misogyny MRA

MRA: Women are good for a few things, like volleyball, porn, Honey Badgering

Women: Good at volleyball, several other things
Women: Good at volleyball, several other things

Don’t ever let it be said that all Men’s Rights Activists hate women so much that they can’t recognize any contributions that women have ever made to civilization.

In the Men’s Rights subreddit, one brave soul named omegaphallic recently stood up to give two cheers to the ladies:

Yeah, saying women hardly ever produce scientific or cultural stuff is bullsh*t, and it makes the MRM look bad.

So let’s hear it. What have the little ladies done?

Some of the best actors, musicians, volleyballs players, writers, pornstars, plus there are some really good female scientists now adays.

Well, that’s an interesting list, omegaphallic. But it seems a little … incomplete.

Hell even in the MRM, the honeybadgers are a major cultural influence, amoung other women.

Ah, I knew there was something missing! The Honey Badgers truly are some of the most accomplished women the world has ever seen, especially when it comes to getting people to send them money for completely ridiculous lawsuits.

Look just because we had a genuine conflict with feminists, and women have sexist advanatges like the pussy pass, doesn’t mean there aren’t awesome a talented women out their.

Yeah, I mean, they have things way easier than us, but you know, some of them aren’t totally incompetent, especially when it comes to the volleyballing, the porning, the Honey Badgering.

I support the MRM to fight discrimination against men and to fight feminist lies and corruption, not to just dump on women for sh*ts and giggles.

I actually tend to like alot of women and enjoy their company for its own sake, so I hate it when some guys act like MRM cliches.

Alot of women, huh?


You’re welcome!

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

That’s as good as it’s ever going to get, isn’t it?

And how many downvotes has this comment got so far?

8 years ago

I like this alot of women. 😀

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Bless his heart. He tried.

volleyball players and pornstars

Why do I feel like this is a circular Venn diagram for MRAs? Something tells me they aren’t watching women’s volleyball for the graceful play execution.

8 years ago

It made me so happy to get to the end and see the alot.

8 years ago


So…he is the last…dick…poor dude.

8 years ago

omegaphallic was doubtless preceeded by peenultimate.

8 years ago

Why do that? I know everyone knows it’s wrong, yet they still do it. Why? *extreme distress face*

‘A LOT’ is always two words.

(This is the only response this prat deserves. ‘There are some really good female scientists now adays’. Huh. Have you never heard of Caroline Herschel, born 1750? And ‘nowadays’, unlike ‘a lot’, is one word.)

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

Applause for pitshade!

A Space Alpaca
A Space Alpaca
8 years ago

Seconding the applause, I almost want to put that on a poster.

8 years ago

Hey! Women can be secretaries… and nurses… and porn stars…. Wait, he said that last one.

By the way, I never got my “pussy pass”. Where do I apply? I’ve been working hard at work and personal relationships this whole time.

8 years ago

I lost my pussy pass – (actually, my cat ate it. She thought it was hers). So now I get blamed for everything, even when I wasn’t the one who did it.

Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago

It took me so long to recognize the alot, I think I need to get back to reading that blog.

That’s totally a new entry in my “things I should do that are more interesting and less schadenfreude-y than reading the crap MRAs and neo-fascists post on the internet” list.

8 years ago

Did everyone see that Donald Trump is saying that Hillary Clinton isn’t qualified, she’s just getting votes because of the pussy pass?

Okay, he said “woman card” but same thing.

It’s ridiculous. Whatever you think of her, you can’t say she isn’t fit for the job. She used to be a senator and Secretary of state for fuck’s sake. What has Trump done? Declared bankruptcy a bunch of times?

8 years ago

I can’t stop laughing. “Peenultimate” has made my day.

8 years ago

I’d actually be curious to know what female writers he thinks are good, and further just how backhanded his complements will be.

8 years ago

The original post was about a shitty webcomic depicting the ‘mangina matrix’.

He also had a reply for omegaphallic that is really gross:

When you put pornstars next to doctors, it makes you look terrible.
It’s like saying garbage collectors or public toilets are as valuable as scientists and hospitals.
Either a sick communist type of thinking, either you’ve been indoctrinated to be politically correct about prostitutes

Ah yes, how dare he treat women as human beings!

Fortunately, public toilets and garbage collectors are infinitely more valuable to society than this condescending shithead.

8 years ago

@Weirwood TreeHugger,

Clinton handled that pretty well, I thought. Basically since he was saying all she had was the “woman card”, she responded “deal me in”.

8 years ago

@Weirwood TreeHugger,

Clinton handled that pretty well, I thought. Basically since he was saying all she had was the “woman card”, she responded “deal me in”.

8 years ago

Oh, the alot totally just made my day!

8 years ago

@Moocow, sounds like that guy is just super into getting diseases from poor sanitation. What an unusual passion.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

”Not all women suck” is probably the most positive things said about women in a MRA reddit post. And I bet a whole box of wafer biscuits that it was promptly shot down as lunacy and there were explanations that women do suck.

Aslo: Alot <3

8 years ago

Practically a whole binder full of women!

8 years ago

My first thought was…he’s going to be crucified as a heretic.

A Space Alpaca
A Space Alpaca
8 years ago

When you put pornstars next to doctors, it makes you look terrible.
It’s like saying garbage collectors or public toilets are as valuable as scientists and hospitals.
Either a sick communist type of thinking, either you’ve been indoctrinated to be politically correct about prostitutes

Or what good sir, I am dying to know.

I’m impressed the semi-diplomatic post (the OP in the article that is) managed to get two whole upvotes.
This comment in response got 9 though and I’m not even sure what the hell he’s actually saying:

You’re confusing what you’d like to be true with the facts.

it makes the MRM look bad. (Quote from OP)

And that’s why you pretend it’s not true. But facts don’t depend on whether you like them or not you see.

Some of the best (Quote from OP)

That’s a strawman. The claim wasn’t that there are literally no contributions by women at all.

A humble Space Alpaca’s rewording of that last point: I have chosen four random consecutive words from your post, and I shall apply this randomly selected MRA buzzword to them! I think you shall find that your argument is now invalid. Good day sir!
… I said good day!

8 years ago

Actually, there aren’t too many good female writers at the present time. There have been some in the past but not right now.

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