antifeminism memes misogyny straw feminists

Memeday Rewind: Imaginary Hypocritical Feminists, Part 2

To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the straw feminism that is circulating around us isn't too good.
I’m getting messages saying that the straw feminism that is circulating around us isn’t too good.

And we’re back! In this Memeday Rewind, which is something I just came up with as a way to do a followup to my Memeday post on Friday, let’s return again to that awful Feminist Nazi meme — a meme intended to highlight alleged feminist hypocrisies, but which invariably ends up highlighting the meme-makers’ complete and utter ignorance of the subject.

This batch is possibly even more baffling than the first.

Let’s get started!

Try saying this one five times quickly!
Try saying this one five times quickly!


Apparently this guy has confused "feminism" with
Apparently this guy has confused “feminism” with “stuff my girlfriend does that annoys me, or that I think a girlfriend might do if I had one.”


Yeah, I’m sure the “help” this meme-maker was providing was super-duper helpful and not patronizing crap she already thought of.


Will the oppression of men never end? No pun intended.
Will the oppression of men never end? No pun intended.


Why do so many of these guys' complaints always come back to "why can't I just rape women who don't want to have sex with me?"
Why do so many of these guys’ complaints always come back to “why can’t I just rape women who don’t want to have sex with me?”


Have you ever noticed that this question is an example of a fallacy of relative privation?
Have you ever noticed that this question is an example of the fallacy of relative privation?


Have you ever noticed that the reason feminists don't want to talk about feminism with you is that you ask a lot of leading questions in bad faith?
Have you ever noticed that the reason feminists don’t want to talk about feminism with you is that you ask a lot of leading questions in bad faith?

Happily, some feminists have written their own captions for Ms. Feminist Nazi.




That last one sums up an awful lot of these memes.

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Youthful Indescretion
Youthful Indescretion
8 years ago

Wow! These have somehow ended up being more ridiculous than the first selection. Thanks for the laugh, but also WTF? How are these people for real?

8 years ago

“why can’t I just rape women who don’t want to have sex with me?”

I’m starting to think this is the real main focus of the entire movement. %90 of their arguments seem to boil down to this.

8 years ago

That fifth one is so fucked up. Do they not understand what it is to want to hang out with someone but not have sex? To want to be able to dress how you like without somehow implying something?

And since when does “sexual ly open” mean “willing to do all things sexual”?

FFS, these assholes whine whenever they get denied any form of sex, don’t they? And they blame all of their lack of success on feminism. Because it’s clearly not that they’re doing anything wrong.

8 years ago

Sweet Jesus, the raw angst of these memes. You ever notice how tumblr types will say ‘men do X or Y’, which will be mildly annoying, but it seldom seems to get as depraved as this stuff?

Antifems man, Antifems.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I can’t figure out where the supposed hypocrisy in the third one is even supposed to be. “Women are just as smart as men/I can do this by myself”… That’s not hypocrisy, that’s B logically following A. Like, I get that the “Joke” is supposed to be “Haha, wimminz have stupid [ableist slur] ladybrainz,” but it’s not an example of hypocrisy. Does he even know what that word means?

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Picture suitably open-mouthed backdrop photo.

“Insisted on getting a job that should have gone to a deserving man,
Now complains about being paid less!”

“Wouldn’t listen to me when I told her how to run her life,
Then broke up with me!”

“Used a dating app,
Didn’t want unsolicited pictures of my body parts!”

“Said hello to me,
won’t have sex with me!”

“Had a drink,
Still doesn’t want to have sex with me!”

“Attended a meeting with men present,
Expected to be allowed to finish her sentences!”

“Saw my posts on reddit,
Doesn’t think I’m the perfect guy for her!”

8 years ago


Also, the “takes three hours to decide what to wear then cries anyway”? That’s the one who’s dating one of these guys, and he’s forever telling her those perfectly fitting clothes make her look fat, that she shouldn’t wear so much makeup, and then when she doesn’t, he tells her she’s ugly. “Cries anyway” should own up to how much of a role HE plays in all that.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I still can’t get over how lilac this lady is.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Unrelated to anything: There’s a Google ad on this page for “Feminist feminism.”

As opposed to what? =P

8 years ago

I do too have agency over my life and am capable of making my own choices – takes three hours to choose clothes

Whoa, whoa, dude, WHAT?!? You mean she shouldnt be able to make her own choices or have agency over her own life?!? Like what, a pet or a child?!? This is seriously messed up, dude!

I’m sexually open – wont do anal

First of all, how is this a feminist talking point? Second, are YOU sexually open? Then go ahead and get on fours, jerk, come on. No?!? Well, then go back to church, prude.

Have you ever noticed feminists never acknowledge how women in other countries are truly opressed unlike in the U.S.

Have you ever acknowledged that those countries have their own feminists and they hate you just as badly? That, if we are displeased on the way feminists treat us, we can tell them that ourselves? That you only remember us when you need to use us as shield, while you dont help yourself? That the U.S. is not the daddy of the rest of the world and we don’t need or want your misinformed ass messing with our stuff, so shut it up? And especially, do you acknowledge men use this “don’t fight for YOUR rights, fight for their cause they have it worse” bs in every country of the goddamn world?

8 years ago

How is agonizing over what to wear and then crying a sign of feminist evil? How does it relate to feminist ideals at all? It sounds like a sign of insecurity and body image issues to me. And how does that relate to women having agency and choice? Is the meme maker’s solution to this supposed hypocrisy for men to pick out women’s outfits for them?

I can see the point of all the other memes. As contemptible as they are. This? I just don’t get it. I thought MRAs wanted women to hate their bodies?

8 years ago

Wears short skirt, slut heels, heavy make up, gets drunk, goes home with dude – Oh, but that doesnt mean I want sex!

Okay, first of all, what the hellare slut heels and how do they differ from non-slut heels?
Second, looks like everytime a friend drove me home from a party I wanted to sex him up! Too bad he didnt know that-nor did I. I think he would be quite shocked to know that too, considering we go to plenty of parties but they never result in sex, especially not with men! In fact, though I dress like that and get drunk often, I only had sex with one man in my life. How weird, right? It’s almost like we dress to feel beautiful and comfy, not to express sexual consent to literally anyone we meet.

I know, I know, guys, I am a big party ruiner. You can cry and screech and make tortuous rationalizations all you want, you still need verbal consent. There’s no way around it. We don’t need to communicate through clothes, most of human race (which, amazingly includes women) is capable of using verbal or sign language, so lets stick to that. Theres n way around it, sorry.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

I called that “sexually open” one in the previous thread, just sayin’.

As for the clothes one: That’s very similar to the “argument” that women take forever to shop for clothes, and these types of dudes love to whine about how damn inconvenient it is for them that women take forever to get ready/go clothes shopping.

And then they’ll berate us for not being perfect 24/7. It’s almost like they don’t fucking understand that we don’t roll out of bed looking like a photoshopped pinup model. And of course they expect us to accept them and their shitty fucking attitudes as is.

CPphazor | May 1, 2016 at 4:54 pm
Sweet Jesus, the raw angst of these memes. You ever notice how tumblr types will say ‘men do X or Y’, which will be mildly annoying, but it seldom seems to get as depraved as this stuff?

I’ve personally always found that there’s a difference between “I hate men” or “Men do X” and “I hate women” and “women do X”.

It might be ‘mildly annoying’ for you to hear “I hate men” or “Men do X”, but while that might not describe you, ‘mild annoyance’ is the only real negative consequence of that train of thought. You get annoyed, you move on.

When I hear “I hate women” or “women do X”, I get to hear how most of the world thinks of me. I get treated differently because people believe “Women do x”, and I have to suffer being thought of as a lesser person because of it, and all that comes with the status of being less than “rich, able-bodied, neurotypical, cishet white dude”.

Sorry if this comes off as trying to snipe at you, I promise I’m not, but it can get annoying to hear when a privileged group whines about how marginalized groups talk about them in terms of their oppression.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

“Claims to be independent

8 years ago

Hold up, bring that shit back. Anal? That’s the oppressive nadir of Feminazism? So she’ll agree to fuck you, but not in the specific way you like the most? And that’s like the Nazis? Also, since when does openness to sex mean you’re into everything? Presumably, you ‘alfalfa mails’ aren’t about that cuckold life. Does that make you prudes? Is anyone who’s averse to donning a humbler (a ‘device’. Don’t look it up at work, or maybe at all) a repressed puritan? Methinks someone didn’t ponder this all the way thru
I didn’t know sympathy was a feminist plot. I’ve been feeling mildly sad that someone I care about is sad, while not Deus Exing their problems away for decades now. Mom musta got me indoctrinated young
And, as befitting, those last few aren’t even in the subject’s voice… Bang up job there, lads. Just top notchcomment image

ETA:ninjad on the prudes thing by Chiomara

8 years ago

I found the slut heels!
comment image

“Claims to be independent

“Has the scars to prove it.”

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

“Only has sex when she actually wants to.
Expects boyfriend to please her as much as she does him!”

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

“Believes sexual assault survivors.
Doesn’t believe my made-up “statistics” about how 143% of accusations are false!”

8 years ago


Hold up, bring that shit back. Anal?

I think the big problem here is that the A question is asked first. If the question is whether you’re sexually “open”, the first response from a wary woman should be, “Usually. Though sometimes I find a dad or mum or grandparent isn’t as fun in a threesome as I’d like. What’s your grandad like in bed?”

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

When I’m in an intimate setting with a guy and he gets whiny that I don’t want to do anal, I usually ask him how big his dick is, and then tell him I’ll try anal if he’ll put a dildo the same size as his dick in his ass first so I can see how it’s done.

Mrs. B
Mrs. B
8 years ago

When I’m in an intimate setting with a guy and he gets whiny that I don’t want to do anal, I usually ask him how big his dick is, and then tell him I’ll try anal if he’ll put a dildo the same size as his dick in his ass first so I can see how it’s done.

I have used this before, and it works magnificently.

8 years ago

I’m every bit as smart and rational as a man,
OMG don’t help me solve my problems just sit here and be miserable with me

“Has a good grasp of one footnote,
Thinks that’s the whole thesis”

8 years ago

Amy guy who complains that a girl won’t do anal needs to berms over and let her do it first, else he’s a total hypocrite.
Personally I enjoy that particular activity from either side of the equation, but I’m pansexual, so that’s too be expected.

8 years ago

Ugh. Any, not amy. Bend, not berms.
I swear my phone does it on purpose.

8 years ago

So, guns don’t kill people but dresses cause rape? I’m so confused.

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