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MGTOW strikes blow for freedom by refusing to work for woman with thick-rimmed glasses

Every MGTOW's worst nightmare
Every MGTOW’s worst nightmare

More inspiring news from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit: One brave man has taken a stand for male freedom by turning down a job because he would have had to report to a woman. With thick-rimmed glasses, to boot.

Today I turned down a job because my boss would be a woman with thick glasses. (self.MGTOW) submitted 17 hours ago by iamlikethewindbaby The title pretty much says it all. Every year I do a weeks worth of work for a convention. It's a lot of fun and the money is alright (although not much more than I'd make normally). This year the man in charge was replaced by a woman. I googled her. Dyed hair, think rimmed glasses, a little overweight. I called up a few minutes later and backed out.

Iamlikethewindbaby’s comrades in Going Their Own Way know just how he feels!

xienxui 27 points 15 hours ago Every female boss I've ever had was a terrible micromanager, who's micromanaging destroyed productivity and bred resentment, and then they'd say things like "well since I'm a woman I have to work twice as hard to be considered half as good as a man". No sweety, you're just a bitch, and bad at your job - because you're a woman, yes, but that's besides the point. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]aanarchist 3 points 3 hours ago seriously though it's so annoying how many women wonder why no one respects them. it's seems like she has to work harder because her baseline ability to get something done is so decidedly below an average males.

Women and their vaginas, amirite fellas?

xienxui 2 points 2 hours ago It's like Show up with preexisting chip on your shoulder because you were told certain things all your life. Be an overbearing micromanager and meddler, breath down employees necks to try to drive productivity up. Productivity goes down due to micromanaging meddling cuntiness - instead think "they don't respect me cuz I'm a woman" instead of recognizing real problem. Come to the conclusion "nothing would ever get done without my micromanaging". Never grow or improve as a human being or a manager because the fact that you have a vagina is the center of your existence. Obstacles problems and failures are course due to outside factors in relation to said vagina, and never of course because of personal choices you make.

And what about those women who are going their own way? Sorry, I mean, those nasty old spinsters who never married because no man would have them?

General_Fear 6 points 9 hours ago I have several female managers in the corporate world. Only 2 were good. There rest were impossible to work for. One woman I worked with said a female manager is the worst. My guess is that women climbing the corporate ladder overcompensate cracking the whip because they want to show everyone that they can be as tough as any male manager. So women are ball busters. And it gets worst if they never married. God help you if you work with a woman who never married or had kids. There is a reason no man ever asked her to marry her. They take out their frustrations on male staff.

And boy, those gals really hate us MGTOWs, huh?

ergeantDickhead 5 points 9 hours ago I refused many of jobs knowing that I was going to have a female manager. It's not that I hate women, it's that I knew I would be fired anyway because I refuse to back down and simp my paycheck away. I won't kiss ass just to make a paycheck. Once A woman in control of your employment finds out that you are of mgtow beliefs, you have a 99.52% chance of getting canned. If they don't have a reason, they will find one.

Yeah, that’s right. You’re getting constantly fired because you’re so principled. Not because you’re an arrogant, hostile jerkwad who hates women.

Happen_On_A_Ciggy even agrees with the OP about those evil, scary … glasses!

Happen_On_A_Ciggy 11 points 17 hours ago Im glad the signs of what these doosh bags (bitches) look like is spreading. What about the cat eye glasses? Gahhhh!.. like ten years ago those were hot on pinup models. Now i feel "triggered" when i see them.

But leave it to the lovely Ovendice — weren’t we just talking about him the other day? — to show up with a giant wall-o-text that cuts to the heart of the problem of women bosses, or even co-workers.

And that, of course, is the decorating. So, so much decorating.

Oh, and of course all those time-wasting false accusations.

The worst part about putting a women in charge is that they have bizarre priorities. All of their attention is focused on having parties, luncheons, 'events,' etc., involving decorating, which seems to be all women care about or know how to do (?) And then after that it's all about policing the men in the office or workplace and everything they say especially to women and more than half the time the women are making false accusations and all of this requires endless meetings just so the female can hear herself talk, meetings also create a diversion away from actual work. Countless female managers come in late, go to a meeting about some male's behavior involving what he said to a female employee that lasts for 2 hours, then leave early. Which is yet another problem with female management. Female managers are always OUT, which is a good thing when you think about it, they're not there causing problems and getting in the way which is all they do anyway.

Boy, it sure seems weird that women managers are always out when he gets in touch to set up sales meetings. I mean, what’s with that!?

I'm a vendor and I have to talk to managers in hundreds of businesses and especially in all of the doctor's and dentist offices the managers are invariably female and I can call one office after another and it is MIND BLOWING how each one will say, "Oh, she's out today." "She's not in." "She hasn't come in yet." And it'll be Tuesday at 11:30am or Wed. at 2pm, doesn't matter what time or day and Mondays and Fridays? Forget it, 90% of female management doesn't come in at ALL on those days and then of course the turnover rate for them all is about 6 months and they're fired. No surprise there

It’s so weird. Whenever he arrives somewhere, it’s like all the women have just left!

MGTOWs! Although I’m a dude, I think I can speak for all women when I say that they really have no problem whatsoever with you guys going your own way —  so long as wherever you go, it’s somewhere where they aren’t.

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Jewish Messiah
Jewish Messiah
8 years ago

I had to file a complaint for sexual harassment three times in my career, against female managers. Not once was I ever taken seriously. Women, if they play their
cards right, can basically get away with any kind of psychological/emotional abuse. Too many psychopaths in the modern corporate world; Women are no better than
men when it comes to abuse of power. But you probably think that emotional abuse/power play is all right when done by females when it is in fact equivalent
to rape. What’s also equivalent to rape is that the worst part of it is the not being taken seriously part. The part where they start insisting that
‘You were asking for it’. I’ve literary heard a female manager say this after she heard about my complaint. The problem was that this woman wouldn’t
stop her sexual advances even though I already made it clear I wasn’t interested. She couldn’t deal with that and started increasing the sexual
intimidation to the point of bullying. I mean, making a sexual advance is fine; But when you don’t stop even though the other person wants you to stop is
rape. A lot of those women simply have never learned not to rape. They can’t take their loss and move on.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

Is having a neck beard, BO and a trilby the warning signs?!!

8 years ago

No. people have body hair and it has nothing to do with their beliefs. everyone has body odor.

8 years ago

I never date someone who uses the no drama line, bc I assume they start shit and blame the other person. The way I avoid drama is by immediately dumping people at the first sign of them not respecting me or wanting to fight (not debste or criticize, which is healthy and goos, but things like raising your voice, personal insults). I dont date much bc Im gray-ace but in some ways I think that makes me less likely to ignore bullshit – ppl who are desperate for relationships seem to me to overlook a lot of BS… Im so utterly NOT into sex and intimacy Ive broken up w ppl I really truly loved bc I knew they were hurting from my lack of desire to devote a lot of time to going on dates, cuddling, and sex. It took me a long time to understand that Im just different and still dunno how to find someone that works for, but Im happiest when I have a lot of alone time and rarely have sexual or romantic desires so maybe the single life is just my thing.

8 years ago

I assume you’re familiar with the tale of the Queen, the Saudi Prince and the Land Rover

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@Alan – That’s one of the few fortunes where adding “in bed” would be redundant.

All of their attention is focused on having parties, luncheons, ‘events’, etc., involving decorating

If you’re an event planner or fundraiser, isn’t that part of the job description?

Oh, silly me, I forgot. If it was a male manager, it would be “seating logistics”, not “decorating”.

@kale – Yeah, the “no drama” thing always struck me as a little silly – nobody consciously wants drama in a relationship. I think it’s healthy to have a clear idea of your own boundaries and what you’re willing to tolerate. Some people have higher tolerance than others for shenanigans. These guys, though…they’re ready to skedaddle the moment a woman flinches or says “boo”.

For people who love to lampoon feminists as thin-skinned/easily offended and triggered, they sure do have a long laundry list of specific objects that uncontrollably push their rage buttons. If you’re writing 5,000-word philippics denouncing yoga pants, it’s time to re-evaluate your ability to live in civilization.

8 years ago

I just cant get my head around how they’re all disrespecting their bosses for being women while simultaneously insisting that this is something that never ever happens. Like, how can they complain about women who say they have to work twice as hard to be respected? While they are literally pointing out that there is no amount of hard work that will ever get them to respect a feeeeemale boss?

IKR? It’s like when 800 gamergaters flood your mentions demanding that you prove you’re being harassed.

8 years ago

@Jewish Messiah,

I’m so sorry that happened to you. That is miserable and terrible, and you didn’t deserve it at all. My heart goes out to you.

There is no excuse for sexual abuse, or any other sort of abuse. Male or female, peer or superior – you weren’t “asking for it”, you didn’t deserve it.

No one here is on her side – we’re on the side of the victim. Feminism is interested in breaking down patriarchy, and that includes breaking down the stereotype that all men “want it.” Women can be terrible too, just like men.

I’m so sorry you went through that :C Many of us understand how that sort of thing hurts. I hope that you have a path to healing.

8 years ago

But you probably think that emotional abuse/power play is all right when done by females when it is in fact equivalent

Depends. What kind of female? I’m kind of okay with my female cat making power plays. Cats are the best!

Did you mean to refer to human females? Because there is a handy word for that. It’s women.

Oh, and you may want to try talking to us or lurking here for awhile before you make the assumption that we’re okay with women sexually harassing or raping men. Because we’re not.

Feminists care about consent no matter what genders are involved. We’re allies to male victims. I’m sorry that happened to you, I really am. But why the fuck are you waltzing in here and insulting the one group of people who consistently on the side of male victims and always push back on the narrative that men are always up for sex no matter what or that boys are lucky to be abused by their teacher? Why insult the group that pushes for affirmative consent? It would help male victims a lot because they’re more likely to be victims of coercion rape than forcible rape from what I can tell.

I’m seriously baffled. Where did you get the idea that feminists in general or us in particular are pro rape if the rapist is a woman? Get the hell out of the manosphere before it’s too late.

8 years ago

@Jewish Messiah

Other posters have said most of what I’d like to. It’s awful that you were harassed; nobody should have to go through that, and you’ve picked the wrong audience if you expected us to think otherwise.

But, please read the comments policy before making any more comments – ableist terms like “psychopaths” aren’t allowed

Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
8 years ago

I had a boss in the Air Force who was a tyrant. For whatever reason, I wasn’t having it.* He would call me at home at times I had asked him (very respectfully) not to (right after going to bed from a graveyard shift) so I started calling him at 3 am with mandatory outage reports.** In retaliation, he made me training NCO, (an odious job) which nonetheless allowed me access to his training record. I promptly noted in his records that he was not station qualified yet, which forced him to get up to speed. Which he also didn’t like. Ha.

It was at that point I began to question the man’s intelligence!

His last jab was best of all; he got me transferred to another shop in the same building. He thought he’d really ‘gotten’ me, but my new shop had a three person chain of command, no commander’s calls, and no recalls (where they call everyone in to work as an exercise). It was a great shop to work in and I made sure to let my former shop-mates know it even though I never saw or spoke to that boss again because I DIDN’T HAVE TO!!

*I kind of wonder at 1984 me sometimes!

**which no one normally ever did because the outages were mundane, routine, and we couldn’t fix them because it was a problem at another station. But hey, regs are regs, right! ;P

8 years ago

Lol at that one guy who wonders why women flee whenever he comes around. Can you get anymore clueless? He’s probably horrid to deal with.

8 years ago

But you probably think that emotional abuse/power play is all right when done by females when it is in fact equivalent
to rape. What’s also equivalent to rape is that the worst part of it is the not being taken seriously part. The part where they start insisting that
‘You were asking for it’. […] I mean, making a sexual advance is fine; But when you don’t stop even though the other person wants you to stop is
rape. A lot of those women simply have never learned not to rape. They can’t take their loss and move on.

Yeah, I am sorry that you went through sexual harassment, but the only thing equivalent to RAPE is RAPE. You wont gather any freaking sympathy or positive attention from feminists if you keep comparing everything to rape and ironize the talking points of actual rape victims.

You all will have to forgive me for saying this, but this is one of the reasons its so difficult to have sympathy for opressor groups. Women go through harassment DAILY, and a great number of us go through rape. But when MEN are HARASSED a few times they (some of them) act like its the worst thing in the world, and find theirselves in the right of saying its RAPE and ironizing talking points of rape victims. Fuck off. You have suffered a bit of harassment? Welcome to the fucking club. Now sit down and, if you are nice to others, they may have sympathy. Your pain is not more important nor worse, especially not to the degree where you can compare yourself to or mock those who have been through MUCH worse. Fuck off.

8 years ago

I’m sorry you got harassed, genuinely. That’s awful.

But there is no “equivalent to” rape. Harassment is bad, rape is bad, but they’re not the same.

It’s crappy that toxic masculinity made people not take your harassment seriously. I wish we gave men more credit and protected them better from this sort of thing.

8 years ago

@Jewish Messiah – I was abused by a woman, nonsexually, and had a close call with a couple women I dated as well as having been sexually harassed by two stranger women. I know women can also be jerks. Guess what, I still believe women are equal and deserve equal treatment. Just like even tho I know a few gsy men who raped women and men doesnt mean I think gay ppl r evil or inferior or deserve inequality. & even tho most ppl who harassmed me and rape ppl are men I dont think men should have no rights. Feminism as an ideology opposes ANY rape or harassment or groping or abuse by anyone to anyone of any kind. Im sorry for anyone who was hurt in this way. but I also respect you enough as a person to expect you to treat others fairly, and putting words in my mouth hurts me and is unfair.

8 years ago


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. It stinks. Majorly. It’s also extremely disappointing that your workplace didn’t take it seriously, because the perpetrators of harassment need to be stopped and their victims supported, no matter their gender, alignment, or social status.

No one here (among the regulars) would support the harassers.

At least, not with my support.

That said, your analogy leaves something to be desired.

A harasser’s inability to take a no as a no and their continued harassment is still harassment. Not rape. When a woman faces continual harassment and a guy who can’t take a no, we don’t get to call that rape either.

Most people on the board try not to use that particular word lightly.

Nor do we use words like psychopath lightly.

So, yeah, this is me over here, saying that nothing you could have done would make these people’s behavior towards you okay.

…but also requesting that maybe you reconsider word choice a bit.

@Thread at Large:

This makes me even happier that I often loose my real glasses and have to frequently resort to my prescription safety glasses while at my desk job. The ones with huge, black, thick rims.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Jewish Messiah – As someone who has been raped: You have my sympathy.

Not just because you were harassed, but also because you’ve swallowed some really toxic beliefs about feminists, who are actually being super supportive of you, and hope that you find peace, because toxic masculinity (which feminists discuss all the time and we work to get rid of it) told other people that you should have been fine with it, so they brushed you off.

Virgin Mary | April 22, 2016 at 10:34 am
Is having a neck beard, BO and a trilby the warning signs?!!

No body shaming, please. We don’t do that here.

And what did the trilby do to deserve this reputation?! It’s a cute little hat! It’s not the trilby’s fault that it’s the choice of odious misogynists everywhere (who also insist upon calling it a fedora)!

8 years ago

@Jewish Messiah
I am sorry you faced harassment, that is something that no one should have to deal with.

But rape is it’s own category, it’s not the equivalent to harassment. I’m sorry for how society with masculinity has made it so that bad things like this are trivialized or seen as some Freudian modern mating ritual.

8 years ago

Also, again sorry you were abused and no it isnt your fault but you are extremely incorrect if you think anyone protects women and girls from that or punishes men for it. Saying “you were asking for it” to actual children about actual rape (& only actual rape is rape) is so common its a cliche, girls hear it coming out of the mouths of cops and judges. Girls whose rape was caught on video or photos or by many witnesses are blamed and denied. & thats just for kids. Tens of thousands of rape kits untested, the majority of rape victims dont report. And that is just for rape. Harassment? People laugh at women for trying to report it. Most women dont report. Women get fired or punished for reporting. Men in political office rape, grope, flash women and are still hailed as heroes. Women get away with rape as an extension of a culture that for a long time until very recently legally protected men from rape charges by their wives, because women for a long time were the disenfranchised property of men. That people think rape and harassment is a male thing comes from patriarchy, not feminism. Feminists dont mock rape victims or protect rapists, sexists do that. You want help and support? We are here for you. But dont insult me by telling me how I feel before youve met me, please. I love all my friends who were sexually assaulted or harassed, including men, and Im on the side of anti-rape and anti-sexual harassment, No. Matter. What.

8 years ago

“the fact that you have a vagina is the center of your existance”
fucking projection dude, only sexist asshats define me by one bodypart. I dont even think about my vagina that much when I have my period ffs. Im just sick and dog tired of YOU centering how YOU TREAT me on my vagina. Which you cant even know I have anyway.

8 years ago

Bitches hate MGTOW. Why?

MGTOW could give a fuck about you. Your shitty little needs for vagimony, a$$et division and vag support mean nothing to men; hence you mean nothing.

Have fun fucking your dildo, BITCH!


GO FUCK YOURSELF – and GO FUCK your entitlement!



Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

I love the “99.52% chance of getting canned” remark.

Because made-up statistics are so much more credible when they have decimals!

8 years ago

‘Honey Badgers were kicked out of the Calgary Expo, yes? So that topic might be brought up again, especially amongst those who donated. They might even make a scene against it if they can muster it.’

Yeah, they were kicked out for misrepresenting why they were setting up a booth. Then they attacked anyone who posted about the Expo on Twitter for supporting an organization that censors free speech.

A friend of a friend is the social media director for the Expo and they handled the thing so well that eventually the Badgers just stopped.

8 years ago

It’s not the trilby’s fault that it’s the choice of odious misogynists everywhere (who also insist upon calling it a fedora)!

I, for one, wish they had picked the right hat. Fedoras are huge. All these manospherian bozos would look hilarious wearing one on their tiny heads and believing they looked like Harrison Ford.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago

Yeah, they were kicked out for misrepresenting why they were setting up a booth. Then they attacked anyone who posted about the Expo on Twitter for supporting an organization that censors free speech.

A friend of a friend is the social media director for the Expo and they handled the thing so well that eventually the Badgers just stopped.

Last I read, they were still trying to figure out their case. And didn’t they ask for MORE money? Wonder if they just took the money and ran yet?