential to the economy and society in general.

But we men are still number one when it comes to building houses! WHOO!

Admittedly, I personally have not built any houses, or even picked up a hammer in years, but ladies, you know the rules: As a man I’m entitled to credit for every good thing other men have done (and none of the blame for the bad things).

And I have the right to yell at women on the internet about it.

Come to think of it, that’s something else men are really really good at. WE’RE NUMBER ONE!

H/T — r/AgainstMensRights

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8 years ago

I did some work with habitat for humanity one year when I was in americorps*nccc. there was about a 70/30 ratio of women to men in the corps as a whole, and like 8/2 on my team in particular. we built quite a bit. and I was probably lazier than most of the women on my team.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

At my volunteer work I’d say about 70-80% of the active members were women when I started there last year. Now it’s more like 60% women, or maybe even close to 50/50. We had a huge influx of new volunteers as a response to the refugee crisis, more than doubling our total membership in just a few months, and the new volunteers were majority men for some reason.

Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

Nope. Never built a thing. Never done anything hands on at all.

The cameras on professional telescopes have to be very cold to stop the pictures being covered in little white dots like snowflakes. This is me totally not refilling the camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope with liquid nitrogen.

8 years ago

On the flip side, this women-never-building-anything thesis must be great news to Roosh who was a tad worried that women may be out and about getting jobs and careers and uninterested in becoming his wife-servants.

AJ from GA
AJ from GA
8 years ago

A Space Alpaca,

“Can “Women, we build people” be an official slogan of some sort?
That sounds like a really great marketing campaign to me.”

I have seen this a couple of times, and the typical response from these MRA assholes is, “Congratulations, your greatest achievement is something you can accomplish while in a coma.”

8 years ago

Whereas the MRA’s greatest accomplishment may be something their ancestors might have done before the dawn of recorded history.

8 years ago

Give a woman a free house and listen to her complain about cleaning it.

I guarantee this man has a woman doing all of his cleaning for him for free. I’d put money on it.

8 years ago

It must be so freaking lonely to not ever do anything with other genders.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

And what’s with all those different kinds of managers? I mean, it’s not like the economy would grind to a halt if all the office managers just up and quit without notice, taking all the women staffers with them to enjoy workless lives of ease and plenty by scamming beta providers out of all their money.

Come now! We know, from the definitely-knows-this-stuff telemarketer-extraordinaire Ovendice, that female managers never actually show up for work in the first place.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

I’m guessing the “Men build everything!” crowd couldn’t sew if their lives depended on it. I can’t either, but I don’t go around claiming men are the fount of everything.

It reminds me of the extreme right wingers I used to see on Usenet. One of them told me that white people invented everything.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Can “Women, we build people” be an official slogan of some sort?
That sounds like a really great marketing campaign to me.

(the fact that not all women can build people aside)

No because trans men and non-binary people exist.

8 years ago


I think there might be a nail in the somewhere, but it’s likely from an infomercial, which relies on people being portrayed as so severely stupid that they can’t function with out [amazing product]:

A Space Alpaca
A Space Alpaca
8 years ago

@AJ from GA
Well that’s unfortunate, but it’d still make fun t-shirts

@Handsome “These Pretzels Suck” Jack (formerly Pandapool)
Also infertile women. I don’t mean to offend, it’s just kind of a fun thing to say, not saying it should be used as a banner for all women.

8 years ago

@Sheila –

The cameras on professional telescopes have to be very cold to stop the pictures being covered in little white dots like snowflakes.

I never even considered that that’s something that has to be done.

Very cool!

8 years ago

Family Feud is on and the puzzle is “name another word for crazy.” In addition to the fun with ableist slurs, Steve Harvey and a male contestant were joking and high fiving about how psycho their ex girlfriends are and Harvey was all kinds of smug. “You don’t got to like it, but he said it!” :/

Sorry. I know it’s completely off-topic, but it pissed me off and I knew you all would understand.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago


Please don’t reduce women to human gro bags, the MRAs have already done that. Can’t women have any accomplishments that do not require a vagina? For the most part, building, designing and using tools do not require the use of any sexual organs.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago


I’m not even watching it and I’m angry. WTF Family Feud?

8 years ago

Hunt all the mammoths you want, but its widely believed that women were central to the development of agriculture which of course lead to surplus, population growth, private property, urbanization, sophisticated systems of governance… all the foundations of modern society.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Give a woman a free house and listen to her complain about cleaning it.

No, it’s more like: Accept a free house from an MRA and listen to him complain and complain and complain and complain and complain about his obligation to provide it, and exactly what you owe him in return. (Even though he also gets to live in the house and directly reap its benefits, because it turns out men need shelter too — but no, this is ALL FOR YOU, you ungrateful b*tch)

Yeah, no gift from an MRA is ever free.

Give a man a free house and he’ll thank you forever

This depends on the definition of “giving a man a house”. If we’re talking about giving shelter, then yeah, rent-free living with a compatible housemate is nice, but what’s the catch?

If there’s no catch, then it isn’t valid to compare this situation to a traditional marriage, where the wife is expected to keep the shared space clean.

If there is a catch, you’re not all that generous and he’s going to be resentful, not thankful.

If it’s an outright gift of ownership, and assuming the MRA footed the bill for the gift tax (a big if), the recipient is still on the hook for property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and a hefty capital gains tax should he ever decide to sell. Not everyone has the cash flow to sink into a house year after year. In the end, he may not be all that thankful.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

@Handsome “These Pretzels Suck” Jack (formerly Pandapool)
Also infertile women. I don’t mean to offend, it’s just kind of a fun thing to say, not saying it should be used as a banner for all women.

Trans men and nonbinary people also get pregnant, that’s my point. It’s not JUST women that “build humans”, men and non-binary people can too.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Trans men and nonbinary people also get pregnant, that’s my point. It’s not JUST women that “build humans”, men and non-binary people can too.

Also, not all women can get pregnant. And not all women who could get pregnant choose to do so.

The “woman = makes babies = woman” equation has numerous flaws.

Fur Elly
Fur Elly
8 years ago

The hundreds of “Women Build” programs sponsored by Habitat for Humanity where only women build actual houses from the ground up all over the world apparently do not count somehow.

A Space Alpaca
A Space Alpaca
8 years ago

@Virgin Mary
I was in absolutely no way attempting to reduce women to their ability to grow humans. Of course women can accomplish non-vagina related things.

I do however apologize if it came across that way.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

I was in absolutely no way attempting to reduce women to their ability to grow humans. Of course women can accomplish non-vagina related things.

I do however apologize if it came across that way.

Trans. Men. Exist. With. Vaginas. And. Can. Have. Babies.