
Today, a look at the very terrible “Feminist Nazi” meme, in which this shouty lady has been made into the mouthpiece of feminism at its most hypocriticalist.
I know, that “ist” at the end of “hypocritical” really shouldn’t be there, but somehow “most hypocritical” didn’t seem strong enough.
The doofuses spreading these memes around the internet — the ones featured in this post have been shared anywhere from a couple of hundred to more than 166,000 times — apparently seem to think that Ms. Feminist Nazi offers quite the indictment of feminism.
But there are a couple of teensy problems with that idea. First, a lot of the alleged hypocrisies aren’t actually hypocrisies; many of them are just sort of puzzling. Second, NO FEMINIST HAS EVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THE STUFF IN THESE MEMES.
Let’s begin with this evil feminist who, like the identical looking evil feminist in the meme above, demands that men pay for everything. This is apparently rule #1 of Feminist Club.
Apparently Rule #2 of Feminist Club has to do with pulling chairs out and holding doors open:
Weird! I thought Feminist Nazis went around yelling a dudes who held doors open for them.
Feminist Nazi also oppresses men with her dating choices.
And her choice of dance partners:
I’m glad the meme-maker specified this was at a dance club, because otherwise I would have assumed it was, I dunno, at a gas station?
You know how MRAs always insist that the wage gap is a “myth?” Well, not so much, if the existence of the wage gap comes in handy for making a meme attacking women.
But apparently these same dude who think women screw their employers over by getting pregnant also sort of think that they shouldn’t be able to get abortions.
That’s about the only thing I was able to get out of this baffling meme:
Is there a single women on earth today, or in all of human history, who honesty believes that they are entitled to never face any kind of hardship?
And now it’s time for a message from Upside-Down Backwards Land:
As a formerly skinny kid who only got fat as an adult, I will only note that I pretty much never got any shit from anyone about my weight … until I started making fun of MRAs online.
Ok, now these things are just getting weird:
And I will end with a meme about which I can only say that HOLY CRAP IS IT AWFUL.
And of course it’s about rape.
To paraphrase a famous quote: Memes about feminism prove the necessity of feminism.
And we’re not even done with this meme yet.
COMING IN PART 2: Even more confusing Feminist Nazi memes, plus some written by actual feminists.
Nothing ever tops the official AVFM memes. Just the right combination of unintentionally hilarious and infuriatingly ignorant.
Misognists/anti feminists pr***s get upset over memes like “boys are stupid throw rocks at them” but make tons and tons of extremely misogynist memes like these.
Anyway here’s a cute meme
Ah, so rape is the logical result of making men miserable…which is because feminism.
Wow…just wow
Every time I see these memes I can only wonder if these guys have ever met any actual, flesh and blood people. I’m forced to conclude they haven’t.
Also, what does voting have to do with men paying for dates? And voting is hypocritical if you don’t go out for other types of social interaction?
I just…what?
Even the misogyny gets lost in the complete lack of sense.
But if she doesn’t reproduce, she’s contributing to !!!WHITE GENOCIDE!!!, and if she’s unemployed, she’s either using a man as an ATM or living off the teat of B.D. Government. Poor lady just can’t win, can she?
So let me get this straight. Women shouldn’t work because their ladybrains can’t handle logic and they’re SOOOOOOOOOOO emotional; but if a working woman gets pregnant, she’s cheating her employer; but if she doesn’t give her man a son to carry his name, she’s a (insert sexist insult here); but if she gets pregnant it’s probably not his baby anyway, and she’s just doing it to get money from the guy….
I think I got dizzy.
I find that term “real man” hilarious. A real man? Then my husband is a plastic man? Actually, he does know how to treat a woman – like she is an equal human being – which is the same way I treat him. No pedestals, no hero worship, no patriarchy or matriarchy. And he does like sports, and he does own a gun, and he does eat red meat – so is he part real? Or maybe faking being real? Or is it possible that there are more than 3 billion different ways to be a “real man” – like, one way for each man out there?
“Demands commitment from every man who would marry her”.
I think this is my favorite. It descends to complete inanity even before it gets to the obligatory non sequitur in the second half. But isn’t the whole point of marriage that it is a ‘commitment’? So if he wants to marry her, he’s offering a commitment. If she accepts the proposal, she presumably wants commitment, too.
Of course, the abortion bit really is unrelated–she’d be making a commitment to him, not to a hypothetical child. But by being so completely disconnected from basic word meaning in the opening line, I really think this one is a potential championship winner in the Incoherent Olympics.
I’ve trained, at one point in my life, at copyediting. It’s very, very difficult right now for me to not attempt to re-work this one just to salvage some of it. Of course, it would still be rank absurdity, but it wouldn’t be quite so obvious, since it would at least incorporate standard MRA talking-points.
Or is it possible that there are more than 3 billion different ways to be a “real man” – like, one way for each man out there?
I cannot believe I actually used to follow these assclowns. I’ll never forgive myself for that huge lapse in judgment.
The thing is, what broke me out of my proto-MRA phase was actually hearing a feminist state their case. So I’ve concluded that these people have never actually listened to an actual feminist, or if they have, are so waist-deep in bullshit that their brain immediately begins distorting what they say.
Thank you so much for this…*giggles*
What? I can’t make sense of any of these. It’s like these MRAs think… women are always wrong or something… (bonus dumb points for being hypocritical themselves in these memes- I thought wage gaps didn’t exist according to MRAs…)
@ Florkje
Funny! I’m sure half of these meme makers have barely interacted with real women, just their imaginary enemy ones. The only bit I don’t like is the indicated nerd-shaming at the end (shaming is totally the wrong word, but I can’t think of a closer one.)
@ Freemage
Yeah, I noticed that too. Of course, it just accidentally reveals that MRAs like that one believe that they should be able to cheat on partners at any time.
Well, ideally, no one would face hardship because we’d all live in a utopia, but…
@ Rosie La
Yes, technically everyone morally good deserves to have no hardship, it’s just that its impossible (of course, the meme maker is not good)
Everytime I see these ‘memes’ (Those folks fail to realise you just don’t make memes, memes happen naturally, you damned fools!), I’m reminded of the first Spiderman when the Green Goblin is trying to force Spiderman into an impossible choice.
@victorious parasol
Women aren’t suitable for combat. Women should be drafted.
Woman gets pregnant, male entrapment. Women don’t get pregnant, contributing to ‘white genocide!’
Women shouldn’t be in the work place. Stay at home mums are lazy bitches.
The list goes on and on. Women are always doing the wrong thing according to these people.
So if Mr. Lith and I take turns at paying for restaurant bills/drinks/movie tickets/whatever, we also have to take turns at voting because only the one who paid on the last date is allowed to vote until we go out again?
that’s stupid.
Why is her whole face purple, but not her arms? She looks like someone dunked her headfirst into a vat of grape juice. Even her teeth are lilac.
And why is “demand[ing] commitment from every guy who would marry her” a BAD thing? If I’m not mistaken, mutual commitment IS what marriage is supposed to be about. Apparently for MRAsshats, though, it’s just BJs and getting their housework done for free. And, I suppose, however much extra on the side with no complaints from the Little Woman, who by then is too busy raising the ingrate’s sprogs to care anyway?
Hard pass.
If this feminazi is so evil and depraved that she demands men pay for everything and treat her like a queen, is married and cheating with a shithead, then why is the meme maker so upset that she’s not dating and/or dancing with him?
I’ve never witnessed an exchange like this at a dance club:
Guy: “Wanna dance?”
Girl: “Ugh, pig!”
I’ve seen far too many of these:
Drunk dude: (after thirty seconds of clumsy lechery) “Wanna dance?”
Girl: “No thanks.”
Drunk dude: “Fat pig! What makes you think I’d be attracted to a c**t like you?”
I just don’t get what these dudes want. The only winning move is not to play.
They hate women who make money and they hate paying for a housewife. They hate women for getting pregnant and they hate women who get abortions or use birth control. They hate women who get married and they hate women who sleep outside of marriage. They hate women they date and they hate women who turn them down. They really hate women who get raped, but also sound like they want to rape women.
I know that these memes aren’t made by one single person and people in a movement can have different views (feminism is a huge rainbow of varying views) but I have repeatedly seen these contradictory statements in the MRA/MGTOW/misogynist/conservative movements over and over again. They are setting up rules where women have no win conditions.
With feminism, I can say I’m not going to play that game. I’d rather be with no partner than a partner who is terrible.(Happily, I have a very happy, healthy relationship with lots of love, respect, and splitting bills/taking turns paying for dates which just makes things so much easier for both of us.)
Hey, Dave. Might wanna do a proofread, buddy
HypocriticalEST, not HypocriticalIST. Apparently these same dudeS. Is there a single womAn. Earth should be capitalized. Just lookin out…
And yeah, memes are supposed to be fun or at least funny. I guess, in these people’s minds, funny is thoughtless, mean spirited bile and rape… Apologia is too meager a word… this is damn near advocacy
You’re not clever, fellas. You’re not defenders of my rights. You’re not standing up against gynocratic tyranny
This doesn’t happen in real life. It does happen in nerd/dood revenge fantasy movies and in movies in general, though. Stuck-up woman turns down hopeful shy guy; stuck-up woman suffers later on, usually through a stroke of fate, as if karma is striking them down for being so vain.
Also something you can hear in sandbox’y video games where the player gets to run doing what they want. It is left as an exercise to the reader to determine what outcomes are generally expected from these encounters.
Wasn’t there a Feminist Frequency video about that? Sounds like there could be.
Isn’t that trolling 101?