antifeminism homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny return of kings transphobia

Return of Kings: Society is so anti-male that more and more men are becoming women

Life is tough for men these days, what with feminism, and the bats.
Life is tough for men these days, what with feminism, and of course the bats.

NOTE: This page was giving people security warnings related to a scammy site apparently trying to trick people into thinking that it’s Upworthy. I thought the problem came from the ads, but in fact it came from a graphics link in the comments. I’ve removed the URL and removed the name of the site from people’s comments in case that sets off the security alerts as well. THE SECURITY ALERTS SHOULD NOW BE GONE.

On Roosh V’s internet garbage site Return of Kings, contributor Corey Savage offers his thoughts on our allegedly dystopian, feminism-infected Western world, which is apparently so terribly, terribly anti-male that, as he sees it, men are just plain giving up and becoming women.

When feminists, government, and the entire culture is harping for female empowerment at the expense of men, the result should be obvious: the systematic emasculation of men at all ages. Today, men are starting to talk like women, more men are turning homosexual, and more of them are changing sex. For the wimps, when it’s too difficult to be a man, it’s far easier to just abandon ship.

Corey, to borrow a phrase from that woman in the Esurance commercial, that’s not how any of this works.

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8 years ago

To keep track of who’s a pacifist commie draft-dodger, of course.

pacifist commie draft dodging fluoride swilling wombat.

8 years ago

Freemage, I think the rather perverse logic in play was that since sexual assault has “blackout drunk” listed under “force”, then the fact no one bothered to also change the law for forceful sodomy is proof the legislature didn’t intend blackout drunk to be there.

Or something.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Wasn’t Regford banned? Or am I thinking of someone else?

8 years ago

If Regford isn’t banned, he should be.

8 years ago

Yeah, I got a security message from Avast and Chrome.

This is what Avast is returning.

URL: http:–//[the offending site]/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Post-0418-710×419.–jpg (No dashes)
Infection: URL:Mal
Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

8 years ago

Roosh is essentially right, as always. However, your gender and genitals are worth much less than you think. If you think yours have great value, try to rent them on the open market.

-Vagiiiiinaaaa! Who wants a vagiiiinaaaa!? Only 20 yo, barely uuuused! Would you like a vagina, sir? 200 Bucks.
-200 bucks and its mine?
-No, no, sir! As we live in a gynocracy, you can only rent!
-WHAT?!? Roosh was right! This is too expensive! I will import one from a poor country where women have no rights!
– 🙁 What will I ever do now I cant make a living renting buckets of vagina?! Maybe get a job and seek meaningful relationships with people who don’t see my genitals as products? Naaah, Roosh says I can only make a living from selling vaginas.

You guys see life in the most fascinating way, and by fascinating I mean disgusting. Can you even be happy with anyone, ever? Honestly, if I thought people were just having sex with me because of money or some absurd evo-psych BS, I wouldnt even be able to get aroused. That’s sad. I’m sorry for you, you sad, sad little asshole.

Her Grace Phryne Purriosa Fisher
Her Grace Phryne Purriosa Fisher
8 years ago

I got a security warning, too. Glad to know it’s not just me.

8 years ago

Having humanity and not needing to reduce every single fucking human interaction, including love, into some kind of economic transaction is beyond their comprehension. Guess what guys, Sexual Market value isn’t a thing unless you are shallow, bitter asshole. Shockingly, many people choose their partners based on more than their genitals alone. Yet they still think we care when they tell us our vaginas won’t sell in the imaginary vagina marketplace(and none of them thinks that “vagina marketplace” sounds fucked up and creepy?)

8 years ago

Her Grace Phryne Purriosa Fisher,

Your name is amazing.

I haven’t read any of the Phryne Fisher books yet, but I love the show. She’s definitely one the cooler fictional characters and combining her with cats and Furiosa makes her all the more badass!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite


Have anyone noticed how much bigots and transphobic radfems sound alike sometimes? The arguments, especially when it comes to transexuality, are identical, except the reversed gender (and they make more sense cause women are opressed). It gets me thinking :/

I have heard that this is so. I have not grown the filters to pick up this particular set of similarities yet, but I’ve been meaning to go to some data that I saved to look for the similarities.

8 years ago

I loved that so much I turned it into a cross stitch pattern.

8 years ago

Gathering some data? From where? Feminist literature?
I don’t know if you will find something significant in literature, because its mostly their own interpretation of feminist texts written before or during the first wave, before intersectionality and before transgenders were considered a thing, interpret it in the most twisted way, and then they try to fit in things that DIDNT EXIST back then inside the theory. It’s like grabbing an anatomy book from middle ages: The book is not necessarily incorrect, its just outdated and would need review to accomodate modern discoveries.

If the material is their blogs, that’s better. Even though, in their blogs, they may chew stuff up and carefully regurgitate in a way that looks almost mild mannered, avoiding certain subjects or talking points.

To fully understand their harm, I suggest you to go where they feel most at ease. Just enter radfem Facebook groups, or ask about them in a group for trans people. Another alternative is going to a big feminist group without a determined brand of feminism and ask about trans people. Or a Femen group. I’d show you myself, but I rarely find them in english-speaking places :/ But trust me, I have been among them, and you’ll be baffled.

PS: Not all radfems are like this. I mean no offense.

8 years ago

Still getting the security warning on the page, but no ad from the site. I think it was properly blocked.

8 years ago

Ooh…so, so close…I “love” it when these guys come *this* close to actual insight but, realizing this may require self-reflection, shout “No! Being a REAL MAN is awesome with no downsides! It’s all the FEMINISTS’ fault!” Then presumably go to the gym and be way too into spotting each other.

8 years ago

Virusy activity: I use adblocker (sorry; I can’t view your page at all without an adblock) and Avast still signals a threat. Maybe it’s some server side script that sets it off?

8 years ago

Well that’s embarrassing. My apologies, it was something Google Images returned.

8 years ago

“And of course, the bats.”