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Return of Kings: Society is so anti-male that more and more men are becoming women

Life is tough for men these days, what with feminism, and the bats.
Life is tough for men these days, what with feminism, and of course the bats.

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On Roosh V’s internet garbage site Return of Kings, contributor Corey Savage offers his thoughts on our allegedly dystopian, feminism-infected Western world, which is apparently so terribly, terribly anti-male that, as he sees it, men are just plain giving up and becoming women.

When feminists, government, and the entire culture is harping for female empowerment at the expense of men, the result should be obvious: the systematic emasculation of men at all ages. Today, men are starting to talk like women, more men are turning homosexual, and more of them are changing sex. For the wimps, when it’s too difficult to be a man, it’s far easier to just abandon ship.

Corey, to borrow a phrase from that woman in the Esurance commercial, that’s not how any of this works.

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8 years ago

It’s a good thing trans men don’t exist, or this guy would end up looking kinda silly.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Can’t argue with that kind of highly scientificish logic.

8 years ago

Because it’s such a privilege to be arrested for using the bathroom. Why wouldn’t any man want to become a trans woman!?

Is there anyone further up their own asses than a rotk writer?

8 years ago

Can you imagine bemoaning such a wonderful thing? More and more people feel safe enough to come out of the closet and this guy thinks that is a bad thing? He also thinks it is easier to be a cis man than a trans woman? What a twisted worldview.

8 years ago

Cause it’s so easy being transgender in our society. It’s not like transgender people struggle with their decision or anything. It’s not like state legislatures have been pushing anti-trans bathroom bills or anything. It’s not like trans folks are ever murdered just for being trans. No, none of that ever happens.

8 years ago

Eat irrelevancy in your own niche hate Roosh.

8 years ago

dittoing tesformes… good thing that there are no trans men. Nope. Only trans women.

Also apparently no lesbians since it seems only men are “turning homosexual”, whatever that means.

And no pansexuals or bisexuals and so on.

Gee it’s like your sexual identity and orientation have nothing to do with whatever idiotic idea Corey Savage is trying to promote here.

8 years ago

When feminists, government, and the entire culture is harping for female empowerment at the expense of men,

It keeps comeing back to these guys thinking of everything as a zero sum proposition.

If women are empowered it must be at the expense of men. We can only rise by crushing others.

If someone says “Black Lives Matter”, they mean “only black lives matter” or “black lives matter more than everyone else’s”…not “black lives matter, too“.

I’ll say it again: What a sad way to look at life.

8 years ago

Savage’s hypothesis that trans women are actually men who have given up on being men because it’s just toooooo haaaaard ? ? ? can be easily disproven by actually reading or listening to a single thing any trans woman has ever had to say about her own experience. But why do that, when you can pull complete nonsense out of your ass instead?

8 years ago

Just another reminder that the he stupidity and ignorance of Return of Kings is still cranked up to 11.

8 years ago

Just another reminder that the stupidity and ignorance of Return of Kings is still cranked up to 11.

8 years ago

I’m sure trans women would love to hear more from this guy about how much easier things have been for them since transitioning.

8 years ago

For the wimps, when it’s too difficult to be a man, it’s far easier to just abandon ship.

Emphasis mine, because isn’t this just precious? He simultaneously bemoans the society that supposedly makes it SOOOOOO HAAAAARRRRD to live as a man, and decries as “wimps” all the men that he imagines are coping with this hardship by becoming more feminine.

Dude, make up your mind. Are you fer ’em or agin ’em?

Sam Victors
8 years ago

Did Roosh V ever read history? the concepts and dictionary definitions of manhood/masculinity change over time (such as in the Ancient times, it was considered manly for men to be bisexual).

The problem is with MRMs and guys like Roosh is that they have a narrow definition of manhood; that is men must be physically aggressive, sexually eager, and emotionally repressive (correct me if I’m wrong but that’s all I’m getting from their messages and rants).

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

MexicanHotChocolate | April 28, 2016 at 12:36 pm
Cause it’s so easy being transgender in our society. It’s not like transgender people struggle with their decision or anything. It’s not like state legislatures have been pushing anti-trans bathroom bills or anything. It’s not like trans folks are ever murdered just for being trans. No, none of that ever happens.

And it’s not like kids are ever thrown out of the house by their families for being trans, or sent to “Conversion Therapy”, or told they’re going to hell constantly, or stay in the closet until they’re adults because they’re afraid of how their family will treat them.

And it’s certainly not like trans kids ever commit suicide.

[/heavy sarcasm]

Viscaria | April 28, 2016 at 1:12 pm
Savage’s hypothesis that trans women are actually men who have given up on being men because it’s just toooooo haaaaard ? ? ? can be easily disproven by actually reading or listening to a single thing any trans woman has ever had to say about her own experience. But why do that, when you can pull complete nonsense out of your ass instead?

Why would he listen to trans women?

He thinks they’re all just “sick in the head”*, so to him, it would be like listening to the “ravings of a lunatic”.

So, he’s covering his own ass here. He thinks that men are becoming women because it’s “easier”, but also thinks that men who are becoming women are “sick in the head”, so he doesn’t have to listen to their actual reasons for transitioning. He can just make up whatever reason he likes because he’s a “rational male”, and trans women are just “mentally ill deviants”.

It’s two birds with one very dull stone.

*I put this stuff in quotes because I’m kind of quoting all of RoK, not because it’s an actual quote from Savage, AFAIK. But hey, if he’s posting on RoK with this kind of dreck, no doubt he believes it to be true.

8 years ago

As much as I love bats, my favorite Men’s Life cover is the turtles. Neither animal is actually aggressive, but at least bats swarming around a man’s head is sort of believable. Swarms of leaping turtles just push it over the top.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

I see. So manhood is a frat house. In order to get in, you have to survive all these terrible feminist hazing rituals and government-sponsored hardships. You have to suffer through movies where women have leadership roles…you have to withstand the painful ordeal of getting consent…you have to swim against a surging tide of pink misandry….

Or you could just, y’know, not be a douchesprinkler. I’m picturing this guy flailing in a puddle, screaming “WIMPS!!!” at all the people who are stepping around it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pitshade

turtles. Neither animal is actually aggressive

Oh I dunno, give them nunchucks and they can really kick off.

8 years ago

He sure is mad about society coming to the point were people with different gender identity’s, sexuality’s or indeed views of what being a man means them than him are allowed to exist.

Thiazin red
Thiazin red
8 years ago

Because if anyone lives on easy street with no problems, its transwomen./s

@ Pitshade

My favorite is the weasels, for two reasons. Number one, they’re all swarming our manly hero in a river for some reason. Two, our manly hero is clearly about to use one of the weasels as a club to hit the other weasels.

8 years ago

Literally NO trans woman I know ever transitioned because it was too much work being a “Real Man”. Literally NONE. On the contrary, their lives would have been easier from all angles if they’d just stuck to being good old-fashioned macho cis-men, like Roosh & Co. (and their TERF co-religionists) intended.

On the other hand, I know a trans man who would probably love to have some words with this dude if he ever ran into him, running his fool mouth on the street. Loud words. And none too polite.

Also, literally NO gay man I know is “emasculated”; far from it, they are probably more sexually active than this idiot is. And very, VERY happy with it.

8 years ago

Yeah sure buddy. My stepdaughter is trans because she’s a wimp? I can flay out guarantee you that she’s far a far stronger person than you’ll ever be.

8 years ago

Alan, Thiazin, you both made good points and I went to look at galleries of some of the magazine covers and discovered that either these magazines were written by time traveling MGTOWs (MGBITTGTOW) or else Society has been decaying for much longer than we previously suspected.

[link broken by df]

“Can Women Justify Their Need For Extra Marital Relations?” (weasels)

“They Stopped $ex” “Some Dames Are Murder” (bats)

“Kill the Draft Now” “Wild Vacationing Wives Are Ruining Palm Beach” (crabs)

“I Wouldn’t Marry An American Woman” (rats)

“The American Male Is Losing His Manhood” (puma) Bonus: “Shove the Butt Down His Throat”

“Love Starved Women Are Lousing Up College Towns” (lice, sorry spiders)

“I Don’t Want My Daughter To Marry An American” (spider monkeys)

8 years ago

pitshade: I’ve been told that snappers are quite aggressive type of turtle and you don’t want to share a body of water with them.

Why, even Chuck Berry sung about them!

8 years ago

Oooh, another Roosh colleague who — like his mentor, King Roosh — sits down at his computer, whips out his feelz, and lets those feelz do the typing.

Serendipity: Someone on the radio right now is talking about “nonrigorous thinkers.” Nice way to put it!

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