Last week, semi-professional internet instigator Andrea Hardie treated the world to a rather spectacular Twitter flameout, in which she hurled racist abuse against Beyonce’s allegedly “feral” and “animalistic” fans, and threatened to murder several of them, telling one that “I would love to bolt your ugly face to the roof of my car.”
I wrote about the incident, but amazingly things got even worse after I put up my post, with Hardie stepping up her racist rhetoric, calling blacks “monkeys” and “Jemimas” and, in one case, a “mud faced-f***ot,” as Hail to the Gynocracy reported; she warned one woman that if she did not “kiss my racist ass, bitch … I’ll have you lynched.”
As a result of these and many other blatant violations of Twitter’s rules against harassment and abuse, Hardie — aka Janet Bloomfield, aka JudgyBitch — found herself banned from Twitter.
In a blog post today, she took a page from Pee-wee of Pee-wee’s big adventure and told the world that she meant to do that.
Her explanation? Hey, she was just responding to the terrible Twitterers who decided to attack her en masse one fine day. Declaring that “[t]he only thing that surprise[d] me about [the Twitter suspension] is how long it took,” she explains that
feral Beyonce fans … showed up uninvited in my feed with all manner of death threats. I responded to those threats the same way I respond to every idiot who threatens me with violence: I don’t back down, I double down. I go medieval.
Apparently her notion of going medieval is this: when someone tells her they will “piss on u,” she responds with the most gruesomely and graphically violent threat she can come up with:
In her post today, Hardie complains that in my post about her Twitter tantrum I didn’t include the abusive tweets she was responding to. In fact, I discussed the abuse and quoted the worst threat I saw directed at her, a threat to “slice [Hardie] like a f**ing cheesecake,” which was sent from an account that seems to have vanished.
If she wants me to show other Tweets she was responding to, alas, I can’t, because most of the Tweets in question have been deleted (and in some cases Hardie didn’t even link to them herself).
I don’t know if the accounts themselves have been deleted or suspended or just the Tweets. Indeed, I don’t even know that the Tweets in question ever existed, but I will charitably assume that they did.
I was able to track down one Twitter exchange she responded to:
Hardie responded to the exchange with this graphic threat:
Is this wee darling lad threatening me? He can’t be serious. He’ll look cute flayed and spitted on my lawn.
I’ll assume that Hardie’s tweet is aimed at @whtepwr4life, as the only thing in the original exchange that could reasonably be construed as a threat is his promise to “say hi, next time I’m in town.” But his Tweet is clearly directed at @KingpinPush, not Hardie.
So she responded to an implied threat that wasn’t even directed at her with a graphic threat that was so over-the-top it sounds like it might have come from a serial killer — or perhaps a 14-year-old obsessed with serial killers.
This rather belies Hardie’s continued insistence that she was “responding to abuse in exact measure.”
As for Hardie’s bungled attempt at blackface — because yeah, she did that too — she says that she definitely meant to do a terrible job at it. “Unfortunately,” she writes,
the darkest shade I could find was more Trump than Sambo …
I did an absolutely wretched job applying it, too. I did a very splotchy layer and let it dry and then added another layer on top and did the world’s worst eyeliner and blush and contouring job, and I didn’t blend or use primer so my crow’s feet and all the fine lines on my face were highly visible. I dragged black mascara through my eyebrows, creating a clumpy, horrid mess I didn’t try to shape or frame at all.
Apparently she thinks the best way to look black is to … do your makeup very badly?
I posed to minimize my lips as much as possible and at the same time, try to look ratchet. I tied a do-rag around my hair. I then set the filter to deepen contrast, just to make everything look even worse, and voila! My blackface.
I’ll spare you the visual, which you can find in my previous post in any case. Given her skill at applying orange makeup in an “absolutely wretched” manner, perhaps she could get a job in Donald Trump’s wardrobe and makeup department.
Amazingly, despite all of her racist provocations and abuse, and all her talk of flaying and mangling and bolting people’s heads to the roof of her car, Hardie still insists that she doesn’t “actually have any idea why” she was suspended.
I’m guessing it will be because I responded to 100K people showering my account with abuse with some abuse of my own. The 100K people, who are on the right side of Twitter politics, will not be held accountable. Tweeting me threats of violence and death and just casual abuse will be tolerated because they are attacking the right person, who asked for it, after, by tweeting a picture of herself wearing dark makeup.
Perhaps Twitter takes a remark about “pissing on u” a little bit less seriously than repeated threats to flay people.
Perhaps some of those who sent her threats did have their accounts suspended; it’s hard to tell with all those missing Tweets.
But I will assume, at least for the purpose of argument, that some people sent her threats, that some of these threats were reported, and that some of the reported accounts weren’t suspended even though they genuinely deserved to be suspended.
That sucks. But “not responding to reports of threats and abuse” is pretty typical of Twitter.
Despite the hard work of countless anti-abuse activists, Twitter remains terrible at dealing with abuse and abusers. Hardie is well aware of this fact. Indeed, she took advantage of Twitter’s unwillingnss to rein in abuse for many months with impunity, not only returning to Twitter on a second account after her previous main account was permabanned for abuse, but also engaging in the same sort of abuse that had gotten her banned in the first place.
With more references to “flaying” this time around.
She’s no free speech martyr. She’s a bully whose Twitter account should have been shut down months ago.
Some games are better than others, I think. Team Fortress 2 had a reputation as having a really good community in which nonsense was not tolerated. (That was years ago though; I don’t know what it’s like now.)
Apparently fighting games (Mortal Kombat et al) have a really awful community. I don’t know, I’ve not been there.
The weirdest one I’ve encountered is the Paradox strategy game community: they’re very gender inclusive and don’t tolerate homophobia, to the point where there have been threads on their forums being aghast at the LPer Arumba saying the word “f*ggot” live on a Twitch stream. However, they are often nationalistic as hell and this can manifest in extremely ugly racism.
I always think of Discworld Troll speech as sounding like a big, not too articulate bloke with an East London accent. I agree it fits the ‘Victorian London’ aspect of Ankh – Morpork.
> Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut
All in all, the article says that Roosh qualifies Trump as something like the new Viagra. But with an orange pill rather than a blue one, i suppose.
But using Trump to pick women up looks similar to the recent article Mr Futrelle wrote about this terrible dad and his Trump shirt. I guess you can say they have the arguments they can. And they deserve, obviously.
I think she can probably *get* another one–bans are notoriously easy to evade if people have the motivation to do it–but I imagine all it will take to get re-banned is for somebody to poke Twitter and go, “Hey look, she’s back”.
@Paradoxical Intention
You’re welcome! ^_^ (Yes I changed my name too.)
And if you think that’s great check this new documentary on freeze peach.
I’m not an online gamer really (tried it before, too awkward), so whatever. That said, short answer: yes it can be that violent. Long answer: sure, but when they say they’re gonna flay someone alive, it’s generally meant in good fun. When Judgy says it, she likely actually wants to remove the skin from members of the beyhive with the sharp end of a crossbow bolt
Seconding about the FGC (fighting game community). Those people are terrible. The Smash Bros community is on the better side of that, but even they/we(?) have… problems (Twitch chat is the literal devil)
Anyway, adowabow smash gifs

Good. Glad to hear she was banned from twitter. Too bad there aren’t any consequences beyond just being banned on social media for her racist rants. I have no problem with people getting fired for violence or bigotry. Actions should have consequences.
Despite what Anita has said I do beleive that alot of the abuse in online gaming communities lacks the intent that Hardie clearly has woth her tweets. The graphicness of it is thr same I’d see when my brother would lose his temper and describe what he’d do to stop himself from actually hitting someone. Hardie is doing it for similar reason because she can’t physically hurt people through a computer.
I’m a big l4d2 fan and the community there is generally the typical you’d expect. But there is a large minority of good natured weirdos too. 🙂 if u have steam add me I’m Valentine Is Confused.
I always thought of the Discworld trolls talking like Hulk. “Detritus smash!”
Yep. Here’s one piece of evidence for that:
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. (Samuel Johnson)
When a man is tired of Ankh-Morpork, he is tired of ankle-deep slurry. (From Mort)
Right down to the enormously polluted river through the middle of the city causing a stink that drove people from their homes, and that occasionally caught on fire. (Granted, the Cuyahoga river in Ohio caught fire a lot more often.)
The problem is that those words aren’t harmless. It’s been proven time and time again that if someone reacts with anger (yelling, name-calling, hitting a punching bag, etc.) they are actually more likely to do violence than if they go somewhere to calm down. So, while lots of people still buy into the idea of ‘letting off steam’, it’s actually amazingly bad for you and the people around you.
Yeah sorry I didn’t want to sound like I was coming off defending that behaviour. Having been receiving it multiple times all it does is piss me off and then usually ends in violence anyway. It doesn’t force a person to change allowing them to vent. But Hardie seems to love it. Whereas my brother eventually got over it by recognising he hand an anger issue. She just loves being hateful cos then people around her allow her to be.
@ jenora
I was about to point out that it had a whale in it a while ago so it must be getting a bit cleaner; then I remembered the whale died.
Also, would it kill her to take five seconds and Google “do-rag?” That is not a do-rag, and women don’t usually wear them unless they’re doing a really close-cut wave.
JB has an evil job, and she is doing it badly. I hope things turn around for her, and she comes up with some less hateful use of her time. Her soul’s got to be rotting 🙁
Splatoon! has a pretty great community, but the source game is so bright and cheery. There are some creepy/inappropriate art posts that pop up from time to time (I think that’s unavoidable on the internet), but for the most part the community feels like a perpetual celebration of silliness.
I’m not a fan of the way we discuss problematic use of alcohol and addiction, but given my fewer-than-six (but thank Jebus more-than-one) degree of connection to Andrea … I can confirm that she self-medicates with alcohol, a tremendous amount. Her refusal to drive means she can drink at times most people who do school runs and grocery runs and so on simply can’t. No judgment here; her life has been appalling (which doesn’t justify her currently being appalling) and if she self-medicates in a way that doesn’t lead to harming others, well, none of my business. But it does speak to her general life skills and decision-making.
I, too, am disturbed by the evolution when looking at some of her earlier posts, which were in fact strenuously anti-racist, even as she held other opinions I abhor. She has, until fairly recently, been strongly opposed to homophobia; how long until she goes alt-right on that too, do you suppose? It would be interesting to know more about what made her take this route; are Trumpkins on Twitter really that powerful? *shudders*