$MONEY$ entitled babies evil drunk ladies gross incompetence memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Memes Going Their Own Way

Amazing graphic design here, A++
Amazing graphic design here, A++

Reddit’s Ovendice, rapidly becoming my favorite MGTOW, is on a meme-tear today, filling up the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit with amazing works of meme art.

I don’t know if he’s “designing” these himself, or if he’s found some secret goldmine of misogynistic memes as graphically painful as they are intellectually ridiculous.

Either way, I felt obliged to share some of the, er, “best” of them with you all. Consider them an early Memeday present.

First rule of MGTOW graphic design: When in doubt, switch over to a different font
First rule of MGTOW graphic design: When in doubt, switch over to a different font!


Hey ladies, any of you want to come over for some food, booze, my house and chill?


I’m guessing that being so grotesquely misogynistic that you think this is true must also be pretty tiring
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8 years ago

Meme 2: What does he mean by “no interests outside of food, getting drunk, and your house?” Is he saying that American women are really into architecture?

In their version of the constitution, the woman gets the house at divorce, so they already marry checking if the guy has a nice house.

8 years ago

I am doing womaning ALL wrong. What with jobbing, hobbying, charity work, and care-taking of elderly family members. Obviously I need to sit my ass down somewhere and eat bonbons and drink booze, or frolic through the vacant lots…er, meadows, near my house.

Well which is it dudes? Sitting or frolicking? Or should I frolic through a meadow while drinking?

8 years ago



Thanks for the info! I was exposed to a tiny and probably carefully selected slice of intelligence research when I was kid, like 10 years ago. Was always interested but know nothing about what’s up in the field now.

Do you/your colleagues believe in g, but feel that IQ and g are weakly correlated? Or do you not believe g exists?

Sorry that I missed this!

You could count our lab amongst the critics of g as a useful concept. We aren’t directly critical of it, mind you – we aren’t publishing literature against it, we just don’t find it a fruitful direction of study. Intelligence isn’t singular enough to be boiled down to a single value. We prefer the view that learning and intelligence are distributed out on a map of related domains and subdomains, and suggest that it’s better to study each of these domains in particular before drawing back to make conclusions about the whole.

Maybe g is valid as a concept; maybe there is a view of intelligence that can be accurately summed up as a variable. But even if this is the case, a domain-specific view is very useful in finding out whether that is the case, too! It’s a win-win, I figure.

Does that explain?

8 years ago

Enough brainpower here to toast a slice of bread.

8 years ago

Thanks, @Paul! You’re too nice. It’d take huge brains to get to the 4500+ joules needed to toast that bread!

8 years ago


Enough brainpower here to toast a slice of bread.

I’d be jazzed if I could heat bread with just my mind. Even just a little. It’d actually pretty good if it’s only a little, honestly… I would probably abuse my power.

Biot (yet again!)
Biot (yet again!)
8 years ago

Off topic: I don’t know if anybody remembers this post, but I can give the final updates regarding that horrid episode.
Alexander Kozak’s trial was moved out of town in order to have a fair jury and was held over the last few weeks. His defense attempted to argue that he had diminished responsibility for the killing due to intermittent explosive disorder and/or borderline personality disorder, and that he should not be charged with first degree murder because of that. The prosecution, led by our county attorney, contested that he knew what he was doing: Kozak parked where there were as few cameras as possible to catch him as he made his way to kill Andrea Farrington, and he threw the gun that he used away in a garbage compactor as he fled.
The jurors’ decision was that Kozak acted willfully, deliberately, and with specific intent when he shot Farrington, and that Kozak was guilty of first-degree murder.
In short: justice was served. I don’t think that this news is noteworthy enough to merit its own post tomorrow, but I will leave this here so that there is some sense of closure to that event.

8 years ago

Oh jees, great super power. Never have a cold cup of tea, or have cold feet! Dinner’s always hot! It would be lovely.

8 years ago

I wish I could control things with my mind. Whenever I disassociate (is that the right term for thinking about stuff so hard you stub your toe and barely notice it?) I’m thinking hard, maybe I could use my newfound psychic powers to stim somehow?

Also, I wonder WHICH tiddy mousepad I would want to get…

8 years ago


Thank you. I recall that horrible event, and I’m glad that justice was served. It does bring closure, and I hope it does for everyone involved, too.

8 years ago

I just wanted to point out that the bloody font in the first graphic is literally the font used for The Rocky Horror Picture Show and that is an hilarious choice.

8 years ago

Doesn’t the last meme contradict the first one? Or am I just… not logical enough to get it?

8 years ago

I’m just wondering why that first woman appears to be in a field of canola if she’s doing nothing. Farmers don’t do nothing often and they pretty much never do nothing in a blooming canola field…

the flowers don’t smell as pretty as they look

8 years ago

@Blerkathon: Not really! The things in the last one are metaphorical nothings. Women don’t do literal nothings, because that would make them inanimate corpses. Gotta breathe and such, ya know. Actually, I’m not sure if it would be true even then. Does rotting count as doing?

(Okay, that joke went a little darker than I intended.)

8 years ago

I’m just wondering why that first woman appears to be in a field of canola if she’s doing nothing.

She’s trying to win a Nobel Prize. She heard you had to be outstanding in your field.

Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
Dr. NicolaLuna, Epic Slut
8 years ago

But they don’t hate women, just feminists! /s

I wish I had time to frolic around fields but working a 46 hour week, being a single mum to 2 boys plus the charity work and activism leaves me with no frolicking time. And my sister who is a nurse, training to work in palliative care while also being a single mum also has no time to frolic. Do we need to put in a complaint to Katie?

8 years ago

You’d think that “American women” would be a bit ridiculous given that there are over 150 million of us – so the chances of us all being exactly alike would be vanishingly small.

But no, these blokes buy it. My ex has accused me of being a gold-digging, lazy and selfish like “all American women”. Because he reads these sites. Because it plays into a narrative where he is good and I am bad, even though I supported him through more years of low income/ no income than he supported me. Never let facts get in the way of a good meme.

This stuff is all great to poke fun at, but this stuff really damages the lives of real women and men. (I know I’m preaching to the choir and I think the poking fun at is a great tactic, but ffs, this shit is serious.)

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

Meme 1: “Respects is earn!”
Ah, yes, what a wonderful feeling it is to have someone tell you that you have to earn their respect, and yet they seem to think they’re entitled to everyone else’s.


I saw a pretty good explanation of this somewhere (forgot where). It pretty much stated that there are two kinds of respect. One kind was treating other people like fellow human beings and not being a horrible asshole towards them. The second type was respecting somebody as an authority of some kind. And some people take ”I won’t treat you as an authority” as ”I won’t treat you with respect as a person”, so they feel it’s okay to be shitlords, because, hey, you don’t respect them either.

8 years ago

She’s frolicking in a canola field because canola is just another word for falserapeaccusationseed.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I’ve gotten used to their misogyny, but I’ll never get used to their font choices.

Frantic Caps
Frantic Caps
8 years ago

I saw a pretty good explanation of this somewhere (forgot where). It pretty much stated that there are two kinds of respect. One kind was treating other people like fellow human beings and not being a horrible asshole towards them. The second type was respecting somebody as an authority of some kind. And some people take ”I won’t treat you as an authority” as ”I won’t treat you with respect as a person”, so they feel it’s okay to be shitlords, because, hey, you don’t respect them either.

It might be Stephen Darwall’s paper ‘Two kinds of respect’; recognition respect is the ‘baseline’ respect we generally talk about in ethics (so, when Kant says that one ought to respect rationality in oneself and others). ‘Appraisal’ respect is respect for someone on grounds of their authority, achievements, etc. The paper’s on JStor at – looks as though it’s available online without a subscription (possibly).

But yeah, I totally agree that MRAs and other authoritarians often equivocate between the two modes of respect.

8 years ago

Yes you can, all you have to do is realize the only ones who are half decent at photoshop and graphic design are typically the types to post their edits on 4chan.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Maybe the stock photo crew thought the canola field was a flower meadow. Or maybe they had no choice because the job description said “in flower meadow” but the area was heavily cultivated.