alt-right andrea hardie doxing empathy deficit entitled babies FemRAs hate hate speech homophobia hypocrisy irony alert Islamophobia judgybitch literal nazis misogyny MRA racism threats

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie attacks Beyonce fans as “feral animals,” threatens murder

Andrea Hardie attempts blackface
Andrea Hardie attempts blackface. No, really. This literally is her attempt at blackface.

Not-so-nice white lady Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known on the internet as Janet Bloomfield and/or JudgyBitch — is still ostensibly the Social Media Director of the fading Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.

But with AVFM no longer grabbing the headlines it once, if briefly, did, the attention-seeking Canadian has apparently decided to hitch herself to the hate movement that’s really going places these days — the so-called alt-right, a loose collection of white supremacists, anime Nazis, and cuck-clucking Trump fans who enjoy trolling Twitter with hateful garbage as much as Hardie herself does.

Her latest publicity stunt? An almost gleefully racist Twitter tirade against Beyoncé and her fans as “feral animals” and “thugs.” As the singer’s fans took to Twitter to celebrate the premiere of Bey’s “visual album” LEMONADE, Hardie jumped into the fray with Tweets designed to offend:

UPDATE: Hardie’s Twitter account has evidently been suspended; I will replace the missing tweets with screenshots when I get a minute. Luckily the text remains:

When one Puerto Rican woman took offense at her not-very-well-disguised racist language, Hardie cranked the racism up further:

Hardie followed up her Twitter tirade with a blog post titled, with her characteristic subtlety, “Beyoncé fans are feral thugs, like her.” In it, Hardie managed to find an excuse to use the word “feral” five times, “thugs” and “thuggish” six times, and “animals” four times. Here she manages to use all three in once sentence:

What I am saying is that #BlackLivesMatter thugs can scream to high heaven they are just frustrated victims of racism, but their actions are those of feral, wild animals.

Beyoncé’s recent, Black-Panther-referencing, Super Bowl performance was “an attack on the police officers of America,” Hardie sniffs. LEMONADE is worse, a sign that Beyoncé has fully “embrace[d] the violent thuggery of #BlackLivesMatter.” And while Beyoncé’s music and music videos won’t

cause anyone to go out and shoot an officer … these thugs are already so inclined, and it sure does provide a nice musical background!

In her blog post, Hardie makes much of the fact that that some women responded to her racist Tweets with threatening language. “When I tweeted to the hashtag #Lemonade asking why Beyoncé was embracing such ugly stereotypes about Black women as feral,” Hardie writes, “a legion of her fans showed up to prove they weren’t feral at all! Good job, ladies!”

Hardie posts screenshots of Tweets in which women offended by her Tweets tell her to “shut up, bitch” and “die slow.” One women, whose account seems to have since been banned, threatens to “slice [her] like a f**ing cheesecake” as well as to do some exceptionally disturbing things to, and with, the penis of Hardie’s father.

While acknowledging that when people on Twitter threaten her, she “threaten[s] them right back,” Hardie for some reason neglects to post screenshots of any of her responses. Here are several of them, which may strike you as a tad feral, animalistic and thuggish themselves.

As it turns out, Hardie is something of an old hand at threatening Twitter foes with gruesome violence. Apparently she regularly fantasizes about flaying off the skin of her enemies, gouging out their eyes, and/or bolting their heads to cars and doors. Among other things.

In the interest of keeping this a SFW blog, I will refrain from posting a Tweet in which Hardie pulls out the c-word before threatening to “gouge out [the] eyes” of a woman before stuffing them up her posterior.

I will also refrain from posting a Tweet in which Hardie told another Twitter foe how much she would enjoy “bolting your head to the roof of my car” because Hardie, who regularly affects great concern over being doxxed, included what I presume is her home address in the Tweet.

There are more examples, many more. And she is not shy about threatening people off of Twitter either.

But I think the point is fairly clear. If we were to judge all white women by the Twitter timeline of Andrea Hardie, we would have to conclude that they are feral, animalistic thugs — with a rather vivid imagination when it comes to imagining how they might torture, kill and dismember their foes.

Despite her penchant for floridly violent threats, Hardie — the wife of a Canadian academic — has so far refrained from explicit racial slurs, at least on Twitter.

And while she has occasionally dropped the alt-right buzzword “cuck” — once when referring to me — she hasn’t taken up another alt-right favorite, the racist slur “dindu.” She seems content, at least for now, to stick with racial-slur-substitutes like “feral” and “thug.”

She feels no such compunction about using the word “faggot,” which she trollishly pretends is not the slur that it is.

And these are just from the past 24 hours. I left out the worst one, a crudely sexual bag of insults directed at the excellent @TakedownMRAs

Hardie, while perhaps not the credit to her race that she evidently thinks she is, continues to celebrate (as she has been doing for some time) what she sees as the superiority of “white culture,” or at least the more traditionalist aspects of it.

As that last Tweet suggests, Hardie not only apes the rhetoric and the obsessions of the alt-right; she has begun to embrace the label as well.

And then today, this rather inept attempt at blackface.

I suppose it’s only a matter of time before she starts dressing up as Hitler.

For more on Hardie’s Twitter meltdown, see Janet Bloomfield Has Racist Twitter Meltdown; Says She Wants to Tweet a Photo of Herself in Blackface on Hail to the Gynocracy, which helped point me to some of the Tweets I used in this post.

If you do check out that post, do some poking around in Hail to the Gynocracy’s archives. The site, which tracks the alt-right and other reactionary doofuses, deserves a lot more attention that it gets.

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fractal greys
fractal greys
8 years ago

That eyeliner is shameful, lol

@LindsayIrene as bespake by the internet (b/c im a pleb who can’t afford hbo) Beyonce goes around swinging a bat called ‘hot sauce’ and smashes a car window w/ it, so JB must be referring to that. did she do anything else violent/destructive in the film?

Prob doesn’t even matter 1) even if Beyonce wrote up a declaration permitting every black person to go loot/destroy property for the sake of protest, this dishwater scum still doesn’t get to call her thuggish or feral. she and her ilk know they wouldn’t use those terms w/ white hockey/soccer fans who act the same over their team not winning a fucking match

Also, wearing fur means you’re lit an animal now? swing and a miss, JB, where can I see you serve up this peta realness to some white dames in pelts. oh I see, they’re not wearing braids and shaking their ass, gotcha

2) her thinking Bey’s making her woman’s scorn about race/BLM (on her blog) is esp full of shit considering she’s so desperate to properly politicize such an unfeminist action like forgiving & making up w/ her husband, her fragile little mind’s decided she must secretly be a conservative – you know except for that time she stood in front of FEMINIST for the world to see. and ***Flawless. and the past 10 or so years of her musical career.

a guy in my building opened the door for me today, JB’s free to pick apart whether or not I’m secretly a tradcon or if I’m on a misandric crusade to promote male servility to the clearly superior sex /s

3) “When Beyoncé plays into #BLM … she is approving, endorsing and validating their behavior” which behavior? the violent misgivings of the minority (a lot of which was actually self-defense against the tankrolling, tear gas launching police, some looters/rioters may have been undercover cops/hooligans from neighboring towns) or the peaceful majority? does this lily-white Joan of Arc to black men know that BLM calls this shit out themselves in their own movement?

4) “She shakes her ass and praises all the single ladies and the girlz who run the world, then goes home to husband and child.” someone’s card.mad because she couldn’t afford a chance to drop “welfare queen” in there as well. so am I, b/c I almost got bingo on my right-wing MRA card.

fractal greys
fractal greys
8 years ago

**someone’s mad because

@Imaginary Petal – ded, he just might be a weeaboo. In keeping w/ the literal anime Nazis discussion, Axis Powers Hetalia’s gotta be something they discuss at the dinner table

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
8 years ago

I’m SO glad someone brought up Ramsay Bolton 🙂 has nobody told her that she could also seek gainful employment as a priest of Tezcatlipoca? Lots of flaying to be done there…

8 years ago

Never shoot off your bolts while drunk as a skunk.

8 years ago

@Alpine, RN

Thank you for bringing up the Aztecs and their frankly disturbing interest in flaying people! I think it’s a little sad that the Feast of the Flaying of Men has passed already for this year, though…still, there’s always next year. Mark down mid-to-late February in your calendars people, and start stocking up on obsidian blades.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
8 years ago

@Monzach one never can have too many obsidian blades 🙂

Tezcatlipoca: for when you absolutely positively MUST dance about in the skin of your enemies

8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal

Sounds like the man Andrea Hardie is married to is an intellectually incurious kind of guy, considering that he’s a professor.

Maybe he has a go-along-to-get-along philosophy about Andrea Hardie’s actions.

Their relationship still baffles me but a little less now.

When in doubt about this kind of thing, I refer back to Hannah Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.

8 years ago


You can’t post all those adorable pics of cute little animals because it makes me want to google MORE of them, and I am at WORK.

Ha, ha! You say you’re at work–but your username says something different.

8 years ago


You can’t post all those adorable pics of cute little animals because it makes me want to google MORE of them, and I am at WORK.

Ha, ha! You say you’re at work–but your username says something different.:)

8 years ago

I can’t even bother to be offended by her because it must be really great to have the kind of life where you have time and energy to get upset by a fucking pop album. Which is kind of ironic considering that makes her just as petty, mindlessly offended, and worthless as she accuses feminists/women-that-aren’t-her of being.

Seriously, I can’t believe liberals and feminists are the ones who catch the most shit for supposedly being offended or “triggered” by everything. It’s just a bunch of FUCKING POP SONGS!!!

Sorry. Rant over. Imma go back to worrying about shit that matters now. 😛

8 years ago

I don’t know if this is the place, but Judgy’s disturbingly inept attempt at blackface recalls a sight I saw yesterday that rather threw me. She was a black lady with natural hair, wearing red serge coat of a certain cut, with blue trousers and back shoes. I didn’t dare ask if she was making a statement, or was simply unaware of the implication. People today, eh ?

What is the implication of that ensemble?

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago

@ authorialAlchemy

I don’t know if this is the place, but Judgy’s disturbingly inept attempt at blackface recalls a sight I saw yesterday that rather threw me. She was a black lady with natural hair, wearing red serge coat of a certain cut, with blue trousers and back shoes. I didn’t dare ask if she was making a statement, or was simply unaware of the implication. People today, eh ?

What is the implication of that ensemble?

It’s the standard hair style, dress style and colours of a Golliwog Doll.

8 years ago

@authorialAlchemy, @Scaly Llama

I wondered about that too. Thanks for the information, Scaly Llama. These aren’t well known in the United States. I had to look up “Golliwog Doll.”

Wikipedia says that an Australian toy manufacturer still “proudly” produces these blackface-type rag dolls.

8 years ago

Wikipedia says that an Australian toy manufacturer still “proudly” produces these blackface-type rag dolls.

My mother “proudly” collected them, because… something something political correctness. I occasionally worry about the best way of disposing of them.

8 years ago

I found many Mirror articles complaining that these dolls were in no way racist and we liberals are ruining so many childhoods by criticizing them. I mean, FFS.

As for how to get rid of them? I’ll just compare them to another creepy old toy the Cymbal Monkey, which you can find great suggestions for dealing with in both Fallout 4 and Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders.

8 years ago

@Scaley Llama

In any case, it’s more the wording I was objecting to – relevance was a secondary consideration. Saying someone is “married to”, rather than “the wife of”, with the overtones of possession that the latter connotes, is preferable. Even, as I said earlier, with garbage humans.

There is absolutely a history of women being defined by their husbands through coverture. For example, women lost not only their last names but often their first names as well, (ie. calling a couple Mr. and Mrs. John Doe), a practice that continues to this day in some formal settings. It’s especially awesome when you’re unmarried and people *still* send invitations to formal events as Mr. and Mrs. [boyfriend’s name]. That really gets my goat. 😉

However, I don’t get your logic behind how calling someone “the wife of” is showing them as being a possession. 🙂 It’s common for journalists to say “the wife of”, “the child of”, “the husband of”, “the boss of”, and so on. I don’t see it as showing possession so much as showing relationships.

I’m not trying to argue, I’m genuinely curious about your POV from a semantics angle. 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scaley llama & mrrex

You’ve got me thinking about this, it’s interesting.

Don’t we call the use of “x’s” the possessive case or something? But does that mean ownership or control?

Saying for example “the slave’s master” is a valid clause, but by definition it can’t be connotating ownership.

Has that always been the case though?

We now use things like the “subject’s object”, “subject of object” and even “belong” (as in say “I belong to the class of animals called mammals” without implying any sense of possession; but is that something that’s evolved in English and does this crop up in other languages?

Any linguists know about that?

8 years ago


I’m not a linguist, but I think there’s a long history in the West of seeing relationships, both romantic and not, as “mutual ownership”. My wholely uneducated guess is that “the possessive clause” springs from that?

To use your “slave’s master” example, while the master may have legally owned the slave, many slave owner’s would feel that they were “mutually owned” by the slave (and for that matter his wife) since he viewed himself as *being responsible for* taking care of his slave/wife who would otherwise be struggling for food and shelter without him. And yes, obviously such a view is completely delusional, which is why it’s slowly becoming a thing of the past. (I hope.) 🙂

8 years ago

*”possessive case” not “possessive clause”. :/

8 years ago

Given the history of and continued treatment of women as being addressed in terms of their husbands, does it really matter whether semantically the possessive in this case implies ownership? Even very accomplished women are still referred to in articles solely about them and their achievements by name dropping their husbands and pointing out their husbands’ achievements.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Hmm crossbow bolts make sense. I just kept thinking of that Monty Python sketch about the gangland killers who deal with their enemies by nailing their heads to the floor (“Dinsdale”). What a ridiculous woman.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago


However, I don’t get your logic behind how calling someone “the wife of” is showing them as being a possession. 🙂 It’s common for journalists to say “the wife of”, “the child of”, “the husband of”, “the boss of”, and so on. I don’t see it as showing possession so much as showing relationships.

I’m not trying to argue, I’m genuinely curious about you’re POV from a semantics angle. 🙂

Hi mrex, thanks for asking! I don’t have time to provide a proper response just yet – busy day at work! – but I will as soon as possible.

I will make one brief comment however, which is to invite you and others to consider whether something being done commonly is a good enough reason to continue it in the future. There’s no denying that “the wife/son/child of” is a common construction within English writing, but does that mean we should continue to use it and/or allow it as an acceptable usage?

I’ll get to the other semantic aspects later ?

Have a good one, all!

8 years ago

Wait a minute, Hardie hunts for sport, right? If anything, I’d say that makes *her* more of a violent animal. Especially when her weapon of choice is a compound bow. Sure, it’s more technically advanced than a simple longbow or recurve, but it’s still a pretty primitive way to shoot.

Threatening to maim and savage anyone who insults her on Twitter? Blatant disregard for the law, common decency, and just about any of the standards of human society? Hardie sounds pretty feral to me. And possibly rabid.

Amy Housewine
Amy Housewine
8 years ago

Kat: Hardie is associate prof, so he’s tenured. He’ll be OK as long as he doesn’t start spewing this crap in class.

I’m not so sure that the husband of Andrea Hardie is that immune. A minority student (or, at this point, any woman) in his class could file a complaint that s/he feels unable to learn from someone so closely affiliated with hateful abuse and bile, and it would get at least an investigation, in my experience of Canadian universities. (I don’t actually condone this, as long as he has the wit to keep his own professional identity separate; while I have no doubt he’s very nearly as distasteful as she is, based upon their courtship as she describes it, we mustn’t go down the road of holding people liable for their relatives’ actions)

At any rate, I do hope news of his career woes and/or their divorce becomes public. It’s fun to watch karma play out.

As someone with a passing knowledge of the Hardies’ academic field, I have to say it’s … unimpressive. His teaching ratings are not entirely surprising. The fact that he’s assistant dean is, but again, we’ll see how long that lasts.

And I do wonder how the other moms in Thunder Bay playgroups react to their kids playing with the Hardielings, given the exceptionally violent tweets, on top of the racism and misogyny. My kids don’t spend time around anyone connected to threats of ‘flaying,’ thanks.

(I’m not doxxing; she has Thunder Bay in her Twitter bio. Although her account is now down, heh.)

8 years ago

As far as addressing many public women as the “wife of”, that’s insulting when the focus of the story is some accomplishement or “non-wife” story. But Hardie is making a career and a political cause of being a wife. She has written many articles about how women should be subservient to their husbands and how she is, and generally pushing the idea that women must be satisfied with the role of wife and mother. So to describe her that way is certainly not insulting — it’s exactly how she identifies herself.