More inspiring news from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit: One brave man has taken a stand for male freedom by turning down a job because he would have had to report to a woman. With thick-rimmed glasses, to boot.
Iamlikethewindbaby’s comrades in Going Their Own Way know just how he feels!
Women and their vaginas, amirite fellas?
And what about those women who are going their own way? Sorry, I mean, those nasty old spinsters who never married because no man would have them?
And boy, those gals really hate us MGTOWs, huh?
Yeah, that’s right. You’re getting constantly fired because you’re so principled. Not because you’re an arrogant, hostile jerkwad who hates women.
Happen_On_A_Ciggy even agrees with the OP about those evil, scary … glasses!
But leave it to the lovely Ovendice — weren’t we just talking about him the other day? — to show up with a giant wall-o-text that cuts to the heart of the problem of women bosses, or even co-workers.
And that, of course, is the decorating. So, so much decorating.
Oh, and of course all those time-wasting false accusations.
Boy, it sure seems weird that women managers are always out when he gets in touch to set up sales meetings. I mean, what’s with that!?
It’s so weird. Whenever he arrives somewhere, it’s like all the women have just left!
MGTOWs! Although I’m a dude, I think I can speak for all women when I say that they really have no problem whatsoever with you guys going your own way — so long as wherever you go, it’s somewhere where they aren’t.
Barf. What an asshole.
What a… what’s a collective noun for plural of assholes?
A Reddit of assholes?
That’s remarkably courteous. Thank you for not inflicting yourself on this workplace, you wankgoblin.
“Those stupid fucking b*tches can’t do half the work a man does! And it’s stupid they think that they don’t get respected just because they’re women!”
Maybe if they did their jobs right instead of spending all their time on Reddit whining like a deflating baloon about the women they hate so much, they wouldn’t need to be “micromanaged” by the women they hate so much?
“She’s not in,” is code for we are happy with our current vendors and she doesn’t want to talk to you.
I wear thick-rimmed glasses but the temples have sparkly bits – do they cancel each other out?
SargentDickhead is sooooooo wrong! It’s 99.53%! 😛
Yes. You are correct. You win the internet.
@Skiriki & @shinobi42: We can call it an /r/Assholes for short.
On the bright side, one woman with thick-rimmed glasses just dodged a bullet.
Weird how these feeeeeeeeeemale bosses are simultaneously micromanaging everything these hard working men do and always late/out/leaving early
So maybe once I get a steady job I should also get a pair of thick-framed and/or cat-eye glasses (nonprescription, as I don’t have any vision problems) to help weed out asshole men among my current or future co-workers?
That is a mystery.
What a surprise they’d complain about this after Yahoo’s mismanagement and the fraudulent medical device Theranos had been pushing. The only reason they paid attention to those is because of eeeeevil and “inherently incompetent” female CEOs.
Because, you know, it’s not like many of the other failed businesses and scams had male CEOs. That’s clearly impossible.
Yeaaah, sure, women suck at being managers. Yet for some reason the only person in my job who is an ass happens to be a guy. My lady boss is pretty great, so is my dude boss. But despite not being a female, my supervisor is a condescending prick. Go figure, I thought it was all in the lady genes.
I’m about to get new glasses soon, so I’m glad to know yet another way to repel these jackasses.
I love how that Ovendice guy tells the same story in multiple threads. It’s so clearly just that these people are dodging him. I wonder if the men he tries to sell to do the same thing and he just doesn’t notice because of confirmation bias. Or does he treat his male clients/potential clients with more respect, therefore they avoid him less?
Is this the same guy who has been complaining forever about women never being in their office, or is it a meme that’s spreading in the manosphere?
@paradoxical Don’t go there unless that’s what you REALLY want to see though. Very nsfw.
I’m fine with this.
I’m still hoping they’ll GTOW on some abandoned island. They should set up a GoFundMe campaign for that. I would donate and spread the word. And try to convince others to support such an endeavour.
I suspect that this MGTOW is talking about working at the Calgary Comic Expo next week. I also suspect that I know the woman in question. I think he should be very grateful he didn’t take that job. She’s badass and won’t take shit from anyone let alone a MGTOW.
75% of the PMs in my office are women, and they’re all pretty great at it.
I’m personally a fan of “a parade of assholes.”
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe: I strongly recommend glasses. This talk is why:
(skip to 4:49 if you must, but I recommend the whole thing)
(PS: anyone know how to embed youtube on here?)
I’m reminded of this XKCD.
When a man isn’t good at management, it’s clearly because he’s a bad boss.
When a woman isn’t good at management, it’s clearly because all women are bad bosses. (Oh wait – since this is the MRA perspective, it’s supposed to be “because all feeeeemales are bad bosses.”)
I’m in tech. The bosses or pseudo-bosses of mine who took the least bullshit were women.
I don’t really see “taking bullshit” as a particularly desirable quality in a leader.
A reek?