antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression incoherent rage memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm rape rape culture

Memeday: This imaginary feminist I just made up is a hypocrite! Part 1

Apparently, if someone pays for you on a date you should lose the right to vote
Apparently, if someone pays for you on a date you should lose the right to vote

Today, a look at the very terrible “Feminist Nazi” meme, in which this shouty lady has been made into the mouthpiece of feminism at its most hypocriticalist.

I know, that “ist” at the end of “hypocritical” really shouldn’t be there, but somehow “most hypocritical” didn’t seem strong enough.

The doofuses spreading these memes around the internet — the ones featured in this post have been shared anywhere from a couple of hundred to more than 166,000 times — apparently seem to think that Ms. Feminist Nazi offers quite the indictment of feminism.

But there are a couple of teensy problems with that idea. First, a lot of the alleged hypocrisies aren’t actually hypocrisies; many of them are just sort of puzzling. Second, NO FEMINIST HAS EVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THE STUFF IN THESE MEMES.

Let’s begin with this evil feminist who, like the identical looking evil feminist in the meme above, demands that men pay for everything. This is apparently rule #1 of Feminist Club.


Apparently Rule #2 of Feminist Club has to do with pulling chairs out and holding doors open:


Weird! I thought Feminist Nazis went around yelling a dudes who held doors open for them.

Feminist Nazi also oppresses men with her dating choices.


And her choice of dance partners:


I’m glad the meme-maker specified this was at a dance club, because otherwise I would have assumed it was, I dunno, at a gas station?

You know how MRAs always insist that the wage gap is a “myth?” Well, not so much, if the existence of the wage gap comes in handy for making a meme attacking women.


But apparently these same dude who think women screw their employers over by getting pregnant also sort of think that they shouldn’t be able to get abortions.

That’s about the only thing I was able to get out of this baffling meme:


Is there a single women on earth today, or in all of human history, who honesty believes that they are entitled to never face any kind of hardship?


And now it’s time for a message from Upside-Down Backwards Land:


As a formerly skinny kid who only got fat as an adult, I will only note that I pretty much never got any shit from anyone about my weight … until I started making fun of MRAs online.

Ok, now these things are just getting weird:


And I will end with a meme about which I can only say that HOLY CRAP IS IT AWFUL.

And of course it’s about rape.


To paraphrase a famous quote: Memes about feminism prove the necessity of feminism.

And we’re not even done with this meme yet.

COMING IN PART 2: Even more confusing Feminist Nazi memes, plus some written by actual feminists.

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8 years ago


I’m in the greater Los Angeles region; free roaming dogs scare people so animal control tries to pick such dogs up and prevent them from being hit by cars or otherwise injured and to make people feel safe. There’s a lot of local communities trying to deal with the issue of feral cats – some have been going after people who feed ferals and a few have even been doing pretty bad stuff (rounding up and euthanizing) till animal advocates hear about it and things get complicated once there’s messy public announcements, angry residents, etc.

Our spay and neuter requirements limit the practice of backyard breeding – even those who raise show dogs and cats must spay and neuter once they retire them from shows, pet stores cannot sell dogs and cats in this region. I am glad that fewer animals will be euthanized for nothing more than being one of the “too many, not enough space for them” population. The rescues here pull every young and healthy dog/cat they can manage to find, then put so many restrictions and requirements plus a huge fee that it doesn’t seem to encourage pet adoptions for the non-rich people. I mean a credit check? Maybe if it were an apartment not a pet adoption!

8 years ago

One of our ferals had kitties.

8 years ago

msexceptiontotherule, you have a very unrealistic impression about shelters and rescues in LA. I’m sorry you had a bad experience, but I would appreciate you not spreading misinformation about people who are putting a huge amount of effort into solving this serious problem.

If you like, I can point you to a variety of rescues in the LA area that don’t do any of the things you claim rescues do.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Rescues, like so many other things, come in many shapes and sizes. Some work hard to adopt out tons of vulnerable animals, while others seem like an excuse for someone to become an animal hoarder on a nonprofit basis. I’ve had contact with both types, and comparing them really isn’t fair. “All rescues are awesome” and “rescues do nothing but make it harder and more expensive to adopt a pet” are both untrue statements. Some rescues are awesome, and others put so many strings on an animal that it really gives away that the “rescue” doesn’t actually want to give up the animal.

Louisville has a weird little provision in its animal control ordinance about “community cats.” These are your basic no-fixed-address feral and semi-feral cats. There is a trap-neuter-release program for community cats, and if the people who feed them (called “caretakers” in the ordinance) can’t afford to provide them with vet care, they are supposed to call animal services for any suffering cat. Otherwise community cats are more or less exempt from animal control, and people can be penalized for harassing them.

I have no idea what prompted this “community cat” designation. It’s so bizarre. The effect of the ordinance is that Louisville says, “We love cats, and we even love unowned cats as long as they are neutered and vaccinated. DON’T TOUCH OUR CATS.”

8 years ago

We tnr our ferals, feed them, get them whatever care they need and rehome the ones that can be socialized. We are not a rescue and it is still stupidly expensive, more so now that our local fix your ferals has closed. I know there must be bad rescuers out there, but everyone I have met has been super dedicated, putting everything they’ve got into a shitty situation in an attempt to make a difference to a few cats.

8 years ago


I’m sorry you had a bad experience, but I would appreciate you not spreading misinformation about people who are putting a huge amount of effort into solving this serious problem.

I don’t see anything where she says all shelters are like that, and I don’t think it’s very fair to tell her she’s not allowed to share her experiences. I’ve had bad experiences with a couple of local shelters and a good experience with a different one. Am I not allowed to share the bad experiences I’ve had? Does sharing them imply I don’t think there are any good shelters? This is ridiculous.

8 years ago

So, I’ve been thinking of volunteering for a shelter for a while, since my allergies are mild enough that I can be around animals for a while and if I come home and take a shower I’ll be ok. Someday, I hope to have a dog of my own, but it would probably have to be a hypo-allergenic dog which might be more expensive to care for and I’m not financially ready for that(or any animal) yet. I love animals though, so I though about helping at a shelter since I know they must need volunteers.

But I have also heard, as people seem to be saying here, that not all shelters are equal. I honestly just don’t know what would make a shelter “bad” exactly. I did contact one about volunteering, and filled out an online form and never heard back, which I thought was strange but there could be plenty of explanations for that. So how do you know it’s a trustworthy place to work/volunteer or to adopt from? How would you check their legitimacy? Is there any reliable way to research this online? Or do you just sort of have to go there in person and get a feel for it? Sorry if these are annoying questions but I just don’t have much experience in this area and I’m not sure who to ask about it.

8 years ago


I also LOVE dogs that have fluffy floppy ears like yours does because they remind me of a tiny Falcor.

8 years ago

varalys the dark, dreemr:

Thank you! And as to why she has that sort of coat markings…


Yep! She’s a Bengal cat. Came to my life with her half-sister Didi.

Both of them are very, very, very helpful with everything, which can get troublesome because they are cats and actually know very little about anything. There are times when temptation to rename them as “Dunning” and “Kruger” comes to me.

I have a Twitter account for them, if you want to watch/follow/occasionally check out what they are up to, head over here:

8 years ago


For those who don’t know, it seems the twitter account of Andrea Hardie (Judgy Bitch) has been suspended (again).

What?! Do you mean to tell me that threats against the lives and well-being of other Twitter users will get you suspended?!

Where’s the respect for social injustice warriors (SIWs)!

8 years ago

@ calmdown

Yes, that is Hancock, I collect most of the Fallout fan art I come across. I like to think that once he gets really high he can be fascinated with their fuzziness for hours on end. Never trip alone, ya know? =)

I love kitties, but unfortunately my bf is allergic too. If you want a fuzzy pet, have you considered rats? There are a lot of rat rescues out there looking for forever homes, because people get them for their kids who won’t clean the cage, or they get a male and female and suddenly have more rats than they know what to do with. A lot of them end up as feeders for reptiles.

There’s a good chance they won’t trigger your allergies as long as you keep their cage clean. They’re also really precocious and cuddly companions, and as a cage animal they are usually exempt from pet fees. They just need spacious and engaging habitats and a few cage companions.
comment image

8 years ago

Awww! What a cutie rat! 🙂

Right now there’s a cuddlepuddle pile of kitties in bedroom, in their cat-bed. They love to share the bedroom with us hoomin servants. 😀

8 years ago

I love everyone’s pup & kitty & rat photos!

Katz’s story about the rescue cat with kidney issues due to abuse was heartbreaking. Cats are prone to kidney issues. For anyone who’s dealing with kidney issues in an animal companion, here’s what’s helped our cats a lot:

Standard Process brand Renafood; crush a pill into the food. It’s for humans but is fine to give to animals. It’s better than the Standard Process supplement for animals. I gave one cat half a pill twice a day. (She’s gone now, but she had kidney issues for 5 years until she passed away at 19 1/2.) My other cat, who is nearly 16, is getting one-quarter pill twice a day. Check with your vet (I suggest a holistic vet) about whether it’s an appropriate supplement.

Pet Essences Kidney Strength; I put a drop in the cat water, and I add a little of that water to the food. I also put a few drops of that water on the cat and rub it in many times a day. This is a flower essence and is completely harmless. If it’s not appropriate for the animal, there will be no effect at all. Flower essences (including Pet Essences) are helpful for animals, plants, and people. And they’re inexpensive, especially if you use only a drop in the water.

Raw food. Some pet food stores carry this. There are also recipes online. Check with your vet first. I suggest a holistic vet; nonholistic vets will tell you to use only prescription food.

If your vet doesn’t carry Standard Process or if your natural foods store doesn’t carry Pet Essences, these products can be ordered online.

8 years ago

Rats are so underrated. I never had one as a pet. But in college I trained a rat to press a lever for a food reward for my behavioral psych class and it was hands down the best class project ever. I named my rat Esteban after the character in Cities of Gold. He was the smartest rat in the class. I had him trained to push the lever before anyone else’s rats. I’d get one for a pet, but I’m concerned that the combination of Darrow’s strength and Dracarys’ voracious hunger could end in a tragic cage invasion event. I don’t think I could risk a rodent or bird for a pet with my cats around.

8 years ago

My family had 2 dogs and 5 cats over the years, but never more than 4 at once. 2 of the cats were strays. They’re all dead now, though, and I don’t have any pictures of them. I mean, I did take a few low-quality pics of the last one (a part-Siamese stray named Diana) but have no idea what happened to those. So I can’t share pictures like a lot of people here. I do have a picture of my brother’s black cat (not counted in the total above) but I don’t know their name and haven’t met them yet. Given how my brother is with names, I suspect that it’s just “cat”. My apartment doesn’t allow pets, so it’s not an option right now, but I’d like to have one someday.

8 years ago


Hancock is one of my favorite companions. : )

I had rats as a kid and my bf had one when I met him. She passed away mostly from being old, but I kind of felt like it was my fault. I also lost one of the childhood rats in kind of a horrific way. I still sort of feel like I failed as a rat owner. They are cute though, it’s just too bad they don’t live very long compared to cats and dogs, and I guess I worry about small pets being fragile due to the previous experiences. They are super smart though, I’ve seen some amazing YouTube vids of all the tricks they can do like dunking tiny basketballs, so cute!

varalys the dark
8 years ago

When I couldn’t keep cats of my own because of where I was living,(I still saw the family cat plenty though) I kept hamsters which are pretty cool creatures, very grumpy and anti-social just like me!

Here’s Biff lying lengthways on me, his paws are practically under my chin here.

8 years ago

*whispers* we have 5 cats. Recently combine households with mum, she brought her 1 cat, mr. and I brought 4.

Meet the crew.

Rescue Kitten: Mallow This was her first experience with direct sunlight.

8 years ago

“I get it – running a non-profit animal rescue is a labor of love that’s very expensive even when there are donations of food and supplies. I find myself wondering if some of these groups are filling the space once occupied by pet stores and hobby-level breeders while claiming to be altruistic rescuers. Obviously there aren’t an adequate number of foster homes for the animals pulled from shelters and brought in by the area’s residents here in SoCal – despite the large scale adoption events and the regular weekend animal adoption fairs that places like Petco and Petsmart provide a location for and are affiliated with various animal rescues.”

Katz, I’m sorry if you felt that what I said in previous comments was to mislead people into thinking that all rescues are bad. The above is quoted directly from the first comment – I specifically chose the bolded portion because I wanted to convey that it was what *I* wonder, and it’s not applicable to ALL rescues. I know there are good ones out there who do important work. I also know that my experiences with rescues that never get approved to participate in multi-rescue large scale adoption events, nor are affiliated with corporations like Petco and Petsmart adoption fairs have tended towards the negative side. I was very disappointed to have gone over to see a cat and find out that he had been pulled by a rescue mere hours earlier, but I’m happy that at least he wasn’t euthanized.

I am focusing (for now) on the cats available in L.A. city and county shelters and up to 3 years old. Those, and especially the older cats are at the highest risk for being euthanized even if healthy, particularly once ‘kitten season’ gets into full gear.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@cleverforagirl; those kitties look so comfy, my cat has bed access as well, he likes to sleep on the pillow next to me when I do.

Rescuing older cats is a great idea, the one rescue cat in our families cat collection was a three year old cat that had previously had abusive owners and had his leg badly broken. He was fixed up and my sister and her boyf adopted him and he’s turned out to be one of the sweetest most affectionate cats there is. When my sister had her first (so far only) child a couple of years ago we did wonder how he would cope with the kid. No worries there, he lets my nephew, push, pull, prod, poke and sit on him with nothing more than a long suffering look every now and then.

8 years ago

Our focus right now is the feral colony we inherited when we all moved into the family home. 2 of our 4 were abandoned by the mommacat who had her litter pretty late in the year. Between the bottle babies and cuddling them to keep them warm in fall/winter we got way too attached to find them homes.



Ok, I promise, no more spamming the thread with baby pics lol

8 years ago

@Policy of Madness

PSS: He chairs the White House Council on Boys and Men??? Do the people at the White House know how to do an Interwebz search? WTF.

Probably they do, which is why the White House Council on Boys and Men is not actually a White House council.

Thanks for the clarification.

Upon rereading Warren Farrell’s Wikipedia article, I see that he actually says this:

In 2009, a call from the White House requesting Dr. Farrell to be an advisor to the White House Council on Women and Girls led to Dr. Farrell creating and chairing a commission to create a White House Council on Boys and Men.

So it’s a commission to create a council.

I’m going to assume that the White House really did ask him to advise the White House Council on Women and Girls. So I have to ask again, do the people at the White House know how to do an Internet search?

And I had a look at the website for the proposed White House council on boys and men. I don’t know for sure, but they don’t all appear to be alt right. So I have the same question for them: Do they know how to do an Internet search?

‘Cause this guy is a proponent of pedophilia.


Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Nazis are marching in Borlänge today on May 1st, and counter-protests are happening. Hope it doesn’t get too violent. 🙁

8 years ago


Ok, I promise, no more spamming the thread with baby pics lol

Oh come on, that’s always OK here 😀

We’re the willing pawns of the Great Furrinati, after all. Even Katie (all hail Katie!) must answer to them.

8 years ago

…this is why I’m not so much considering transition as I am considering ragequitting masculinity.