antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression incoherent rage memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm rape rape culture

Memeday: This imaginary feminist I just made up is a hypocrite! Part 1

Apparently, if someone pays for you on a date you should lose the right to vote
Apparently, if someone pays for you on a date you should lose the right to vote

Today, a look at the very terrible “Feminist Nazi” meme, in which this shouty lady has been made into the mouthpiece of feminism at its most hypocriticalist.

I know, that “ist” at the end of “hypocritical” really shouldn’t be there, but somehow “most hypocritical” didn’t seem strong enough.

The doofuses spreading these memes around the internet — the ones featured in this post have been shared anywhere from a couple of hundred to more than 166,000 times — apparently seem to think that Ms. Feminist Nazi offers quite the indictment of feminism.

But there are a couple of teensy problems with that idea. First, a lot of the alleged hypocrisies aren’t actually hypocrisies; many of them are just sort of puzzling. Second, NO FEMINIST HAS EVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THE STUFF IN THESE MEMES.

Let’s begin with this evil feminist who, like the identical looking evil feminist in the meme above, demands that men pay for everything. This is apparently rule #1 of Feminist Club.


Apparently Rule #2 of Feminist Club has to do with pulling chairs out and holding doors open:


Weird! I thought Feminist Nazis went around yelling a dudes who held doors open for them.

Feminist Nazi also oppresses men with her dating choices.


And her choice of dance partners:


I’m glad the meme-maker specified this was at a dance club, because otherwise I would have assumed it was, I dunno, at a gas station?

You know how MRAs always insist that the wage gap is a “myth?” Well, not so much, if the existence of the wage gap comes in handy for making a meme attacking women.


But apparently these same dude who think women screw their employers over by getting pregnant also sort of think that they shouldn’t be able to get abortions.

That’s about the only thing I was able to get out of this baffling meme:


Is there a single women on earth today, or in all of human history, who honesty believes that they are entitled to never face any kind of hardship?


And now it’s time for a message from Upside-Down Backwards Land:


As a formerly skinny kid who only got fat as an adult, I will only note that I pretty much never got any shit from anyone about my weight … until I started making fun of MRAs online.

Ok, now these things are just getting weird:


And I will end with a meme about which I can only say that HOLY CRAP IS IT AWFUL.

And of course it’s about rape.


To paraphrase a famous quote: Memes about feminism prove the necessity of feminism.

And we’re not even done with this meme yet.

COMING IN PART 2: Even more confusing Feminist Nazi memes, plus some written by actual feminists.

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varalys the dark
8 years ago

@ Dr. NicolaLuna: Thanks, I must say what I have read on here is so at odds with my experience with the men in my life over the years that I am just left baffled most of the time. Maybe I have just lead a very sheltered life! David and the commenter’s mockery of them is fun to read though.

8 years ago

After reading lots of MRM writing on WHTM, I’ve come to the conclusion that even the intended readers (MRAs) aren’t meant to take any of the writing literally. The writers don’t worry about any kind of consistency or logic.

It’s all just a variation on the theme “Men should be absolute monarchs of all they survey with no threat to their thrones at any time from anyone.”

Of course, even if all men were monarchs, what would prevent other men from threatening their thrones? They’ll worry about that later, once they’ve won the counterrevolution.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

That last meme is frightening. MRAs just don’t get that there is no justification for rape. None.


8 years ago

How can they say people deserve rape or cant complain about being raped?

Easy. They’re rapists and they have to convince themselves that women deserve it or they’ll feel guilty.

8 years ago

@varalys that’s what I did when I found this site about 6 months ago. Have fun!

@Patricia no, they don’t get that, they think that rape largely doesn’t exist, and what rape does happen is the “stranger leaping out of the bushes” kind. Marital rape is fake, as is date rape, all made up by women to get men in trouble.
They also fantasize about using rape to punish women who have offended them in some way.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I must say what I have read on here is so at odds with my experience with the men in my life over the years that I am just left baffled most of the time. Maybe I have just lead a very sheltered life!

Probably not. MRAs and adjacents are convinced that they are more numerous than they actually are. They are a tiny minority of men and an even more minuscule number of non-men.

It’s not unusual for someone to know an MRA or adjacent, because we usually have huge social groups filled with dozens of individuals. But it’s also not unusual to know zero of these people personally. There just aren’t as many of them as they believe.

8 years ago

Of course, even if all men were monarchs, what would prevent other men from threatening their thrones?

I read The Myth of Male Power (one of Warren Farrell’s finest) before I’d ever heard of MRAs, and that was one of the (many) logical inconsistencies that leaped out at me. His point was that Men join the armed forces and the police to defend women and children, and this proves…something.

Of course, what they’re defending the women and children from is other men. He might have a point if the governments and upper hierarchy of the military on all sides of the conflict were women, and men were simply used as cannon fodder. This has never happened in recorded history.

We know exactly what happens in the MRAs utopia. It’s called History. And it would squash these whiny idiots like bugs.

8 years ago

Everything I was going to say in response to those ‘memes’ has been ably said already, upthread (although I still can’t help wailing “would you please just shut up about the door-opening and date-paying stuff please just shut up what world are you living in?”).

@WWTH – that Bailey face is pure, classic dog adorbs.

@Dr NicolaLuna – I had issues posting photos here too, until someone (I think it was Makroth or LindsayIrene) told me to post pics that end in jpg or similar. I just pop the link in (not using the ‘link’ option in the toolbar), make sure there are clear gaps above and below, and it always works.
I clicked on your instagram anyway and your puppy is gorgeous. Loves you just a bit, doesn’t he? <3

8 years ago

PS there’s a wee patch of hatred back on page 1. Did someone spill something? 🙂

8 years ago

I made sure to take a picture of Bailey during dinner. She’s a very skilled beggar. She just gives the most adorable looks. Unlike my cat who just tries to climb on the plate and snatch my dinner away.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Looks like Andrea Hardie has been suspended from Twitter (again). 🙂

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Looks like Andrea Hardie has been suspended from Twitter (again).

A clear example of total unfairness, and not at all a reflection of the physical violence she’s been threatening with regularity in the past week+.

8 years ago

Unlike my cat who just tries to climb on the plate and snatch my dinner away.

I love it when they do this and growl at you when you try to take the food away and can’t figure out how to eat it without losing their grip and letting you take it. I kind of feel bad until I realize it’s a) my food and b) prepared with garlic or onion which would make kitty sick (at least in my house that’s pretty much a given).

8 years ago

That last one is the perfect Men’s Rights meme, though. “Know your place or we’ll rape/kill you” is practically their slogan.

8 years ago

@kupo, WWTH:

Or they try the kitty-hypnosis technique:

comment image

(Mei-Mei and Shiro know that there is cheese on the bench)

8 years ago

I think the creator of the dance one specified that it happened at a dance club because he believes (like an astonishing number of people) that, by walking into a club, a woman is declaring that absolutely any dude who wants to dance with her or touch her is welcome to do so. Therefore, it’s hypocritical of her to refuse to dance with him while existing in a place where dancing happens.

In this vein, I have written my own:



Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
8 years ago

I clicked on your instagram anyway and your puppy is gorgeous. Loves you just a bit, doesn’t he? <3

I’ve been visiting him every few weeks since he was 4 days old. At about 8 weeks he kinda picked me. He would just sit at my feet and stare at me the whole time I was there while his brothers and sisters jumped around like kangaroos. I’m so excited he’s here 😀

8 years ago

Pepper does that you me when I’m chopping raw meat. Little carnivore.

8 years ago
Reply to  dreemr

@CriticalDragon1177 – he probably is pro-choice, but only when it’s his choice.

Wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case, come to think of it.

8 years ago


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I think the creator of the dance one specified that it happened at a dance club because he believes (like an astonishing number of people) that, by walking into a club, a woman is declaring that absolutely any dude who wants to dance with her or touch her is welcome to do so. Therefore, it’s hypocritical of her to refuse to dance with him while existing in a place where dancing happens.

This reminds me that I recently heard Meghan Trainor’s “No” song and I’m really happy that it exists. I have complex feelings about “All About That Base” and I can’t really get behind it. This song invokes no such mixed feelings in me. I don’t know how long it’s been out, so probably I’m the last person in the Anglosphere to hear it, but I feel the need to share how happy it makes me.

eta: looks like CriticalDragon’s comment has angered the mammoth.

8 years ago

I wanna play!

idk how to do images or good formatting but:

“Says she is a lesbian

Wont let me watch.”

Wont have sex with me

Gets mad when I call her a slut

“Wants to be treated as an equal

Isnt actually dating me or anything”

I need a job to support myself

I dont like being sexually harassed at work

8 years ago

Oh great

The league of extraordinary assholes have finally united in the production of what will be a trainwreck.

8 years ago

@Oogly that fuckin front page is HYSTERICAL. Like – SILENCED
notorious hatemongers – white man – white man – white man – OK one woman – Milo – SCOTT ADAMS

bc ceiticism has sure SILENCED them. Soooo silent. its not like SJWs ever are silenced with like death threats or a history of disenfranchisement or anything.

8 years ago

There’s special rules for black women, Latinas, Asian, transgender, lesbians, and women with disabilities. Often these specific rules are the exact opposite of the rules for the other groups of women, because the end goal is to put and keep women in a place of submission to male authority.

To that end, you get black women being vilified for being loud, Latinas aren’t allowed to express their anger at anything, less they be laughed at as being hot and spicy, and if an Asian woman expresses her feelings she’s a dragonlady. But all these stereotypes have the end goal of white men being able to point at these different groups of women and saying to white women “Don’t be like those women over there. Be nice. Be good girls.”

There’s a stereotype and/or insult for every type of womanhood, and these insults are designed to make you feel ashamed and to shut up and sit down.

This is so true I want to embroider it on a sampler and hang it on the wall. I really should take up cross-stitch!

And then those same white bozos also sneer at white women and tell them they’re passing ’em up for impoverished child-women from Southeast Asia, because there, they REALLY know how to treat a man. BARF.