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Return of Kings: Society is so anti-male that more and more men are becoming women

Life is tough for men these days, what with feminism, and the bats.
Life is tough for men these days, what with feminism, and of course the bats.

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On Roosh V’s internet garbage site Return of Kings, contributor Corey Savage offers his thoughts on our allegedly dystopian, feminism-infected Western world, which is apparently so terribly, terribly anti-male that, as he sees it, men are just plain giving up and becoming women.

When feminists, government, and the entire culture is harping for female empowerment at the expense of men, the result should be obvious: the systematic emasculation of men at all ages. Today, men are starting to talk like women, more men are turning homosexual, and more of them are changing sex. For the wimps, when it’s too difficult to be a man, it’s far easier to just abandon ship.

Corey, to borrow a phrase from that woman in the Esurance commercial, that’s not how any of this works.

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8 years ago

Just a couple of days ago I was reading about a particularly toxic offering from one of Australia’s “top opinion columnists” (!!) which makes pretty much the same argument.

[link removed, just in case]

Sorry if I’ve mucked up the link; actually, not entirely sorry, because you do not want to read this. I only approach it via my favourite Aust. politics blog. I’d prefer to give it the ‘do not link’ treatment but I’m in a hurry.

Not sure what’s worse: the transphobia or the anti-feminism or the … nope, it’s the whole thing. Even the full stops are horrible here. She’s on a roll with this rant, too; a couple of columns on the same theme.

It’s a long weekend here! Hooray. Enjoy your day, everyone 🙂

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago

OT, but Milo Yiannopoulos, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Steven Crowder gave a talk at the University of Massachusetts. Milo made the statement that “feminism is cancer” and was yelled at by a female college student in attendance. Now it seems they and their followers have taken to mocking her for her weight and physical appearance (they’re using a portmanteau of “triggered” and the Pokemon Jigglypuff), digging up her personal details, etc. The denizens of /pol/ are talking about goading her into harming herself.

Sorry guys, needed to say that somewhere since I’m too livid to make a post about it myself but even Christina Hoff Sommers is using the hashtag and you know she should know better than that.

Oh and the guys at RoK are transphobic douchecanoes. I felt like I needed to add something to the discussion at hand.

8 years ago

@Eyes on the Right – jebus, that’s terrible, scumworthy behaviour. And I agree about Sommers: much as I dislike her views, I’m surprised that she’d stoop to this kind of crap.

Mrs. B
Mrs. B
8 years ago

@pitshade, my favorite Man’s Life cover is the one where David Bowie is fighting weasles.

(Yes, I know it’s not actually him, but that’s who the man looks like to me. I’m still mourning DB’s death, though. My judgement may be clouded just a wee bit.)

ETA: Thiazin red has impeccable taste, also.

8 years ago

“empowerment at the expense of men”

One of the top mentalities (among plenty of others) that rather irks me. As if there is a magic balance scale that causes one group (e.g. “men”) to lose if another group gains; have to keep other groups down to ensure that they don’t lose any weight on the scale.

P.S. Bats are perfect actually, they have good reason to get upset over bats as some species are supposedly one of the only known non-ape animals that menstruate like human women (them and the elephant shrew), therefor inherently evil like us. Look at that bat blood all over that guy, eradicating his masculinity.

8 years ago

But I thought all these women were trying to be men? I’m so confused.

8 years ago

Bonus: “Shove the Butt Down His Throat”

Okay, that I need an explanation for.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago

Okay, that I need an explanation for.

If you’re not joking, I’m guess it’s the butt of a gun.

8 years ago


Bonus: “Shove the Butt Down His Throat”

Okay, that I need an explanation for.

A cigarette butt, maybe? Or possibly a gun butt? Anything else I find a bit hard to imagine doing easily. If at all.

8 years ago

Savage’s hypothesis that trans women are actually men who have given up on being men because it’s just toooooo haaaaard ? ? ? can be easily disproven by actually reading or listening to a single thing any trans woman has ever had to say about her own experience. But why do that, when you can pull complete nonsense out of your ass instead?

Wait. Are there trans women other than Caitlin Jenner?

8 years ago

Even a gun butt seems challenging.

8 years ago

Bonus: “Shove the Butt Down His Throat”

Okay, that I need an explanation for.

A cigarette butt, maybe? Or possibly a gun butt? Anything else I find a bit hard to imagine doing easily. If at all.

Well… I suppose it can be done… If one lays down… In a high pillow… The other squats and… Well, folks, each one with their kinks. No judgements.

8 years ago

“Female empowerment at the expense of men” What?! Isn’t that what men have been doing for millenia? Trampling on women to make them selves feel ‘superior’. Yet more proof that these men are afraid of women doing to men what men have been doing to women.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

@Eyes on the Right

Surprised they even know what cancer is. If their medical knowledge matched their gender politics, they’d be ranting about feminism being an imbalance of ill humours. Not to mention they’re about as necessary and pleasant as bloodletting, themselves.

8 years ago

Wait. Are there trans women other than Caitlin Jenner?

There are, but it is required by law that every news article and video segment that deals with a transgender person must mention Caitlin. I mean, how are we the public supposed to understand a story if there’s no Kardashians or Jenners in it?

8 years ago

Various reactions:

The photo makes him (metaphorically) look like King Kong. Or a Kaijuu. Kind of appropriate, really – if such a thing were to happen (it wouldn’t) he’d be the antagonist monster from the bats’ points of view. But from his, all he was doing was humaning about.

It’s not that more people are becoming those things, it’s that fewer people are hiding them or committing suicide over them. Preaching to the choir, I know.

There is a tiny kernal of truth in there – transwomen find it really hard to be men, because they’re actually not men. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll find transition easier, of course. It also doesn’t make any of that nonsense correct.


This all reminds me of some weird attitudes my brother displays – he seems to have a sort of “You are what I think you look like, or all is not right with the world” mentality. So he’ll try really hard to convince a really tall man to be a basketball player, or an attractive woman to be a stripper, or someone with broad shoulders to be a lawyer or business executive, etc. It’s not always stereotypical – he does have some strange ideas what people “should” look like.

Sometimes it goes the other way – he’ll try to convince someone to change their hairstyle or grooming habits or clothing or whatever to better fit his idea of whatever they are. For example, the one time I dated another woman he started badgering me to get a shorter, more boyish haircut and took it as a personal offense when I refused. It gets really tedious. So I wonder if “trying to force people into boxes based on appearance because I don’t take well to not knowing everything about someone at a glance” is a major building block of bigotry.

8 years ago

@Sam Victors

Did Roosh V ever read history? the concepts and dictionary definitions of manhood/masculinity change over time (such as in the Ancient times, it was considered manly for men to be bisexual).

Apparently dudebros love Greek philosophy because it tells “the truth about women” which is that we’re all shallow, sub-human beings only good for making babies. But anything outside of their narrow worldview is ignored for obvious reasons

8 years ago

Errr… what?!

Apparently “rapist” is an anti-male slur now or something.

8 years ago

@Eyes on the right
I sincerely hope she gets help from the university and Crash Override. She doesn’t have to go through this alone, but more importantly she shouldn’t have to suffer from hateful hypocrites like this.

8 years ago

I have never really understood why people who are so wedded to the idea of biological gender being the only thing that counts when defining gender claiming that a gay man is not, or is less, than a man. Surely if he has all the biological characteristics of a male his orientation is irrelevant?!

Or am I just being too too logical?!

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago

Swarms of leaping turtles just push it over the top.

Come on, they even made a video game of that. With a plumber.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ thiazin

use one of the weasels as a club to hit the other weasels.

I abhor cruelty to animals, but that image/phrase really makes me giggle.

8 years ago

Pokemon Jigglypuff

I’m sure I’m not the first to mention it, but I feel deep sorrow for all the innocent VG characters being dragged into stupid memes for various online harassment campaigns 🙁


As far as I can see, the MRA definition of “Real Man” and “Real Woman” are both such narrow definitions they exclude %95 of humanity. So, I guess it doesn’t really matter? Except it does to them, for some reason? I don’t know.

8 years ago

As far as I can see, the MRA definition of “Real Man” and “Real Woman” are both such narrow definitions they exclude %95 of humanity.

Real Men are the ones who are so emotional and illogical that they think they’re paragons of logic and unemotion. Real Women are those who subsume their emotions into Real Men’s needs, making them functionally logical within an illogically emotional framework, but referred to as “emotional” by Real Men. I think.

8 years ago

Re: butt shoving

I threw that in there because at face value it’s ridiculous but I’m going to agree with Pandapool and assume that it is an adventure story and someone gets a rifle butt to the mouth. My guess is that it’s a commie or maybe a wombat.