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Giddy Gamergater: Will Candace Owens show the world that we’ve been right all along?

Washington Post editorial meeting
Washington Post editorial meeting

There are some who see the seemingly unlikely ideological romance between anti-bullying-activist-turned-bully-ally Candace Owens and Gamergate as a bit of a con-job.

In this view, the gullible Owens is being manipulated by cynical GGers and assorted far-right ideologues who’ve descended upon her en masse to assure her that her paranoid fantasies are true — particularly when they involve the very women that Gamergate has harassed most relentlessly. It’s a sort of cultic love-bombing, ironically based around hate.

There’s certainly an element of truth to this theory — and you can find plenty of examples of Owens’ gullibility in my previous posts on L’affaire Owens, or just by taking a look at her Twitter feed.

But Owens isn’t the only one here with starry eyes. Just as Owens has been seduced by GGers telling her exactly what she wants to hear, so GG’s True Believers have been seduced by her conspiracy theories. This isn’t, in other words, just a case of exploitation; it is also something of a folie a deux.

“This is probably THE BIG ONE!” an enthusiastic GGer called darkpowrjd gushed in a heavily-upvoted comment on the Kotaku in Action subreddit, the main GG hub on Reddit, several days ago.

Candace Owens, for all her faults, could be [the person] who vindicated GG for two YEARS of what they have been accused of doing en masse.

You’ll have to excuse darkpowrjd’s somewhat tangled language; they’re a little excited.

Yeah, this could be one of the most elaborate traps ever set up for GG to fall into, and I wouldn’t put it past any of the LWs to have THAT elaborate of a plan set up, but I don’t think Owens would seriously be that willing to be the cog in that plan.

With that little bit of butt-covering out the way, darkpowrjd explains why Owens is truly the woman of Gamergate’s dreams.

I’m still cautious, but I’m starting to think more and more that this is really a thing that’s going on, and this was the one person that we’ve been waiting for that has the pull, power, and connections to blow the entire lid off of what we have already known.


As darkpowrjd sees it, the evil anti-GG conspiracy has

more or less been doing this to the GG movement as a damn WHOLE for two years now. Never being opposed, always getting a free pass, and always getting sympathy by playing the feminist card. No one dared to question them because of how many people they ended up getting on their side.

But now …

the tides have turned

Ok, ok, I’ll try to restrain myself.

But they ran into someone that they couldn’t influence, buy out, or convince that easily. They ran into someone that had connections, but also was smart enough to pick up on some things, and put two and two together when things happened that seemed too coincidental to be just a coincidence.

Forget what I just said about restraining myself.

The fact that media outlets tended to react to Gamergate with skepticism, if not outright hostility, couldn’t possibly be that it was obviously a hate crusade pushing perhaps the stupidest conspiracy theory the world has ever known. No, it must have been the fault of … the people Gamergate hates the most!

Now, think about this: how many media outlets do you think this team of Signal, Quinn, and Harper did this too? How many got this treatment, and were too scared (or just willing to play along or even agree with them on everything) to do anything or say anything? … Think about how LONG this might have been going on, or how many more people were caught up in this web, and how far along does this conspiracy actually go? How far down did this rabbit hole go?

I’m pretty sure the only holes that GGers have explored have been entirely self-dug.

All the “neutral = pro” comments, anyone who did so much as to try to get both sides of GG getting bitched at, the NeoGAF bannings that didn’t make any sense … everything that had ever happened that GG got blamed for because they EXISTED!

Or perhaps GG got blamed for a lot of things because it’s a movement made up largely of harassers and trolls that routinely does a lot of pretty awful things?

darkpowrjd accuses evil anti-GG “Journos” of an assortment of terrible misdeeds, including “continu[ing] to poke the bear every chance they got” and “gamedropping,” which Urban Dictionary defines as the sinister SJW “practice of dropping a #GamerGate mention into a totally unrelated article in an attempt to drive clicks and controversy.”

It is hard indeed to imagine a crime more horrific than the journalistic practice of occasionally paying attention to Gamergate.

ALL of that (and THEN some) could be exposed with one single person who might’ve not have even been aware of what she was about to do.

And quite the exposer Owens has been. So far her longest and most passionate “expose” involved a Washington Post story that never ran but that Owens was sure would have been full of libels against her.

Owens is saying that she isn’t a conspiracy theorist. But every theorist might be thinking they hit the damn jackpot when reading this and knowing how this has probably been going on for 2 plus years now.

In the sense that, yes, Gamergate has been energetically spinning conspiracies out of nothing for “2 plus years now” and Owens is now doing the same.

The reason Zoe’s group is running to try to get things under control is because Owens hit all 7’s here, and she wants to cash out.

Well, no. Quinn was concerned that Owens’ proposed bully-doxxing site could be easily abused by bullies.

Ironically, Gamergaters themselves were making very similar criticisms, at least until Owens started attacking some of Gamergate’s most-hated (and most-harassed) enemies.

It could be the beginning of the end for blaming Gamergate for everything.

And there’s Gamergate in a nutshell.

From the very start, even before it had a name, Gamergate has been a “movement” of gamers against criticism of games and gamers — and ultimately, of Gamergate as well.

Oh, sure, most Gamergaters don’t mind games criticism based on game mechanics, or whether or not a game is “fun” to play. But they don’t like any criticism that might in any way reflect badly on them. That’s why Anita Sarkeesian sent so many gamers into hysterics simply for noting that, yes, a lot of games are really pretty sexist — because by extension, this suggests that the gamers buying and playing these games in record numbers might just be an eensy weensy bit sexist themselves.

And that’s why the now infamous “gamers are dead” articles inspired such fury, transforming what had been a harassment campaign against “uppity” women in video games into a putative campaign for “ethics in games journalism” — with the main “ethical” failure of games journalists implicitly defined as “saying anything bad about us.”

The repellent fantasy author and sometime game developer Vox Day let the not-so-cute cat out of the bag in an interview with internet talk show host David Pakman last year, declaring that

what Gamergate is fundamentally about is the right of people to design, develop and play games that they want to design, develop and play without being criticized for it.

Vox later walked this back a little, saying he didn’t really mean that gamers and game developers should be immune from criticism. But you don’t need to be a Freudian to suspect that Vox’s slip revealed what he actually thinks.

Owens is also easily offended by criticism, and seems to think so highly of her own opinions that she assumes anyone critical of them cannot possibly be sincere, and therefore must be part of some terrible conspiracy.

It’s no wonder she and Gamergate get along so well.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture

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8 years ago

It’s still not okay on here or really for people not on the spectrum to throw around.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago

I have to keep going back to Castle Wolfenstein to get my Nazi-fighting fix. It’s a real bummer.

Actually, you don’t, considering that Wolfenstein got two new video games involving Nazis in 2014 and 2015. And Call of Duty: World at War involved the Eastern Front, you know, WWII in 2008 which was for PC. Plus every CoD game before hand back to 2002. Call of Duty is a pretty under the radar game, though, I’m sure not many people have heard of it.

But fear not! There’s a WWII game coming out is 2017 call Battalion 1944, but to tie you over, there’s Enemy Front, Iron Front, and Heroes & Generals to tie you over while you wait for yet another war time FPS because, surely, World War II is very rich and not at all over used in video games because, as we know, America fighting Nazis was the only thing that happened in the entire war. Totally.

…But, seriously, there’s enough video games set on the Eastern Front. Make it stop.

8 years ago

(Can I have, like, a Crimean War simulator pls? Or maybe something Napoleonic? FPS style, skirmishing grenadiers and light horse. Sounds ultra-fun, and possibly one of the few FPS settings where it might actually be realistic for someone to take a few musket balls before going down, given how unreliable the things were!)

8 years ago

You could always give WWI a go.

8 years ago

Actually, you don’t, considering that Wolfenstein got two new video games involving Nazis in 2014 and 2015. And Call of Duty: World at War involved the Eastern Front, you know, WWII in 2008 which was for PC. Plus every CoD game before hand back to 2002. Call of Duty is a pretty under the radar game, though, I’m sure not many people have heard of it.

There’s quite a few more than that.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago


Yes, but are they for PC? That’s the big question.

(Most of them are for multiple platforms so yes.)

8 years ago

Valiant Hearts <3 <3 <3 Best wargame.

8 years ago

I kind of like to think I got rid of our TB infection by posting that irc log link.

It was like an antrollbiotic.

More likely he’ll come back and I’ll look silly for taking credit for chasing him off though.

8 years ago

thanks 4 the clarification a term Ive only seen used 4 hate.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Re: “hugbox”
Think about it like this, the thing that is supposed to be a positive for people that need it, is transformed into a negative and used as an insult to paint on another. It’s not very nice to see something that is supposed to be a positive that is connected to oneself (even indirectly through community) turned into a negative tool for the use of others as a weapon.

Also Temple Grandin is badass.


Nah, it’s totally ironclad that bringing up Nazis is the official end of any conversation in any context whatsoever. That’s why historical scholarship on the Second World War has ground to a halt since Mike Godwin coined the term in 1990: they have to cancel the conference and send everyone home if anyone references the fact that Hitler and Nazis existed, even by accident. It’s a real hindrance to good academic work…

I’ve been thinking about that pattern more lately, the one where people take a symbol and transform its meaning for their own use out of political convenience. Perceived name-calling is transformed into “ad hominem”, bringing up a relevant connection to Nazi’s and Hitler is “losing”. There is something interesting in there…

8 years ago

On the use of hugboxes:

They have been replaced by more comfortable and portable weighted blankets.

8 years ago

Valiant Hearts is one of the best games i’ve ever played (according to my own weird taste). :3 I wish there were more games like that. Beautiful, thought provoking, lots of story and without combats because DAMN, I hate those.
But that’s not manly enough to become mainstream, apparently.

8 years ago

Why not have a World War 1 FPS? Sure, the front eventually stopped moving when the trenches were built but until then, it was fairly mobile. Plus, there could be a big trench raid or an attack on an enemy trench at night. Not to mention the fact that a lot of guns (like the French service rifle of the day, the Lebel Model 1886.1893) haven’t been featured prominently in many games before. As for World War II, there are so many different fronts and events, and so many different weapons or tactics that haven’t been used very often that it would be a breath of fresh air.

8 years ago

This thread was amazing.

Thanks to everyone for the laughs and the reminders of how transparently terrible #gg was from the first logs.

I almost hope that TruthBomb will return soon, perhaps with an even more pretentious username!

8 years ago

I think WWI lends itself less to FPS games than to flight sims.

8 years ago


wonder if that’s where the English word ‘folly’ comes from; that can have a similar meaning

Yes, exactly.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago

Foxholes would make an interesting gamemode, perhaps. Maybe a simulation in one of the new CoD games brings them back to WWI. With zombies.

8 years ago

I like how Truthbomb continues to act like we’ve shown no proof despite the fact that he has noticeably ignored weirwoodtreehugger’s posts showing proof.

btw, thats happened to me so often I no longer will do research for people. As I recall, NOT ONE person has ever clicked on a link Ive posted. I gave up.

8 years ago

You see in WWI there’s the whole clusterfuck of pretty much a moral gray area of alliances pulling nations into war. There’s no definitive bad guy to pin the blame onto and I feel alot of AAA devs wouldn’t want their players to start questioning their power fantasies when the weimar republic man has
similar hopes and desires to live as the french man.

At that point where they just ignore all that I give I just go full lazy troll at their stuff, it’s the internet and I have no moral obligation to try to get them to understand when they came to their conclusion from *~emotions~*, not the cold harsh logic they wish they could have.

I might as well draw some laughs since the alternative is letting them have a platform to stand on.

8 years ago

You see in WWI there’s the whole clusterfuck of pretty much a moral gray area of alliances pulling nations into war. There’s no definitive bad guy to pin the blame onto and I feel alot of AAA devs wouldn’t want their players to start questioning their power fantasies when the weimar republic man has
similar hopes and desires to live as the french man.

At that point where they just ignore all that I give I just go full lazy troll at their stuff, it’s the internet and I have no moral obligation to try to get them to understand when they came to their conclusion from the *~emotions~* they like to mock so much.

I might as well draw some laughs since the alternative is letting them have a platform to stand on.

8 years ago

Oops, sorry for the repeat

8 years ago


But fear not! There’s a WWII game coming out is 2017 call Battalion 1944, but to tie you over, there’s Enemy Front, Iron Front, and Heroes & Generals to tie you over while you wait for yet another war time FPS because, surely, World War II is very rich and not at all over used in video games because, as we know, America fighting Nazis was the only thing that happened in the entire war. Totally.

It’s a fairly well covered historical setting for an FPS. There’s also Days of War, an unofficial kickstarter sequel to the ever-popular Day of Defeat. Being a team based multiplayer title though, the auto balancing will mean you’ll often end up being put on the side of the of the Axis.

Why not have a World War 1 FPS?

Like Verdun?

8 years ago

So, what’s the correlation between “lol I’m too real for ya’ll ya’ll gonna ban me” and flouncing after half a dozen comments?

It’s gotta be like 80%+, yeah?

8 years ago

Great. Now I want a cat *and* a chicken. That are best friends, sometimes one pretending to be a hat for the other.

…But no cuck-cuck-cucking.

Nick Gotts
Nick Gotts
8 years ago

if you weren’t just coming into the comments thread to yell at clouds like an old man – Ben

Stuff your ageism where the sun don’t shine, Ben. – Me

I think that was a Simpsons reference, Nick. – Paradoxical Intention

Thanks for that info, which does make a difference to how I view Ben, but I don’t think that makes it OK. Believe it or not, there are people who do not watch The Simpsons. Particularly old people, I’d guess. 😉

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