Today, a look at the very terrible “Feminist Nazi” meme, in which this shouty lady has been made into the mouthpiece of feminism at its most hypocriticalist.
I know, that “ist” at the end of “hypocritical” really shouldn’t be there, but somehow “most hypocritical” didn’t seem strong enough.
The doofuses spreading these memes around the internet — the ones featured in this post have been shared anywhere from a couple of hundred to more than 166,000 times — apparently seem to think that Ms. Feminist Nazi offers quite the indictment of feminism.
But there are a couple of teensy problems with that idea. First, a lot of the alleged hypocrisies aren’t actually hypocrisies; many of them are just sort of puzzling. Second, NO FEMINIST HAS EVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THE STUFF IN THESE MEMES.
Let’s begin with this evil feminist who, like the identical looking evil feminist in the meme above, demands that men pay for everything. This is apparently rule #1 of Feminist Club.
Apparently Rule #2 of Feminist Club has to do with pulling chairs out and holding doors open:
Weird! I thought Feminist Nazis went around yelling a dudes who held doors open for them.
Feminist Nazi also oppresses men with her dating choices.
And her choice of dance partners:
I’m glad the meme-maker specified this was at a dance club, because otherwise I would have assumed it was, I dunno, at a gas station?
You know how MRAs always insist that the wage gap is a “myth?” Well, not so much, if the existence of the wage gap comes in handy for making a meme attacking women.
But apparently these same dude who think women screw their employers over by getting pregnant also sort of think that they shouldn’t be able to get abortions.
That’s about the only thing I was able to get out of this baffling meme:
Is there a single women on earth today, or in all of human history, who honesty believes that they are entitled to never face any kind of hardship?
And now it’s time for a message from Upside-Down Backwards Land:
As a formerly skinny kid who only got fat as an adult, I will only note that I pretty much never got any shit from anyone about my weight … until I started making fun of MRAs online.
Ok, now these things are just getting weird:
And I will end with a meme about which I can only say that HOLY CRAP IS IT AWFUL.
And of course it’s about rape.
To paraphrase a famous quote: Memes about feminism prove the necessity of feminism.
And we’re not even done with this meme yet.
COMING IN PART 2: Even more confusing Feminist Nazi memes, plus some written by actual feminists.
For images just post the link on a separate line by itself and if it ends in .jpg or .gif or .png (or I’m sure other image formats) it will automatically embed. I don’t know about videos though.
Hey David, are you aware that Milo did a thing at a college and it brought out a lot of protesters?
Oooh, I want to play!
“Has had different kinds of sex with an ex
Won’t do the same acts with other guys”
“Gets drunk
Expects not to get hit on”
“Proclaims herself a feminist
Won’t debate anyone when they demand it”
“Proclaims herself a feminist
Doesn’t want to be harassed”
This woman who only goes out if someone else is paying most definitely exists, however it’s very unlikely that she is a feminist. Woman =/= feminist. That a big one that these jackasses get confused. Just because she’s a woman, doesn’t mean her actions are done in the name of feminism, FFS.
Personally, most feminists I know would rather pay for themselves with new people, because they’re wary of being made to feel like they owe something in return, if you know what I mean. At most, there is reasoning that if two mature people hit it off and find that there is a substantial difference in income bracket, it would be nice if the person in the better financial position subsidize a bit, if it’s their idea to pick an outing which is more in line with their income than the other person’s lower income. This goes for men AND women (although I’ve had little success in getting past a man’s pride to accept my gesture to pay). I never expect the guy to pay, unless I’ve made clear that I’m on a McDonald’s budget, and he insists on some chichi joint which goes well beyond that.
Of course, there’s also the factor that the person with the higher income, due to gender inequality, is going to be the man. It’s only fair that if men make more money for the same work, that they contribute a bit more to paying for things.
Oh, DANG! *clap clap clap clap*
thnx kupo!
Ill try that next time
*hops on the alternative meme caption bandwagon*
“Objects to women getting doxxed, harassed, and threatened.
Criticized an MRA once.”
“Criticizes sexualized outfits for female heroes.
Doesn’t change opinion when someone mentions He-Man.”
“Calls chivalry ‘benevolent sexism’.
Did not cuss me out for holding the door.”
I thought we feminists were all supposed to be ugly, purple-haired ham-beasts and spinsters with BO and piercings?
But all the memes tend to be of good-looking stock photo models and stills of highly-groomed reality TV stars… Which is it, meninists?
“Demands commitment from any man who would marry her”… Um, well… if he’s already willing to marry her, then why would wanting commitment be an issue?
I know they’re probably getting into the whole “marriage is a trap that women spring on men” thing, but jeez, they really don’t see men as having any free will at all, do they?
That last one, though… they’ll latch onto any comment thread with #notallmen! but then they casually threaten rape as a valid and justifiable way to retaliate against women* over a perceived nebulous slight.
*and you just know that they are using this straw feminist as a basis on which to hate all women, as soon as she gets too assertive, or stops smiling for them.
How are we supposed to feel compassion for meninists, when their abuser mentality is plain to see?
Good idea, @Kootiepatra! I only have one to add though, and it’s not even funny.
“Calls herself a feminist.
Actually respects men.”
I’ve never felt personal respect on a deep level as much as I have within feminist and progressive spaces. People respect my white skin, my Y chromosome, my privileged background, my scientific education, but not the actual person who has those things.
Good idea, @Kootiepatra! I only have one to add though, and it’s not even funny.
“Calls herself a feminist.
Actually respects men.”
I’ve never felt personal respect on a deep level as much as I have within feminist and progressive spaces. People respect my white skin, my Y chromosome and male presentation, my privileged background, my scientific education, but not the actual person who has those things.
Ack, double post. Apologies. The internet on the Tube is totes awks.
Are we still doing cats or what?
I was just thinking ‘wheeeerrreees Fingie??’ The one with the paws is priceless.
I has puppies
Aww. :p
Sometimes I tell Fingie that some people on the internet know about him.
Such wonderful pups!
I don’t suppose there’s any easy (as in, for-dummies) way I can post a jpg that I only have on my computer, not uploaded anywhere? (no kittehs, but iz dog)
Sign up for a picture hosting website, such as imgur or photobucket. 🙂
We want that dog!
Is that Hancock with kitties? 🙂
When I got the new DLC for Fallout 4 I used the Cat cage first (before doing anything cool like trapping a deathclaw) so I could have a house kitty at Sanctuary.
The pets are all adorable. I can’t have one irl because I am allergic, so seeing other people’s cats/dogs via is really exciting for me. Even after years of internet-ing.
Had a try, but photo is not showing up. ::iz klutz:: 🙁
I go away for a bit (silly work, interfering with stuff) and come back to … MORE gorgeous furry creatures and MORE meme captions. Today is indeed a good day.
@IP – not sure which pic is my favourite; the paws one, or the tongue poking out one. Now there’s a meme waiting to happen right there :).
@opposable thumbs – as IP says; I myself have a Tumblr account for this reason only, so I can share my own kitteh photos here.
@GenJones – those pups are precious!
Tried again, but nope …
never mind, will have a think about it.
Thanks for the advice, IP and Mish 🙂
I got it to work with your link, but I had to take out parts of the url. You need to right click the image and go to “view image”, then copy the url. It needs to end in a file extension name, such as .jpg or .gif
Loving the alternate captions and the cute furfaces!