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Roosh V: Governments pushing education for women are depriving me of a good wife

Russian girls, being raised right, 1909
Russian girls, being raised right, 1909

Pity poor Roosh! The widely despised pickup artist and wannabe philosopher spent the last decade and a half as a man-slut, riding the vagina tilt-a-whirl around the world, having what he insists was consensual sex with women in an assortment of sometimes colorful, sometimes colorless places from Paraguay to Siberia.

Now, the not-so-benevolent dictator of a miniature internet empire based on ebooks, clickbait and misogyny, Roosh has decided he wants to settle down and become an old-school patriarch, with an adoring or at least subservient wife and a brood of mini-Rooshes.

There’s just one problem: An evil conspiracy of Western governments and central bankers, hellbent on depopulating the world, is making it darn near impossible for poor Roosh to find himself a good wife, in the form of a young hottie, preferably more than a decade his junior, with such limited options that she won’t be able to leave him once she realizes the terrible mistake she’s made.

Alas, Roosh reports, even in Eastern Europe, the young women he meets have pretty much all been totally ruined by something called “a college education.”

In a post titled How The Government Is Robbing Men Of Good Wives, a sad and angry Roosh laments that even in those

countries in Eastern Europe that have superior women than in America … you encounter a big problem: they value their education and careers above that of family.

And it’s all the fault of Big Government:

Education is offered for free or at a greatly subsidized rate by the government. Western governments are therefore programming women into becoming sterile office slaves and consumers instead of good wives and mothers.

The horror!

And so, poor Roosh laments,

I’ve been unable to find more than a handful [of Eastern European women] under the age of 25 who has shown eagerness into soon becoming a mom.

Or maybe they just don’t want to settle down with an ebook writer who hasn’t yet mastered the rudiments of grammar?

When Roosh talks to these women about their lack of interest in pledging themselves to a patriarch, they tell him they want to be educated, with careers of their own, so they don’t end up stuck in a miserable marriage with an alcoholic husband who cheats on them.

“I need a backup plan in case my husband becomes bad,” these women apparently all tell Roosh.

Never mind that the worries of these women are completely understandable. Alcoholism is a massive problem in Eastern Europe, especially among men, leading not only to crappy marriages but also to an assortment of health issues that all too often cause premature death. In Russia, the fourth-drunkest country in the world (Belarus is number one), more than a third of hard-drinking men die before they reach 55.

So, yeah, Eastern European women are acutely aware that they cannot rely on men to ensure a future for themselves or their children.

But to Roosh, who apparently lives in some conspiracy theory fairyland, Eastern European women who want to be able to provide for themselves (and their children) are sex-crazed tools of The Machine. “Men are bad,” Roosh sarcastically sniffs,

and because of that, she must spend years in university where she gets to experiment with different cocks and where she is firmly taken out of her natural role to learn how to serve a corporate master while her future kid goes to day care and her husband eats cans of tuna because his wife is too tired from work to cook, assuming she even knows how.

A man forced to prepare his own dinner! Damn you, you student-loan-pushing governments!

Women want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be able to marry the man they are most attracted to, and if that doesn’t work, still be able to enjoy an independent and comfortable life of Ikea furniture and Starbucks without having to put up with a man’s reasonable demands to cook him dinner and make sure the children are taken care of.

How unreasonable these women are, unwilling to spend their lives trapped in a miserable marriage. How terrifying is it that, even without money from a man, they can afford cheap-but-decent-looking furniture and the occasional Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Roosh thinks it’s positively perverse that today’s non-Roosh-marrying Eastern European woman will

spend thousands of hours studying a topic like law or international business relations and became an obedient office worker instead of learning how to obey her husband.

As a result of this educating-women madness, Roosh complains,

we are seeing the disappearance of the nuclear family along with high divorce rates and out-of-wedlock births where future degenerates of the state get to watch mommy get sexy matches on Tinder.

Oh, but it gets worse!

It turns out that these terrible date-having mommies are also, unwittingly, enabling the depopulation agenda of the evil globalists who secretly run the world.

If you take the depopulation agenda to be accurate then it makes sense that you would want to train women to do anything but bond with men in a way that leads to reproduction. That is exactly what most Western governments have done, and it starts by essentially brainwashing women of the need to be free from their husbands by making them obsessed to earn money produced by central banks. Any country where the idea of female employment is seen as “common sense” is in the process of having their culture destroyed, if it hasn’t already been done.

Aw, it’s almost cute just how doggedly Roosh is working at becoming a conspiracy theorist. In the sidebar of his blog, he lists several books he’s currently reading, including Sworn in Secret: Freemasonry and the Knights Templar, a history of Freemasonry that has gotten rave reviews from both Scottish Rite Journal and Knight Templar Magazine (no, really); and None Dare Call it Conspiracy, the paranoid 1971 bestseller setting forth the alleged truth about evil bankers and the sinister … Council on Foreign Relations!

But for Roosh, still finding his conspiracy theory sea legs, there is one aspect of this whole educating-women thing that’s even worserer than the depopulation of planet Earth.

For it turns out that the lizard people — or whoever Roosh imagines runs the global conspiracy — don’t just want to turn women into non-baby-having office drones. They want to turn men into … CUCKS.

I mean, say you actually decide to wife up one of these terrible job-having women, and when you decide she needs to quit her job to devote herself fulltime to taking care of you and the kids, and she says no?

Blame the government, with its subsidized student loans and alluring talk of female empowerment. Blame the government, for conning young women into devoting their lives to “corporate and victimhood training, not wife training.”

And so, when this hypothetical wife of yours refuses your command to quit her job, Roosh tells us, you are, “being actively cucked by your own government.”

Yes, that’s right: by providing student loans to young women, the government is somehow, at least figuratively, “cucking” men because, wait, how on earth would that possibly work?

Roosh, like the alt-righters who won’t let him in their clubhouse, has a rather expansive notion of just what cuckolding is.

So is there a solution to this terrible dilemma? Even in Eastern Europe, Roosh warns us again, city-dwelling women have pretty much all been “seduced by the prospect of free education, city lights, and the ability to sleep around without consequences.” Indeed, Roosh reports with horror, as wife material they are basically as bad as —  *shudder* — American women.

“Unless you start visiting villages or churches,” Roosh sadly concludes, “you’ll end up disappointed.”

Will the churches in Eastern Europe’s tiniest towns soon find themselves overrun by Roosh fanboys gamely asking every woman they meet (and possibly each otherwhere the pet shop is?

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8 years ago

So it take it he’s left the apartment in Warsaw, no doubt after highly pertinent information was put into circulation.

Well that’s something at least.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Yeah, Doosh isn’t a Muslim, he’s a “Bomb the [racist slurs]!!!”-screaming Islamophobe. The “Muslim” thing was just his failed attempt at joining #NYS.

I don’t think he follows any religion other than his own dying cult.

8 years ago

The irony is that by demanding a system that allows him to circumvent the mechanism of sexual selection Roosh’s philosophy is more against nature. If women hate your guts, it’s probably because the system works.

8 years ago

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Roosh plans to survive off his e-books and ad revenue indefinitely.

Well, someone isn’t going to have much in the way of furniture (even affordable Scandinavian type!) or Starbucks!

Someone mentioned microbiologist – seriously?

8 years ago

His definition of “bonding” is interesting, isn’t it?

He wants women brainwashed to serve him from birth, with no other option but to serve him, just like in the bad old days. This rapist shithead wants a slave he can make breed and rear him some offspring.


8 years ago

@Space Alpaca

And I might be wrong here, but didn’t a lot of women handle the majority of money matters, because men couldn’t be trusted not to go blow all their money on prostitutes and booze? I don’t remember where I’m getting that thought from so it’s entirely possible that it’s nonsense.

If all the older women of my family are to be trusted, yes, yes and yes.
You leave him with enough money to go through the day, then save the rest, because they don’t know or care about domestic economy and will spend all the money needed to pay the bills and feed the family. In the end of the month, if there’s some left over, you give him and let him do whatever.
I thought it sounded harsh, but, DAMMIT, do they know what they were doing. Of course, that’s not all men, some learn that first comes the kids, then the Household, then us two. But some, even if responsible, spend money like teenagers and leave the kids eating scraps.

8 years ago

It makes me sad to think of guys like this with actual kids whom they use to feed their own superiority complex.

8 years ago

Also – a like the idea of a vagina tilt-a-whirl and if we had that in amusement parks, it would be so much fun. It could be next to the cock-carousel.

I like the idea too, but I worry that if you put them next to each other, they might breed like rabbits & overrun the park.

8 years ago

He seems awfully concerned about having his dinner made for him. Does he not know of any restaurants that deliver?

8 years ago


A wrench that can undo many bolts is awesome. A bolt that any wrench can unscrew is a dud.

“A bolt that any wench can screw is a dud”
(Not that I think it’s a bad thing for people to fuck around as much as they want, as long as everyone involved is freely consenting & responsible about it, which Roosh very much isn’t.)

8 years ago


Someone mentioned microbiologist – seriously?

He’s spent a lot of time “studying” his peen.

8 years ago


He’s spent a lot of time “studying” his peen.

Not cool. It’s transphobic to laugh about penis size plus it might summon Walter.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago


This just gave me a flashback to a quote from The Handmaid’s Tale:

“The first mistake we made was teaching them to read. We won’t make that mistake again.”

Which bugs me every time I read it; how do they know the written language wasn’t women’s invention?

The Republic of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopic future set in the English-speaking United States. The quote refers to the long tradition of not formally educating girls or allowing them to participate in academic or theological study. One way to keep a segment of the population less powerful and more easily manipulated is to keep them ignorant. In the Christian tradition, before the Reformation, only Catholic clergy could read the bible — it was in Latin — which meant that regular educated folk couldn’t read it for themselves and thus couldn’t interpret it for themselves, so the clergy had all the power. Once Christian bibles were available more widely in the language of the laity, the laity decided they didn’t need priests or popes anymore telling them how to interpret the bible or how to live as Christians, and they were able to organize and rebel against religious dictatorship.

The quote doesn’t have anything to do with who invented written language, or more precisely, the writing system. People have to learn to read the writing system of their language in order to access information that’s been recorded using that system, and, in order to communicate with other readers, they need to be able to write using that shared system. The Republic of Gilead is a Christian patriarchal theocracy, and in theocracies, having access to knowledge and being able to communicate with others freely makes you a potential threat. People who can read and write are people capable of organizing and inspiring others and engaging in sedition and the spreading of dangerous ideas. So, as the Republic of Gilead is remaking society to fit their patriarchal and theocratic ideals, women are to be submissive and silent and obedient, and you can’t have women running around reading the bible and interpreting it for themselves, let alone being able to communicate through writing with others and organizing resistance.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago


The irony is that by demanding a system that allows him to circumvent the mechanism of sexual selection Roosh’s philosophy is more against nature. If women hate your guts, it’s probably because the system works.

^^^This, so much. These guys go on and on and ON about women’s “natural” desires and behaviors. Behaviors which are so “natural”, they require an elaborate system of rigged patriarchal laws and harsh penalties to sustain. If women really are naturally happier as illiterate domestic servants, you’d think historically, they wouldn’t have needed to be barred from the public sphere, confined to the house by law and custom, and kept under strict male control at all times.

And when sexual selection runs its course and these guys aren’t selected, suddenly the whole system is rotten and degenerate. If 18 year olds aren’t lining up to cook Roosh’s dinners and replicate his greasy DNA, it must be because outside forces are brainwashing them into being something they aren’t. So obviously, vigorous counter-brainwashing and artificial subjugation are needed to restore women to their “natural” state of femininity.

It’s a weird, goalpost-shifting definition of natural, and it’s based entirely on fear. Fear of what women really want. Fear of what really makes women happy. Fear of what women would do if all the restrictions were lifted.

The whole PUA lifestyle is such a dead end. It’s a manual for how to end up alone, selfish, and depressed in your mid-30s, unable to make the leap into adulthood, and angry at the world for failing to conform to your bizarre theories about mating. Bedding and discarding pliable college girls just isn’t a sustainable life plan. No matter how much Roosh deludes himself that there’s still some unspoiled “poosy paradise” out there, his age, hygiene, horrible personality, dwindling income prospects, sexual history, racism, and hatred of women make him a very unattractive proposition for long term mating and family life. He’s torpedoed his chances with both conservative and liberal women, and he knows it. His only hope is to find a place which has restrictive laws that subjugate women. However, those countries tend to place restrictions on men’s behavior too, and he wouldn’t like that at all.

8 years ago


It’s transphobic to laugh about penis size

Say what now?

8 years ago

These guys go on and on and ON about women’s “natural” desires and behaviors. Behaviors which are so “natural”, they require an elaborate system of rigged patriarchal laws and harsh penalties to sustain

Without referring specifically to Roosh/ROK, the ‘theory’ repeated ad nauseum, if you’re not aware goes something like…

(Starting from the premise that women are hypergamous, a mating strategy evolved during the hunter-gatherer era where bonding to high status males might have been beneficial.)

-Women’s sexuality had to be curtailed and controlled in early agricultural societies in order for every man to have a wife, children, and therefore feel invested in the community.

‘Why plough the fields 16 hours a day if you can’t even get to reproduce?’ etc.

-Women’s emancipation from the domestic sphere has unleashed these destructive sexual preferences once again, leaving a growing number of less attractive, lonely, confused, angry men without any reason to work (beyond the minimum necessary to get by); spending their time playing video games instead and generally ‘opting out’.

-This causes a slow economic decline until eventually some tipping point/crisis is reached.

Of course this is narcissistic garbage without much supporting evidence, but it has its appeal to guys with little-to-no relationship experience who feel they’ve been shafted, obstinately refusing to entertain the idea that other people might not be to blame for this.

Pony's Labia
Pony's Labia
8 years ago

I love The Handmaids Tale. It was the one future I could actually envision happening when I was in high school.

I wonder how hurting Roosh is for $$, it would be interesting to see how much his ad revenue has declined etc

8 years ago

*that should have read reproductive strategy

8 years ago

I mean, the worst thing that happens to Roosh on HIS “job” is that he breaks a nail typing angry bullshit…

Now, now, let’s be fair here…

…Sometimes he also gets beer in his wig.

8 years ago

I think I should mention because some people have missed the racist undertone of:

the depopulation agenda

It’s not referring to the world population, the “depopulation” agenda is a racist conspiracy asserting that falling birth rates in the developed (read: white people) world is indicative of a secret plot to get rid of all the white people. Usually the Jews are behind it or the UN, or both.

Never mind that the fall in birth rates correlates in almost all times and places with rising average wealth, not just “white places”, Japan anyone?

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

Roosh V: Governments pushing education for women are depriving me of a good wife

No, Roosh. You are depriving you of a good wife, because very few women want to be a good wife to an asshole like yourself.

8 years ago

I’m more used to seeing depopulation conspiracies deployed by arch-capitalists, accusing the left of wanting to kill off the developing world by limiting their economic growth in the name of sustainability/union jobs/sating the restless spirit of Thomas Malthus/whatever. Which, again, is undermined by the correlation between birth rates and average wealth, meaning that reducing poverty and reducing population growth are the opposite of mutually exclusive.

Garen Truscott
8 years ago

Can we collect a fund to prevent Roosh from breeding?

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


He is never disappointing, is he ?

So, under the rule of a terrible State or under the rule of a terrible husband… Slave, choose your master !
By chance, there are non terrible countries where it is nice to work. But i guess that for someone who never really give work a try, it may be difficult to imagine.

According to him, the education of women is killing the “mail order bride” services. Such an economy collapse !

Dalilama is right, global fertility rate is going down. Not because of educated women, homosexuality or any kind of conspiracy agenda. It is just a problem of, as the rate suggests it, fertility. The increasing rate of barren or with not powerful enough gametes (mainly sperm, for what i know) persons is a biologic problem (maybe linked to some society problem, but not including mariage or the like), mainly involving endocrine disruptors find essentially in food and general behavior (it is said that the heat can affect the fertility of male gonades and gametes, if i am not wrong, and thus being sat a long time could affect them).
I am far from being an expert in those fields. I am sure many of you are more competent to explain this, and i gladly take any information you can provide on this topic.

Anyway, a person without conversation is hardly interesting, and education help to improve the conversation (even if some non educated persons have wonderful communicatin skills). Would it not be my social awkwardness, i would be happy to have a womanfriend to chat at home.

Have a nice day.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

The sexual market model of interpersonal relations is directly undermined by the cock carousel model. One of the premises – and one of the two most important and fundamental ones – of the sexual market model is that men have a far higher sex drive than women. Women are then able to trade access to sex (desired far more highly by men) for a stable long-term relationship that is conducive to raising children (desired far more highly by women).

The cock carousel requires women to be getting something out of all the sex they are having. In other words, it requires women to have a sufficiently high sex drive that having lots and lots of sex provides its own reward. But if women have a high sex drive, the sexual market model collapses, and vice versa.

Note that the evopsyche explanation that Roosh et. al. give for why they are obsessed with young women (that young women are fertile) requires men to have a high desire for children. That kicks the legs out from under the other major premise of the sexual market model.

tl;dr: Roosh’s model of the way the world works lacks internal cohesion.