MGTOWs, like most of the misogynists I write about in this blog, love to talk about the male gender as being more rational and scientific than the allegedly irrational and overemotional human female. Unfortunately, most of MGTOWs seem to have learned science at the University of Mianus.
The latest example I’ve encountered of this massive science fail comes from the veritable fountain of science fail, and failure generally, that is the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
In a posting yesterday, a fellow named E46M54 announced his latest findings:
Scientific fact: women are not capable of loving men in the same way men love women.
Mr. E46M54, relying heavily on information provided by the Scientific Fact department at the University of Mianis, elaborated:
This stems from thousands of years of evolution as a species. Historically, it was the men that risked their lives hunting dangerous animals, going off into battle, doing dangerous physical labor, and fighting other males to the death for a chance to mate.
Dangerous animals, eh? Would that include … THE MAMMOTH?
While the current inhabitants of r/MGTOW are free to hunt mammoths to their heart’s content in Far Cry Primal, the notion of prehistoric “Man the Hunter” may have more to do with sexist anthropologists than with science. Today, many anthropologists think that both men and women hunted, and our ancient ancestors seem to have, wisely, focused more on hunting small, non-dangerous animals, as these animals were – you know — much less likely to kill them.
If you were on a sinking Titanic, you had to drown in frigid waters while women boarded the lifeboats.
Not so much “a sinking Titanic” as THE sinking Titanic, as the “wealthy women and children first” evacuation procedure used on that sinking ship has never been the general policy on sinking ships.
As a result, the chances of being killed as a male were always astronomically higher than it would be for females. This made men essentially expendable, and females evolved to not place too much emotional stake in any one particular male, as he wasn’t likely to be around for long.
Not so much. While women today tend to outlive men by a significant amount, this hasn’t always been the case, at least as far as we can tell from the limited historical data we have.
In England and Wales from the early 1600s to the start of the 20th century, to take two examples for which we have actual numbers, the differences in mortality due to gender were small, and there were stretches of time during which men were likely to live longer.
In the prehistoric world before the invention of agriculture, men may have lived slightly longer as well. Apparently, getting stomped to death by mammoths was less of a risk to men than childbirth was to women.
Another factor in this is the manner in which males have typically been the providers. Yes, feminists will claim this no longer applies because they’re oh-so-independent. However this is only true for about the last 50 years. For the other 200,000 years of human existence, it was the male who provided for, protected, and offered security to the females.
This assertion is so clearly ass-derived and so obviously, totally WRONG I’m not even going to bother to refute it.
Well, maybe I’ll refute it a little. Hey E46M54, what exactly are these women doing?
I’ll stop.
This is another evolutionary truth that carries over into modern times. What a women calls ‘love’ is more likely to be this feeling of being provided for, often by way of money and social status, or in it’s most rudimentary form; entertainment (“make me laugh”).
Ok, admittedly it’s true that MGTOWs make a lot of women laugh. Men too.
In contrast, the male historically gained none of this by being with a woman. So if a man says he loves a woman, chances are it was really love, as there was little else to be gained.
So men, collectively, have been the biggest suckers in history? I thought men were supposed to be the smart ones?
Finally, we should note the suicide statistics. It is actually very common for males to commit suicide over a woman leaving. Many of us may actually know a male or two who’s suicide was associated with a breakup. In contrast, women committing suicide over a male leaving is VIRTUALLY UNHEARD OF. Little else is needed to explain this other than acknowledging that women in general do not care about or ‘love’ men as deeply as men love women.
Breakups may trigger suicide, but the leading cause is untreated depression. Women attempt suicide at higher rates than men. Men succeed more often because they tend to use more lethal methods. In particular, guns. Men are far more likely to shoot and kill themselves with a gun than they are to be shot and killed by someone else. Given that suicide is generally an impulsive act, and those who try and fail generally regret trying, it seems pretty clear to me that fewer guns would mean fewer male suicides.
But MRAs so love using male suicides as a trump card in internet arguments that they rarely bother to think about ways to actually reduce male suicide other than yelling at women online, which is not actually terribly useful for anyone.
In conclusion, women cannot reciprocate the same levels of affection you give them, and hence you are far better off NOT BOTHERING WITH THEM.
Huh. Apparently the best way to NOT BOTHER WITH women is to talk shit about them endlessly on the internet.
Naturally, Reddit’s NOT BOTHERING WITH WOMEN BY TALKING SHIT ABOUT THEM ON THE INTERNET community — that is, the regulars in the MGTOW subreddit — gave Mr. E46M54’s scientific treatise a warm reception, and several dozen upvotes.
Others weighed in with their own ass-informed theories.
“In prehistoric times, life was very tenous,” wrote Five_Decades, using a more efficient, time-saving spelling of “tenuous.”
There were predators, wars, intra-tribal violence, accidents, diseases, famines, etc. An alpha male was not guaranteed to be alpha forever, he would get sick or injured eventually and I think women evolved to branch swing to the strongest male when an alpha showed signs of weakness. The women who stayed with a broken, diseased alpha male were at a disadvantage over the women who cut their losses and moved onto the next guy.
Damn, those gals are cold!
Jaeryth, meanwhile, set forth his own somewhat-less-than-glowing take on modern relationships:
Men are typically the ones who are providing, with long hours worked and spending gratuitous sums of cash on the woman – who may claim that they don’t ask for much but most likely do.
When he comes home, he has to listen to her complain about how he’s never home, how he doesn’t care about her, how he doesn’t love her or how things have ‘changed.’ You’ve all been there, you’ve all had to deal with the upset and bored woman with nothing better to, do mulling over thoughts for weeks before coming at you with the kill. …
And you get called uncaring for it, all kinds of harsh names and stereotypes. And what’s best, the ungrateful c**t doesn’t ever want to hear about your troubles, and will probably leave you the moment you even bring them up. You’re just a living dildo to fill her holes and her wallet so she has a nice purse and some tits to seduce a higher status man.
Is it me, or is that last sentence just a teensy bit, well, hard to parse?
You’re just a living dildo to fill her holes and her wallet so she has a nice purse and some tits to seduce a higher status man.
If I’m reading this correctly, women are filling their wallets with, er, penises, in order to improve the quality of their purses and to grow breasts. Women are then using these penis-wallet-enhanced purses, as well as their new breasts, to seduce some better dude?
I’m still a bit confused. Perhaps someone could draw me a diagram?
Victor_knight offered his own “evolutionary” perspective.
Put simply, from a strictly evolutionary standpoint (and this shit cannot be ignored even with humans today), a man’s entire purpose of existence is to get his sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg. After that, nature couldn’t give a shit if he lived or died. In fact, better he die because he will not be consuming any more of (limited) resources available once his genes have already been passed on.
Wait, I thought men were supposed to provide both sperm and money. If women are just using us dudes for our sperm, how are they getting money? I thought they all they were good at was sitting around eating those proverbial bon-bons?
Oh, wait, I forgot about Big Daddy government. As victor_knight argued in a followup comment:
Once children come along, the “prized” man becomes even less important to the woman than he was before. In fact, at this point, she really doesn’t care if he sticks around or not (in many cases she actually wants him gone) as long as someone (e.g. the state, the divorced man, the public) is paying her bills.
Got it! For a second I was afraid that the entire ideological edifice of MGTOWism was going to crumble underneath me.
Cynicalsimon offered his cynical take:
Women have NEVER brought much to our species existence and quality of life EVER!
Furthermore, a womens ‘love’ with a man is only infatuation because she has hundreds of other male ‘options'(all disposable to her of course)
Simon ended his comment with a confusing reference to fellatio that I am still trying to parse.
SigmaDiabolicum summed it all up with this Zen koan:
Men love unconditionally (until given a reason not to, anyway) … .
So, unconditionally, except with conditions.
What is the sound of one MGTOW fapping?
Probably a bit like this, actually.
As usual, these guys rely on a selective reading of “history” (which is really just their suppositions about the past) to justify their current animus towards women. This guy’s post may have hit the MGTOW bingo though, it has just about every MRA trope all rolled up inside it.
You know, that last one sounds an awful lot like self-aware satire…
Except, you know, its continuation. (And most of its upbringing.)
There’s just so much here!
I couldn’t agree more, dude. You and every other MGTOW: go your own way. It would be better for everyone if you stopped bothering women. Just stop thinking about women entirely, find your little gulch, and try to find your happy place far, far away from other humans.
Someone is bitter about a past break-up. I wonder how he could have possibly wound up in a relationship with someone who found him distant and uncaring.
Just can’t even think of a reason how that might have happened.
So human beings are redback spiders? This is important information. I should have learned this in school. Why has the American educational system failed me so hard?
Right on! Women are nothing but trouble! You’d better go your own way right now and escape that trap! I’m sure there’s a gulch waiting for you somewhere, head out now to find it before it’s too late!
I’m having trouble reconciling this with the usual complaint that women exist to be fucked and that sex is the main motivation in life. Someone help me out?
David, I think what they mean in the sense of “wallet and boobs” is that the man will buy her a set of fake tits and then she’ll use it to seduce a richer man.
If that were the case with most women as their mantrum insists, plastic surgeons would be business magnates. Sadly, they aren’t.
Interesting. I remember my grandfather (LONG past his reproductive years – he had passed his genes on 40 years or more before) sitting at the table with my father and my brothers while we (useless) women brought in the food and the drinks, and then kept hopping up to get whatever someone wanted that wasn’t on the table. Cold food was our reward. My grandmother worked as many hours as my grandfather, and her teaching career kept their farm during the great depression, but there was no hint that he would get up and get any of the “stuff” that was needed. That wouldn’t be manly (I guess after hunting mammoths all day, you just want a great big rest).
My husband retired, and I continue to work full time (40+++ hours). Am I doing something wrong? Should I be sitting around eating bonbons while making him go hunt mammoths in his older years?
Hey MGTOW’s, you know what? I can see where you’re (supposedly) coming from. If you just know you aren’t gonna get laid or in a relationship, and don’t want to think about it anymore, that’s fine. But the thing they fail to realize is there’s more to life than sex. Even excluding stuff that requires you to leave your home, there’s movies, music, games, books, and a million other things to do than be this bitter. And if they’re so horny, did they forget they can get off? There’s *OCEANS* of pornography and there’s a big market for sex toys, so it’s not like they can’t find sexual gratification outside of sex itself.
So if men had other options available to them they wouldn’t be in love, either then, right? How is that love? That’s just settling. Maybe treat women like people and you’ll have options, too. Or just go your own way already.
@Policy of Madness
Clearly, we women are just less capable of understanding love than this shining specimen of manhood.
Once again, I must point out that MGTOW secretly stands for Men Getting Totally Obsessed with Women.
Or in this case, possibly Men with Gross Thoughts on Women.
^Why can’t they just be transparent about it though? Who are they fooling? If they’re trying to fool themselves, they’re just too hateful for me to think that would work.
Summary: Women are animals
Literally none of their crap makes any sense if you acknowledge that women are human beings with thoughts, feelings and emotions beyond basic instincts.
Even if we grant the premise that only men ever did work while women sat around eating bonbons until 50 years ago, why is he so mad? Now we are making our own money and being all independent and shit! No more slaving away to keep us in bonbons is required. I’m assuming this guy is not old enough to have been a bonbon provider and mammoth hunter.
Why does he hate feminism, again?
Religious fundamentalists who think women can only be housewives are pretty awful, but at least they’re honest about what they want. I hate how MGTOW both resent the idea of being the provider while the women stay home and the idea of women being financially independent. Make up your damn mind. If it’s so horrible for men to be the sole breadwinners, stop hating the movement responsible for changing that. If you want women to be 50’s sitcom housewives, stop complaining about that dynamic. For fuck’s sake!
Have they ever even met a woman? Almost every (straight) woman I know spends half her life listening patiently and validating her partner’s feelings and reassuring him about everything under the sun.
Also I always wonder how these ‘women cannot love!’ dudes explain lesbian relationships. Is it just a race to see which of them can fill up her wallet and breasts first to seduce a higher status woman?
Okay! Off to found a penis based economy! It’ll be fine. Those things grow back, like branches on a tree….. Don’t they?……. Don’t they?
Lesbianism is just a performance that women put on to please a man’s boner. Porn taught me this, so it must be true.
I was just reading today about the woman who discovered the link between the zika virus and microcephaly. But I must have hallucinated, because women contribute absolutely nothing to the world!
What I can’t seem to get past is why they all have screen names that sound like villains from old episodes of Batman or Dick Tracy.
Yeah, those poor women (and WoC) were so busy being cared for, protected and secured, they simply had no time for anything else.
Why does it always sound like these MGTOW learned everything they know about women from watching the Jetsons and everything they know about history from watching the Flinstones?
What they mean to say is:
Not to single out Brenda’s or Sarah’s, tho. Regardless, be she Candace, Olivia, or Tarquin, she didn’t do exactly as these guys wanted, even tho they were reeaally Naise(tm) about it, furreallz. Curse you, Margot, for being such a -insert slur here-, what with your personality and autonomy and other such extraneous nonsense. You should be ashamed of yourself, Violet!

But, but jackin it isn’t Alpha Manly. Alphas get bitches, brah! ‘Bation’s what beta omega cuckginas do. See, their lives are lorded (ladied?) over by beluga fewhales, who fill their every waking thought. Not at all like us, right fellas? Right?
Mig-toe philosophy in a nutshell: That hot babe didn’t even look at me because she’s spoiled for better choices and I’m a plain James, so that must mean women can’t love like men can. Therefore, I now have an excuse to hate them. And now so do all of YOU, too!
Harsh names and stereotypes: He haz them.
Hot take. Except that according to these guys’ own assfax, women who are no longer virgins are “used up”, and therefore undesirable to “higher status men”, even if their being-used has miraculously netted them a whole closet full of fancy purses. ManLogick™!
I think you’re thinking of drone bees, dude.
In fact, I think you think you ARE a drone bee.
Yet another Deep Thinker™ with a diploma from the University of Assfax.
And I bet he uses these assfax to support his disdain for single mothers, too. Because, as everyone knows, male abandonment simply doesn’t happen! It’s always the women who fuck off because they can’t handle family responsibility, amirite?
Bitter, party of one?
Ah yes, another plain James who’s miffed because the HB10 of his dreams…barely even acknowledges his existence. Meanwhile, how many perfectly nice, attractive potential mates is he not even deigning to notice because he (despite mediocre looks, brains and achievements) won’t accept “less” than an HB8?
Judging by all these quotations from Brainy Smurfs, I’m guessing it’s actually MGTOW who don’t know dick about how to love.
Because it rendered women less desperate, and therefore less likely to put up with his shit.
Someone could write a book about what MGTOWs don’t know about history, anthropology, economics, psychology, and current events. Not me…but someone.
@Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin
I see I have some competition in my business
In a desperate bid to further claim ‘AWALT’ they widen the brushstrokes to include enjoying someone’s company as some form of malicious procurement of basic provisions.
If they feel like someone owes them for being likeable, it’s no wonder they seem to go out of their way to be the most joyless bunch of fuckers on the internet.