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MGTOW strikes blow for freedom by refusing to work for woman with thick-rimmed glasses

Every MGTOW's worst nightmare
Every MGTOW’s worst nightmare

More inspiring news from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit: One brave man has taken a stand for male freedom by turning down a job because he would have had to report to a woman. With thick-rimmed glasses, to boot.

Today I turned down a job because my boss would be a woman with thick glasses. (self.MGTOW) submitted 17 hours ago by iamlikethewindbaby The title pretty much says it all. Every year I do a weeks worth of work for a convention. It's a lot of fun and the money is alright (although not much more than I'd make normally). This year the man in charge was replaced by a woman. I googled her. Dyed hair, think rimmed glasses, a little overweight. I called up a few minutes later and backed out.

Iamlikethewindbaby’s comrades in Going Their Own Way know just how he feels!

xienxui 27 points 15 hours ago Every female boss I've ever had was a terrible micromanager, who's micromanaging destroyed productivity and bred resentment, and then they'd say things like "well since I'm a woman I have to work twice as hard to be considered half as good as a man". No sweety, you're just a bitch, and bad at your job - because you're a woman, yes, but that's besides the point. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]aanarchist 3 points 3 hours ago seriously though it's so annoying how many women wonder why no one respects them. it's seems like she has to work harder because her baseline ability to get something done is so decidedly below an average males.

Women and their vaginas, amirite fellas?

xienxui 2 points 2 hours ago It's like Show up with preexisting chip on your shoulder because you were told certain things all your life. Be an overbearing micromanager and meddler, breath down employees necks to try to drive productivity up. Productivity goes down due to micromanaging meddling cuntiness - instead think "they don't respect me cuz I'm a woman" instead of recognizing real problem. Come to the conclusion "nothing would ever get done without my micromanaging". Never grow or improve as a human being or a manager because the fact that you have a vagina is the center of your existence. Obstacles problems and failures are course due to outside factors in relation to said vagina, and never of course because of personal choices you make.

And what about those women who are going their own way? Sorry, I mean, those nasty old spinsters who never married because no man would have them?

General_Fear 6 points 9 hours ago I have several female managers in the corporate world. Only 2 were good. There rest were impossible to work for. One woman I worked with said a female manager is the worst. My guess is that women climbing the corporate ladder overcompensate cracking the whip because they want to show everyone that they can be as tough as any male manager. So women are ball busters. And it gets worst if they never married. God help you if you work with a woman who never married or had kids. There is a reason no man ever asked her to marry her. They take out their frustrations on male staff.

And boy, those gals really hate us MGTOWs, huh?

ergeantDickhead 5 points 9 hours ago I refused many of jobs knowing that I was going to have a female manager. It's not that I hate women, it's that I knew I would be fired anyway because I refuse to back down and simp my paycheck away. I won't kiss ass just to make a paycheck. Once A woman in control of your employment finds out that you are of mgtow beliefs, you have a 99.52% chance of getting canned. If they don't have a reason, they will find one.

Yeah, that’s right. You’re getting constantly fired because you’re so principled. Not because you’re an arrogant, hostile jerkwad who hates women.

Happen_On_A_Ciggy even agrees with the OP about those evil, scary … glasses!

Happen_On_A_Ciggy 11 points 17 hours ago Im glad the signs of what these doosh bags (bitches) look like is spreading. What about the cat eye glasses? Gahhhh!.. like ten years ago those were hot on pinup models. Now i feel "triggered" when i see them.

But leave it to the lovely Ovendice — weren’t we just talking about him the other day? — to show up with a giant wall-o-text that cuts to the heart of the problem of women bosses, or even co-workers.

And that, of course, is the decorating. So, so much decorating.

Oh, and of course all those time-wasting false accusations.

The worst part about putting a women in charge is that they have bizarre priorities. All of their attention is focused on having parties, luncheons, 'events,' etc., involving decorating, which seems to be all women care about or know how to do (?) And then after that it's all about policing the men in the office or workplace and everything they say especially to women and more than half the time the women are making false accusations and all of this requires endless meetings just so the female can hear herself talk, meetings also create a diversion away from actual work. Countless female managers come in late, go to a meeting about some male's behavior involving what he said to a female employee that lasts for 2 hours, then leave early. Which is yet another problem with female management. Female managers are always OUT, which is a good thing when you think about it, they're not there causing problems and getting in the way which is all they do anyway.

Boy, it sure seems weird that women managers are always out when he gets in touch to set up sales meetings. I mean, what’s with that!?

I'm a vendor and I have to talk to managers in hundreds of businesses and especially in all of the doctor's and dentist offices the managers are invariably female and I can call one office after another and it is MIND BLOWING how each one will say, "Oh, she's out today." "She's not in." "She hasn't come in yet." And it'll be Tuesday at 11:30am or Wed. at 2pm, doesn't matter what time or day and Mondays and Fridays? Forget it, 90% of female management doesn't come in at ALL on those days and then of course the turnover rate for them all is about 6 months and they're fired. No surprise there

It’s so weird. Whenever he arrives somewhere, it’s like all the women have just left!

MGTOWs! Although I’m a dude, I think I can speak for all women when I say that they really have no problem whatsoever with you guys going your own way —  so long as wherever you go, it’s somewhere where they aren’t.

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8 years ago

Hey, my wife has thicker glasses than I do 🙁

And, I don’t work in an office, but the most malignant attending physician I ever had to train under was a caucasian man with an extremely wealthy family. Had a habit of making my fellow residents break down and cry (male and female, actually).

8 years ago

I had a manager who sucker-punched a customer in the face in the middle of the sales floor. Knocked him to the ground. He was previously on the fast-track to promotion to a branch manager before that; afterwards he was quietly moved into the head office as a purchasing manager (bit of a pay raise)… and was then promoted to vice president a few years later.

I transferred to another branch a little while after that, where I suggested during a meeting that, since we were having problems coordinating the various activities of the staff members, why don’t we all document what we do and how we do it and come up with a procedures binder for us to critique and reference?

I knew that I was going to quit when my contract ran out when their reaction was to all laugh at me.

Male-dominated trades are aaaawesome

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

It’s interesting that Mr. Telemarketer is calling himself “a vendor” now, instead of describing himself as “in corporate sales.” Maybe someday he’ll just own the fact that he’s a telemarketer.

Seriously, if you think you’re being sent directly to voice mail at 2pm on a Wednesday because that person is actually “not in the office” or “away from their desk” you can’t have been in sales very long. Or be very good at it.

IIRC he’s been at this job for ~6 years. So it’s not that he hasn’t been doing it long, and he must be at least passable at it to still have a job doing it. It’s not ignorance or lack of access to knowledge that stands in his way. It’s just misogyny and stupidity.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

The How about a clench of assholes?

I bet you a crisp new Harriet Tubman bill that these guys (especially Ovendice) are jerkish and uncooperative to female managers, so that the managers have to waste a lot of time reminding them of what’s appropriate behavior, warning them about harassment, mediating conflicts, and otherwise playing Mom (ie, “micromanaging”). Meanwhile, for male managers, they bend over backwards to be helpful and team players. They’re describing a self-fulfilling prophecy, not some deep universal truth.

In my former career, when I was a landscape architect, I had a male manager who gave me mouse-poop laden fortune cookies, constantly belittled me in front of the civil engineers, and in the privacy of his office, tried to get me to explain how an enema works. One year, his pet employee (a guy) got a $7000 Christmas bonus. I got: two pieces of Chiclets gum. To add insult to injury, I had to hand out the checks to the rest of the employees. He would come in at night and scribble all over my plan drawings, rearrange my office, and leave bagel crumbs everywhere. He had a sleeping bag under his desk and would take naps in the middle of the day, which was slightly awkward when clients came by for meetings. He bought all kinds of personal stuff – grills, computers, appliances, airline tickets – and wrote it off as business expenses. He tried to make us all sign fradulent time sheets for state government projects that were billed hourly, in order to subsidize the lump-sum projects that had run over due to his mismanagement. And the racism…holy carpets, the racism. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

One night I had had it, and I typed out a litany of all the terrible things he had done to me and my co-workers. I was going to tack it to his door, 95 Theses style, as my resignation letter, but before I could do that the firm got sold and the projects parceled out to other companies, and I decided it was time to change careers. He was one of a series of primadonnas I had the misfortune to work for.

Sorry, that was really long and rambling and boring, but the point is that bad managers aren’t confined to one gender.

8 years ago

Dollars to donuts he didn’t decline the job, but the new feeeeemale manager decided to not use him for the convention this year.

8 years ago

Yeah, what’s with those micromanaging ladies who won’t leave me alone to do my work except when they’re out of the office at parties, which happen all the time?

8 years ago

Oh, Ovendice

“Countless female managers come in late, go to a meeting about some male’s behavior involving what he said to a female employee that lasts for 2 hours, then leave early”

Countless female managers do this EVERY SINGLE DAY. If that had been my daily routine as a manager you’d better believe I would’ve been leaving early. That sh*t is draining

8 years ago

Worked for Borders Books when that company went into liquidation. First store manager was an awesome man. The assistant manager was an awesome woman. Things were very cool at that time.

Second store manager was a terrible man. Awesome assistant store manager could only do so much and left to become a store manager at another location. Terrible store manager ended up quitting mere hours before the coming firing.

Third boss was an awesome woman. She didn’t hang around for very long after the actual liquidation was announced, because she was so committed to Borders that she felt she couldn’t handle closing yet another store like the last time when Borders closed only “a few” stores.

There definitely wasn’t anyone voicing anything sexist like “overly emotional woman”. We all knew how shitty it was to watch something you love get destroyed—twice.

And as I had to explain to many a customer after the liquidation began: “I don’t work for Borders anymore. Borders is dead, and we’re just picking over the corpse that’s left. I’m paid by the liquidation company.”

Then the liquidation company saddled us with a terrible woman, who was quickly replaced by a pretty good guy.

The liquidation was bizarre all around. Tons of new product that didn’t have anything to do with books, music, or movies, but they sold anyway. It felt like I was suddenly working for one of those dollar stores where you might find any damned thing on any given day.

8 years ago

Oh man, I worked with a guy who wouldn’t listen to women once. He was impossible to work with; you’d tell him something, and he’d nod and say yes and then not do it.

And all his coworkers were women; only his boss was a fellow man. And you know what? Listening to his boss turned out not to be enough, and he was let go.

8 years ago


Off topic, but I feel you so hard. I worked for the flagship Borders in Dallas between undergrad and graduate school. We had VPs coming by at least once a month, so I got to watch firsthand as everything that they touched went to shit. It was the idea of one of the VPs to prune the deep back-catalog, then all the back-catalog, then the genre shelves, and then just to stock bestsellers and new releases. It was the idea of another to get rid of the CDs and DVDs in a fire sale, even though it was one of the top three places in the city for people to come if they were looking for physical media. By the end, when I quit to go to grad school and work a job that was just as poorly paid but infinitely more dignified, they were reduced to selling Paperchase stationery, magazines, and mass-market paperbacks of Clive Cussler and James Patterson. Besides the fact that we were in a massive building in a strip mall, we were indistinguishable from some newsstand in an airport concourse. It was pathetic, and three male VPs were the ones who brought us there.

My boss was a dude, a smart and confident ladder-climber who didn’t treat his employees very respectfully at all. I think, looking back, that he was subconsciously angry that his promising path to regional manager and then to VP was being sunk by the looming bankruptcy. My three direct supervisors were a shy competent man, a shy competent woman, and a woman who was a walking example of the Peter Principle — that is, she was a great CSR but had no idea how to help the people under her be the same, so she either micromanaged you or put you on break so she could do it herself.

In short, I agree with Bina: especially in retail and sales, being a jerk is just a thing that most bosses are, completely unrelated to sex or gender.

8 years ago

Slightly off topic, but remember the guy who was saying game developers should be thankful to work 80 hours and are lazy if they want to push that mouse around for only 40 hours a week? Not to mention the messed up thoughts on women and people with ASD. Well, his daughter wrote a reply and she rocks.

8 years ago

I cant deal w this whole post right now but hating people for having poor eyesight is so fucking ridiculous. It literally just means they were born (most likely) with a different eye shape. It isnt a choice or within control of the person. Additionally, EVERYONE’s eyes get worde with age as the lens hardens. Thick framed glasses are necessary when the lens is thick, which means the person has a more extreme near sighted or far sighted -ness or possibly something like severe astigmatism. It might even be in only one eye. i dont know much about contacts yet but Im positive that not everyone can comfortably wear them. This is like getting mad at a woman because her feet are large. Which I wouldnt put past these scum. Would they be happy if she couldnt see very well? probably not. Why people get mad at people for taking charge of their health (altho this is enhancing a sense so maybe not the best way to put it idk) is beyond me. If they couldnt see well theyd want to correct their vision too, like anyone would.

8 years ago

Women don’t need to see properly. We only exist to please boners. Glasses don’t please boners.* Therefore glasses are misandry. I’m sure contacts are somehow misandry too.

* Yes, I know some men have a thing for women in glasses. But manospherians tend not to understand that their peen preferences aren’t universal.

8 years ago

I suspect that this MGTOW is talking about working at the Calgary Comic Expo next week.

Ahhh, how I hope so. Every time one of these manbabies leaves my industry in a huff because there are girls in the treehouse, an angel gets a Lumberjanes badge.

8 years ago

Just for fun – I found this MGTOW dating profile on OKCupid yesterday.

Hi.. I’m currently living a M.G.T.O.W life style (Men going their own way) I would love to meet a wonderful woman who doesn’t play fussy mind games, doesn’t do drama, and isn’t dishonest which seems to be making (good) men wise up and walk away these days.

Apologies for my bluntness which some may find off putting…but I’m hoping maybe, just maybe I might be lucky enough to find that rare beautiful GENUINE women here on O.K.C.

I sincerely believe in happiness and mutual respect as a proud man who knows what he wants in life and is seeking a really great Lady..

For a MGTOW – it’s really not that disrespectful. But what the heck is he doing on a dating site?

8 years ago

He’s looking for the rare beautiful and genuine women, who will respect his proud manliness and maybe if she’s all those things and does everything exactly the way he expects he’ll be happy and maybe respect her. The woman who has done all he demands in the way he demands while being thin, beautiful, and a fucking unicorn.

Even if such a woman were to show up he wouldn’t respect her. At least he didn’t bother with the whole fall in love rigamarole.

8 years ago

I got the perfect thing for him
comment image

Just imagine a face where he slowly feels a small emptiness from knowing it’s not a real women to enact such fantasies.

8 years ago

He’s looking for the rare beautiful and genuine women, who will respect his proud manliness and maybe if she’s all those things and does everything exactly the way he expects he’ll be happy and maybe respect her. The woman who has done all he demands in the way he demands while being thin, beautiful, and a fucking unicorn.

Oh yeah, this guy is a genuine romantic. Stars in his eyes. Lotsa bucks in his wallet with which to spoil the Right Lady. Marriage on his mind! (Sigh.)

But Katie help her if she ever

burns the toast
says hello to another man
has any kind of need or wish, ever

8 years ago

That photo! That doll! She looks very, very bored. The guy! Could. Not. Be. Creepier. Serial killer type of creepy.

8 years ago

This is a guy who claims to work in sales, natch.

In 2011, I was looking for work and got an interview at a used car dealership for a secretary type position. I was told, essentially, that my main job would be to babysit the salesbros, who were straight up assholes, and try to get them to focus on actually working. They also made it clear that sexual harrassment was going happen, and that I had better just be able to deal with it, and be a cool fun girl so they would be more likely to listen to me. The saddest part was that my second interview was with a woman supervisor, who seemed to have bought the “this is just how it is” pitch. They ended up hiring a hotter looking girl.

I’m not saying all saleman are assholes, but there seems to be this weird acceptance of it in some cases. They almost seem to think being an asshole makes them even better at sales, which makes no sense to me. These people acted like it was an inherent saleperson trait, when it was more of a reflection on their crappy management. Of course they
are going to act like dicks if nobody ever criticizes their behavior, that’s your job! Not too upset I didn’t have to work with any of these people.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago

I suspect that this MGTOW is talking about working at the Calgary Comic Expo next week.

Ahhh, how I hope so. Every time one of these manbabies leaves my industry in a huff because there are girls in the treehouse, an angel gets a Lumberjanes badge.

Honey Badgers were kicked out of the Calgary Expo, yes? So that topic might be brought up again, especially amongst those who donated. They might even make a scene against it if they can muster it.

8 years ago

I figured that the pic made the perfect representation of a MGTOW. I got pics where an otaku is sincerely happy with his anime body pillow and living a perfectly good life. But that person is happy, the MGTOW guy, I wouldn’t argue he’s particularly happy.

8 years ago

hating people for having poor eyesight is so fucking ridiculous

Naw, MGTOWs don’t hate the disabled, unless they inconvenience them in even the slightest way(which includes making them aware that they exist)or do not act properly ashamed! It’s only evil feminists that insist on wearing glasses! A RealWoman™ with poor eyesight (like the one the Mr. MGTOW is looking for) would wear contacts so as to put the boners as a priority, before her own comfort of course. They are perfectly fine with people who are different as long as they don’t actually, y’know, be different.

8 years ago

They’re so entrenched in their homogenized sexual fantasies that anyone with a glasses fetish would be an other to them. Or people who prefer glasses for whatever reason.

“Exactly, you too can be different, so long as you don’t make me feel uncomfortable with anything that’s outside my ideas”
-every MGTOW ever