antifeminism memes misogyny straw feminists

Memeday Rewind: Imaginary Hypocritical Feminists, Part 2

To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the straw feminism that is circulating around us isn't too good.
I’m getting messages saying that the straw feminism that is circulating around us isn’t too good.

And we’re back! In this Memeday Rewind, which is something I just came up with as a way to do a followup to my Memeday post on Friday, let’s return again to that awful Feminist Nazi meme — a meme intended to highlight allegedΒ feminist hypocrisies, but which invariably ends up highlighting the meme-makers’ complete and utter ignorance of the subject.

This batch is possibly even more baffling than the first.

Let’s get started!

Try saying this one five times quickly!
Try saying this one five times quickly!


Apparently this guy has confused "feminism" with
Apparently this guy has confused “feminism” with “stuff my girlfriend does that annoys me, or that I think a girlfriend might do if I had one.”


Yeah, I’m sure the “help” this meme-maker was providing was super-duper helpful and not patronizing crap she already thought of.


Will the oppression of men never end? No pun intended.
Will the oppression of men never end? No pun intended.


Why do so many of these guys' complaints always come back to "why can't I just rape women who don't want to have sex with me?"
Why do so many of these guys’ complaints always come back to “why can’t I just rape women who don’t want to have sex with me?”


Have you ever noticed that this question is an example of a fallacy of relative privation?
Have you ever noticed that this question is an example of the fallacy of relative privation?


Have you ever noticed that the reason feminists don't want to talk about feminism with you is that you ask a lot of leading questions in bad faith?
Have you ever noticed that the reason feminists don’t want to talk about feminism with you is that you ask a lot of leading questions in bad faith?

Happily, some feminists have written their own captions for Ms. Feminist Nazi.




That last one sums up an awful lot of these memes.

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8 years ago

Weird. It used to be that you could put a picture’s URL in a regular A HREF link and it would work like any other external link and not try to inline it.

David, maybe you should see if this is some new “improvement” WordPress made?

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

Guys should definitely be anally penetrated prior to penetrating someone else anally.

A big problem is that too many guys think the spontaneous anal sex they see in porn is how it actually works in real life.

8 years ago

The ‘I’ll do anal if you will’ line is good for a laugh and probably works on plenty of pushy guys, but there are definitely men out there who enjoy pegging and then the woman has agreed to do two acts she may not want to do. Sure, consent once is not binding forever, but in this situation it’s supposed to be the man who looks silly backpedaling.

In entirely unrelated news, Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of bitcoin, had unmasked himself.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago

> Chiomara
I guess the “slut heels” may come from the habit in mainstream porno movies the actresses have to keep their heel shoes whatever they are doing, meaning they are often all naked except for the heel shoes.
Yes, i do not see the purpose or the goal to keep the heels when making love, but it seems that ruining furnitures with shoes during sex acts is the trend (in porno domain, at least).

8 years ago

slut heels

I just… what. I mean, I can imagine what shoes they are referring to–and tbh I’m a bit distressed that I can do so–but they are SHOES. It seems like a particularly egregious form of rape apologia to think that someone’s footwear means she is clearly “asking for it”.

8 years ago

Such a lot of these boil down to “Might be interested in sex. Is not interested in sex with you, or in the particular sex act you have in mind.” Or the shorter version “Women have opinions about how and with whom they have sex.”

Apparently, that’s unforgiveable.

So, guns don’t kill people but dresses cause rape? I’m so confused.

Shoes too, apparently.

Course, if we all went naked and barefoot they’d be no rape, right?

8 years ago

I always assumed heels during sex in porn was a simple business decision. There are a significant number of dudes for whom heels are a major turn-on, even a fetish, and leaving the heels on will encourage these guys to buy the video. It also won’t affect sales to the majority of viewers, who don’t care about heels and who are looking at the other end of the legs. There may be a small number of people for whom heels during sex are sufficiently distracting to be a turn-off, but they are probably not enough of an audience for this type of porn to be worth considering. And so profit dictates that the heels stay on.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


But what about the foot fetishists who want to see naked feet?

8 years ago

β€˜I suspect if women said β€œSure!” on a regular basis to requests like these that the allure would wear off very quickly and they’d move on to some other act they could pressure a reluctant woman into performing, and so on.’


Eh, maybe.

From my understanding, anal’s become very common in even “vanilla” porn. It’s led a lot of these guys into thinking that vigorous anal sex after no-to-little prep is…”no big deal” is the wrong phrase (because they keep pressing for it), but easy? Just a thing? Perhaps “just a thing that women do if they really like you”.

Either way, lurking guys to which the above might apply: File porn under “fantasy”.

That’s not to imply that no one does anal – that’s obviously not true – but most need more than spit and commercial break to make it viable ΰ² _ΰ² 

ETA: Ninja’d by several (Olive, etc).
*shakes fist at own impatience*

8 years ago

If my run-ins with foot fetishists represent the majority of that particular fetish, they want to see pictures of pretty, manicured feet or porn involving foreplay or sexual acts with feet.

I logged off of a couple of dating sites thanks to foot fetishists. I’m not going to tar all of them with the same brush, but the ones who landed in my inbox were really pushy, really creepy and refused to accept that I don’t share their fetish, therefore was not going to put pictures of my feet on my profile. Why do so many men fail to understand women are not porn or fetish dispensers?

8 years ago

@Dodom: I’ve noticed that leaving the extension off (.jpg, .gif, etc) prevents embedding.

Testing my theory:

ETA: Works for imgur, anyway.

Seeing if I can test other sources before the edit window closes.

Works…but breaks it.

Upload it to imgur?
You can do that without an account.
Just don’t navigate away from the upload page or you’ll lose it for-ev-er.

8 years ago


What!? OMG, how come Buttcoin site (the second one) hasn’t updated this wonderful bit of news, I’m sure there’s glorious snark to be had! Just Reddit point-and-laugh happening.

8 years ago

I guess the β€œslut heels” may come from the habit in mainstream porno movies the actresses have to keep their heel shoes whatever they are doing, meaning they are often all naked except for the heel shoes.
Yes, i do not see the purpose or the goal to keep the heels when making love, but it seems that ruining furnitures with shoes during sex acts is the trend (in porno domain, at least).

I wouldnt say I have a fetish for feet, but I do admit I understand the appeal when the heels are especially beautiful. They seem to make the legs more shapely and, for being tall and pointy, a touch of dominance, which I am very much into. I also dislike my feet, so it makes me so much more comfy if I am the one wearing it (I seldom do, though, because its not too practical)
I don’t understand why mainstream porn does that though, since women are mostly very submissive in them. Maybe to hide feet that are not foot fetish material?

Still on heels but a bit OT, I’d enjoy wearing heels 24/7 (or sexual consent footwear, according to these memes) if it werent for the discomfort I seem to cause in everyone. I can be in a huge group of (shorter, but not necessarily short) women dressed in make up, jeans and heels, but I am the only one who will ALWAYS hear (both from tye shorter ones and random strangers) “uh… Don’t you think you are dressed too formally?” “Whoa, you are tall. AND wearing heels.Why?” (and you have two eyes that seem to work well! Why?) “You shouldnt wear heels when you are this tall. Men don’t like that.” (I live to please random men, so I am glad you told me that!), or everyone simply stares at me like I was a three headed alien, everywhere, all the time. It’s very sad how people, both men and women, try to shame socially awkward people on the rare occasions we feel confident, as if to say “haha, its pathetic to see you try so hard!”, when in fact I am dressing just like most, because I want to feel as pretty as they feel.

So I never use them, only in formal parties or when I am with my boyfriend, because people seem to respect HIM enough not to make such comments nor look at me like they never saw anyone of my species, and he is self confident enough not to care about looking way shorter than me (and yes, I do intend to kill him by snu snu, thanks for asking).

I actually seize the opportunity to wear my favorite (and sexier/shorter) clothes when he is with me, because SO MUCH of the social pressure wears off when both men and women can see you are not doing that to ask for sex from complete strangers. And THANKFULLY, unlike most men, he understands that too and doesnt get jealous.

Anyone with similar experiences?

8 years ago

@Chiomara – My main experience with heels has been discomfort.

With them as they’re constructed (they squish my toes), with my ability to walk in them (due to lack of practice), and with my relationship to the world in them (I’m 5’9″ and always feel like The 50 Woman in them – I keep waiting to for little prop planes to buzz by πŸ˜‰ ).

But good on you for workin’ them πŸ˜€

8 years ago

Some are really comfy, you just have to look for it (believe me, my feet have really sensitive skin and I have trouble even with crocs)! Look for the ones with a rounded toe, thick heels and padded insides, they are as comfy as flat ones, and there are also techniques for stretching them, if you were interested, of course.
And I am 5’10”, which is ALSO my main reason. I enter the place and people go “oh, look, a walking lamp post!”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Re: “I am perfectly capable of making my own choices/Takes three hours to get dressed”, why is that a contradiction? Thoughtful reflection is just as valid a decision-making process, and involves higher cognitive functions. Seems to me that’s a more rational way of making choices, versus forming snap judgments that are often emotionally informed and ill-advised. Like selecting Sarah Palin as a vice president. Or colorizing Meme!Feminazi magenta. I know MRAs think it’s more manly and superior to make quick decisions, but it’s not necessarily the more adult way. Women who take their time getting dressed are generally more knowledgeable, and critical about which colors and accessories go together, what flatters their body type and hair and skin tone, what styles are appropriate for the season and weather and location and activity, and what type of signal they want to send to the people who are going to be there. That’s a lot of variables to consider. Sometimes women don’t just want to throw on “whatever”. Not when there’s always an audience.

As for “cries anyway”, yeaaaaahhh, that’s probably because, despite all her efforts, in her mind she still falls woefully short of the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by the media, and heavily enforced by chucklefucks like the meme maker. You don’t get to drone endlessly about women needing to wear heels, makeup, dresses, etc. in order to satisfy your boner and then complain when it takes them longer to get ready to go out. Doubly so when your own getting ready routine is on a par with “pull on your least wrinkled Three Wolf Moon t-shirt and cargo shorts, douse pits with Axe, boom, done.” Too many guys are eager to reap the benefits of the hot babe, but don’t want to participate in the effort of creation (or put in the same level of effort themselves). It’s “The Little Red Hen”, applied to dating.

8 years ago

regarding pics, you can only do URLs and not upload right? Im kinda not up to speed on teh interwebz like the kids these days

8 years ago

I still don’t get the attraction of anal. I mean, how is the guy supposed to keep from getting a UTI (urinary tract infection) from his partner’s colonic bacteria? (I just realized that could be interpreted as bashing homosexuals, so I should clarify: just because I don’t see the attraction in anal, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go for it if it’s your thing and you have an enthusiastically consenting partner).

Also, any podiatrist will tell you that heels are only slightly less destructive of your feet than the footbinding the Chinese used to practice. There has got to be a way of making women appear taller that will not leave them unable to walk more than a mile.

8 years ago

-Go to
-Upload your picture there
-They will give you several links and ways to embed it. Choose the one that begins with http:// and ends with .jpg, its the second option, if I am not mistaken.
-Copy it and paste on your comment like it was a link.

I don’t intend to patronize you, I am teaching you step by step cause I don’t know how much you know ^^

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I’m currently on my way to a first meeting with a potential client for private tutoring, i.e. actual paid work. Hope she likes me. πŸ™

8 years ago

@Chiomara–as far as I’m concerned, writing clear and simple instructions is not patronising, it’s polite! I appreciate it when someone does it for me, and thank you for doing it here.

Unfortunately you skipped the ‘sign up to the service’ step, and I prefer not to do that, so it didn’t work for me.

8 years ago


You don’t need to sign up for imgur, you can do anonymous uploads there. Same process as outlined applies there as well.

8 years ago

@Chiomara – I’m just such a wimp when it comes to shoes.

@David – Snip:

@guest – Anonymous uploads like this ^

8 years ago

*sigh* That’s fucked up

Ayy! Grats!comment image
Fingers crossed

8 years ago

That looks like a bit of an overreaction by the anti-malware software. Not saying it shouldn’t be blocked, but the language used in explanation makes it seem like OMG WAY BIG DEAL than what it really is and thank goodness we blocked it, otherwise your computer/laptop/phone/tablet would be nothing but a smoldering crater. At least that’s how people seem to treat “threat was blocked” messages. πŸ˜€